MLM 0874 TribeQa Presentation TheGroupIQ Feb2009

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Together We Are Smarter Then We Think

Challenging The Establishment on Quality
The Founding Partners


Jaap Jongbloed behoort tot de gezichtsbepalende programmamakers van
Hilversum (TROS). Hij is presentator en eindredacteur van 'Vermist‘ en “het
mooiste meisje van de klas”. Een lange carrière vanaf TROS Aktua,
'Jongbloed & Joosten', Crime Time, Deadline en nu Vermist. In 2001 was
Jaap genomineerd voor de titel Omroepman van het jaar.


Eikelboom startte zijn loopbaan in 1985 bij E.F. Hutton&Co (Shearson Lehman
Hutton). In 1990 stapte hij over naar Effectenbank Stroeve; in 1999 naar
Borghols en in 2004 richtte hij TribeQa op. TribeQa ontwikkelt
businessconcepten in eigen beheer en zoekt daarna externe financiers en
operationele partners voor de expansie van de onderneming.

1. Improving Member Performance

2. The People
3. Consumer Adoption
4. Getting Sticky Members
5. The Wisdom Engine
6. Making Money
7. Operational Excellence
Will social networking revolutionize personal finance?

“ The rise of social networking could have a profound

effect on banking and personal finance. As companies
combine massive databases of financial transactions with
the “collective intelligence” of a networked customer
base, interesting things can happen.

What if these new social networks functioned as financial

co-ops, pooling their assets to negotiate favorable terms
from financial providers? ”

Jim Bruene
The Online Banking Report

1.1- What does The GroupIQ offer?

The GroupIQ offers consumers an online platform that

helps them make smarter and more profitable financial
decisions, through our Group Intelligence.
1.2- How does The GroupIQ improve performance? Part I

To help individual investors make smarter decisions the

GroupIQ employs the collective intelligence of the Crowd
(all members together).

We aggregate small pieces of personal information of our

members in a huge database, called the GIQ Brains. With
the aggregated knowledge we gain a unique and valuable
inside perspective on financial institutions, products and

In fact, we make the financial world substantially more

transparent from the bottom-up. (!!!)
1.3- How does The GroupIQ improve performance? Part II

The second step in improving member performance is

the selection of superior products. The Crowd uses its
collective judgment to validate superior opportunities.
Our method yields objective, well-researched and
trusted solutions.

In addition, we filter out mediocre advisors and

products that only survive on brand image and
consumer ignorance.
1.4- How does The GroupIQ improve performance? Part III

Setting up an effective personal investment strategy

and choosing an effective mix in the portfolio is an
essential part in making money with less risk.

The GroupIQ aggregates the expertise of professional

investors to design and maintain a ‘rule-based’
framework for 10-25 personal strategies.

The framework enables us to connect Crowd validated

recommendations to personal investment strategies.
1.5- How does The GroupIQ improve performance? Part IV

 Access to the Top. We enable members to buy ‘million dollar

funds’ for a much lower minimum by pooling investments.

 Improve decisions. The GroupIQ Decision Wizard helps

investors make smart & more structured decisions.

 Performance analysis. We rank our member universe.

 Continued supervision. The Crowd keeps tracking products.

The GroupIQ offers a powerful support system that could

improve decisions and performances substantially.

2.1- Which groups are involved in the process? Part I

 The Community Manager (TeamTribeQa) is responsible

for the whole organization.

 The Producers (active members) introduce new ideas,

do research, upload new content, compete for best
ideas and so on. It is a small, but crucial group that
shares substantially in the revenues.

 The (not so active) members contribute insight in their

personal financial life giving us valuable information on
institutions, products and advisors.

2.2- Which groups are involved in the process? Part II

 Financial advisors (& other groups) use the platform to

create their own secured sub-community. They combine
the GroupIQ content with their own. They earn extra
revenues by selling solutions to a wider audience and
(the best) get extra clients referred by the GroupIQ.

 Product providers & financial websites get their own

webpage showcasing their expertise in an objective way,
as supervised by the Crowd.

 The Strategic Partners deliver the trading platform,

media, AFM license, content, prediction market
software, financial tools, online TV, etc.

3.1 Where does the GROUP^IQ stand for?
3.2- Do financial consumers need the GroupIQ?

92% of all investors lack the expertise, savvy,

experience or oversight to maximize their financial

Most investors are unable to set up and execute a

sound, coherent investment strategy. They have
problems dealing with 30% - 60% loosing decisions.
They get lost in the overkill of products and services.

They need a professional support system!

3.3- How big is the Market?

50 million Europeans, commanding hundreds of billions

in assets, are demanding better advice for
(€500.000.000+) fees they are paying every year.

Their portfolios, reduced to an average value of €40.000

have lost 25%-75% in the downturn. Shell-shocked as they
are, the smart investor knows that she needs to rebuild
the portfolio for the next upswing.

Who will be their main advisor?

3.4- Will consumers adopt the GroupIQ?

Undeniably, there is a big need and a huge market. But

consumers will not adopt us as easily as they will buy the
latest album of Coldplay or Beyoncé. On a deeper level,
consumers are shell-shocked, angry and highly skeptical
to any ‘new solution’.

We need to do an OBAMA! We need to meet them, to

talk to them, work with them, and educate them
through webinars and the GroupIQ TV.

We need to show solutions for real cases proving that

working together improves performance.


4.1- What are the pre-conditions for success?

We have set out a route to build Trust & Authority, which

is an absolute pre-condition for distribution & growth.

 Build Trust by attracting VIP ambassadors

 Build Authority through investigative reports

 Delegate Power to the members

 Attract a partner with a broad media platform

 Offer a solid website that is easy to navigate

4.2- How will the community grow?

 Financial advisors and other groups build their own sub-

community . Some (international) groups/advisors will
introduce 1.500 members and others 10.000. Our B2B
approach could trigger fast growth!

 Smart P.R. will deliver traffic, member conversions and


 We offer substantial incentives for members to build their

own Smart Friends Network. (viral growth)

 We partner up with other social networks to

communicate with non-members through our widgets.
4.3- Do you differentiate between target groups?

 First we attract producers testing the infrastructure

and selecting the first list of great products.

 Then we target opportunistic investors looking for a

good deal. They have an open mind, are money-
oriented, risk-takers and comfortable online.

 After that we will go after the biggest group:

balanced and more conservative investors. To be
successful, we need to extend our core message to
include detailed testimonials that the GroupIQ not only
improves performance but also reduces risk.
4.4- What are the distinguishing features of the GroupIQ?

 Selection by the Crowd

 Validations by the Crowd
 Intelligent, personal advice
 Solid investment strategies
 Access to the Top
 Decision-making wizard
 Continued portfolio supervision

To turn out sticky members The GroupIQ needs to become a

strong opinion leader. Also we need to create activity on the
website like best friends competing in Rank Your Performance,
sharp investigative publications (GroupIQ TV) and competitions
like Best Investor Race and The Big Kahuna.


5.1- What is the essence of Collective Intelligence?

“Diversity and independence are important,

because the best collective decisions are the
product of disagreement and contest, not
consensus or compromise.”

James Surowiecki,
Author of the Wisdom of Crowds
5.2- How do you aggregate People opinion’s?

The Wisdom Engine consists of a series of selection

methods to extract ‘collective intelligence’ from the
Crowd. The techniques and algorithms are more or
less public knowledge.

The most important aspect of the Wisdom Engine is

our ability to define challenges in such a way that the
Crowd judgment results in practical solutions for
personal strategies.
5.3- What is the significance of Collective Intelligence?

Our collective intelligence is superior to the wisdom of any

advisor, provided the right conditions are met. (see 5.4)

‘Experts, no matter how smart, only have limited amounts of

information. They also, like all of us, have biases. It's very rare
that one person can know more than a large group of people,
and almost never does that same person know more about a
whole series of questions’.

The GroupIQ aims to go beyond static knowledge to

create an intelligent system that leads to (trans)actions.
5.4- What are the qualities that make the Crowd smart?

 It needs to be diverse, so that people are bringing

different pieces of information to the table.

 It needs to be decentralized, so that no one at the top

is dictating the crowd's answer.

 It needs a way of summarizing people's opinions into

one collective verdict.

 And the people in the crowd need to be independent,

so that they pay attention mostly to their own
information, and not worrying about what everyone
around them thinks.

6.1- How does the GroupIQ make money?

The bottom line is that we are a distribution platform

for third party products. We are matchmakers.

 We receive a fee per transaction. We can increase

revenues by expanding the fields for the Wisdom

 Members pay ‘believers fees’ (€10-€25) when

competing for the best ideas & selections.

 Corporate members will pay an annual subscription.

6.2- How much will the average member spend?

In our calculations we assume the launch of at least 6-8

major services. Our ultimate financial goal is to reach
€1.000.000,= net profits within 5-7 years, depending on
market conditions.

Members will spend an average €75,= per year. Based on

our 40% revenue sharing model we have net revenues of
€45,= per member. With a 20% net profit margin we realize
€9,= net profits per member.

Our community should therefore be around 120.000

members. Lower average spending needs to be countered
with higher member volumes.

7.1- What is the most critical success factor?

TeamTribeQa, a small group of people, coordinates

and works together with producers, advisors and
strategic partners to service the members.

Finding the right partners and the right people for

TeamTribeQa will probably be the most critical
success factor in the whole enterprise.
7.2- What are practical issues to work on?

In this presentation we showed the total framework for our company,

but the individual parts will be implemented one step at the time.

The GIQ Brains National TV Program

The Website GroupIQ TV
Trading Platform Supervising Board
Services & Product Development VIP Ambassadors
Getting (corporate) Members Build Widgets
Getting Partners Human Resources
Moderate Content The Big Kahuna
AFM License Rule-based Framework
Compliance Other items
Best Investor Race

Address Darwinplantsoen 5
P.O.Box 3743

Contact Robert L. Eikelboom

Cell +31-6-5111.4325


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