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City General Services Office

Governance Practices at Office Level

(IMMP Governance Component)

1. Governance Practice: Establishment of the CGSO Learning Center

1.1 Purpose and Significance

The City General Services Office Learning Center (LC) is an interdisciplinary

learning center as launched in July, 2009. This had been conceptualized to pave the
way for existing practices of the Office to be properly documented as reference in the
future as to how its operational innovations went through, both office-based initiatives
and government mandates. Likewise, its purpose is mainly to provide an
environment where learning enhancement can be obtained by anybody without
formally going to school which in a way will help the different stakeholders not only
those who are undertaking developmental work but also those who are still in the
process of obtaining knowledge like the students. With this, the core value of the
endeavor is anchored on the fact that knowledge sharing shall be a continuing
legacy to the future generation of the City, both the service delivery managers and

Further, given the fact that the operations of the Office if being worked to the
fullest, there exist that opportunity to learn more insights about how the bureaucracy
operates in a complicated environment of governance dynamics. This has
significance for the future generation of public servants in the Office, to apprise them
on how innovative their predecessors are in terms improving the Office dynamics of
operations in a changing governance environment. Hence, expectedly they shall take
their time of introducing innovations themselves during their tenure in this Office to
suit to its needs vis-à-vis the necessities of its clients. In its entirety, this makes the
practice a lifetime evolution of innovations. Hence, its establishment is considered as
timely when it is necessary to initiate innovative processes and policies that are
fundamental to the development of a knowledge-based Office operations.

1.2 Description

The Learning Center acts as repository for information relative to the

operations of the Office that have immediate significance to the needs of its clients
such that the following basic data can be explored:

A. Online Services

1. Downloadable Request Forms

2. Supply Management Updates (Served Purchase Orders, Deliveries, Supply
and Materials Releases, Records of Payment and Post Delivery Analysis
3. Property Inventories
4. Status of Facilities Maintenance

- Government Properties and Ground Maintenance

- Payments of Water and Electric Bills in Graphical Presentation
- Schedule of Emission Testing for Government Vehicles and insurance

5. Program (IMMP) Implementation Updates

B. Knowledge Sharing Services

CGSO Generated Concepts

1. A Comparative Study on the Performance Level of Caterpillar and Komatsu


2. Adopt-A-Barangay Strategy

3. Austerity Measures

4. Challenges and Opportunities of Local Governments in the Third Millennium

5. Computer Operations Learning Program (COLP)

6. Development Perspective Learning Program (DPLP)

7. Isla Nga Maanyag Management Program

8. Model Procurement System in The Island Garden City of Samal Studies and

Sourced Materials (Courtesy of KDC – USeP))

A. Developmental Concerns

1. A Critical History of Economics – John Mills, 2003

2. Advancing Sustainable Development – The World Bank 1997

3. Agriculture Non-Point Source Pollution Control (Good Management Practices

– The Chesapeake Bay Experience) – Rita Cestti, Jitendra Srivastava and
Samira Jung, 2003

4. Better Governance for Development in the Middle East and North Africa
(Enhancing Inclusiveness and Accountability) – The World Bank, 2003

5. Broadcasting and Development (Options for the World Bank) – Carter

Eltzroth and Charkes Kenny, 2003

6. Environment Monitor (Assessing Progress – The World Bank, 2004)

7. Evidence for Hope (The Search for Sustainable Development – The World
Bank as Edited by Nigel Cross - 2003)

8. Global Economic Prospects and the Developing Countries – The World Bank,

9. Meeting Infrastructure Challenges – The World Bank Group, 2005

10. Millennium Challenges for Development and Faith Institutions – The World
Bank, 2003

11. Natural Resources and Violent Conflict (Options and Actions) – The World
Bank, 2003

12. Rural Development Strategies for Poverty Reduction and Environmental

Protection in Sub-Sharan Africa The Work Bank, 1997)

13. Slum Upgrading and Participation – Ivo Imparato and Jeff Ruster, 2003

14. Social Problems – Kurt Finsterbusch, Editor, 2002

15. South Asia’s Integration into the World Economy (The World Bank, 1997)

16. The Economic Dynamics of Environmental Law – David M. Driesen, 2003

17. The Evolving Role of the World Bank (Helping Meet the Challenge of
Development (Helping Meet the Challenge of Development) – The World
Bank as edited by K. Sarwar Lateef

18. The Greening of Economic Policy Reform (Volume II: Case Studies) – The
World Bank Environmental Department and Economic Development Institute,

B. Capacity And Empowerment Building Dimension

1. Capacity Building for environmental Law in the Asian and Pacific

Region (Approaches and Resources – Asian Development Bank as Edited by
Donna G. Craig, Nicholas A. Robinson and Kho Kheng-Lian

2. Empowering the Poor (The KALAHI-CIDSS Community-Driven

Development Project - The World Bank, 2005

3. Improving the Lives of the Poor through Growth and Empowerment –

The World Bank Group, 2002

4. Moving People to Deliver Services – The World Bank and Oxford

University Press, 2003

5. Power to the People (How the Coming Energy Revolution Will

Transform and Industry)

C. Governance Perspective

1. Country Assessment Strategy for the Philippines – The World Bank, 2002

2. Efficiency in Reaching the Millennium Development Goals - Ruwan

Jaysuriya and Quentin Wodon, 2003
3. Human Development for Peace and Prosperity in the Autonomous
Region in Muslim Mindanao (The World Bank – 2003)

4. Improving Government Performance: Discipline, Efficiency and Equity in

Managing Public Resources (A Public Expenditure, Procurement and
Financial Management Review – The Government of the Philippines, The
World Bank and The Asian Development Bank, 2003

5. Income, Inequality and Poverty during the Transition from Planned to

Market Economy – The World Bank, 1998

6. Indicators for Monitoring the Millennium Development Goals (Definitions,

Rationale, Concepts and Sources) – United Nations, 2003

7. Introduction to Public Administration in the Philippines: A Reader

(National College of Public Administration and Governance, 2003)

8. New Social Policy Agendas for Europe and Asia (Challenges, Experience
and Lessons – The World Bank as Edited by Katherine Marshall and Olivier
Butzbach, 2003)

9. Philippine Development Policy Update (Fiscal Management and

Competitiveness – The World Bank Group, 2003)

10. Reforming Public Institutions and Strengthening Governance (A World

Bank Survey Implementation Update, 2003) , Change Our Lives and Maybe
Even Save the Planet – Vijay V. Vaitheeswaran, 2003

11. Resistance to Globalization (Political Struggle and Cultural Resilience in

the Middle East, Russia and Latin America – The World Bank, 2003

12. Social Assessment of Conflict-Affected Areas in Mindanao – The World

Bank, 2003

13. The New Reform Agenda – World Bank and Oxford University Press,

14. The Real World of NGOs Discourses, Diversity and Development –

Dorotheo Hilhorst, 2003

19. Toward Country-led Development (A Multi-Partner Evaluation of the

Comprehensive Development Framework (Findings from Six Country Case
Studies) – The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/The
world Bank, 2003

20. Toward Country-led Development (Synthesis Report) – The International

Bank for Reconstruction and Development/The world Bank, 2003

21. Toward Pro-Poor Policies (Aid, Institutions ands Globalization) – The World
Bank and Oxford University Press, 2004
22. The Privatization Challenge (A Strategic, Legal and Institutional Analysis of
International Experience – Pierre Guislain, 1997)

23. Urban Indicators for Managing Cities – Asian Development Bank as Edited by
Matthew S. Westfall and Victoria A. de Villa, 2001

Shared Materials From Home Library

A. Management and Human Relations Related

1. Beyond Quality (New Standards of Total Performance That Can Change The
Future of Corporate America) – Jerry Bowles and Joshua Hammond, 1991

2. Coaching for Improved Work Performance – Ferdinand F. Fournies, 1978

3. Customer-Centered Supply Chain Management (A link By Link Guide) – Fred

A. Kuglin, 1998

4. Customer Satisfaction (How to Maximize Measure and Market Your

Company’s Ultimate Products – Mack Hanan and Peter Karp, 1991

5. Enlightened Leadership (Getting to the Heart of Change – Ed Oakley and

Doug Krug, 2994

6. Essentials of Management - Joseph L. Massie, 1987

7. From Management Theory To Business Sense (The Myths and Realities of

People at Work) – David A. Whitsett and Lyle Yorks, 1983

8. Information Payoff (The Transformation of Work in the Electronic Age – Paula

A. Strassmann, 1985

9. In Search for Excellence (Lessons From America’s Best-Run Companies)

Thomas J. Peters and Robert H. Waterman, Jr., 1982

10. Leadership for Global Citizenship (Building Transnational Community) –

Barbara C. Crosby, 1999

11. Management (Leading People and Organizations in the 21st Century – Gary
Dressler, 2001

12. Management Mess-Ups (57 Pitfalls You Can Avoid – Mark Eppler, 1997

13. Manager’s Official Guide to Team Working - Jerry Spiegel and Cresensio
Torres, 1995

14. Managing Cultural Differences (High-Performance Strategies for Today’s

Global Manager) – Philip R. Harris and Robert T. Moran, 1979

15. Managing Organizational Behavior – John R. Schermerhorn, Jr., James G.

Hunt and Richard N. Osborn, 1994
16. Modern Human Relations at Work – Richard Hodgetts, 1980

17. Pardon My Dust . . . I’m Remodelling (Build Your Character, Experience Your
Self-Esteem – Casey Chaney, 1990

18. People at Work (Human Relations in Organization) – Timm Peterson, 1982

19. Principle-Centered Leadership – Stephen R. Covey, 1991

20. Readings in Human Behavior in Organizations – Nestor N. Pilar and Rafael

A. Rodriguez, 1981

21. Readings in Human Resource Management – Michael Beer and Bert


22. Second to None (The Productive Power of Putting People First) – Charles
Garfield, 1995

23. Supervision (Concepts and Skill Building) – Samuel C. Certo, 2000

24. Taking Charge (Making the Right Choices) – Perry M. Smith, 1988

25. The Executive’s Guide To Customer Relationship Management (Retention,

Loyalty, Profit) – Paul Anderson and Art Rosenberg,1999

B. Public Administration and Policy Concerns

1. Decision Making Support System (An Organizational Perspective) – Peter

G.W. Keen and Michael S. Scott Morton, 1978

2. Policy Dynamics – Frank R. Baumgartner and Bryan D. Jones, 2002

3. Public Administration – Richard J. Stillman, 1996

4. Public Administration (Challenges, Choices, Consequences) – Chales H.

Levine, B. Guy Peters and Frank J. Thompson, 1990

C. Environmental Perspective

1. A Study of Future Worlds – Richard A. Falk, 1975

2. Classic Essays on the Culture of Cities – Max Weber, Louis Wirth, Robert
Park, Georg Simmel, Robert Redfield and Oswald Spengler, 1969

3. Environment – Raven, Berg and Johnson, 1998

4. Environmental Management Systems: An Implementation Guide for Small

and Medium-Sized Organizations, 2001

5. Ethics of Environment and Development (Global Challenge, International

Response – J. Ronald Engel and Joan Gibb Engel, 1993
6. Journey to the Center of the City (Making a Difference in an Urban
Neighborhood) – Randy White, 1996

7. Our Common Future – The World Commission on Environment and

Development, 1983

8. Ozone – Kathlyn Gay, 1989

9. Resource and Environmental Management – Bruce Mitchell, 1997

10. Save Our Planet (750 Everyday Ways You Can Help Clean Up The Earth) –
Diane MacEachern, 1990

11. Steering Community-Driven Projects for Environmental Protection (A

Casebook of Asian Praxis) – Benjamin C. Bagadion, Jr.

12. Taking Our Cities for God (How to Break Spiritual Strongholds) – John
Dawson, 1989

13. The End of Nature – Bill Mckibben, 1989

14. The Green Consumer – John Elkington, Julia Hailes and Joel Makower, 1988

15. The Heated Debate (Greenhouse Predictions Versus Climate Reality) –

Robert C. Baling, Jr., 1992

16. The True State of the Planet – Ronald Bailey, 1995

17. The Weekend Garden Guide (Work-Saving Ways to a Beautiful Backyard) –

Susana A. Roth, 1991

D. Word Power Enhancement and Skills Development

1. A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses and Dissertations –

Kate L. Turabian, 1987

2. Technical Writing – Gordon H. Mills and John A. Walter, 1981

3. Visayan-English Thesaurus – Ben E. Garcia, 1998

4. Webster’s New World Power Vocabulary – Elizabeth Morse-Clule and

Richard Read, 1994

5. Writing Research Papers (A Complete Guide) – James D. Lesther,


E. Various Developmental Concerns and Processes

e.1 Books
1. Advertising – Gregorio S. Miranda, 1991

2. Business and Society (Ethics and Stakeholder Management) – Carroll and

Buchholtz, 1999

3. CDS Toolkit for Philippine Cities - LCP

4. Change from Within (Humanizing Social Welfare Organizations) – Herman

Resnick and Rino J. Patti, 1980

5. Contemporary Urban Planning – John M. Levy, 1991

6. Disposable People (New Slavery in the Global Economy) – Kevin Bales,


7. (Market Leadership in the Information Age) - 1998

8. Human Services (Contemporary Issues and Trends) – Howard S. Harris and

David C. Maloney, 1996

9. Introduction to Modern Business - Muselman and Hughes, 1977

10. Marketing Management (An Asian Perspective) – Philip Kotler, Swee Hon
Ang, Siew Meng Leong, And Chin Tiong Tan, 1996

11. Moving from Concept to Action (Asian Experiences on Managing for

Development Results – Asian Development Bank, 2006

12. Philippine Rural Development (Problems, Issues and Directions) – UPLB

Rural Development Study Team, 1991

13. Reengineering the Corporation (A Manifesto for Business Revolution) –

Michael Hammer and James Champy, 1993

14. Reinventing Government (How the Entrepreneurial Spirit is Transforming the

Public Sector – David Osborne and Ted Gaebler, 1992

15. Shifting Paradigms (Reshaping the Future of Industry) – Dave Garwood and
Michael Bane, 1990

16. Social Problems – Manuel B. Garcia and Leovigldo O. Militante, 1986

17. State of the World – Lester R. Brown and Company, 1990, 1992 and 1995

18. Strategic Learning in a Knowledge Economy (Individual, Collective, and

Organizational Learning Process) - Rob Cross and Sam Israelit, 2000

19. The Coming Global Boom (How To Benefit Now from Tomorrow’s Dynamic
World Economy) – Charles R. Morris, 1990
20. The Logic of Collective Action (Public Goods and the Theory of Groups) –
Mancur Olson, 1971

21. The Women, Gender and Development Reader – Edited By Nalini

Visvanathan (co-ordinator), Lynn Duggan, Laurie Nisonoff and Nan
Wiegersman, 1997

22. Tourism Planning and Development –Charles Kaiser, Jr. and Larry E. Helber,

23. Utilization-Focused Evaluation – Michael Quinn Patton, 1978

24. Victims of Progress – John H. Bodley, 1990

e.2 Compilation from Internet Sources (By: Percenito O. Bustamante)

1. Concepts of Sustainable Consumption

2. Development Perspective Course Reader, Volume 1

3. Development Perspective Course Reader, Volume 2

4. Development Perspective Course Reader, Volume 3

5. Development Perspective Course Reader, Volume 4

6. Development Perspective Course Reader, Volume 5

7. Readings on Public Policy Analysis

8. Readings on Quality and Environmental Management System

Shared Materials From Other Individual/Institutional Stakeholders

A. Mr. Edward Sisor

1. Combating Corruption – The World Bank, 2000


1. Conducting Research and Assessments

2. Computer Operations Literacy Program

3. Development Perspective Learning Program

4. Total Quality Management Program

5. Personality Development Program

6. Leadership, Supervision and Management Program

7. Work Values Enhancement Program

8. Work Skills Development Program

- Communication
- Research
- etc.

2. Governance Practice: Holding of Office Anniversary (July, 1999)

2.1 Purpose and Significance

Every second Friday of July each year and which started in July, 1999, the
CGSO Personnel gather as one to celebrate the Office founding anniversary, its
institution of which was in July 14, 1998 together with the rest of the City
Government Offices. During this occasion they take their time bonding together while
celebrating their previous accomplishments and then drawing out their plans for the
future, immediate or medium and long terms. In effect, this provides an opportunity
for the staff to learn more about the operations of the Office in different fronts that
drive them to realize the essence of public service delivery and also to enjoy the

2.2 Description

Various activities are held during the anniversary like the traditional parlor
games as part of the bonding process. Skills competition are likewise undertaken to
enhance and/or discover talents from among the members of the staff.

3. Governance Practice: Formulation of the Office Manual of Operations

3.1 Purpose and Significance

The formulation of the Office Manual of Operation in 2000 is considered as a

governance practice since it acts as the basis in carrying out the Office mandate.
With this, there is in store new insights on the future of the CGSO. In its entirety,
while the creation of the City which had gone through a merging process is
unprecedented in Philippine history in terms of governance, the CGSO likewise defy
the conventional process and traditional logic of general services functions so that it
embarks on the new dimensions of public administration to create an environment
that is relatively responsive to the needs of the client system.

3.2 Description

The manual of operations contains the different parameters of operations

from the office vision to the specific tasks that are going to be managed and the
conditions that shall be complied with which are deemed as operational control
systems that include among others the following:

General Services Recording System

Administrative Operational Support System
Integrating Support System

4. Governance Practice: Friday Cleanup Activity

4.1 Purpose and Significance

Started in October, 2002, the purpose of this activity is to instill new insights
and work value systems among the personnel in the Office for them to realize that
environmental development and management is the responsibility of all and not only
of those who are directly taking charge thereof. As such, though they have legitimate
tasks of their own but they need to take their time to contribute to the city
government’s effort of advocating the essence of a beautiful environment in line with
its “Isla Nga Maanyag Management Program”.

4.2 Description

All the personnel in the Office, regardless of the nature of their work (whether
clerical or supervisory in nature) render at least one-hour clean-up activity on Fridays
from 8:00AM - 9:00AM or even more depending on the exigency of conducting this
task. This weekly activity is being carried out within the City Hall Site and other
designated areas within the City depending on impending necessities.

4. Governance Practice: Exposure of Administrative Aides to Different

Job Situations

4.1 Purpose and Significance

Started in January, 2006 the purpose of this governance activity is to subject

some personnel of the Office who undertake non-office works to complicated tasks
such as computer works, conduct of orientation activities and preparation of
reports. This was initiated in view of the emerging responsibilities that the
Office has to handle like monitoring of office operations and the
implementation of the Isla nga Maanyag Management Program as advocates.
There was found a necessity in it considering that based on the existing office
plantilla, such expertise are limited . It shall be noted that documentation of
monitoring activities is not just a simple task to handle. It needs
comprehension ability and capacity to do computer works. Having been
exposed to this kind of job situations.

As Program advocates, there is developed in themselves that sense of not

being self-centered but being of help to others. In fact, as Administrative Aides and
Program Advocacy Personnel at the same time, they believe that the essence of the
Program implementation is in doing of what they advocate.

While before, these utility workers seemed to have low self-esteem, now they
developed self-confidence because of their experiences as Program lecturers so that
they had the opportunity to face people from all walks of life so to speak. This had
been firmed up by their having been exposed to the documentation of their
advocacy and orientation activities since they had been required to prepare regular
narrative reports that contain the issues and concerns being experienced by the
people including their aspirations.

4.2 Description

The concerned Administrative Aides are being taught on how to explore the
fascination of being computer literate. As such, they undergo the so-called Computer
Operation Learning Sessions (COLS) which is handled by the Office expert on this

5. Governance Practice: Electronic Management and Service Delivery System

5.1 Purpose and Significance

This governance practice is aimed at enhancing the Office capabilities to

enable its personnel to think sharper, move heavier, run faster and help the Office
serve better. In effect, this help facilitate the clients of the Office to avail its services
like the following:

Request for Logistics and Technical Personnel

• Monitoring of deliveries and
releasing of goods and services (supplies and materials)
Monitoring of payments for delivered supplies and materials
Records of processed payments
• Schedule of emission testing
and insurance payment dues
• Personnel field movement
• Other services supportive to
the operations of other offices, agencies and institutions

Further, this practice will likewise offer knowledge sharing in various

dimensions that are relevant to governance such as follows:

Model Procurement System in the Island Garden City of Samal

Adopt-A-Barangay Strategy
Perspective of Convergence Process
• Isla Nga Maanyag Management
Program Concept
• The Singapore-Malaysia
Experience: Its Implication to IGaCoS Development
• Surviving the Bureaucracy In the
Midst of Conflicts, Frustrations and Motivations
• Comparative Study on the
Performance Level of Caterpillar and Komatsu Equipments
• State of Procurement Process:
The IGaCoS Experience
• General Services Management
Strategic Plan
• Human Resource Development
Dynamics of Governance Practices
Study on Austerity Measures
• Challenges and Opportunities for
Local Governments in the Third Millennium
Property Management: Its Implication to the Local Government Service
Delivery Management Capability

5.2 Description

Started in January, 2009 this governance practice provides on line services to

the Office clients by logging on to ( Once the site is
found, the user will have all the options to view the different items depending on his
or her needs or preferences.

6. Governance Practice: Property/Logistics Regular Maintenance System

6.1 Purpose and Significance

Initiated in July, 2009, this practice is aimed at maximizing the utilization of

properties and/or logistics issued to Office personnel in the performance of their
respective tasks. In effect, this can only be attained if these properties and logistics
are regularly maintained.

6.2 Description

This governance practice is carried out using the form provided for the
purpose. The latter acts as guide and reference of the users of the properties in their
regular activity of conducting maintenance tasks in consonance with what are being
spelled out thereof

7. Governance Practice: Preparation of Team Plans

7.1 Purpose and Significance

Conceptualized in June, 2009, the objective of this is to ensure that each

Work Team of the Office will have something as basis for their respective operations.
As such, each shall consider their targets and indicators of success as the bottomline
in accomplishing their tasks subject to frequent monitoring. In effect, this practice is
highly significant in the context of having to make sure that all the personnel involved
had a hand for the team to succeed in its endeavors which are all directed towards
delivery of services to the Office clients to the highest degree of excellence.

7.2 Description
The plan consists of the vision, mission, goals, objectives, strategies and core
values of the organization. Likewise, it involves the implementation plan where
targets and indicators of success are set with monitoring tools being put in place.

8. Governance Practice: Convergence Process

8.1 Purpose and Significance

Developed in June, 2009, the concept is all about converging all the tasks of
the different functional units of the office to attain coordination and harmonization
thereby maximizing the utilization of capabilities and resources. In its entirety,
convergence is significant especially when resources are scarce or when
management capabilities of the different functional units of the Office need to be
pooled together to achieve an organizational goal.

8.2 Description

The convergence flow involves the identification of the different functional

activities in relation to the office vision and thrusts. From here, the concerned Team
will further identify what particulars support they need from another Team. Relative
hereof, each Team will have to consider such needed support in their respective
targets. With, as each Team carries out their respective responsibilities included
therein are their obligations to the other Teams, itself likewise in need of same
support from them. In this regard, weekly monitoring will be conducted hw the
convergence process had been undertaken.

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