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Statement from David Haigh

Over the past weeks my online presence has been the subject of numerous attempts to
illegally hack my websites, emails, twitter and other online accounts as have those of my
family. I believe these are likely to have emanated from those that had access to the gfhcapital domains, where many of my accounts were still registered. I can only assume these
actions have been attempted in what appears to be a desperate scramble to find (or fabricate)
evidence of wrong doing where of course none exists.
Given the above alarming breaches of my privacy and data protection, my team has taken the
necessary steps to secure my online and private information and is now investigating these
various attempts to breach my privacy as well as the additional abuse of my Human Rights
which they comprise.
As part of this investigation my legal team have written to GFH's lawyers to enquire why my
mail appears to have been intercepted and opened by GFH executive Jinesh Patel. They have
also questioned why I am told GFH have indicated in the DIFC court that they have access to
keys to my home and, crucially, why my private information obtained as a former employee
and via various Court freeze orders (to which I was unable to defend and to respond
adequately due to my incarceration) has I believe been misused by GFH and their advisors in
a malicious attempt to damage me publicly.
These attempts have included making public elements of my private life and indeed the
medication I take and falsely accusing me of wrong doing. I believe these actions to be
defamatory, a breach of DIFC and English court orders, Human Rights and any standard of
basic decency expected of a former employer let alone a regulated Islamic investment bank
whose shares are listed. Perhaps unsurprisingly no responses have yet been received to my
lawyers' questions. Similarly my team has also written to GFH's legal advisors to ask why I
was the subject of harassment, threats of abuse of the judicial process utilising GFH's Dubai
contacts and demands of money by their legal team shortly after my incarceration. Again
these enquiries have not so far met with any response.
After more than six months in prison without charge or proof or ANY wrong doing on my
part, both myself and my team are deeply concerned when we consider the actions and past
actions of GFH from its Bahrain HQ, some of which I set out below.
In compiling my defence, I have pieced together many acts of GFH including those that I
believe evidence the hacking of IT systems and the manipulation of records both financial
and legal by GFH by and / or under instruction of the CEO, who prior to GFH ran a small IT
To quote GFH it would appear that GFH is all too familiar with compromise of our [GFH]
corporate computer systems allbeit by themselves when I believe they want to cover up what
I believe to be their own illegitimate acts. For an institution that is meant to be secure and
regulated, I find it astonishing that this occurred and I believe this should be of grave concern
to GFHs shareholders, investor and regulators.
Something else IT-related that has come to mind that I believe is relevant is my recollection
of a midnight raid (before I became MD) on the offices of Leeds United FC at Elland Road
and Thorpe Arch instructed by GFH CEO Hisham Alrayes. Under the cover of darkness

private investigators retained by GFH entered the offices of Ken Bates, Shaun Harvey, Gwyn
Williams, Neil Warnock and many others and removed and copied the hard drives of
computers, some of the results of which were in my opinion later misused in vindicate and
personal attacks and legal cases to benefit GFH with I believe the full knowledge of Gibson
Dunn. All of this was carried out without permission or knowledge of the staff or those who
were targeted.
The statement issued last week by my former employers concerning is quite
simply untrue. I am the registrant and owner of the domain This domain
does not belong to GFH and never has. (Incidentally, it would be interesting to see how GFH
might attempt publicly to prove which of the redirects of the website represents false
accusations and misinformation.)
As GFH have failed to with many service providers who are owed millions of pounds across
the Middle East and beyond, the debt ridden GFH group has failed to pay me for the expenses
of the hosting account for years.
Understandably, in my current financial predicament, with GFH owing me millions of
pounds in unpaid commissions, salary and expenses and with no practical access to my funds
and bank accounts and still effectively not able to pay for food, living expenses or indeed to
fully pay my legal team I am neither willing nor able to continue to fund GFH's online
presence further.
It should be noted at this stage that two requests were received by GFH and their
representatives to buy the website these were declined. Cleary if it was only administration
rights as claimed by GFH one would not need to buy it.
As the deeply personal attacks on me by GFH and their numerous legal and PR companies
intensify, so do their costs in their harassment of me. I am told that these are now well in
excess of GBP2.5 million and expected to top GBP4 5 million. All this to pursue a GBP 3.6
million claim for money which belongs to me and represents salary, bonuses, expenses and
commissions. Clearly this cannot be in GFH's shareholders interest, but in my opinion that is
something that rarely crosses the mind of the GFH management as many past CEOs of the
group, who have also suffered vindictive litigation, broken commitments and significant
financial losses upon their departure of the various GFH group companies, will I believe
agree. I believe the whole process comprises nothing less than a desperate attempt to bury me
in litigation and silence me by an implicated senior management team looking for a
In response to GFH's totally unwarranted actions against me we now have various court cases
in process against GFH and its senior management in Dubai and England, with more to
follow. My team has also started and will continue reporting to the authorities in the UK, US,
Iran and the Middle East the various acts of GFH along with the comprehensive evidence to
back them up which is now beginning to come to light.
Meanwhile, my major focus now is on finalising my comprehensive defence to the baseless
allegations brought against me by GFH. Again, this will be backed up by comprehensive
evidence which is now finally being unearthed - despite all the efforts of GFH to deprive me
of the necessary access to documents, funds, food, files and lawyers. I will issue a separate

update statement on my defence shortly which unfortunately given the disability of

incarceration has taken longer that I would have liked.
As to the ever amazing Leeds fans you really do deserve to know the truth about GFH and I
promise I will do my utmost to bring it to you as I aimed to do shortly before I was lured to
Dubai by Deceit. GFH have no place in Leeds United and having been the one that bought
them I can only apologise to you as I feel at least in part at fault for the shambles they created
and the mess they left behind I did my best to control them, I wasnt always successful.
As always I want to thank everyone for their support, from the Leeds fans, friends, families,
supporters advisors. A massive thank you to the fans that managed to send me some Leeds
United match reports and specially my thanks and appreciation to the Dubai authorities for
their continued honour and professionalism and to the custody police at Bur Dubai Police
Station which has been my home for more than 6 months. I believe Dubai is a great city and
that GFH have no place here.

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