Govt Says Policies On New Media Will Evolve As New Challenges Crop Up, 22 Feb 2009, Sunday Times

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thesundaytimes February 22, 2009

Use new Scandal-hit

media politician a
wisely: smart leader’
Vivian Elizabeth Looi
Malaysia Correspondent
In Kuala Lumpur
Friends and former col-
leagues believe that she will
soon return to action.
Indeed, Mr Arutchelvan said
that Ms Wong is dedicated to
Ms Elizabeth Wong was better
It can boost ties and ic Religious Council of Singa-
pore (Muis) promote correct reli- noted for her passion for the en-
her work and principles.
understanding gious practices and help Inter- vironment and commitment to “When I was working with
her, she would spend the nights
but also cause net surfers tell apart radical web- social justice and human rights
before sexy pictures of her were in the office if she had to,” he
sites from legitimate ones.
division and hatred He said: “As community lead-
circulated on the Internet. said. “If I were to call someone
Behind her public image as a Selangor assemblywoman, Ms Elizabeth Wong is also in the middle of the night or ear-
ers, we need to be watchful and known to friends as someone who chain smokes, and plays the guitar, violin and piano. Now, friends have started to
foster a vigilant online commu- flesh out the unusual life of the ly morning, I would call Eli be-
Kor Kian Beng nity.” cause she would be one of the
38-year-old Selangor assembly-
The message: Singapore will woman better known as Eli. only comrades still awake.”
The Young Sikh Association, not tolerate those who incite dis- A graduate in fine arts from Ms Wong was also a human
which has hosted a website harmony. Sydney University, Ms Wong is rights fellow of Carnegie Coun-
since its 2003 inception, has That is why Singapore prose- said to chain smoke, and play cil for Ethics in International Af-
started a Facebook group. But cuted three bloggers in 2007 un- fairs.
the guitar, violin and piano. She
this online presence is mainly to der the Sedition Act, he said. “After she became a state ex-
loves cats and was once a nation-
publicise its events. “Let me say categorically that ecutive councillor, she com-
al swimmer.
So its president Hernaikh we will not hesitate to do so plained to me that developers
Singh, 45, has been wondering Friends also spoke of her as
again if need be.” “highly principled” – she re- tried to offer her gifts and expen-
whether to launch a blog for But new media also engages sive chocolates but she said she
more interaction among its fused bribes from developers
the youth. Young people active- totally ignored them,” Mr
500-plus members, of whom ly contributed ideas for Singa- when she was in charge of the
environment portfolio. Arutchelvan said.
over 30 per cent are non-Sikhs. pore’s successful bid to host the He also described her as
He knows the benefits. But Youth Olympic Games next “Her habits such as sleeping
late at 2am or 3am, waking up well-read.
the associate director at the Insti- year, for instance. “They have
tute of South Asian Studies has late, chain smoking and every- “In fact, she is one of the
an interest in helping to shape
one worry: the need to moder- Singapore,” he said. thing else are things that her ac- most intelligent state executive
ate the blog regularly so that no Another plus of new media: tivist friends are used to,” said a councillors in Selangor,” he
extremist or disparaging com- spurring a civic-conscious Singa- former colleague, Mr S. Arutchel- said. “Her house usually looks as
ments are posted against people pore by sharing ideas and spark- van, who has known Ms Wong if it has been hit by a typhoon
of other faiths. ing discussions online. for more than 12 years. with her things sprawled every-
“As a responsible organisa- The portal Mr Saiful (left) and Mr Hilmi have some things in common: The well-groomed “But behind her public im- where. But the only two things
tion, we do not want to end up launched at the event yesterday young men are ex-PKR aides and linked to scandals involving the party’s leaders. age, she is an environment lov- that stand out as they are neatly
creating issues that could have can help achieve that goal, he er, a cat lover, a musician...and a arranged are her books and her
an impact on our mission and said. A joint enterprise with the human rights defender, wheth- photos.
objectives,” he said. National Library Board, it aims TALK OF ‘TROJAN HORSES’ er for illegal immigrants or any- “She loves taking photo-
Such concerns were high- to be the first stop for students, one who is a victim.” graphs as a hobby and she has a
lighted by Dr Vivian researchers and the community Kuala Lumpur – The plight of Wong’s case, Mr Hilmi, 34, was an Former executive director passion for the arts.”
Balakrishnan, Minister for Com- seeking a range of expert resourc- politician Elizabeth Wong has cast aide to a PKR leader. He had Cynthia Gabriel from the hu- Her blog has a section titled
munity Development, Youth es on racial harmony. reportedly been going out with her man rights group Suaram de- Aufheben, which she says is a
the spotlight on bright, young male
and Sports, when he spoke yes- He said the Government will scribed her as fearless. German term that the philoso-
political activists in Malaysia. until last year when they broke up.
terday at the inaugural Commu- continue to use a light touch “She’s uncompromising pher Hegel used “to explain the
and be pragmatic in e-engaging Intelligent and articulate as well While not much is known about
nity Leaders’ Conference. when it comes to what she be- synthesis one would come upon
Singaporeans. as good-looking, suave and well the pleasant-looking Mr Hilmi, one
The event was hosted by lieves in,” said Ms Gabriel, who after creating thesis and antithe-, a national body This can already be seen groomed, some of these men have person who knew him said that he
has known the opposition politi- sis”.
that champions racial harmony. through recent measures, like re- been described as “Trojan horses” had been a PKR activist for some
laxing the ban on party political cian for more than a decade. A section about herself says
He told 200 community, reli- sent to infiltrate enemy camps to years. she “enjoys looking at the para-
films on the Internet and re- “She had performed excel-
gious and youth leaders at the bring down rising stars like the Opposition MP Jeff Ooi has lently in her portfolio and see- doxes and intricacies of democ-
Woodlands Regional Library sponding to online forum let- warned of the danger of readily
ters. Selangor assemblywoman. ing what happened to her is racy and politics. In her spare
how they can use new media to accepting such new activists or very difficult to accept.” time, she researches and writes
boost community relations, “The political landscape on The talk arose again after Mr
the Net will evolve with the political assistants. Ms Wong rose to political on the War on Terror and securi-
while being alert to possible per- Hilmi Hazimin Abdul Malek of the
times. However, the true meas- He said that Ms Wong’s case was stardom when she contested ty in the region. Her interests
ils. Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) was
ure of involvement is the degree “the second time PKR’s home last year’s March polls for a state are in political imagery and sym-
“The new media is a very alleged to have circulated nude bolism, history, South Asian pol-
of participation and ownership defence system may have been seat in Selangor on the opposi-
sharp tool. When used properly, pictures of his former girlfriend, Ms itics, resistance and Islamism in
of Singaporeans in nation build- breached by Trojan a tion Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR)
it could lead to greater under- Wong.
ing, problem solving and in short spate of time”. ticket for the first time and won. South-east Asia, technology and
standing, appreciation and con-
shaping the future,” said Dr Talk of young men sent to cause She was then appointed the the politics of change”.
fidence; but it could also cause He added in his blog that “both
Balakrishnan. mischief in opposing party camps state executive councillor in Another old friend, Ms Anne
division, suspicion, violence or The event ended with a dia- (cases) involved individuals who
hatred,” he said. followed the case of Mr Saiful charge of environment, tourism James, questioned the motives
logue chaired by Mr Felix Soh, offered their voluntary aide services
He cited the example of ter- Bukhari Azlan, 23, a former aide to and consumer affairs. behind the release of the pho-
Singapore Press Holdings’ digit- to help in party work”. But her political career came tos.
rorism. While radicals and terror- al media editor. opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim. “I believe there is a dire need for
ists push their ideologies and to a grinding halt on Feb 13 “The scoundrels who are ac-
He advocated a zero-toler- He claimed that he had been all Pakatan Rakyat (the opposition when some newspapers pub-
draw recruits using the Internet, cusing her should look in the
ance approach to negative com- sodomised by his former boss. alliance) leaders and elected lished pictures of her sleeping mirror themselves,” she said. “Is
he said, the authorities also go ments in sensitive areas like
on the Net to counter radicals In his blog, the good-looking Mr representatives to beware of Trojan alone in her sarong. lying in the nude worse than
race, language and religion.
and stop the spread of their net- Saiful described himself as someone horses in our earnest deeds to The pictures were believed to raiding the state coffers?"
Questions centred on how
works. community leaders should react who liked to make friends, recruit new blood and party cadres. have been taken by her former Ms James said she hoped Ms
He listed Singapore’s efforts, to unreasonable online com- “regardless if they were ministers, That is the floodgate for infiltrators boyfriend Hilmi Malek, who is Wong would return to her post
like the Religious Rehabilitation ments and how to encourage opposition leaders, gangsters or to wreak havoc in fledgling believed to be in Indonesia. soon.
Group website ( older Singaporeans to embrace even road sweepers”. political parties.” She offered to relinquish her “Politicians like her are few
which counters radical ideolo- new media. posts. But the PKR said no and and far between,” she said.
The man at the centre of Ms Elizabeth Looi she is said to be on holiday at
gies in cyberspace.
The websites under the Islam- present.


Commuters (left) check out the new Pioneer station, while LTA chief executive Yam Ah Mee gives Mrs Lim (right) a tour of the new Joo Koon station. Train services at these stations – an extension of the East-West Line – will begin on Saturday.

Thousands Shuli Sudderuddin

Free rides. So, come on, get on the

The one-day open house was
the Land Transport Authority’s
(LTA’s) way of thanking residents
The extension is expected to
have a ridership of 35,000 com-
muters a day.
Boon Lay to access the MRT, will
be reduced.
Yesterday’s guest of honour,
Madam Lim Seok Kheng, 46, a
sales assistant, said it used to take
her 15 minutes by bicycle to get

get free rides train at the new Pioneer and Joo

Koon MRT stations.
of the affected areas for putting
up with the construction work.
Residents also turned up to get
The Pioneer station is located
in Jurong West Street 63, while
the Joo Koon station serves the in-
Mrs Lim Hwee Hua, the Senior
Minister of State for Finance and
Transport, said: “Previously, Ju-
to work in Boon Lay.
“It got quite bad when it
rained,” said Madam Lim, who

on MRT
That was what some 5,000 peo- familiar with the two new sta- rong West was served by only two lives a stone’s throw away from
ple in Jurong West did yesterday tions. The new service will kick dustrial estate in International stations, Lakeside and Boon Lay... the Pioneer station.
morning, when they tried out the off on Saturday. Road. This MRT extension beyond Boon “Now, I just need to take a

extension extension to the East-West MRT

Line that previously ended at
Boon Lay station.
The Boon Lay MRT Extension
project took about three years to
With the extension, travel
time for commuters, who previ-
ously had to travel all the way to
Lay station has been long await-
Residents agreed.
quick walk to the station, a
one-stop trip to my workplace,”
she said.

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