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What is sponsorship?


A donation of $275 will provide full

sponsorship of a slum child for an
entire year at a private school in their
area. This will cover the costs of
instruction, tutoring, books, fees,
uniforms, shoes, and supplies.

As a sponsor you will be a part of a

system that involves the opportunity
for regular communication between
child and sponsor through letters,
emails, and video chat sessions.
There is always the opportunity to
visit your student in India as well!

How far can your

donation go?


$275 Full-year sponsorship

$75 New backpacks for 20 students

$50 Shoes for an entire class

$30 A set of two custom-tailored


$20 A students books for an entire


$10 New notebooks for 20 students

$2 The average daily income of these



Squalor to Scholar

to Scholar

Ill make them

leaders herenot
great leaders, the

-Sister Pushpa, Principal,

Carmel Convent School

Most of the children receiving our support were on a

predestined path toward young marriages, lifelong illiteracy
and lives spent toiling in the urban slums of Northern India.
With the help of donations from all over the world, our
organization, and the work of many sisters, teachers, and
volunteers, they will now have the opportunity to become
doctors, engineers, world leaders, or anything else they strive
to achieve.

Spreading Hope

Our students do not inconspicuously

head out to school or return quietly
home. They are radiant symbols of hope
and opportunity to societies who
desperately need it. Their pristine red,
white and blue uniforms convey the
power of knowledge to people who do
not value the concept of school. They
are discrete representations of
communities hindered by discrimination
and poverty that now socialize and
study with children from opposite walks
of life.


The mission of Squalor to Scholar
is to provide at-risk slum children
with sponsors to fund and
embolden them with educational
opportunities they otherwise
would never receive.
Our goal is not just to give children an
education, but to give them the best
possible education.

Over the years, they will assimilate into

the structure of the higher levels of
society but they are likely never to lose
sight of their roots. Although they go o
to a school with the wealthy and
privileged, they return home every day
to the squalor that surrounds their
homes. These students, more than any
others, have the ability to open eyes
and instate change to radically improve
the world in which we live.

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