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How Child Welfare Organisations help Abused Children and Neglected Victims

Children are being abused everywhere, regardless of time, place and people. Abusing is a
negative emotion or physical behaviour inflicted to an individual and in this particular matter, it is
inflicted towards children. This unacceptable behaviour is very harmful and against human and
childrens rights. Therefore, United Nation Childrens Emergency Fund (UNICEF) has been
established to fight for childrens right. In order to solve this problem United Nations Childrens
Emergency Fund (UNICEF) encourages government and non-government organisation to take action
in the child welfare section by increasing Child Welfare Organisation in their country. Child Welfare
Organisations role to help abused children and neglected victims is by providing them with foster
care, adoption and treatment by counselling and therapies.
First and foremost, one way Child Welfare Organisation can help abused children and
neglected victim is by providing them with foster care. Foster care is proven to be a suitable place to
regain victims confidence after experiencing such traumatic incident. Childrens life in foster care is
much more secure. A study by Gail (1989) found that providing children with a secure place was the
main idea of an orphanage or foster care to be better citizens. Also, in order for the children to feel
safe, they must be apart from their abuser, so it is more convenient to place them in foster care
before sending them back to their family. According to Winton & Mara (2001), before treatment
appear to be leading to positive change and the child is considered at lower risk for abuse,
separation of family members might be needed. In addition, childrens needs are fulfilled there as
foster care gives good health resources so they can develop in healthy environment (Kirst-Ashman,
2003). If children unexpectedly having a severe injury because of abuse, the social workers will take
full responsibility towards them by supporting their medical cost and surgery if needed. Obviously,
foster care is the basic place to serve victims of child abuse (Karger & Stoesz, 1998).
Next, adoption is also an efficient way for Child Welfare Organisation to protect abused
children. The reason is adoption will make children live a better life with normal adopted family
without getting abused. An adopted family are certified by Child Welfare Organisation to take care
of abused children. Gail (1989) state that, Adoption gives a child a family; it gives a child to love and
take care of. Furthermore, adopted family can provide children with comfort and security of home
including financial assistance. For instance, when the children live with their abused family, they are
not provided with enough pocket money and food supplies. In contrast to the adopted family, they
will help the children in any ways they can to make the childrens life as comfortable as possible.
Besides, adopted family can give children a greater chance for a good education and opportunity to
attend college. In general, children must have a good education for their own future to become the
leader to their country. The adopted family can surely supply physical resources and provisions that
might not otherwise be financially possible. Thus, the family are to support them in their career in
terms of advice, moral support, and money. Indeed, adoption is one of the best ways to protect
abused children.
Last but not least, another step taken by Children Welfare Organisation to reduce abused
childrens burden is by giving them therapies and treatment by counselling. By counselling, the
childrens mental and behaviour health can be slowly cured. Each counselling and therapy has their
own objectives. Research by Winton & Mara (2001) as cited in Kirst-Ashman (2003) found that
increasing self-esteem, decreasing feelings of hopelessness and helplessness, decreasing aggressive

behaviours, and decreasing negative behaviours such as lying, suicide attempts, running away,
promiscuity, and drug or alcohol abuse are the purposes of treatment. Examples of therapy are art
therapy that more likely to help physically abused children (Fatout, 1993 as cited in Winton & Mara,
2001, p. 167). Moreover, therapies are not only given to the children but also to parents in order for
them to get back as a normal family. In order to increase their parental skills related to the abused
childs needs and issues, attention must be given on groups of parent/caregivers by counsellor
(Winton & Mara, 2001, p.71). Similarly, in order to decrease family conflict, anger management
programs have been established (Winton & Mara, 2001 as cited in Fetsch, Schultz, & Wahler, 1999).
Hence, the rate of treatment can be increased by therapies and counselling.
In short, foster care, adoption, and treatment by therapies and counselling are most suitable
ways for Child Welfare Organisation to decrease the rate of abused children and neglected victims.
This is our responsibility to ensure that children can have a joyful childhood.

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