Minutes 09/24/14

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Student Government of Seattle University

Representative Assembly Meeting

Meeting Minutes
September 24, 2014 ADAL Community Room at 6:00 p.m.

Call to Order
Raquel calls the meeting to order at 5:59 PM


Roll Call (initial on the line)

Eric Sype, President _________
Raquel Davalos, Executive Vice President _________
Matthew Kelly, Vice President of Finance _________
Meggie Green, Vice President of University Affairs _________
Luke Larson, Senior Representative _________
Palmyra Jackson, Sophomore Representative_________
Owen Goetze, At-Large Representative _________
Monica Chan, Multicultural Representative _________
Kelsey Nerland, Advisor _________


Approval of the Minutes

No minutes to approve


Public Comment - None


Guest Speakers None


Old Business
REPA 20140604 Swearing In (Raquel Davalos)
- Raquel: Who wants to be sworn in first?
- All: Luke!
- Luke: Senior. Duh. *giggles*
- Luke: *Recites oath after Raquel.*
- Raquel: Monica, your turn.
- Monica: *Recites oath after Raquel.*
- Raquel: Alright, moving on to new business.


New Business
REPA 20140924 SGSU 2014-2015 Budget Approval (Matthew Kelly): Action
Matthew: Good evening everybody! With your budget this year, plan ahead. It can
be professional without being expensive to be good. Eric suggested that if you dont
use the money then you might lose it. For example, University Affairs didnt use all
of their money and their budget is being cut this year. The budget is being divided the
same way as last year. New this year is the MPF and Monica is assisting with that.
Well have a lot of oversight regarding multicultural programming. Appropriations is
pretty much the same as last year, less 98 cents. Steering has increased as well as

PAB. UA has been cut. Elections and Publicity has stayed the same. Projects has been
decreased, but were recovering a portion of that from senior soiree. The MPF is
being funded from reserves and part of UA. The totals are the same as last year.
Luke: I move to approve the 2014-15 budget.
Raquel: A motion has been made, is there a second?
Monica: I second the motion.
Raquel: All in favor? Great! A motion has been made and we now have a budget!

REPA 20140924 Elections Update (Owen Goetze): Discussion

- Raquel: Tyler [Saito] was unable to make it this evening at the last second, but Owen,
who serves on the Elections Committee, will be filling in for him this evening.
- Owen: Recruitment period is September 29th to October 2nd. Candidate packets are
due by October 3rd. Do we have more copies of those?
- Raquel: They were on the counter in the SGSU office earlier today and I dont think
we ran out of those. I dont presume we did.
- Owen: Thank you. The voting period is October 15th to 17th. The candidate meet and
greet is October 9th in STCN 130 and then the candidate showdown will be at 6pm in
STCN 130 on October 15th.
- Raquel: Candidate showdown is going to fill in for a rep assembly.
- Owen: Sign up for at least one tabling time in C Street and Pigott Atrium to get
people signed up. Be sure to sign up for at least on tabling time. Spread the word to
your friends as well. We need to get more people involved, send names to Tyler.
- Raquel: Any questions? If you do, I have an info packet from Tyler at all times. Were
on a good track.

Officer Reports:
A) Eric Sype-President:
a. Darrell Goodwin came to the office, concerned about the app YikYak, and is
concerned about the bullying that is arising from the use. I reached out to
other student governments to see what they have been doing and they
suggested a hashtag pledge campaign (#abovetheYak) as well as partnering
with some other student leaders across campus to flood the app with positivity
and dislike any negative information. Ill be spending the next couple of
weeks working on this. A new idea would be to just incorporate and anti-cyber
bullying campaign in general so as to not attack the app company itself. Im
thinking of some kind of pledge campaign and if youre interested in
partnering with me on this issue then just say so and we can get started on
that. I also sent out my first student-wide email this morning. With a selfie.
b. Raquel: Dont draw attention to the app.
B) Raquel Davalos- Executive Vice President
a. Put up the office hours sheet today. Its different from last year, if you were
here before and hopefully you dont find it too confusing. Write in the time
you came in and out. Its self-explanatory. Flip it over and write your projects
that youre working on in your row. Michelle Murray is coming in on October
8th, officially. Shes always great to hear from. Theres talk of maybe Father
Steve as well.


C) Matthew Kelly- Vice President of Finance

a. Meeting with Cathy Reilly from University Advancement to discuss a giftfund for SGSU from past SGSU officers. Met with Nikki Robison to discuss
working with Cathy to come up with a plan for that. Hopefully implementing
this plan by the end of the quarter in whats called an Ask. Fielded questions
about elections and a mural idea for the stairs, so I directed them to Bernie
D) Meggie Green- Vice President of University Affairs
a. Trying to get an update from Matt Feldmeyer about the status of the bikes.
That could take a while. Working on filling committees still. Several students
have reached out, but still send me names.
E) Representatives
a. Luke Larson, Senior Representative:
i. Sent out first email. A few people are interested in helping out with
senior events and its going to be a good year.
b. Palmyra Jackson, Sophomore Representative:
i. Sent out first email to constituents. Met with SEAC to see about some
type of coordination regarding Halfway There. Kimmy Kogachi will
be sending contacts interest in helping with Halfway There.
c. Owen Goetze, At-Large Representative:
i. Nothing to report.
d. Monica Chan, Multicultural Representative:
i. Discussed co-planning an event with HRL.
F) Advisors
a. Kelsey Nerland:
i. Fill out the survey Kayla emailed you in the next two weeks. New
professional emails, for example: SA-nerlandk@seattleu.edu.
G) Staff
a. Izzy Gardon, External Chief of Staff:
i. Updating the website and some of the online content. Getting together
some graphics and marketing materials for elections. Working with
Michelle and Eric and Darrell to combat the YikYak issues and what
that looks like for us.
b. Margaret Quartararo, Internal Chief of Staff:
i. Nothing to report.
Committee Reports: Discussion
a. Eric: First meeting tomorrow at 12:30pm. Will have more to report next week.
B. Steering:
a. Raquel: First meeting next week.
C. Finance:
a. Matthew: First meeting has yet to be determined. Appropriations meeting on
October 8th.
D. University Affairs:
a. Meg: First meeting next Wednesday.



Announcements: Discussion
Raquel: If you run out of things to do during office hours, take the survey and
read through the constitution and bylaws.
Eric: I have two announcements. First, involvement fair is a week from today and
its in the quad if the weather is nice and Campion Ballroom if its not. Its from
11am-2pm and we need more tabling coverage. Second announcement, please
read through the Spectator on a weekly basis because we, as elected
representatives of students, should keep tabs on what the big stories and issues are
that week. You could do that in the first 5-10 minutes of your office hours. We
should all get in the habit.
Owen: Just to be clear, what approach are we taking to the Yikyak situation?
Eric: Flood with positivity and do not advertise the app.
Izzy: Treat it as a place for affirmation and positivity and ignore the negativity.
Myra: Can we help with tabling for elections during office hours?
Eric: For the involvement fair, yes.
Raquel: I dont really know
Meg: Yes. Its fine. As long as someone else is in the office.
Raquel: Balance. I trust your judgment.
Adjournment at 6:24 PM

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