Definition of Integral

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Definition Of Integral
Integral is an invers of differential or derivative, thus it also called antidifferential or
antiderivative. The derivative of a function F(x) is F(x) and hance the integral of F(x) and
hence the integral of F(x) must be F(x). See this diagram.
So, we wake a differential of function to obtain a function based on derivative of function, and to
obtain a function based on derivative we can do the integration to its derivative of function.
From the description above, it can be indicated that there are many possibilities antiderivative of
F(x) = f(x) = 4x3. Note that F(x) only has the difference on the fixed term, or is constant
Hence, in general antiderivative of F(x) = f(x) = 4x3 can be written as F(x) = x4 + c, where c is
an arbittary constant.
1. Definition Of Indefinite Integral
If F(x) is any function which has derivative of F(x) = f(x) then it can be said that F(x) is the
antiderivative of F(x) = f(x).
Antiderivative of function f(x) to x denoted as
the integration notation (

dx is called indefinite integral. By using

introduced by Leibniz, we obtain a common form of indefinite

integration as follow.

= F(x) + c

Description :
f(x) = integrant or the integrated function
F(x) = the result of integration of f(x), where F(x) = f(x)

= the constant of integration

dx = shows the integration variable is variable x

2. Common Formulas of Indefinite Integral

How to determined antiderivative (indefinitely integrate) of a function ?
Find it in the following discussions.

Derivative of F(x) = 5x is f(x) = 5, thus

Derivative of F(x) = x4 is f(x) = 4x3, thus

= x4 + c

Derivative of F(x) = 2x7 is f(x) = 14x6, thus

= 2x7+ c

Derivative of F(x) =

= 5x + c

xn+1 is f(x) = axn , thus



From the explanation above, there are there are several common formulas of indefinite
integral as follows.
Let f(x) and g(x) have antiderivative (indefinite integration) and where a, c, dan k are
constant, then

= ax + c


where n

, where n

f. [

g. For function in the form of


, then the antiderivative is defined as

ln x + c, where ln x is called natural logarithm of x.


1. Definition of Definite Integral

Supposed F(x)=f(x)=

is provided and this means that function F(x) is changing depends on

the changes of x. Here, we are going to evaluate the value of F(x) in the interval of x=a and x=b.

First of all, we need to determine function F(x) using indefinite integral (antiderivative) then we
calculate the changing value of F(x) between x=a and x=b, as follows.
The changing value of F(x) between x=a and x=b is
F(b) F(a).
The result of the calculation above is often called a definite integral of function f(x) and
denoted as
Hence, the definite integral of function f(x) from point ato point b is the value of changes
of anti derivative of the function f(x) from point a to point b.
] = F(b) F(a),

With F(x) is the anti-derivative of f(x), a is lower limit and b is upper limit of integration. The
notation of

is often read integral f(x)dx from a to b.

2. Formulas of Definite Integral

Several formulas for definite integration are as follows.
Let function f and function g have anti derivative (can be integrated) within the interval [a,b] and
k is a costant, then :


f. [

Example :
Calculate the following integrals.


Answer :






) = 52

Integration by substitution is a technique to simplify the function of integral by replacing its
integration variable. This technique is arranged according to chain theorm in deciding a
differentiation. If g(x)= u is a function that is differentiable (has derivative, which is g(x)=
and F(x) is the antiderivative of f(x), then

The equation above can be used to solve the integral use the technique of integration by
substitution. Following are steps of integration by substitution to solve integral of function f(x).
1. Use variable u to substitute part of the function that has variable x in the form.
2. Rewrite the function f(x) into variable u, that is f(u) . function f(u) must be simpler than
f(x) to make the integration eaiser.
3. Calculate

and then determine dx.

4. Apply dx into integral.

5. Solve the integration and the substitute the variable x replace variable u to obtain the final
Example :
Answer :
1. let (4x-3) = u, then

(4x-3) = 4

du = 4 dx

dx = du

Then, write the integral in variable u.

Substitute u to a first value in x, in which u = (4x-3), then we obtain :

E. Integration by Parts
Other technique of integration by substitution is integration by parts. This technique is focused
on the results of integration of the differentiation of the product of two function. Suppose u and v
are functions that are differentiable, then the differentiation of multiplication of these functions is
d(uv) = u dv + v du. Integration of both sides of this equation, we obtain

Based on the detail above, we get a general formula of integration by parts, that is

In general, steps to solve the integral by using integration by parts are

1. Decompose the function of integration into (u) and (dv).
2. Integrate (dv) to get the form of (v) and multiply with (u), the result is (uv).
3. Differentiate (u) to get the form of (du) and multiply with (v), the result is (v du)
4. Calculate

Example :

using integration by parts.

Answer :
Let u = 2x

du = 2 dx

dv = (3x-1
so that



= 2x.

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