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Preparation of the National

Development Plan for the Bahamas

Project Familiarization Workshop

Genesis of The National Development Plan


2012, Bahamas Approaches IDB for assistance with planning

March 2013, IDB approved a Technical Cooperation, Strengthening the Institutional
Capacity of the Office of The Prime Minister

$450,000 Grant to be executed over 30 months

Grant covers Development planning ($330,000) and strengthening BIA ($115,000) and
knowledge dissemination ($5,000), in kind contribution of The Bahamas Government.


Common Vision. The Bahamas has lacked a comprehensive and publicly discussed longterm strategy for the countrys economic development since its independence in 1973.

Strategic Decision Making. Without such a strategy, the prioritization of policies,

programs and investment projects has most times been made on an ad hoc basis (Medium
term strategies developed for Health and Education, etc); But no clear long term roadmap;

Better Budgeting. Need for a strategy that could be integrated into operational plans
and the budget process;

Integrated Investment Decisions. Lack of a national strategy led to institutional

fragmentation, inefficiencies and inconsistencies in investment (national and foreign)
decisions over time, as authorities lack objective justifications to reject non-priority

Project Activities

1. Workshop on International experiences in National

Development Planning Strategies.

2. Preparation of a Long Term National Economic

Development Plan (Phased Approach)

Led by Nicholas Miles, PHD in June 2013

Experiences shared by Cayman, Barbados, Jamaica

Institutionalize the planning process

Stakeholders play an integral part in gathering the input for the
national development plan, vision statement
Using previous research and plans which have been developed
Issues and concerns paper to be drafted
Final Report to be issued to the Government

3. Implement the National Development Plan

Responsibility of all stakeholders

Risks to the Project and Mitigations

Risk: Implementation of the policy reform necessary to

institutionalize planning

Major change in public policy formulation processes in The Bahamas

(operational, cultural)

Mitigant 1: Centre of Government approach to the Planning.

Mitigant 2: Wide consultation and stakeholder approach

Within the OPM and will be legislated

Development of a planning and implementation monitoring tool and a
governance mechanism to ensure that planning and execution occurs

Our job is to ensure that all stakeholders understand that this planning
approach and the execution of the agreed plan is vital for the future of
The Bahamas

Mitigant 3: Build Capacity in Planning and ensure that there is

a strategic planning space in public administration.

Economic Development and Planning Unit

in OPM

Serve as the Centre of Government for the execution of the Governments vision
for the development of The Bahamas;

This unit would have the mandate, organizational structure, staffing and capacity to carry
out effective feasibility and impact assessments of all investment projects including FDI,
private and public sector. In addition, the unit would ensure the alignment of all prioritized
projects with the National Development Plan.

Effectively manage the project that will deliver the National Development Plan;

Oversee the execution of the National Development Plan;

Serve as a technical resource for the Ministries and agencies in the execution of the
National Development Plan and their general strategic planning;

Policy and programme formulation

Effectively manage the various IDB projects being executed by the OPM; and

Seek new opportunities for implementing the governments objectives

Other projects which impact the National

Economic Development Plan

Bahamas has a number of ongoing projects:

Andros Ecosystem Services Development Plan;

Integrated Coastal Zone Management Project (ICZM) with
Citizen Security
Performance Monitoring and Public Financial Management

(i) Enhance the capacity to produce and provide access to quality

information for evidence-based policy-making; and (ii) improve the ability
to better allocate and track public funds:

(performance monitoring, Statistics, public financial management, public


Governance arrangements for Project Evaluation Tool (PET) with MOF;

Ministerial Level Plans

National Development Plan

Project Structure

Project Structure






Cabinet Committee

A Cabinet Committee on Sustainable Development under the Chairmanship of the Prime

Minister and Minister of Finance was approved..

The Cabinet Committee will be supported by the Economic Planning Unit (EPU) to be
established in the Office of the Prime Minister. The EPU will adopt a multi agency collegiate
approach to the planning, implementation and monitoring of Vision 2040.

The composition of the Cabinet Committee include:

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Works and Urban Development
Minister of Tourism
Minister of Agriculture, Marine Resources and Local Government
Minister of Transport and Aviation
Minister of Labor and National Insurance
Minister of Education, Science and Technology
Minister of Financial Services
Minister of the Environment and Housing
Minister of State for Finance
Minister of State for Investments

Project Secretariat

A largely intergovernmental group charged with a myriad of duties ranging from

administration to project management. The Secretariat is the connector between
the Cabinet Committee, the Office of the Prime Minister and the Steering

The Secretariat also has a direct connector to our technical support IOS

The individuals include:

Dr. Nicola Virgill-Rolle Ministry of Financial Services
Samantha Rolle Office of the Prime Minister
Carol Young Bahamas Investment Authority
Carl Oliver Ministry of Finance
Winston Rolle Project Coordinator
Chairman of the Steering Committee

Project Steering Committee

A group of Bahamian stakeholders who represent

cornerstones of our society to guide the Vision 2040
process to successful completion.

It is intended for the Project Steering Committee (PSC)

to address key policy issues, encourage innovative
solutions and monitor the overall process of the
development of vision 2040.

Consultative Group

An extension of the Steering Committee, a wider crosssection of Bahamian stakeholders including public, private,
civil society and all political organizations.

It would be designed to solicit members input through various

mediums including public workshops, community meetings,
various social media and national media outlets.

A National Development Plan

and the Bahamas
Background and Context

Introduce the IOS Project Team

Robert Hans

Mr. Hans is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of IOS Partners, Inc.,
an international economic development consulting firm as well as the
Founder and Chairman of IOSsoft, Inc., an E-government consulting
firm working in the emerging markets. A strategic expert in publicprivate partnerships, transport sector development, transport corridors
and special economic zones, he has over twenty five years of high-level
experience facilitating private sector development in the transport,
infrastructure and services sectors as well as transaction structuring and
tender procedures, institutional strengthening, capacity building,
regulatory framework development and enabling environment issues.

Michael Julien

More than 20 years related to leading preparation of economic

development strategies and plans( development of a National Services
Sector Strategy for Jamaica, Suriname's National Competitive Strategy,
TVET in Grenada) Experience. Extensive experience in the Caribbean
(Approximately 100 projects in multiple countries)

Bob Boase

More than 10 years of experience. Highly experienced in organizational

design in Canada (OXFAM, Council for Social Development, Department
of Fisheries and Oceans, Tax Court, Department of Communications).
UNDP capacity building project in Afghanistan, similar projects in
Cambodia and Pakistan.

John Binkley

More than 10 years of experience. Master-planning for infrastructure

O&M and investment. Projects in Chile, Jamaica, Puerto Rico. Investment
Officer for several projects (financial and economic cost/benefit analysis,
risk evaluation and allocation, assessment of funding sources, financial

Peter Goudie

More than 10 years of experience. Proven expertise in H.R services

including employee relations. Chaired the committee that designed and
created the first internationally recognized Bachelors Degree to be
taught at The College of The Bahamas.

Winston Rolle

Businessman, Entrepreneur and Former Chairman and CEO of the

Bahamas Chamber of Commerce and Employers Confederation.
Experienced Project Manager and have worked on a number of IDB
related projects.

What is a National Development Plan?

A National Development Plan entails:

A set of goals and/or milestones which a nation strives to meet

in its national development, drawn from a national vision on
how the nation is envisaged in the short-, mid-, and long-term
A guide of how to meet these goals through aligned and
effective projects and/or strategies
A set of policies through which governments can most
effectively implement plans for development

What are the Benefits of a NDP?

A National Development Plan assists a country by:

Ensuring maximum net benefit from projects through

coordination and alignment of disparate projects
Setting tangible goals with a guide to how to meet the various
Allowing nations and governments to plan ahead to best
facilitate growth and development
Allow nations and governments to best plan use of resources
financial, human and natural resources

Successful Components of a NDP

Successful NDPs incorporate the following:

Tangible and measurable goals which the nations progress

towards meeting can be tracked
Realistic but ambitious milestones
An implementation plan to ensure sustainability
Participation and buy-in from key stakeholders of the economy
and the wider population
A transparent and measurable process to ensure continued
stakeholder support

Comparable Case Studies

Comparable case studies include:

Caribbean examples:

Jamaica National Development Plan

Barbados National Strategic Plan
Trinidad National Development Agenda

International example of similar sized economy:

Maldives National Development Plan

Why the Bahamas Needs a NDP

IDB Country Strategy with the Commonwealth of the

Bahamas: 2013 2017 Report notes development issues
stemming from:

the lack of a consolidated long-term economic development strategy

which tends to cause decision-making to be ad hoc and subject to
political influence rather than efficiency criteria, leading to inefficiencies
and inconsistencies.
the absence of an appropriate institutional arrangement and a clear
methodology to assess and prioritize public investment projects,
reducing the effectiveness and transparency of public expenditure.

Previous Attempts at Development Plans

Previous plans, strategies, and visions include:

College of the Bahamas Strategic Plan and Master Plan

Andros Ecotourism Development Plan
Grand Bahamas Port Authority Economic Development Plan
Policy and Institutional Framework for SME Development: Plan
of Operations
National Health System Strategic Plan 2010 - 2020
A Blueprint for the Future
IDB National Development Planning Conference

List of Documents Compiled

Research Library:

With assistance of OPM, have compiled 87 pertinent

To be used in assignment as support to stakeholder

Our Approach
IOS Teams Methodology

Scope of Project

Main objective of the IDB project:

Prepare a national development plan through extensive

consultative process with national stakeholders
Plan will guide the development agenda for the nation over a
25 year period (2015-2040)
The Plan would consist of:

A Governance Improvement Road Map

A Socio-Economic Development Road Map

Our methodology responds to the Terms of Reference

for project as seen in following slides

Overall Approach


Phase 1: Creating
the Evidence

Phase 2: Vision
and Strategy

Phase 3: NDP

Commencement Mission

Meetings with
of Bahamas


Site Visits and


Launch of Project

Commencement Mission: Outcomes and



Project Familiarization Workshop

Project Launch Meeting: Press Conference Format


Project Initiation Document

Phase 1:
Creating the Evidence Base

1. Undertaking In-Depth Situational Analysis

Socio-Economic, Physical and

Environmental Assessment

2. Undertaking Opportunity Analysis

SWOT Analysis

Institutional and Governance Assessment Creating Project Selection Criteria and

Creating Project Pipeline

Phase 1:
Outcomes and Milestones


Communications Strategy
State of the Nation Report
Thematic Reports and Opportunity Report
Consultative Report

Communication Plan

Main principles:

Stay visible
Provide feedback
Accept input

Modes of communication:


Phase 2: Vision and Strategy Formulation

SNR Workshop

Internal review of
State of the Nation
Report findings
This will allow a
review of the
approach to
outreach to ensure

Inter-Political Party
Community and
NGO Workshop
Industry and
Private Sector
Public Event
These will serve as
routes through
which to receive
stakeholder input
and engagement

Formulation and
Creation of
national vision and
documents, using
the inputs and ideas
of the Bahamian
stakeholders and
Putting together
the various ideas
and inputs into a

Phase 2:
Outcomes and Milestones


State of the Nation Workshop

Stakeholder Workshops


National Vision and Over-Arching Strategies

Draft Policy Document for Institutionalizing the Planning
Key Sector/Thematic Group Plans Outline
Family Islands Plan Outline

Phase 3: NDP Finalization


Incorporation of International Best Practices and

Standards into a Best-Fit Solution for Bahamian


Drafting of the NDP Document, Using the

Findings of the SNR and the National
Vision/Strategy Process


Presentation of the NDP to General Public

through the NDP Launch Event and
Communications Strategy Outline

Phase 3:
Outcomes and Milestones


NDP Launch Event

Media Campaign Recommendation Meeting


Final NDP Document (inclusive of Executive Summary Report)

Guidelines for Preparation of Annual Operational Plans for
Line Ministries

International Trips

Our international specialists will be in-field for short

periods of time. Thus:

Critical to ensure prompt access to facilities and documents

Critical to facilitate meetings in timely fashion

Questions, Suggestions, or Inputs

Thank you for your attendance and participation.

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