Zukoski Video 1 Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan Format:

Teacher: Shelbie Zukoski

Grade Level: 4th

I. Content and Standards: Standards for this lesson are aligned with the content, the
text and materials.
Content: Language Arts (Reading & Language)
Standards: Standard - 1.6.4.A: Listen critically and respond to others in small and
large group situations. Respond with grade level appropriate questions, ideas,
information, or opinions.
R4.A.1: Understand fiction appropriate to grade level.
R4.B.1.1.1: Identify, explain, interpret, compare, and/or describe components of
fiction and literary nonfiction. Character (may also be called narrator, speaker,
subject of a biography): Identify, explain, interpret, compare, and/or describe
character actions, motives, dialogue, emotions/feelings, traits, and relationships
among characters within fictional or literary nonfictional text. Identify, explain,
interpret, compare, and/or describe the relationship between characters and other
components of text.
II. Prerequisites: State the understanding and knowledge that is necessary for this
Students should be able to read with understanding and have completed the prior
lessons on The Astronaut and the Onion.
III. Instructional Objective: Indicate what is to be learned and what you will teachthis must be a complete objective. Write this objective in terms of what an individual
student will do.
Students will use comprehension skills to respond to questions related to the text.
Students will be able to complete a character traits chart by using information found
within the text.
Students will be able to use the think-pair-share strategy.
IV. Instructional Procedures: BDA Description of what you will do in teaching the
lesson, and, as appropriate, includes a description of how you will introduce the
lesson to the students (Before), what actual instructional techniques you will use
(During), and how you will bring closure to the lesson (After). Include what specific
things students will actually do during the lesson. In most cases, you will provide
some sort of summary for the students.

Before: I will begin the lesson by explaining that today we will be reading our story
as a class and answering guided reading questions. I will ask students if they know
what the think-pair-share strategy is? I will introduce the strategy and I will explain
to students that we will be using the strategy today.
During: To start the reading portion of the lesson students, as a whole will be
reading the story out loud. We will use popcorn reading, students will each read a
paragraph and then a new student will be picked. While reading we will be
completing a guided reading quest on the SmartBoard. I will use this quest as a
think-pair-share activity. While we are reading the story we will also be completing
an A/O/B page on character traits, as a class. Once we are done reading students
will complete a trifold that asks questions about the characters, the authors purpose
and a summarization question. They will complete this independently. Once we are
finished with reading students will continue working on their personal narrative
packets. Today they will be completing the graphic organizers for their personal
After: I will end the lesson by reviewing what we learned in the story today. Also for
homework students will asked to read the story again and they will be given a
worksheet with reading comprehension questions.
V. Materials and Equipment: List all materials and equipment to be used by both the
teacher and learner and how they will be used.
Reading textbook (for student and teacher)
Leveled practice book (A-O-B)
Think-pair-share trifold
Guided reading quest
Reading comprehension homework sheet
VI. Assessment/Evaluation: Describe how you will determine the extent to which
students have attained the instructional objective. Be sure this part is directly
connected to the behavior called for in the instructional objective. Include rubric
I will determine which students have attained the objective by checking their trifold.
Also through observation of classroom discussion and oral reading.
VII. Accommodations or Modifications needed for students with disabilities or
ESOL: Indicate how other activities/materials will be used to reinforce and extend
this lesson and for whom. Include homework, assignments, and projects.
For the students who are struggling with text understanding I will have them work
with a partner when answering the reading quest. Leveled practice (A-O-B) books
are offered. After the class discussion of the answers to the practice books I will talk
with the students who are struggling about the answers to the questions to ensure

the student understands. I will make the oral reading optional in front of the class,
but if students opt out I will have them work with the teacher when class members
are busy.
VIII. Technology: Describe which technology will be incorporated and describe how
technology will assist learning.
SmartBoard guided quest will be used.
IX. Self-Assessment Determine here how you plan to collect information that will be
useful for planning future lessons. A good idea is to analyze the difference between
what you wanted (the objective) and what was attained (the results of the
Do the students understand the meaning of the story? Are the students beginning to
elaborate on their answers?

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