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Mrunal Explained: Monetary Policy, Rep, SLR, CRR, Qualitative Tools

- Mrunal - -

[Banking] Monetary Policy: Quantitative & Qualitative Tools,

applications & limitations MSF, LAF, Repo, OMO, CRR, SLR,
Revisited before upcoming Urjit Article
Posted By On 30/01/2014 @ 7:13 pm In Economy | 177 Comments

1. Prologue
2. What is monetary policy?
3. Quantitative Tools
1. #1: Reserve Ratios (SLR and CRR)
2. #2: Open Market Operation (OMO)
3. #3: Policy Rate
4. Bank Rate
1. Liquidity Adjustment facility (LAF)
2. LAF Repo Rate
3. Marginal Standing facility (MSF)
4. Reverse repo Rate
5. Repo Rate in recent years:
4. Monetary Policy: limitations
5. Qualitative Tools
1. #1: Margin Requirements/ LTV
2. #2: Consumer credit regulation
3. #3: Selective credit control
4. #4: Moral Suasion
6. Monetary policy tools: Quantiative vs Qualitative
7. Appendix
1. #1: Why High SLR and High CRR are bad?
2. #2: Narsimhan (I) Committee 1991
3. #3: Narsimhan (II) Committee 1998
8. Mock Questions

Next article is about RBI appointed Urjit Patel Committee on Monetary policy
But before dwelling into that, we must recap the basic concepts of what is
monetary policy: its tools and limitations. Otherwise Urjit wont make much sense.
Hence in a way, this whole article is a prologue to next article.

Why RBI and Why Monetary policy?

Initially people used barter system for trading. But the barter system had many problems
(click me). Therefore, people switched to money system.
Financial intermediates = middlemen who help in the circular flow of money
between households and business firms.
There are two types of financial intermediaries: banking institution and non-banking
financial institutions.
RBI controls (all) banks and (some) non-banking financial institutions.
RBIs main job is to control Money supply in this game, and thereby fight inflation
and deflation.
Inflation = price rise = bad for economy, you know that by common sense.
But Deflation = price decrease = we can buy things at a lower price. Isnt that good? Why
is deflation bad for economy?
Ans. Every business has fixed cost of production say minimum light bill, phone bill,
office rent, staff salary etc. So, if prices keep falling and falling (say of Nano car),
then car marker will suffer losses. He has no motivation to expand business. He
wants to cut down his production costs, by firing some of the employees= less new
jobs created= unemployment = social unrest.
If prices of everything fall- then custom duty, VAT, excise duty, service tax- their



Mrunal Explained: Monetary Policy, Rep, SLR, CRR, Qualitative Tools

collection will also decrease. Then government has less money to spend on
education, healthcare, social sector, defense, law and order = poverty, disease,
by the way



fall in the prices (and fall IN employment.)

DISINFLATION Fall in the prices but without causing unemployment.

Does RBI want

yes (while
fighting inflation)

stagnation + inflation
prices and wages rise
but people cant find jobs, companies cant find




policy to stop the fall in price levels, but without causing

rise in the price levels (inflation).

What is monetary policy?

Policy made by the central bank.
To control money supply in the economy. (and thereby fight both inflation and
RBI implements monetary policy using certain tools. Two types
quantitative tool
qualitative tools
Lets start from here.

Quantitative Tools
#1: Reserve Ratios (SLR and CRR)
SLR A Bank has to set aside this much money into gold or RBI approved securities.
A Bank has to set aside this much as reserve. Bank cannot lend it to anyone.
Bank earns no interest rate or profit on this.


Reserve ratio: SLR, CRR

Suppose economy is showing inflationary trend. Prices of all goods and services are
increasing day by day.
How can RBI stop it using Reserve ratio as a tool?
In this case, RBI should RAISE the reserve ratios.
Right now
People deposited total this much money in SBI (net demand & TIME
liabilities NDTL)
CRR (4%) [SBI has to keep this much cash aside for reserve]
SLR (23%) [SBI has to invest this much money in RBI approved
Money left with SBI

100 cr.
-4 cr
-23 cr.

Say RBI raises SRL to 40% and CRR to 15% then?

100 cr
SLR 40
CRR 15
Money left with SBI 45 cr.
You can see, when Rajan has raised reserve ratio, money with SBI is reduced (from 73



Mrunal Explained: Monetary Policy, Rep, SLR, CRR, Qualitative Tools

crores to just 45 crores.)

What will be its implication?
Imagine youre a money lender. Youve 100 crore rupees and you must make Rs.1
crore profit in a year.
Obviously, you should lend it @1% interest rate. (because 1% of 100 crore = 1
But what if youve only 2 crore rupees, and you still want to make Rs.1 croer profit
in a year?
Now you must lend it @50% interest rate. (because 50% of 2 cores = 1 crore.)
Observe that as money decreased (from 100 to 2), loan interest rate increased
(from 1% to 50%).
Same happens when SBI is left with less money (after RBI increases reserve ratio).
Lets prepare a flow chart.
Situation: Economy has inflationary trend. Prices of goods and services increasing every
Solution: RBI raised reserve ratio (CRR, SLR)
Result: SBI is left with less money to lend.

SBI raises its loan interest rate

Businessmen borrow less money from SBI
Businessmen donot start new business. Donot expand existing business
Result=Less jobs. Even existing employees discharged. If anyone remains in the
job, he doesnt get pay raise. He starts cutting down unnecessary expenditure (e.g.
buying two newspapers, getting his shirts ironed, drinking tea @4PM in office and
so on. Thus even paper-wall, dhobi, chai-walla- everyones income reduced.)
5. Result= Less income (Because of above reasons)
6. Result= Less demand of goods and services (because less income).
7. Ultimately shopkeeper will bring down the prices to attract people into buying more
Thus inflation is reduced.
You may doubt- what about supply side bottlenecks, what about cost push and demand
pull inflation : Im not going into all that details at the moment, else this article will become
longer than five kilometers.
Lets just prepare a summary table:
dear money
cheap money
To fight inflation To fight deflation
Reserve Ratio (CRR, SLR) Increase them. Decrease them.
Moving to the next (Quantitative) tool. Under monetary policy

#2: Open Market Operation (OMO)

Open Market Operation= when RBI starts buying/selling government securities to
control money supply.
Government securities= piece of paper. It says something like this give me Rs.100,
Ill give you 8% interest rate for next ten years and after that Ill repay the principle
of Rs.100. This is how government borrows from others.
Situation: Economy has inflationary trend. Prices of goods and services increasing
every day.
Solution: RBI starts selling government securities in open market.
Result: SBI buys them and thus SBIs lending money is reduced. Wait. How?
Imagine Rajan is selling sabzi (vegetables). If SBIs chairman Arundhati Madam goes to
buy vegetables. Obviously madams money will decrease when she buys vegetables.
Then same as usual:
1. SBI left with less money to lend.



Mrunal Explained: Monetary Policy, Rep, SLR, CRR, Qualitative Tools


SBI raises its loan interest rate (to keep profit margin same)
Businessmen borrow less money from SBI.
Businessmen donot start new business. Donot expand existing business
Less jobs
Less income
Less demand
Ultimately shopkeeper will bring down the prices to attract people into buying more

Thus inflation is reduced.

During deflation, RBI will do the reverse. (i.e. RBI buys Sabzi from SBI). How will it stop
deflation? Think in your head.
Lets update our table
dear money
cheap money
To fight inflation To fight deflation
Reserve Ratio (CRR, SLR)
Increase them. Decrease them.
Open Market Operation (OMO) RBI sell securities RBI buy securities

Mock Question
In 2013, UPSC walla asked a very chillar question from this topic.
In context of Indian Economy, Open Market Operation refers to

Borrowing by scheduled banks from RBI

Lending by commercial banks to industries and trade
Purchase and sale of government securities by the RBI
None of Above

Whenever you face a GS/GK type MCQ, Youve three choices

If you dont know the answer, Just leave it instead of risking negative mark.
Attempt Correct answer is Opt C.
It means youve unsure of the answer. 50:50. So you mark the question number
Mark n
(say 45), at the back of your question paper. At the end of exam, if youre left
with 10-15 free minutes. You look at the question again, and try to solve it.
So, should you put above question in mark n review?
Because its a definition based question. If you dont know the definition of OMO
you might tick a wrong answer and fail. Most of the sincere players fail in prelims
because of this reason. They push their luck in negative marking to overcome an
imaginary cutoff and thus dig up their own grave. (especially during last 10-15
minutes of the exam.)
Moral of the story: never put fact/definition type MCQs in Mark-n-Review.
Lets solve a bit more complicated MCQ from 2012s CSAT paper.
Q.Which of the following measures would result in an increase in the money supply in

Purchase of government securities from public by central bank

Deposit of currency in commercial banks by the public
Borrowing by government from the central bank.
Sale of government securities to the public by central bank.

Answer choice

Only 1
2 and 4
1 and 3
2, 3 and 4

Whenever you face such multiple statement type MCQs, always use elimination method.
First find a statement that is definitely right or definitely wrong and eliminate choices



Mrunal Explained: Monetary Policy, Rep, SLR, CRR, Qualitative Tools

Focus on first statement Purchase of government securities from public by central

bank: will it increase money supply in the system?
Imagine Rajan puts an ad in newspaper: bring your Sabzi (vegetables), Ill buy it.
Junta gives him their own veggies, Rajan gives them money. (a classic buy and sell).
Ultimate result: money supply increased in the system- because junta got the
money. Meaning #1 definitely correct.
If you think it on technical terms. Central bank purchases government
securities=OMO (Open market operation), where money shifts hands from RBI to
Hence money supply increased. (In reality, money doesnt go to aam admi directly,
but those bankers and non-banking institutions who participate in OMO). Anyways,
#1 is right, Eliminate choices that do not have #1

Only 1
2 and 4
1 and 3
2, 3 and 4

Now the final answer depends on whether statement #3 is right or wrong?

Statement #3 says Borrowing by government from the central bank. (So, will it
increase money supply?)
How does Government borrow from Central bank? Does Mohan just callup Rajan
and demand 1 lakh crores? No. Mohan will have to give Rajan that much
government securities (vegetables) and Rajan will give him cash.
Is money supply increased? Yes Mohan sold veggies to Rajan and got Money.
Whenever Rajan buys veggies and pays the money supply is increased. (this is
similar to Open Market operation)
Besides, Mohan can then use money to pay salaries of government staff, pay for
rail-road-bridges and other infrastructure projects, pay for MNREGA and so on.
Therefore Answer C: 1 and 3 correct.
Counter- argument?
What if Rajan subsequently sells those (Mohans) securities to bankers. Then
bankers money reduced. Hence #3 is wrong. Therefore final answer A only 1.
So, whats the final answer: is it A or is it C?
Ultimate judge= UPSCs official answer key uploaded on their site.
In 2012s Question paper Test series A, this is Q77: and its official answer is C.
Therefore, both 1 and 3 are correct.
Anyways, what to do in the exam?
If you dont know the concept better skip.
Attempt This question is attemptable if you dont drag the logic too much in statement #3.
Yes, it can be put under mark and review because this is not an absolute fact/
Mark n absolute definition type MCQ. If you apply some concepts, you can eliminate
Review. wrong choices. But still if doubt persists in the mind (e.g whether Statement 3 is
right or not) then its always safe to skip and avoid negative marking.
By the way, What about Statement #2: Deposit of currency in commercial banks by the
public. (Will it increase money supply or not?)
Viewpoint 1: yes. Because bank can used it to expand loanable credit. (as
explained in Money creation topic in Class 12 NCERT Macroeconomics page 39
Viewpoint 2: no. (Because Bank will have to put some money aside as CRR- so that
much money is less in the system.)
Either way it doesnt change the answer. Because We know that statement 1 is definitely
correct. And there is no option where (1,2) are given simultaneously.
Anyways, Moving onSo far, RBI has two tools under monetary policy:
1. reserve ratios (SLR, CRR)
2. Open market operation.
Third and the most important quantitative tool is



Mrunal Explained: Monetary Policy, Rep, SLR, CRR, Qualitative Tools

#3: Policy Rate

Policy rate= in case of India its Repo rate. Before moving further, lets refresh our
concepts of Bank rate, LAF, MSF, Repo and Reverse repo.

Bank Rate
When banks borrow long term funds from RBI. Theyve to pay this much interest
rate to RBI. [Note: different books give different explanation of Bank Rate. I've used
NDTV's definition]
At present, Bank rate= 9%
Collateral: nothing. (Bank can borrow money without pledging government
securities to RBI)
Bank rate is not the main tool to control money supply these days.
Nowadays, RBI uses LAF Repo rate as the main tool, to control money supply.
Ok then Whats the use of Bank rate?
Penal rates are linked with Bank rate. For example, If a bank doesnt maintain CRR,
SLR as per the prescribed limit.
Then RBI can impose penalty interest on such notorious bank.
At present, Penalty rate = Bank rate + 3% (or 5% in some cases)
Meaning if Bank rate = 9% then penalty rate=9+3=12%
Anyways, what if RBI wants to fight inflation using bank rate as a tool?
Obviously they should increase bank rate. That way it becomes harder (more expensive)
for banks to borrow from RBI.=> SBI increases its loan rates (to keep the profit margin
same). Result?
Less people get home loan, bike loan, business loans.
Less business expansion
Less jobs
Less incomes
Less demand
Ultimately shopkeeper will bring down the prices to attract people into buying more
Thus inflation is reduced.
Lets update our (stupid) table
dear money
cheap money
To fight inflation To fight deflation
Reserve Ratio (CRR, SLR)
Increase them. Decrease them.
Open Market Operation (OMO) RBI sell securities RBI buy securities
Bank rate

Liquidity Adjustment facility (LAF)

Liquidity Adjustment facility
RBI started this in 2000. You can imagine it as a Adda/gambling den/gang-hideout
where RBIs clients gather, consumer desi liquor, play cards, watch item songs and
borrow money from RBI (or lend Money to RBI).
By the way, who are the clients of RBI?= Central and state governments, Banks
and non-banking financial institutions (NBFI). NBFI further includes:
AIFI (all India finance institutions) NABARD, SIDBI, EXIM Bank and National
Housing Bank.
Primary dealers (Morgan Stanley , Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase,
Standard Chartered Bank, HSBC etc.)
Non-Banking financial companies.
Anyways, Under this LAF adda, RBI has two tools:
If client borrows money from RBI (for short term) then client has to pay this much
interest rate to RBI. At present Repo is 8%. (article written on 29th Jan 2014)
If client lends money to RBI (for short term) then RBI has to pay this much
interest rate to client. RBI doesnt like headache. So they made a simple formula:



Mrunal Explained: Monetary Policy, Rep, SLR, CRR, Qualitative Tools

Reverse repo rate= Repo MINUS 1%=8-1=7%.

Problem with running a adda/gambling-den = sometimes client drinks too much
desi liquor and passes out on floor. Sometimes he even dies because of hooch.
Sometimes police raids the den, and clients run away with cash and register.
If such things happen, Rajan will be at loss. So, he demands government
securities as collataral. So even if client doesnt repay money on time, Rajan can
sell those securities (in open market operations) and recover money.

LAF Repo Rate

Lets get a bit technically correct now. Observe following image

SBI chairman Arundhati mam wants to borrow Rs.100 crore (for short term).
She gives her stash of government securities to Rajan.
Rajan gives her Rs.100 crore.
Madam Also signs an agreement
I, Arundhati Bhattacharya, agree to buy same securities from Rajan, at 108 crores
after 14 days.
Notice that she has agreed to re-purchase same securities from Rajan. Therefore
its called Repo.
And how much interest rate did she pay on this loan? [108-100]/100=8%. Thats
our repo rate.
Recall that SBI also has to keep part of her money in RBI approved securities (under
So Madam cannot USE those government securities to borrow under Repo Rate
from Rajan.
That leads to a new topic



Mrunal Explained: Monetary Policy, Rep, SLR, CRR, Qualitative Tools

Marginal Standing facility (MSF)

MSF mechanism is same as repo. But some differences
LAF (Repo)
Rajan says dont come here
unless you want to borrow
minimum Rs.5 crores.
All clients are welcome i.e.

Minimum Rs. 1 crore.

Central and state

Banks be it commercial
bank or RRB or
cooperative bank
Non-banking financial
You (bankers) cannot pledge
securities from SLR quota to
borrow from this window.
No limit. You may borrow as
much as you want. (as long as
you have government
securities to pledge to me.)
Rajan decides Repo rate (8%
right now)

Sorry. Not all clients welcome here.

Only scheduled commercial banks can borrow under
this window. SBI, PNB, BoB, ICICI etc.
This MSF facility is specially created to help them
solve short-term cash mis-match.

Can use securities from SLR quota.

Maximum 2% of NTDL. To put this in crude words, if SBI
received 100 crores from aam-admi under savings
account, current account, fixed deposit etc. then SBI can
borrow only upto Rs.2 crores from RBI.
MSF = Repo Rate +1% = 8+1=9%. (earlier this margin of
1% used to be higher. But nowadays just 1%!)

for those who still have doubt about Repo vs MSF:

for repo borrowing, bank will need to pledge securities to Rajan. But bank cannot use
SLR-reserved securities for this.
so, imagine if a bank is in dire need of cash, but doesnt have spare government
securities- then they can borrow using MSF by pledging those SLR securities. (and under
MSF window, Rajan will demand 1% higher than Repo as one type of punishment for
pledging SLR securities.)

Reverse repo Rate

Although self-explanatory. But lets check
Repo = clients borrow from Rajan and pay this much interest rate. (short term loan)
Reverse repo= when Rajan himself borrows from clients, then he has to pay this
much interest rate to clients.
Collateral = yes. What if police raids this gambling-den, and Rajan runs away to
Nepal? Clients can sell Rajans Government securities and recover their money.
Reverse repo = Repo MINUS 1% = 8-1% =7%.
Note: in official parlance, they call percentages in basis points so 1%=100 basis
points. So in that official language, Reverse repo = Repo MINUS 100 basis points.
Enough cheap jokes. What have we learned so far?
That Rajan controls money supply using monetary policy.
Under Monetary policy, Rajan has various weapons (or tools)
1. Reserve ratios (SLR, CRR)
2. OMO: Open market operation
3. Rates: Bank rate, LAF (Repo, Reverse repo), MSF.
We already know how to apply SLR, CRR and OMO to fight inflation (and deflation.) let me
paste the table again.
Reserve Ratio
Open Market
Bank Rate

dear money
To fight inflation

cheap money
To fight deflation

Increase them.

Decrease them.

RBI sell securities

RBI buy securities

increase it

decrease it



Mrunal Explained: Monetary Policy, Rep, SLR, CRR, Qualitative Tools

Repo rate
Reverse Repo

increase it
decrease it
its value is linked with Repo, hence cannot be increased/decreased
its value is linked with Repo, hence cannot be increased/decreased
independently. Besides MSF= temporary firefighting, cash

We learned that Rajan doesnt use Bank rate much, to control money supply.
We learned that Rajan doesnt decide Reverse repo and MSF. (theyre automatically
-1% and +1% of Repo rate).
Thus the only thing Rajan has to decide under monetary policy= Repo rate.
Therefore, Repo rate is called the policy rate
Lets revisit out flow chart:
Situation: Economy has inflationary trend. Prices of goods and services increasing
every day.
Solution: Rajan increases Repo rate. (say from 7.75% to 8%).
Result: it becomes expensive for SBI to borrow from Rajan. Theyll increase their
own rates as well.
Wait. How?
Just like how things roll in Onion biz.
If prices of Onion rise in Maharashtras wholesale yard (in Lasangaon), then immediately,
retail veggie @Ahmedabad will also raise their onion prices to keep the profit margin
Whatll be the consequences (if repo rate is hiked / increased)?

SBI raises its loan interest rate (to keep profit margin same)
Businessmen borrow less money from SBI.
Businessmen donot start new business. Donot expand existing business.
Less jobs
Less income
Less demand
Ultimately shopkeeper will bring down the prices to attract people into buying more

Thus inflation is reduced.

dear money
cheap money
To fight inflation To fight deflation
Reserve Ratio (CRR, SLR)
Increase them. Decrease them.
Open Market Operation (OMO) RBI sell securities RBI buy securities
Policy Rate (Repo Rate)
Increase it
Decrease it

Repo Rate in recent years:

Lets observe with a graph: how RBI fought inflation/deflation in recent times using Repo
rate as the main-weapon of monetary policy.



Mrunal Explained: Monetary Policy, Rep, SLR, CRR, Qualitative Tools

From above above graph, you can see RBI has frequently changed its repo rate to combat
both inflationary and deflationary trend. But Youd agree that inflation has not been
contained. No matter what number juggling or statistical interpretations are given- the
hardship of common man has not stopped- be it milk, petrol, onion, LPG anything.
Agreed that prices of onion, sugar, pulses and food are subject to vagaries of
monsoon and black marketeering. Rajan cannot do anything about it.
Agreed that crude oil prices are subject to rupee-Dollar exchange rate, external
factors and governments de-regulation of their prices. Rajan doesnt have much
control over this.
But still even in the non-food, non-fuel type commodities- RBIs monetary policies have
failed to curb inflation. WHY? Observe the following image.



Mrunal Explained: Monetary Policy, Rep, SLR, CRR, Qualitative Tools

Suppose Vijay Mallay got 100 crore loan from State Bank of India. If you trace the source
of that money, itll turnout 60-70 crores came from banks savings account, fixed deposit
etc. Rajan lends money in repo rate yes, but that doesnt mean banks depend only on
Rajan to arrange the cash for its clients.
Suppose Rajan reduces repo rate from 8% to 5%. Banks are not legally required to
reduce their loan interest rates.
The current system is following:
Banks are free to decide their base rate. E.g. SBIs base rate is 10%.
It means SBI wont loan money to anyone at an interest rate lower than 10%
(except those farmers under Interest subvention scheme.)
SBI will link all of its loan products with Base rate. For example
SBI Base rate =10%
Car loan
0.75% above Base rate 10.75%
Two wheeler loan
8.25% above base rate 18.25%
Education loan (upto 4 lakh)
3.5% above base rate 13.5%
Home loan for women (upto 75 lakh) 0.10% above base rate 10.10%
Meaning if SBI changes her Base rate then all of above loan interest rates will change
If Rajan changes his repo rate, will SBI change her base rate?
Not always.
Because those common men are the main suppliers of money to SBI.
RBI is not the main supplier of money to SBI.



Mrunal Explained: Monetary Policy, Rep, SLR, CRR, Qualitative Tools

SBI will only change its base rate, when she feels necessary for its own profit / loss
compared to its competitors.
Does it mean Repo rate system is bogus and ineffective?
Not always.
In developing countries like India, most people park their money in only four things:
savings account, fixed deposit (FD), provident fund and LIC. Weve mutual funds,
weve NPS, weve ULIPs, weve Rajiv Gandhi equity savings scheme
but most people (particularly the older generation) feels insecure in into such new
things. Therefore lot of money flows into Savings accounts and fixed deposits=
SBIs main source of money.
But, In advanced economies, like USA, people dont invest large portion their income
in savings account or FD. Theyve variety of investment options. So, for those
American banks, their own Central bank (US Feds) is a significant money supplier.
Hence US Feds monetary policy shows faster impact on their American Banks, THAN
Rajans monetary policy on Desi banks.

Monetary Policy: limitations

In developing countries, Monetary fails to bring quick results because
1. People dont have many investment alternatives. Commercial banks have large
deposits. Rajan is not the main or even prominent money supplier for these banks.
Whatever Rajan does, its effect will be felt only after 6-8 months but by that time,
new factors would cause another rise in inflation and Rajan will have to start from
scratch again.
2. Non-Monetized economy: in rural areas, many transactions are still of barter nature.
(E.g. kiranawalla cum middleman supplies seeds, pesticides, fertilizers- in exchange
of share in farmers produce.)
3. Lack of financial inclusion. Since most people are not in the banking net. They rely
on Shroffs and moneylenders. Many of them circulate the black money of cops and
politicians, and charge 36% interest rate on loans. Rajan has no control over them.
4. Monsoon uncertainty, cyclone, flood, draughts and their effect on food production.
Food inflation =>newspaper walla, washerman, barber, car mechanic everyone will
raise their service fees to accommodate their raised cost of living. Rajan has no
control over them.
5. Crude oil and gold import + negative effect when rupee weakens. Rajan can try to
bring 1$=Rs.65 to $1=63 Rs. But he has not enough forex reserves to bring
6. Fiscal deficit, illogical schemes. e.g MNREGA worker digs a temporary road. After
first rain, t he road is wiped out= physical infrastructure added to economy no.
Wages raised..yes. = this mismatch leads to more inflation.
7. Subsidy leakage, Black money, underground economy.
8. And most importantly, because Rajan uses Multi-indicator approach, he focuses on
WPI (minus food and fuel). Thats why Urjit Patel recommends him to target CPI.
More on that in next article.
So far, we learned that RBI has two sets of tools/instruments under monetary policy:
Quantitative tool
1. Reserve ratios
2. OMO
3. Policy rate (Repo

Qualitative tools

Well see them in a moment

Qualitative Tools
#1: Margin Requirements/ LTV
Mallya wants to borrow from SBI. He pledges his companys shares worth Rs.100
crores as collateral.
For such loans, Rajan can prescribe margin, say 65%.
In that case even if Mallya pledges 100 crores worth shares, SBI can give him 100



Mrunal Explained: Monetary Policy, Rep, SLR, CRR, Qualitative Tools

65=only 35 Crore rupees as loan.

Using this tool, Rajan can control money supply. e.g. during inflation, he should
increase margin requirement, so Mallya can borrow less=> less job=>less
income=>less demand=>prices reduced.
If Rajan changes repo rate, it is not compulsory for SBI to change her loan interest
rates. (we saw how Alok Nath keeps giving money to SBI, so they are not entirely
dependent on Rajan.)
But if Rajan changes margin requirements, then SBI and all other banks must obey
it. In other words, this tool has direct impact on money supply.

#2: Consumer credit regulation

Suppose Nano car sells @1 lakh and Rajan has made rule that downpayment
cannot be less than 30%.
It means customer must bring Rs.30,000 from his pocket and bank can only give him
maximum 70000 as loan.
How can Rajan fight inflation with this tool?
Increase downpayment from 30%=>50% (meaning bank can give less loan.
Customer himself has to arrange lot of money from his own pocket)
Rajan can make rule banks cannot accept EMI less than 5000 on car loan.
Case #1: 100 EMIs worth 1000 each = 1,00,000. (ignore interest rates)
Case #2: 20 EMIs worth 5000 each=1,00,000. (ignore interest rates)
In case #2: some of the lower-middleclass families may postpone their decision to
purchase nano car (Because they cant afford higher EMIs.)
Result= less demand=>prices reduced. (indirectly- because car mechanics get less
work, number-plate painters get less orders etc. so they reduce fees to attract new
clients and retain existing clients.)
Thus, Rajan can control money supply by changing downpayment and installment
(EMI) rules.

#3: Selective credit control

Under this, Rajan can specifically instruct bankers not to give loans to traders of
certain commodities e.g. sugar, gur, edible oil etc.
even if the said trader is ready to mortgage his
shares/bonds/factory/machine/vehicle anything.
this prevents speculations/ hoarding of commodities using money borrowed from

#4: Moral Suasion

Here Rajan tries to persuade the bankers to do xyz thing. Example
1. Please reduce giving automobile loans- instead park your money in government
securities. (above the SLR requirements.)
2. Ive reduced my repo rate, now you also reduce your base rate.
Rajan will try to influence those bankers via- direct meetings, conference, giving media
statements, giving speeches @public seminars, university convocations etc. (even where
bankers are not present.) Hell do so, to build a public opinion, media opinion and
influence those bankers by making them feel guilty.

of credit


Found in Planned economies/communist nations.

Here central bank will decide upper limit to loans in each sector (heavy
industries, service, agriculture, small-scale etc.)
So once that quota is over. Additional loans cannot be given to that
borrowers from that sector. This also controls money supply.
Means RBI gives punishment to erring banks. Punishment can involve: penal
interest, refuses to lend them money from LAF etc. and in worst case even
cancels their banking license.



Mrunal Explained: Monetary Policy, Rep, SLR, CRR, Qualitative Tools

Lets recap

Monetary policy tools: Quantiative vs



1. Reserve ratios (SLR, CRR)

2. Open Market Operation
3. Policy rate (Repo Rate)


Margin requirements / LTV

Consumer credit regulation
Selective credit control
Moral Suasion
Rationing of Credit
Direct Action

Indirect in nature. (Even if Rajan changes repo rate, its

Direct in nature. (e.g. those
not necessary SBI will immediately change its base
margin requirements)
rate / loan interest rates.)
Selective- can affect money
General- they affect money supply in entire economysupply in a specific sector of
be it housing, automobile, manufacturing- everything.
economy e.g. automobile.
Lets solve an Official MCQ from UPSC 2012 Question paper
Q. RBI Acts as bankers bank. This would imply which of the following?
1. Other banks retain their deposits with RBI
2. RBI lends funds to commercial banks in the times of need.
3. RBI advises commercial banks on monetary matters.
Correct Statement

Only 2 and 3
Only 1 and 2
Only 1 and 3
1, 2 and 3

Whenever you face such 3 statement MCQ or 4 statement MCQ, Always use elimination
method. First you find out a statement that is definitely right or definitely wrong. In above
case, we can see #2 is definitely right. RBI lends funds to banks in the times of need
(Repo, MSF)
So lets eliminate choices that dont involve statement #2

Only 2 and 3
Only 1 and 2
Only 1 and 3
1, 2 and 3
This did not help much. We still have three choices left. Observe statement #1:
Other banks retain their deposits with RBI. That is correct with respect to cash
reserve ratio. CRR is one type of deposit that banks make to RBI. (RBI doesnt pay
interest on it- thats a different story).
Meaning #1 is also correct eliminate choices that donot have #1
1. Only 2 and 3
2. Only 1 and 2
3. Only 1 and 3
4. 1, 2 and 3

Only two choices left and the ultimate solution = is statement #3 is correct or not?
Viewpoint #1
Viewpoint #2
The statement says RBI advises commercial banks on
monetary matters.The word advises makes this
RBI does advice those
statement incorrect. Because RBI doesnt Advice they just banks. We saw it under
order the banks- be it SLR, CRR, PSL. RBI doesnt advice, RBI Moral Suasion. Therefore,
gives orders and direction. Therefore statement #3 is
Statement #3 is right.



Mrunal Explained: Monetary Policy, Rep, SLR, CRR, Qualitative Tools

Even if we accept that RBI advices, still the questions asks
what is implied by RBI as Bankers bank. So, RBI advices
moral suasion that is a monetary policy tool. RBIs not
doing it as a Banker to those banks. Therefore, Statement
#3 is definitely wrong.
Answer (B)

Money Banking and finance,

E Narayan Nadar (PHI
publication). He has
specifically listed this
Advice function under
Bankers bank topic.
Answer (D)

So, is it B or is it D? Final judge is UPSC.

They had uploaded CSAt-2012 official answer key on their site.
This question is Test Series A, Question #75 and its official answer is D = meaning
all three statements are correct.
If you face such MCQ in exam, what should be your approach?
Upto you. But if you start skipping all such question (OMO, Money supply,
Bankers bank), because youre completely unaware of those topics=that is not
Skip shows youre underprepared for this exam. You should either
change your study method or change the game- try for some easier exam.
This question is attemptable, if you dont nitpick over the word advises in third
If youve thoroughly prepared the RBIs monetary tools (both qualitative and
quantitative), you can solve it by applying concepts/principles- particularly the
Mark n
moral suasion thing. But if youre still doubtful over whether #3 is right or wrong,
then better skip. If you skip because youre doubtful = that is pardonable. But if
you skip because youre completely unaware of this topic= non-bailable offense.

These are the topics I wanted to discuss in the article, but they would break the flow of
other topics. Hence writing them @bottom:

#1: Why High SLR and High CRR are bad?

From the discussion so far, you might think why Rajan only focuses on Repo rate to
control money supply. Why not simply raise SLR and CRR requirements.
Lets check the de-merits of high SLR and CRR:
Prior to LPG reforms in 90s, RBI used to keep SLR and CRR very high. Lets take an
A Bank can two types of deposits
Deposit type
Time Deposit
Fixed deposit (FD) recurring deposit.
Demand Deposit Savings account, current account
Using this money, bank has to count its Net Demand and Time liabilities (NDTL),
every fortnight. Suppose its 100 crores.
Both CRR and SLR are counted on this figure. In the old times, these reserve ratios
used to be as high as 15% and 40% respectively. Observe the effect:
Net Demand and Time Liabilities (NDTL) +100 cr.
Reserve ratios
CRR (15%)
(-) 15 [no profit]
SLR (40%)
(-) 40 [some profit]
Money left with bank
=45 cr.
From 100 crores, barely 45 crores left with the bank. But adding insult to the injury- even
here RBI mandates Priority sector lending (PSL). Meaning, at least 40% of the loans has
to be given to farmers, small businessmen, students etc. groups.
Lets update the table:



Mrunal Explained: Monetary Policy, Rep, SLR, CRR, Qualitative Tools

Net Demand and Time Liabilities (NDTL)

Reserve ratios
CRR (15%)
SLR (40%)
Money left with bank
PSL (40%)
Money left for big borrowers (i.e. big businessmen, upper

+100 cr.
(-) 15 [no profit]
(-) 40 [some profit]
=45 x 0.4 =18
=45-18=27 crores.

By the way, PSL is counted on annual basis while SLR, CRR counted on fortnight
basis so above table is technically incorrect but Ive plugged in those numbers only
for the sake of explanation.
before the 90s- Government would even interfere and order public sector banks to
give PSL-loans @cheap interest rates. The local politicians would coerce the branch
manager to give PSL-loans to ineligible people. They default on loans, Branch
manager cannot recover money (because defaulter will goto civil court then taarikh
pe taarikh.) So, bank would have to forget about most of those 18 crores given in
PSL loans.
Anyways you can see people deposited 100 crores in the bank yet bank is left with
barely 27 crores (over which, bank has Freedom to decide whom they should give
the loan.)
What are the consequences for businessmen?
1. High cost of credit (because bank will try to make maximum profit from those 27
crores- so bank will charge very high interest rate on the business loans- to pay off
for the staff salaries, branch office rents and everything.)
2. Businessman cannot expand his business.
3. Less exports.
4. Less tax income for the government.
So in a way- that was also one of the factors leading to Balance of Payment crisis (and
subsequently LPG reforms.) You can read more about that in NCERT Class 11- chapter 2
and 3.

#2: Narsimhan (I) Committee 1991

Plagued by problems and losses in nationalized banks, Government of India formed this
Committee. Recommendations were:
1. Deregulate interest rates. Let the banks decide their loan interest rates. Accepted.
Gradually, we moved to the Base Rate system.
2. PSL loans should be given at normal interest rates. Accepted (but with exception=>
interest subvention- that we saw under Nachiket articles.)
3. NPA/Loan default matter should be handled by separate body and not civil courts.
Result: Debt recovery tribunal created in 1993. Ultimately SARFAESI Act in 2002.
4. Reduce CRR, SLR. Accepted. Today weve them @4% and 23% respectively.
5. Allow Private banks and foreign banks. RBI invited applications in 1993. ICICI, Axis,
HDFC and many others got license.
6. Liberate Branch expansion policy. Done (Except that 25% rural branching mandate
we saw under Nachiket articles).
7. Prepare NBFC regulatory framework. Accepted.
8. Government should reduce shareholding (and thereby its official influence) in the
public sector banks. Government agreed. Today governments shareholding in SBI

#3: Narsimhan (II) Committee 1998

Suggested more reforms.
1. allow VRS in the banks so they can get rid of excessive staff.
2. Suggested additional Legal reforms for loan recovery. =>SARFAESI 2002.
3. Computerization, electronic fund transfer, legal framework => Payment and
Settlement Act=>Retail (ECS, NEFT, credit Card) + Wholesale (RTGS)
4. Permit new private /foreign banks. RBI invited license in 2001= Yes Bank and Kotak
Mahindra got licenses. 2013: RBI again invited applications for bank licenses.



Mrunal Explained: Monetary Policy, Rep, SLR, CRR, Qualitative Tools

[Note: list of recommendations not exhaustive, Ive only highlighted important topics that
show evolution of banking sector in recent times.]

Mock Questions
1. With open market operations, RBI can
a. increase liquidity in the economy, but cannot decrease it
b. decrease liquidity in the economy, but cannot increase it
c. Can increase or decrease liquidity in the economy to control money supply.
d. None of above.
2. By which of the following methods, government can reduce money supply in the
a. taxation
b. sale of securities to public
c. both A and B
d. neither A nor B
3. During the period of deflation
a. RBI should use dear money policy to combat it
b. Government should reduce its tax rates.
c. both A and B
d. Neither A nor B.
4. IF prices are lowered without causing unemployment, we call it:
a. stagflation
b. reflation
c. disflaction
d. Disinflation.
5. Which of the following contains correct set of quantitative instruments of monetary
a. reserve ratio, bank rate, margin requirements
b. open market operations, margin requirements, regulation of consumer credit
c. cash reserve ratio, bank rate, open market operation
d. None of above
6. Which of the following contains correct set of qualitative instruments of monetary
a. reserve ratio, bank rate, margin requirements
b. credit rationing, margin requirements, regulation of consumer credit
c. cash reserve ratio, bank rate, open market operation
d. None of above
Q7. To counter the effect of deflation, which of the following steps should RBI initiate?
1. decrease reserve ratios
2. buy government securities through open market operation
3. increase policy rate
Answer choices

only 1 and 2
only 2 and 3
only 1 and 3
1, 2 and 3

Q8. To counter inflation, which of the following steps should RBI initiate?
1. Increase reserve ratios
2. sell government securities through open market operation
3. Increase policy rate
Answer choices

only 1 and 2
only 2 and 3
only 1 and 3
1, 2 and 3

Q9. Which of the following may cause deflation in the economy?

1. RBI raises policy rate
2. RBI raises cash reserve ratio
3. RBI sells securities



Mrunal Explained: Monetary Policy, Rep, SLR, CRR, Qualitative Tools


only 1
only 2
only 1
all 1,2



Q10. Money supply in the economy, is affected by

1. Cheap money policy and dear money policy.
2. Open market operation and Moral Suasion.
3. Consumer credit regulation and loan to value ratio.

only 1 and 2
only 2 and 3
only 1 and 3
all 1, 2 and 3

Q11. An increase in SLR

1. will restrict the expansion of banks credit
2. will increase banks investment in safe securities
3. will ensure solvency of the banks

only 1
only 2
only 1
all 1,2



Mains/interview type questions- after we check Urjit Patels recommendations on

strengthening monetary policy.
1. can increase by buying, can decrease by selling
2. both [or only B, depending on how UPSC examiner interprets the effect of taxation
on money supply. In one of the reputed book on Banking and finance, author
Narayan Nadar claimed taxation can affect money supply.]
3. dear money policy during deflation =adds insult to the injury of businessman. If
government reduces tax- then its revenue collection will drastically reduce. So both
incorrect. [OR debatable- depending on how UPSC examiner interprets the effect of
taxation during deflation.]
4. directly given in the article.
5. see the last table in the article
6. see the last table in the article
7. observe the table before the topic repo rate in recent years
8. same as above
9. same as above
10. All correct. (Unless you nitpick and drag the logic too much.)
11. same as above.
Visit For more on Money, Banking, Finance, Taxation and Economy.

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