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Second Grading

Science and Health
Name: _____________________________________ Grade: _________________ Date: ______________
School: ______________________________ Teacher: __________________ Score: _______ Rating: ______
Direction: Encircle the correct answer.
1. Which of these animals are born as baby animals?
a. crocodile
b. turtle
c. monkey
d. bird
2. Which animals are hatched from eggs?
a. Lizard, eagle, duck
c. cat, dog, horse
b. Monkey, carabao, goat
d. cow, snakes, turtles
3. Why does a snake need to shed its skin?
a. It is growing bigger
b. It is getting smaller
c. It is dying
d. It is sick
4. What is the third stage in the life cycle of a butterfly?
a. an egg
b. an adult
c. a pupa
d. a caterpillar
5. In what stage of a butterflys life is the caterpillar?
a. egg stage
b. larval stage
c. pupal stage
d. adult stage
6. What is the young of a grasshopper called?
a. nymph
b. caterpillar
c. tadpole
d. naiad
7. A flower has parts that are responsible for the making of seeds. These are ________.
a. pistil and stamen
b. sepals and petals c. style and pollens d. filament and ovary
8. The male reproductive organ of a flower is ________.
a. anther
b. pollen
c. pistil
d. stamen
9. The female reproductive organ of a flower is the ______.
a. ovule
b. pistil
c. stamen
d. ovary
10. Pollination is important in ________.
a. production of seeds b. planting seeds
c. scattering seeds
d. germinating seeds
11. Which sentence best describes fertilization in flower? It is __________.
a. The union of the sperm cell and the egg cell in the ovary
b. The transfer of the pollen grains from the anther to the stigma
c. The replanting of seeding
d. The production of seeds
12. It protects the embryo.
a. root
b. leaf
c. seedcoat
13. It grows into a young plant.
a. seedcoat
b. endosperm
c. embryo
14. It provides food to the young plant.
a. seedcoat
b. embryo
c. endosperm
15. Which of these is not a part of a seed?
a. flower
b. embryo
c. seedcoat
16. Which statement is true?
a. all plants have seeds
b. seeds grow from petals
c. all seeds have embryos
17. The hypocotyl is a part of the plant embryo or seedling that is _______.
a. below the cotyledon
b. above the cotyledon
c. beside the cotyledon
18. The epicotyl is a part of the embryo of the seed that grows into _______.
a. leaves
b. roots
c. stem
19. A flowering plant whose seeds have one seed leaf or cotyledon is _____.
a. a monocot
b. a dicot
c. an embryo
20. A flowering plant whose seeds have two seed leaves or cotyledon is _______.
a. a monocot
b. a dicot
c. an embryo
21. A corn seed is an example of _______.
a. a monocot
b. a dicot
c. an endosperm

22. The part of the seed that grows into a young plant is _______.
a. embryo
b. seedcoat
c. endosperm
23. The part of the flower that becomes fruit is the _______.
a. ovary
b. ovule
c. stigma
d. style
24. One of the following is not an agent of pollination.
a. insect
b. sunlight
c. wind
d. water
25. Seeds can be dispersed to the other places through which of these modules?
a. wind
b. water
c. animals
d. all a, b, and c
26. A plant that reproduces asexually grows from a ________.
a. seed
b. flower
c. ovary
d. stem
27. How do you handle a dog safely?
a. Provide a leash for the dog
c. Give the dog a bone
b. Keep the dog inside your house
d. Provide a strong doghouse
28. Where should you hold a live fish?
a. Pull it by its tail b. Hold it by the head c. Hold in by the fins d. Hold it by the tail and fins
29. How should you protect yourself from bees?
a. Do not disturb the beehive
c. Take away their honey
b. Destroy the beehive
d. Burn the bees
Give an example of animals lay eggs.
30. a. ducks
b. goat
c. carabao
31. a. turtle
b. horse
c. pig
32. a. cat
b. alligator c. dog
33. How do you handle animals safely?
a. Play with a cat by pulling its tail
b. Take puppies away from their mother
c. Keep pet bird away from small children
34. How are animals harmful to us?
a. Houseflies and cockroaches feed on uncovered food and wastes
b. Leather in shoes, bags, jackets, and wallets come from the skin of some animals
c. Fruit eating birds spread seeds in their flight.
35. What are the stages of butterfly?
a. eggs, caterpillar, pupa, adult
b. nymph, caterpillar, adult
c. egg, tadpole, adult
36. Select the male reproductive of a flower.
a. stamen
b. pistil
c. flower
37. How does fertilization in flower lead to the formation of seeds? Choose one.
a. The ovule consisting of the embryo, endosperm, and coat becomes the seed.
b. When the seed germinates
c. When the plant scattered
38. Rearrange the following stages of cockroach.
a. adult, egg, nymph
b. egg, adult, nymph
c. egg, nymph, adult

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