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home budget debate



As part of the Government’s plan to develop the childcare sector, 200 childcare centres will
be opening by 2013, adding to the 749 centres currently available. ST FILE PHOTO

Hold off childcare fee hike: Vivian

their intention to do so since last August. Another reason he gave for keeping develop the childcare sector. While childcare centres are run by vari-
Given Jobs Credit grant The Government had announced then their fees affordable is that competition is This means more jobs and to attract ous community and private providers, Dr
a $150 increase in childcare subsidy as set to stiffen, with 200 new childcare cen- more people to be childcare teachers, the
and downturn, childcare part of its procreation package to boost tres opening in the next few years. MCYS will offer scholarships and bursa-
Balakrishnan pointed out that the Govern-
ment does not adopt a hands-off ap-
Singapore’s fertility rate. Dr Balakrishnan was responding to Mr ries to those who take up relevant train-
centres should not raise However, the average fee increase was Yeo Guat Kwang (Aljunied GRC) who was ing courses, he said.
proach in regulating the sector.
All centres are licensed by MCYS.
$78, the minister said. worried that rising fees had eroded the Noting that the Ministry of Education
prices this year, he says Still, he feels they ought to hold off benefits of a higher childcare subsidy. (MOE) will be introducing the Accelerat-
Those that exceed regulation require-
ments receive licences of a longer dura-
any increase as these centres benefit from Mr Yeo had also asked about the quali- ed Diploma for Kindergarten Education, tion, he said.
BY SUE-ANN CHIA the Government’s Jobs Credit scheme, ty of preschool education, prompting the he added that MCYS is working with “I would urge parents to look at the li-
which gives them a cash grant to help low- minister to map out how the Government MOE to extend this course to childcare
cence duration as a means of gauging
DR VIVIAN Balakrishnan yesterday urged er the cost of hiring local workers. They is investing in this sector. teachers too.
quality,” he said.
childcare centres not to raise their fees get up to $300 a month for each worker. Currently, there are 482 kindergartens His ministry is also working with the
this year as families are struggling to “Given this benefit and the economic and 749 childcare centres. They cater to Workforce Development Agency to start His ministry is also exploring ways to
cope with the downturn. downturn, childcare centres should play 97.5 per cent of children aged five and six a similar accelerated programme to at- put more information on a childcare cen-
The Minister for Community Develop- their part in ensuring the affordability of years old, as well as 30.6 per cent of chil- tract mid-career professionals to be child- tre, such as the teachers’ qualifications
ment, Youth and Sports (MCYS) dis- childcare services for our families and dren aged 18 months to six years. care teachers. and its health records, on the online Child
closed that 132, or 18 per cent of centres, children,” he said during the debate on Another 200 centres will open by The target: Up to 300 training places Care Link System.
have increased their fees or signalled his ministry’s budget in Parliament. 2013, as part of the Government’s plan to over the next three years.

We’ll be Ministries
ready for may join
Youth online
Olympics: feedback
Ser Luck forum
IN LINE with a recent move to engage citi-
BY TERRENCE VOON zens online, government officials could
& LIN XINYI soon be responding directly to comments
on an Internet discussion board.
WITH just 18 months to go before Dr Amy Khor, chairman of Reach, the
the Youth Olympic Games (YOG), the Government’s official feedback arm, said
clock is ticking for organisers of the she was holding talks with ministries to
inaugural event. join the discussion on Reach’s website.
And with Singapore in the grip of “Recognising that the whole process of
a financial downturn, can the coun- engagement and consultation is as impor-
try deliver a top-notch sporting show tant as the outcome itself, Reach will con-
next year? tinue to work with government agencies
The answer, said Senior Parliamen- to act on and respond to feedback in a
tary Secretary (Community Develop- timely manner and keep contributors ap-
ment, Youth and Sports) Teo Ser prised of the status of their feedback,”
Luck, is still a resounding yes. she said in Parliament yesterday.
Addressing queries by MPs yester- “Towards this end, government agen-
day, he acknowledged there had been
cies could, where it is useful, respond to
“a lull” in YOG-related activities
feedback on our discussion forums.”
since the historic bid was won last
year. Minister for Community Develop-
But a slew of initiatives is being ment, Youth and Sports Vivian
lined up this year, as organisers gear A slew of initiatives has already been lined up this year as organisers gear up for the final round of preparations for the Youth Olympics in 2010, Balakrishnan had given Dr Khor the task
up for the final lap of preparations including engagement activities with schools and community events to create more buzz. ST FILE PHOTO of addressing Reach-related questions in
for the Games in 2010. the debate on the ministry’s budget.
“This year, we’re going to roll out Her words were yet another indication
several engagement activities with Formed last September, the SYSD could still be met.
the schools and even at the district committee has been given the task of “I’m also having a bit of a hard
level to actually encourage more and preparing local athletes for the inau- time to meet some of the targets,” he
Public can use 15 of the Government’s changing mindset to-
wards e-engagement.
Last month, it accepted the suggestion
more community events that will cre- gural Games and strengthening the acknowledged.
ate the buzz again,” he said.
This includes partnering voluntary
Singapore sports system. “But you can be assured that the
But even as the preparations go in- interest among the potential spon-
school sports halls from the Advisory Council on the Impact
of New Media on Society to step up on-
line engagement.
welfare organisations such as the Har- to high gear, several MPs wondered if sors is still there, though maybe the
the Games would be scuppered by quantum is a bit smaller.” BY THE end of next month, 15 school indoor sports Yesterday’s discussion of the topic
vest Care Centre for a cul-
tural and heritage event in But it is not just big compa- halls located islandwide will be open for public use. was prompted by Mr Baey Yam Keng
April, and the Institute of 쏆 nies that can help boost the This is the first time that government efforts to (Tanjong Pagar GRC). He had said that
Technical Education, sponsorship kitty. He urged lo- make sports facilities more accessible have been ex- some Singaporeans have the notion that
which is organising a basic WE CAN STILL MEET TARGET cal small- and medium-sized tended to include the use of school indoor sports halls. their feedback to the Government goes in-
service excellence training enterprises to come forward Senior Parliamentary Secretary (Community Devel- to a black hole.
programme for 20,000 vol- “You can be assured that the interest among the and support the cause. opment, Youth and Sports) Teo Ser Luck announced Dr Khor, who is also the South West
unteers. potential sponsors is still there, though maybe the “We will exercise flexibili- in Parliament yesterday that the move is part of an on- District Mayor, assured Singaporeans
Another key initiative an- quantum is a bit smaller.” ty to tailor the sponsorship going drive to raise sports participation. that every view was heard.
nounced yesterday: satel- Senior Parliamentary Secretary (Community Development, packages to suit companies. Since 2003, school fields have been made available She outlined two measures Reach had
lite training centres for se- Youth and Sports) Teo Ser Luck, on concerns that sponsorship SMEs can also consider form- to the public. As of last year, 120 school fields have put in place to “close the loop”.
lected Olympic sports in for the YOG may shrink ing a consortium with their been open to the public during weekends.
There is a monthly newsletter, both in
each of the four school counterparts to support the The latest announcement follows the positive re-
YOG.” print and online, that highlights various
zones. sponse to a pilot programme at four schools – Ander-
The other piece of good son Secondary, Bedok View Secondary, Pasir Ris Sec- policy changes due to feedback.
In the coming months, the weak economy.
promising secondary school students news is that the current shortage of ondary and Yishun Town Secondary. Summaries of the feedback and govern-
Mr Liang Eng Hwa (Holland-Bukit ment responses to the feedback were also
will be groomed at these centres for Timah GRC), Mr Baey Yam Keng construction materials, as noted by Rates for using the halls will be no different from
the Youth Olympics. The long-term (Tanjong Pagar GRC) and Mr Sin Mr Sin, has not significantly affected what the Singapore Sports Council charges for use of posted on a new section on the website
goal is to provide additional avenues Boon Ann (Tampines GRC) all ex- preparations for the YOG. its sports facilities. called Talk Abuzz.
According to Mr Teo, this is be- Talk Abuzz was launched last Septem-
for youth participation and excel- pressed concerns that corporate spon- cause Singapore will not be building For badminton enthusiast Melody Tan, 24, the
lence in sports. sorship for the YOG may shrink. change is welcome: “Whenever I try to book a court ber and, to date, has 18 government re-
major infrastructure for the Games. plies on matters such as the Budget and
This is part of the Singapore Mr Teo noted that companies are Of the 26 sports featured, 22 will online, it’s always fully booked. By opening up school
Youth Sports Development (SYSD) more cautious now when it comes to be held in existing venues that re- halls, there will be more courts available and more op- the controversy over housing foreign
committee’s plans to increase partici- sponsorship, but gave the assurance quire either temporary overlays or up- portunities to play.” workers in Serangoon Gardens.
pation in sports. that the YOG’s target of $50 million grading works. LIN XINYI JEREMY AU YONG

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