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f nger fooC and

light bites
Standing-and-eating food has to be easy to eat
and sufficiently satisfying to keep everyone
munching through hours of chatting.





158 Finger Food and Light Bites

Grilled Polenta with Gorgonzola

This delicious, hot ltalian-style
snack can be serued with any
creamy cheese, but a richly
flavoured blue cheese looks
attractive and tastes fabulous.
Here the polenta is cut into

triangles but you could make

different shapes if you like.

Serves 6-8
1.5 litres/21/2 pints/61/t cups water

5ml/1 tbsp salt

350911 2ozl21/z cups polenta

(corn) flour

2259/8oz Gorgonzola or other creamy

blue cheese, at room temperature

1 Bring the water to the boil in a large

heavy pan over a medium heat. Add

spoon and continue to stir the polenta

the salt. Reduce the heat so that the

over a low to medium heat until it is a

water is simmering and begin to add

thick mass and pulls away from the

the polenta flour in a steady stream.

sides of the pan. This may take from

Switch to a long-handled wooden

Stir constantly with a whisk until the

25*50 minutes, depending on the type

polenta has all been incorporated.

of flour used. For best results, never

stop stirring the polenta until you
remove it from the heat. However,
note that if you are using quick-cook

polenta, it will take far less time to


about 5 minutes.

3 When the po enta

is cooked,

sprinkle a work surface or large board

with a little water. Spread the polenta

out on the surface in alayer 2cm/3/oin
thick. Leave to cool completely.
Preheat the grill (broiler).

4 Cut the polenta into triangles.


(broil) until hot and speckled with

brown on both sides. Spread the
triangies with the Gorgonzola or other
cheese. 5erve immediately.

Finger Food and Light Bites l69

Buckwheat Blinis with Mushroom Caviar

These little Russian pancakes are

traditionally served with

ish roe,

caviar and sour cream. Here is a

vegetarian alternative that uses

selection of delicious wild

mushrooms in place of the f ish roe.
The blinis can be made ahead of

time and warmed in the oven just

before topping.

Serves 4
1159/4oz/1 cup strong white

bread flour
50gl2oz/1/z cup buckwheat flour

) 5ml/t/) tsn salt






tsp easy-blend (rapid-rise)

dried yeast

2 eggs, separated
200m1/7fl oz/scant

cup saur cream or

crdme fraiche
For the caviar

3509/12o2 mixed wild mushrooms

such as field (portabello)
mushrooms, orange birch bolete,
bay boletus and oyster


tsp celery salt

ft the white breac '

30ml/2 tbsp walnut oil

15ml/1 tbsp lemon juice

45ml/3 tbsp chopped fresh parsley

salt nto a large m x ng

ground black pepper

warrn the milk to approx

-' a-:

buckwheat flour toQOif '


-- .-e

oor. Ceri

l, o ood

temperature. Add the veas., s:r.' nq

1 To make the cav ar, trirn and chop
lhe rrsr"ooms, rhen place thea in
g,ass bowl, loss

and cover



lhe cele'y


unt I d ssoved, then porr -,c :r-"

flour, add the egg yo KS aro sI r to
rnake a smooth batter. Co.,er !r th a

a we qhred p ate.

c ean damp dishtowe

warm place for

Leave the mushrooms for about
2 hours, unt I the juices have run out


ea\,,e n a


4 Wh

sk the egg

whites n


a c ean

into the base of the bowl. Rinse the

grease free bowl

mushrooms thorough y to remove the

fold then-r into the r sen batter.

siiff, ihen

with the back of

a spoon.

Return them to the bowl and toss w th

o l, then drop spoonfuls of the batter

on to tne surlare. Wher brbbles 'i>e

to the top, turn them over and cook

salt, drain and press out as much liquid

as you can

Heat an iron pan or qriddle to a

moderate temperature. IVoisten w th

coot(,s TIP

br ef y on the other s de.

It is important that there are no traces of

grease in the bowl or yolk in the egg

5 Transfer to a serving plate. Spoon on

twist of pepper. Chi I in the refrigerator

whites when they are whisked. 0thetrnlise,

the mushroorn caviar top wiih the sour

unt I ready to serve.

they will not foam up and become stiff

crearn or crdme fraiche. and serve.

wa nut ol

emon juice, parsley and

170 Finger Food and Light Bites


Pa n ca


These light pancakes originate

from Russia, where they are serued

with caviar. Here they are topped
with an equally luxurious mixture
of sour cream and smoked salmon.

Serves 6
t l5g/4oz floury healy) potatoes,

boiled and mashed


5ml/ 1 tbsp easy-blend (rapid+ise)

dried yeast

175916oz/11/z cups plain (all-

purpose) flour

Place the mashed potatoes, dried

lukewarm water Mix together well.

Cook the potato pancakes over

medium heat for about 2 minutes,

to rise in a warm

Place for

90ml/6 tbsp sour cream

about 30 minutes, until the mixture

salt and ground black pepper

Heat a non-stick frying Pan and

pour in 300m1/72 pinIlll/r cuPs

oil, for frying

slices smoked salmon

add a little oil. Drop spoonfuls of the

mixture on to the preheated Pan.

yeast and flour in a large bowl and


has doubled in size.

until lightly golden on the underside,

turn with a spatula and cook on the
second side for about I minute.

lemon slices, to garnish


Season the pancakes

with some salt

salmon and garnish with fresh dill.

and pepper and transfer them to a

warm platter Top with a little sour

These small pancakes can easily be

cream and a small slice of smoked

prepared in advance and stored in the

pancakes with sour cream or tapenade

salmon folded on top. Garnish with a

refrigerator until ready for use. Simply

and halved, hard-boiled quail's eggs or

final grind of black pepper and slices

warm them through in a low oven.

cherry tomatoes.

of lemon and serve immediatelY.

CO(}!('S TIP

Substitute salmon roe for the smoked

For a

vegetarian version, top the

Finger Food and Light Bites 171

Cannellini Bean and Rosemary Bruschetta

This sophisticated, ltalian variation
on the theme of beans on toast
makes an unusual party snack.

Serves 6
509/5oz/2/a cup dried cannellini beans

5 tomatoes
45ml/3 tbsp olive oil, plus extra
for drizzling
2 sun-dried tomatoes in oil, drained

and finely chopped

garlic clove, crushed


tbsp chopped fresh rosemary

slices ltalian-style bread, such

as ciabatta

large garlic clove

salt and ground black pepper

handful of fresh basil leaves, to garnish

Put the beans in a bowl, add

sufficient cold water to cover and leave

to soak overnight.
2 Drain and rinse the beans, then
place in a pan and cover with fresh
water. Bring to the boil and boil rapidly

for 10 minutes. Then simmer for

50-60 minutes, or until tender. Drain,
return [o the pan and keep warm.

3 Meanwhile, place the tomatoes in a

bowl, cover with boiling water; leave
for 30 seconds, then peel, seed and

4 Add the tomato mixture to the

5 Rub the cut sides of the bread slices

cannellini beans and season to taste

with the garlic clove, then toast them

chop the flesh. Heat the oil in a frying

with salt and pepper. Mix together

lightly on both sides. Spoon the

pan, add the fresh and sun-dried

well. Keep the bean mixture warm.

cannellini bean mixture evenly on top

tomatoes, garlic and rosemary Cook

of the toast. Sprinkle with basil leaves

for 2 minutes until the tomatoes

begin to break down and soften.

and drizzle with d linle exlra ol.\e 3

before serving.

172Finger Food and Light Bites

Deep-fried New Potatoes with Saffron Aioli

with salt

Serve these crispy golden potatoes

dipped into a garlicky mayonnaise

- and watch them disappear.

and pepper to taste, then add the

Season the mayonnaise

crushed garlic and beat the mixture

thoroughly to combine.

Serves 4
20 baby, new or salad potatoes
vegetable oil, for deep-frying


salt and ground black pepper

For the aioli


egg yolk

1 To make the aioli put the egg yolk

in a bowl with the Dijon mustard and

2.5mll1/z tsp Dijon mustard

a pinch of salt. Stir to mix together

300mll1/z pint/11h cups extra virgin

well. Using a balloon whisk or an

olive oil
5-30m1/1 2 tbsp lemon juice

electric mixer, beat in the olive oil very

gradually, drop by drop at first and

garlic clove, crushed

then in a very thin stream. Stir in the

add 10ml/2 tsp hot water

lemon juice.

saffron with the back of a teaspoon to

2.5m1/1/z tsp saffron threads

Place the saffron in a small

bow and



extract the colour and flavour, then


to infuse (steep) for 5 minutes.

Beat the saffron and the soaking liquid

into the aioli.

4 Cool the polatoes in their

sk ns in a

large pan of lightly salted, boiling

water for 5 minutes, then turn off the

heal. Cover the pan and leave to stand

for 'l 5 minutes. Drain the potatoes

well, then dry them thoroughly in

clean dishtowel.

5 Heat a 'lcm/%in layer of vegetable

oil in a deep pan. When the oil is very
hot, add the potatoes and cook
quickly, turning them constantly, until
crisp and golden all over Drain well on

kitchen paper, transfer to a warm

platter and serve rmmediately with the
saffron aioli.

Finger Food and Ljghi Br:es t73

Fried Rice Balls Stuffed with Mozzarella

These deep-fried balls of risotto go

the name ol Suppli al Telefono

in their native ltaly because the

strings of melted mozzarella
resemble telephone wires. Stuffed

with mozzarella

cheese, they are

very popular snacks, which is hardly



they are quite

delicious. They make wonderful

party bites or a great start to any

dinner party meal.

Serves 4

quantity Risotto alla Milanese

3 eggs

nd plai n

(a I I -p u


flour, for dusting


5g/4oz mozzarella cheese, cut into

small cubes
vegetable oil, for deep-frying
dressed frisde lettuce leaves and cherry

tomatoes, to serve (optional)

1 Put the risotto in a bowl and leave it

to cool completely. Beat two of the
eggs and stir them into the cooled

risotto until well mixed.

Use your hands to form the rice

mixture into balls the size of a large

egg. lf the mixture


too moist to hold

4 Heat the oil for deep-frying until

small piece of bread sizzles as soon as

it is dropped in.

its shape well, stir in a few spoonfuls

of breadcrumbs.
3 Poke a hole in the centre of each ball
with your finger, then fill it with small
cubes of mozzarella and close the hole
over again with the rice mixture.

6 DeepJry the rice balls,

a few at a

time, in the hot oil until golden and

crisp. Drain on kitchen paper while the

coot('s TIP

remaining balls are being fried, and

These provide the perfect solution for the

5 Spread out some flour on a plate.

keep warm. Transfer to warm plates

problem of to what to do with leftover

Beat the remaining egg in a shallow

and serve immediately, with dressed

risotto, as they are best made with a cold

bowl. Sprinkle another plate with

fris6e leaves and cherry tomatoes if

mixture, cooked the day before. This also

breadcrumbs. Roll the risotto balls in

serving as an appetizer For finger

makes them a perfect choice for parties as

the flour, then in the egg and, finally,

food, transfer to a warm platter and

much of the preparation is done ahead.

in the breadcrumbs.

serve plain.

'lT4Finger Food and Light Bites

Mini Baked Potatoes with Blue Cheese

These miniature potatoes can be
eaten with the fingers. They

provide a great way of starting off

an informal supper party.

1 Preheat the oven to 1 80"c/350"F/

Cas 4. Wa,h ard dry tl'e polaloes.
loss w tn tne oil in a bowl to (odr.

2 Dip the potatoes

Makes 2()

small new or salad potatoes

in the coarse salt to

coat I ghtly, then spread them out on

baking sheet. Bake for 45-50 minutes,

until the potatoes are tender.

60ml/4 tbsp vegetable oil

coarse salt

2Aml/4fl ozll/z cup sour cream

259/1 oz/1/t cup crumbled blue cheese,

3 ln

a small bowl, combine the sour

cream and b ue cheese, m xing them

together we

4 Cut

a cross in the top of each

potato. Press gently with your f ngers

to open the potatoes.

such as Dolcelatte

30ml/2 tbsp chopped fresh chives,

to garnish

Use a

strong-flavoured cheddar in place

of the blue cheese.

cool('s TtP

5 Top each potato with a generous

This dish works just as well as a light

spoonful of the blue cheese mixture.

on a serving dish and garn

snack; if you don't want to be bothered


with Iots of fiddly small potatoes, simply

with the ch ves. Serve hot or

cool to room temperature.

bake an ordinary baking potato.


leave to

Finqer Food and Light Bites 175




These tasty, traditional "sausages"

are ideal for vegetarians.

Makes 8

50g/5ozl21/z cups fresh breadcrumbs


1/t cu ps


Caerphilly cheese

small leek, very finely chopped


5ml/1 tbsp chopped fresh parsley

leaves from 1 thyme sprig, chopped

2 eggs
7.5m1/11/z tsp English (hot)

mustard powder

about 45ml/3 tbsp milk

plain (all-purpose) flour, for coating
15ml/1 tbsp oil

59/1boz/l tbsp butter melted

salt and ground black pepper

salad leaves and tomato halves, to serve

Preheat the grlll (broiler) and oil the

1 Mix the breadcrumbs, cheese, leek,

grill rack. Mix the oil and melted butter

herbs and seasoning. Whisk the eggs

together and brush the mixture al over

wlth the mustard and

the sausages. Grill (broil) the sausages

reserue 30ml/

for 5-1 0 minutes, turning them

2 tbsp. Stir the rest into the cheese

mixture with enough milk to bind.

carefully every now and then, until

they are golden brown all over. Serve

hot or cold. with salad leaves and

Divide the cheese mixture into eight

portions and form into sausage shapes

tomato halves.

with your hands.

Dip the sausages into the reserued

coor<,s TtPs

egg and nusrard Tixture to coat.


Spread out the flour on a p ate and

advance of the party and open freeze

season with a litt e salt and pepper,

them, then transfer to a bag and seal. To

: ,..$;r:"'

then roll the sausages in t to glve

serve, thaw for about


- - --.;-;=<=

-i<:::::-:::::: '



You can make these sausaqes well in

hour and reheat in

0-l 5 minutes.

light, even coating. Transfer to a plate

a moderately hot oven for I

cover with clear fllm (plastic wrap)

and chill in the refrigerator for about

finger food. Grill (broil) for 5-6 minutes

30 minutes. until firm.

and serve on cocktail sticks (toothpicks).


6 smaller sausages to serve as

176 Finger Food and Light Bites

Son-in-law Eggs
This fascinating name comes from a
delightful story about a prospective

bridegroom who was anxious to

impress his future mother-in-law
and devised a recipe from the only
other dish he knew how to make boiled eggs. The hard-boiled eggs
are deep-fried and then drenched
with a sweet piquant tamarind

1 Combine the palm sugar, soy


Heat a couple of spoonfuls of the oil

and tamarind juice in a small pan.

in a frying pan. Add the shallots, garlic

Bring to the boil over a low heat,

and chillies and cook over a low heat,

stirrrng until the sugar dissolves, then

simmer the sauce, without stirring, for

until golden brown. Transfer the

mixture to a bowl and set aside.

about 5 minutes.

sauce before serving.

Serves 4-6
75g/3ozlgenerous 1/t cup palm sugar
60ml/4 tbsp light soy sauce
105m1/7 tbsp tamarind juice
Deep-fry the egqs in hot oil for
3-5 minutes, until golden brown.

vegetable oil, for frying

Taste the sauce and add more palm

6 shallots, thinly sliced

6 garlic cloves, thinly sliced

sugar, soy sauce or tamarind juice, if

Drain on kitchen paper, cut into

6 fresh red chillies, sliced

necessary lt should be a balanced

quarters and arrange on a bed o{

6 hard-boiled eggs, shelled

combination of sweet, salty and

lettuce. Sprinkle the shallot mixture

coriander (cilantro) sprigs, to garnish

slightly sour. Transfer the sauce to a

over them, drizzle with the sauce and

lettuce, to serve

bowl and set aside until needed.

garnish with coriander

Finger Food and Light Bites 177

These are also known as Welsh
Eggs because they resemble Scotch
Eggs, but have leek in the


Serves 5
6 eggs, hard-boiled
plain (allpurpose) flouL seasoned with
salt and paprika, for dusting

10mll2 tsp sunflower oil

1 leek, chopped

5g/4oz/2 cups fresh

white breadcrumbs
grated rind and juice of


509 /2oz/1 h cup vegetarian shredded suet

60mU4 tbsp chopped fresh parsley

5ml/1 tsp dried thyme

salt and ground black pepper

egg, beaten

759/3ozl1/z cup dried breadcrumbs

vegetable oil, for deep-frying
lettuce and tomato wedges, to garnish

3 Shape the leek and breadcrumb

mixture around the eggs, moulding it
firmly with your hands, then toss the
Shell the hard-boiled eggs and toss

coated eggs first into the beaten egg

them in the seasoned flour Set aside

and then into the dried breadcrumbs.

until needed.

Place the eggs on a plate and chill


30 minutes. This will firm them up

before cooking.

Pour enough oil to {ill a deep{at

Heat the sunflower oil in a small

fryer one-third full and heat to 1 90"C/

frying pan. Add the leek and cook for

375'F or until a cube of bread browns

about 3 minutes, until softened but

in 45 seconds. Deep-fry the eggs for

not browned. Remove from the heat

about 3 minutes in two batches.

and leave to cool, then mix with the

Remove and drain on kitchen paper.

fresh breadcrumbs, lemon rind and

pepper. lf the mixture is a bit too dry,

Serve cool, cut in half to reveal the

"birds' nests", garnished with lettuce

add a little water.

and tomato wedges.

juice, suet, parsley, thyme and salt and

78 Finger Food and Light Bites

Crispy Spring Rolls

These small and dainty spring rolls

5 To cook, heat the oil in a wok or

are ideal served as appetizeri or as


cocktail snacks.

cube of bread added to it browns in

Makes zlo rolls

to low. Deep-fry the spring rolls

to 'l 80'c/350"F or until

about 30 seconds. Reduce the heat


- about

8-1 0 at a time


- for

159/4oz small leeks or spring

2-3 minutes, or until golden and

onions (scallions)

crispy, then remove and drain on

5g/4oz carrots

kitchen paper Serve the spring rolls

hot with a dipping sauce, such as soy

I 1 5g/4oz bamboo shoots

715gl4oz mushrooms

To make the spring rolls, cut each

sauce, or mixed salt and pepper.

2259/8oz fresh beansprouts

spring roll wrapper in half diagonally,

45-60m1134 tbsp vegetable oil

then place about a tablespoonful of

Smlll tsp salt

the cooled vegetable mixture one-third

5ml/1 tsp light brown sugar

of the way down on the wrapper, with

put 4 parts cornflour and 5 parts cold

the triangle pointing away from you.

water into a small bowl and stir well

5ml/1 tbsp light soy sauce

15mil1 tbsp Chinese rice wine or

20 frozen spring roll wrappers, thawed

5ml/1 tbsp cornflour (cornstarch)

paste (see Cook's Tip)

plain (all-purpose) flour

for dusting
veqetable oil, for deep-frying

1 With a sharp knife, cut the leeks or

spring onions, carrots, bamboo shoots

and mushrooms into thin shreds,

about the same size and shape


the beansprouts.

Heat the oil in a wok. Add the

vegetables and stir-fry for about

1 minute. Add the salt, suqar, soy

sauce and rice wine or sherry, and

continue stirring and tossing the

vegetables for 1 7z-2 minutes. Remove

from the heat and drain away the

excess liquid, then leave

to cool.

To make

cornflour (cornstarch) paste,

until smooth.

dry sherry


Lift the lower edge of the spring roll

Classic Chinese salt and pepper sauce

wrapper over the filling and roll once.

is made with Sichuan peppercorns and

Fold in both ends and roll once more,

then brush the upper pointed edge

sea salt. Dry-fry 30ml/2 tbsp Sichuan

peppercorns and 50ml/4 tbsp sea salt in a

with a little cornflour paste and roll

heavy frying pan, stirring frequently, until

into a neat package, pressing lightly to

the mixture begins to brown. Remove the

seal. Lightly dust a tray with flour and

pan from the heat and leave to cool, then

place the sprinq rolls on the tray with

grind in a mortar with a pestle or in a

the f lapside underneath.

spice grinder.

Finger Food and Light Bites lT9

Crisp and spicy, these tasty party
snacks are enjoyed the world over.
Throughout the East, they are sold
by street vendors, and eaten at any

time of day. Filo pastry can be used

if you like a lighter, flakier texture.

Makes about


1 packet 25cm/1 qin square spring roll

wrappers, thawed if frozen
30ml/2 tbsp plain (all-purpose) flour

mixed to a paste with water

vegetable oil, for deep-frying
fresh coriander (cilantro) leaves,
to garnish
For the


259/1 oz/2 tbsp ghee or unsahed

(sweet) butter
1 small onion, finely chopped

cm/l/zin piece fresh root ginger,

peeled and chopped
garlic clove, crushed

2.5m\/1/2 tsp chilli powder

large potato, about 225gl8oz

cooked until just tender and

finely diced
509/2ozl1/z cup cauliflower florets,

lightly cooked, chopped into

small pieces
509/2oz/t/z cup frozen peas, thawed
5-10mll1-2 tsp garam masala

2 Cut the spring roll wrappers into

three strips (or two for larger samosas).

squeeze of lemon juice

Brush the edges with a little of the

a cube of bread added to i1 browns in


flour paste.

Smll1 tbsp chopped fresh coriander

(cilantro) leaves and stems

Place a small spoonful of

Heat the vegetable oil in a large pan

or a deep-fryer to 1 90"C/375'F or until

about 45 seconds. Add the samosas,

filling about 2cml3/ain in from the edge

a few at a time, and deep-fry until

Heat the ghee or butter in a large

of one strip. Fold one corner over the

golden and crisp. Drain well on kitchen

frying pan. Add the onion, ginger and

filling to make a triangle and continue

paper and serve hot garnished with

garlic and cook over a low heat.

this folding until the entire strip has

chopped coriander leaves.

stirring occasionally, for 5 minutes,

been used and a triangular pastry has

until the onion has softened but not

browned. Add the chilli powder and

been formed. Seal any open edges


with more flour and water paste, if

You can prepare samosas in advance of

cook for 1 minute, then stir in the

necessary adding more water if the

the party by deep-frying them until they

potato, cauliflower and peas. Sprinkle

paste is very thick.

are just cooked through, then drain well.

with garam masala and set aside to

Cook in hot oil for a few minutes to

cool. Stir in the chopped coriander,

lemon juice and salt.

brown and heat through, then drain again

before serving.

180 Finger Food and Light Bites

Thai Fish Cakes with Cucumber Relish


wonderful little nibbles are

very familiar and popular appetizer.

Theyare usuallyaccompanied with

Thai beer or choose a robust oaked

Chardonnay instead.

Makes about 12
3009/1 l oz white fish fillet, such as
cod, cut into chunks
30ml/2 tbsp Thai red curry paste

30ml/2 tbsp Thai fish sauce


tsp granulated sugar

3 0m II 2

tbsp cornf lou r (cornstarch)

3 kaffir lime leaves, shredded


5ml/1 tbsp chopped fresh

coriander (cilantro)

50gl2oz green beans, thinly sliced

vegetable oil, for frying
Chinese mustard cress, to garnish

For the cucumber relish

60mt14 tbsp rice vinegar

60ml/4 tbsp water

50gl2oz/1/a cup granulated sugar

whole bulb pickled garlic

cucumbet quartered and sliced

4 shallots, thinly sliced


5ml/1 tbsp chopped fresh root ginger

1 To make the cucumber relish, bring

the vinegar, water and sugar to the boil.

until the sugar dissolves, then remove

from the heat and leave to cool.

Heat the oil in a wok or deep-fryer.

3 Combine the frsh, cuny paste and

egg n a food processor and process

Add the lish cakes, in small batches,

until combined. Transfer the mixture to

and deep-{ry for about 4-5 minutes, or

a bowl, add the Thai fish sauce, sugar,

until golden brown. Remove and drain

cornflour, lime leaves, coriander and

well on kitchen paper. Keep the

green beans and mix well.

cooked fish cakes warm in a low oven

while you cook the remainder. Garnish

2 Combine the rest of the relish

4 Mould

lngredients together in a bowl and

patties about 5cm/2 n in diameter and

with Chinese mustard cress and serve

immediately with a little cucumber

pour the vinegar mixture over

5mm/7+in thick.

relish spooned on the side.

and shape the mixture into

Finger Food and Light Bites


Thai Fish and Egg Cakes

These tangy

little mouthfuls, with

To make the fish cakes, flour your

kick of Eastern spice, make great

hands with cornf our and shape large

party food or appetizers.

teaspoonfuls of the fish mixture into

neat balls, coating them with the flour.

Makes about 20
4 Neal5-7.5cml2-3in oil

in about 1 minute. Add the flsh balls,

fillet (undyed)
2259/8oz fresh cod or haddock fillet
1 small fresh red chilli, seeded and

2 Add the chllli, garlic. lemon

finely chopped


2 garlic cloves, grated

spring onions, fish or soy sauce and

1 lemon grass stalk, very finely chopped

2 large spring onions (scallions), very

the coconut milk and process until the



well blended with the spices.

5-6 at a time, turning them carefully

with a slotted spoon for 2-3 minutes,
until they turn golden all over. Remove
with a slotted spoon and drain on
kitchen paper. Keep the flsh cakes
warm in the oven until they are all

Add the eggs and coriander and

cooked. Serve immediately with

process fo" a further few seconds.

small dish of soy sauce, rice vinegar or

30ml/2 tbsp soy sauce and a few

Cover with clear film (plastic wrap) and

Thai fish sauce or a combination of

drops anchovy essence (extract)

chill ,n the refrigerator for

finely chopped
30ml/2 tbsp Thai fish sauce or

60ml/4 tbsp thick coconut milk

2 large (lJS extra large) eggs, beaten


5mll1 tbsp cornflour (cornstarch),

tbsp chopped fresh

coriander (cilantro)

plus extra for moulding

vegetable oil, for frying
soy sauce, rice vinegar or Thai fish
sauce, for dipping

n a medium

pan until a crust of bread turns golden

225q/8oz smaked cod or haddock

Place the smoked f

sh n a bowl

of coid water and leave to soak for

10 minutes. Dry well on kitchen paper.
Remove and discard the skin and any
stray bones from the smoked and fresh

fish, chop the flesh coarsely and place

in a food processor.


sauces for dipping.

182 Finger Food and Light Bites

Thick-rolled sushi, such as futo-maki,
is a

fashionable and attractive food

as canap6s with drinks.

to serve

Makes 16
2 nori seaweed sheets
For the su-meshi (vinegared rice)
2009/7ozl1 cup short grain rice
Place a nori sheet, rough side up, at

3 To make the omelette, mix the

45ml/3 tbsp rice vinegar

beaten eggs, dashi stock, sake and salt

the front edge of a sushi rolling mat.

37.5m1/71r5 tsp sugar

in a bowl. Heat a little oil in a frying

Scoop up hal{ of the su-meshi and

10ml/2 tsp salt

pan on a medium-low heat. Pour in just

spread it on the nori. Leave a lcmllhin

enough egg mixture to cover the base

margin at the side nearest you, and

For the omelette

of the pan. As soon as the mixture sets,

2cm/3A'n at the

2 eggs, beaten

fold the omelette in half towards you

Make a shallow depression lengthways

25ml/11h tbsp dashi stock

and wipe the space left with a litlle oil.

With the first omelette still in the pan,

across the centre of the rice. Fill this with

10ml/2 tsp sake

2.5m1/1h tsp salt

repeat until all the mixture is used.

asparagus. Place half the prawns along

275m1/9fl ozlscant


cups water

cup dashl stock


5ml/1 tbsp shoyu

Each new omelette is laid on to the

5 Put the shiitake mushrooms and the

tsp sugar, stock, shoyu, sugar and mrrin in

6 raw king prawns Qumbo shrimp),

a small pan. Bring to the boil, then

reduce the heat to low. Cook for

heads and shells removed

4 asparagus spears, boiled and cooled

A fresh chives, about 23cm/9in long

20 minutes, or until half of the liquid

has evaporated. Drain the shiitake


mushrooms, remove and discard the

wasabi, gari and soy sauce, to serve

stalks, and slice the caps thinly.

1 To make the su-meshi, wash lhe rice

add the water. Cover and boil


5 minutes, then simmer until the water

has been absorbed. Remove from the
heat and set aside for 1 0 minutes.
rice vinegar

8 Lift the mat with your thumbs while

pressing the f illing with your f ingers.

Squeeze out any excess liquid. then dry

Roll the mat up gently. When

on kitchen paper. Discard the liquid.

completed, gently roll the mat to frrm

5 lvlake three cuts in the belly of

aside. Repeat to make another roll.

it up. Unwrap and set the futo-maki

in cold water, drain and set aside for

one hour. Put the rice into a pan and

2 Mix the

chives and half tl-e shi take slices.

lengthways rnto 1cm/l in wide strips.

5ml/7 tsp mirin

half the omelette strips and half the

chopping board. When cool, cut

soaked in water overnight


rom you.

Slide the layered omelette on to a

4 dried shiitake mushrooms,


first to form a multi-layered omelette.



de f urthest

the egg and asparagus. Top with five

vegetable oil, for frying

For the


of the prawns to stop them curling up,

and boil in salted water for 1 minute,
or until they turn bright pink. Drain and

9 Cut each futo-makr nto eight pie(es,

cool, then remove the vein using

cocktail stick (toothpick).

with a clean dishtowel dampened with

rice vinegdr after each (ul.

using a very sharp knife. Wipe the knife

with the sugar

and salt. Tip the rice into a bowl and


1O Line up all the pieces on a large

sprinkle with the vinegar mixture. Fold

lf you make the rolled sushi ahead, wrap

into the rice with a spatula, but do not

each roll in clear film (plastic wrap) until

tray or serving platter. Serve with small

dishes of wasabi. gari and soy sauce

slir. Cool lhe sr-meshi before shaping.

ready to slice and serve the rolls.

for dipping.

184 Finger Food and Light Biles

Sushi-style Tuna Cubes

These tasty

tuna cubes are easier to

prepare than classic Japanese sushi

but retain the same fresh taste.

Makes about 24
675g111/zlb fresh tuna steak, about
2cm/3/ain thick
large red (bell) pepper, seeded and

cut into 2cmF/ain pieces


seedt for sprinkling

the marinade
15-30mll1 2 tbsp lemon juice


Prepare the marinade. ln a small

bowl, stir the lemon juice with the salt,
sugar and wasabi paste. Slowly whisk

in the oil until thoroughly blended and

2.5m1/1/z tsp sugar

slightly creamy. Stir in the coriander.

Pour the marinade over the tuna cubes

2.5m\/1/z tsp wasabi paste

and toss to coat. Cover with clear film

2.5m1/1/z tsp salt

20ml/4 fl ozll/z cup vegetable oil

3)ml/2 tbsp chopped fresh

Preheat the grill (broiler) and line a

baking sheet with foil. Thread a cube

of tuna, then a piece of PePPer on to

each skewer and arrange on the
baking sheet.

(plastic wrap) and marinate for aboul

40 minutes in a cool Place.

coriander (cilantro)
For the soy dipping sauce

05ml/7 tbsp soy sauce

15mll1 tbsp rice wine vinegar

5ml/1 tsp lemon juice
1 2 spring onions (scallions), chopped
Sprinkle with sesame seeds and grill

5ml/1 tsp sugar

2-3 dashes Asian hot chilli oil

(broil) for 3-5 minutes, turning once or

twice, until just beginning to colour

but still pink inside. Serve immediately

3 Meanwhile,

prepare the soy dipping

with the soy dipping sauce.

sauce. Put the soy sauce, vinegar,

lemon juice, spring onions, sugar and
chilli oil to taste in a small bowl and

C(,(,K'S TIP

stir until thoroughly blended. Cover

with clear {ilm and set aside until ready

Wasabi is a hot, pungent JaPanese

to serve.

as paste in a tube from gourmet and

horseradish available in powder form and

Japanese food stores. The powdered form

needs to be reconstituted with water in

1 Cut the tuna into 2.5cm/1 in pieces

the same way as mustard powder

and then arrange them in a single

layer in a large non-metallic

ovenproof dish.


substitute spring onions (scallions) for

the (bell) pepper. Cut them into short

lengths, about 2.5cm/1 in long and thread

them on to the skewers in the same way.


another firm-fleshed fish, such as

swordfish instead of the tuna.

:,:r'lr --...:la:: ::..:...t,.

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186 Finger Food and Light Bites

Rice Triangles
These rice shapes



very popular in Japan. You can put

anything you like in the rice, so you

could invent your own Onigiri.

Put the salt in a bowi. Spoon an

eighth of the warm, cooked rice into
a small rice bowl. Make a hole in the

middle of the rice and put in


cucumber batons. Smooth the rice

Makes 8

salmon steak

over to cover.

3 Wet the palms of both hands with

1smll1 tbsp salt

cold water, then rub the salt evenly on

450q/1 lb/4 cups freshly cooked

to your palms.

5 Wrap a strip of yaki-nori around

sushi rice

each of the cucumber triangles.

cucumbec seeded and cut

into thin batons

the bowl on to one hand. Use both

Sprinkle sesame seeds on the salmon

hands to shape the rice into a

triangles. Set aside to cool completely

triangular shape, using ftrm but not

heavy pressure, and making sure that

before serving.

1/z sheet

yaki-nori seaweed, cut into

four equal strips

white and black sesame seedq
for sprinkling

Empty the rice and cucumbers from

the cucumber


encased by the rrce.

Make three more rice triangles the

Grill (broil) the salmon steak on each

side until the flesh flakes easily when

same way, dampening your Palms and

sprinkling with salt as before.

Always use warm rice to make the

tested with a sharp knife. Set aside to

triangles. Leave them to cool completely,

cool while you make the cucumber

onrgrr. When the salmon is cold, flake

remaining rice, then shape it into

then wrap each in foil or clear film (plastic

it, discarding any skin and bores.

triangles as before.

wrap) and store in a cool place.

Mix the flaked salmon lnto the

Finger Food and Light Bites 187


la Croq u ettes
Stir ln the prawns, chicken, Petits
poi) and f'eshry grated Parnesan.

Paella is probably Spain's most

famous dish, and here it is used for
a tasty fried tapas.

Season to taste

with salt and pepper.

Remove the pan from the heat and

leave to cool slightly, then use two

Serves 4

tablespoons to shape the mixture into

16 small lozenges.

pinch of saffron threads

pintl2h cup white wine


30ml/2 tbsp olive oil

Mix the egg and milk in a shallow

bowl. Spread out the breadcrumbs on

small onion, finely chopped

garlic clove, finely chopped

5ag/5oz/2/: cup risotto rice

wine and saffron mixture to the Pan,

the egg m xture, then coat them


stirrlng unti it is conrpietely absorbed.

Gradually add the stock,a I ttle at a

evenly in the breadcrumbs.


cups hot

chicken stock


Keeping the heat fairly high, add the

been absorbed and the rice is cooked

coarsely chopped

this should take about 20 minutes.


coarsely chopped

croquettes and cook for


thawed if frozen
30ml/2 tbsp freshly grated

of f at

Parmesan cheese

egg, beaten

30ml/2 tbsp milk

759l3oz/11/z cups fresh white
vegetable or olive oil, for shallow frying
salt and ground black pepper

fresh flat leaf parsley, to garnish

Stir the saffron lnto the wlne ln a

small bowl; set aslde.

Heat the measured olive o I in a pan

and gently cook the onion and garlic

minules, unt rso'le''ted.



the rlsotto r ce and cook, stirr ng, for




eep hol. 5e've ga'n sred with a sp'rg

instead as it is more authentic,



batches. Draln on kitchen paper and

lf you can find Valencia rice, use that

oit for shallow f'yrr'9


large, heavy frying pan. Then add the

759/3oz/2h cup petits pois (baby peas),

D p the crooJettes

until crisp and qolden brown. Work in

50gl2oz cooked chicken,


6 neat the

time, stirrrng until al the iquid has

cup cooked prawns

(shrimp), peeled, deveined and

a sheel of

Leaf parsley.

188 Finger Food and


Spinach Empanadillas

These are little Spanish Pastry


the edges of the PastrY

turnovers, f illed with ingredients

that have a strong Moorish
influence - pine nuts and raisins.
Serve with pre-dinner drinks at an

together wrth the back of a fork. Brush

the turnovers, with a little beaten e99,

informal supper party, allowing

two to three per person.

15 minutes, until well rised and go den

brown. Serve the empanadillas warm.

then place them on a lightly greased

baking sheet and bake for about

Makes 2()
Using a 7.5cm/3in pastry (cookie)

259/1 oz/2 tbsp raisins

25mll11/z tbsp olive oil

cutter, stamp out 20 rounds, re-rolling

the dough i{ necessary. Place about

450g/1 lb fresh spinach, washed

cool('s rlP
lf using frozen pastry make sure that it is

two teaspoonfuls of the filling in the

completely thawed before you try to roll

it out. Once the pastry has thawed, store

2 garlic cloves, finely chopped

mlddle of each round. then brush

the edges with a little water. Bring

259/1 ozll/s cup pine nuts, cho7qed

up the sides of the pastry and Press

essential to keep it chi!led so that it puffs

toqether gently to seal.

up when cooked.

and chopped
6 drained canned anchovies, chopped

egg, beaten

350q/12o2 puff pastry

salt and ground black pePPer

To make the filling, soak the ratstns

in a little warm water for '10 minutes.

Drarn, then chop coarsely.

Heat the orl in a large saut6 Pan or

wok, add the spinach, stir, then cover
and cook over a low heat for about
2 minutes. Uncover, increase the heat

to medium and cook until any liquid

has evaporated. Add the anchovies,

garlic and seasoning, then cook,

strrring, for a further minute. Remove
from the heat, add the rais ns and pine
nuts and leave to cool.

3 Preheat the oven to 1 80"C/350'F/

Gas 4. Roll out the pastry to a 3mm/


in the refrigerator until required. lt is

Finger Food and Liqht Bites 189

Thai-style Seafood



These elegant appetizer-size

turnovers are filled with fish,

prawns and fragrant Thai rice.

Makes 18
plain (allpurpose) flouL for dusting

puff pastry thawed

if frozen
1 egg, beaten with 30ml/2 tbsp water
lime tuvists, to garnish

For the


2759l10oz skinned white fish fillets

seasoned plain (all-purposd flour
8-10 large raw prawns (shrimp)
1Smll1 tbsp sunflower oil

about 7591302/6 tbsp butter

6 spring onions (scallions), finely sliced
1 garlic clove, crushed
2259/8oz/2 cups cooked jasmine rice

4cm/1l/zin piece fresh root

gingeq grated

0ml/2 tsp finely chopped fresh

coriander (cilantro)
5ml/1 tsp finely grated lime rind

3 Add the garlic and cook for

a further

7 Dust the work surface with a little

5 minutes, until the spring onions are

flour. Roll out the pastry and cut into

very soft. T'ansfer to a large bowl.

Ocrn/4in rounds. Place spoonfuls of

filling just off centre on the pastry

rounds. Dot with a little of the

Heat the remaining oil and a further


pan. Add the fish pieces and cook

remaining butter. Dampen the edges

of the pastry with a little of the beaten

briefly. As soon as they begin to turn

egg mixture, fold one side of the

259/1ozl2 tbsp of the butter in a clean

opaque, use a slotted spoon to

pastry over the filling and press

transfer them to the bowl with the

the edges together firmly.

spring onions.

Preheat the oven

to 190"c/375"F/

Place the turnovers on

two lightly

Gas 5. Make the filling. Cut the fish

5 Cook the prawns in the oil mixture

greased baking sheets. Decorate them

with the pastry trimmings, if you like,

and brush them with remaining beaten
egg to glaze. Bake the turnovers for

inlo 2cml3/ain cubes and dust with

remaining in the pan. When they

seasoned flour, shaking off any excess.

begin to change colour, lift them out

Peel and devein the prawns and cut


each one into four pieces.

to the bowl.

a slotted spoon and add them

12-1 5 minutes, or until golden brown

all over.

Heat half of the oil and 15911/zozl

6 Add the cooked rice to the bowl,

tbsp of the butter in a large frying

with the fresh root ginger, coriander

9 Transfer the turnovers to a warm

pan. Add the spring onions and cook

and grated lime rind. Mix gently,

platter and. garnish with lime twists,

gently for 2 minutes.

taking care not to break up the fish.

then serve immediately.

'190 Finger Food

and Light Bites

Herbed Fish Fritters

Serve these mini f ritters


3 Transfer the mixture to a bowl, add

30nl/2 tbsp o[ the "e:erved cool' ng
milk and season with salt and plenty of

tartare sauce if you like. SimPlY

chop some capers and gherkins,
and stir into home-made or good

ground black pepper. M x we l. Cover

quality ready-made mayonnaise.

with clear f ilm (plastic wrap) and chill

Makes 2(,

for 30 mlnutes, then shape lnto twenty

even-size fritters with your hands.

4509/ lb plaiG or flounder tillets




450911 lb cooked potatoes


fennel bulb, finely chopped


together the breadcrumbs and

sesame seeds in a shallow dish, then

cups milk

1 Gently poach the fish fillets in the

ro I the croquettes in this mixture to

milk for about 15 minutes, until

form a good coating.

45ml/ 3 tbsp chopped fresh ParsleY

the flesh flakes easily. Drain and

2 eggs

reserue the milk.

5 Heat the oil n a large, heavy Pan

until lt is hot enough to brown a cube

5g/1/zoz/1 tbsp unsalted

250g/9oz/2 cups white breadcrumbs

any stray bones. ln a food processor

25911 oz/2 tbsp sesame seeds

fitted with a metal blade, process the

of stale bread in 30 seconds. Deep-fry

the croquettes, ln small batches, for
about 4 minutes, untll they are golden

vegetable oil, for deeplrying

fish, potatoes, fennel, ParsleY, eggs

and butter.

brown all over. Drain well on kitchen

paper and serve the fritters hot.

(sweet) butter

salt and ground black pepper

Peel the skin

off the fish and remove


Breaded Sole Batons

Goujons of lemon sole are coated
in seasoned flour and breadcrumbs,
and fried until deliciously crispy.

Serves 4
2759/10o2 lemon sole fillets, skinned
2 eggs
1 I

5gl4ozl I th cups fine

fresh breadcrumbs

759/302/6 tbsp plain (all-purpose) flour

salt and ground black pepper
vegetable oil, for frying
tartare sauce and lemon wedges,

to serve

1 Cut the fish fillets into iong diagonal

strips about 2cml%in wide, using a
sharp knife.


Break the eggs into a shal ow dish

Dip the f sh strps into the egg,

turning to coat well.

ace on a p ate

4 Heat l cm/%in oil in a

arge, heavy

fry ng pan over a med um-high hca'i.

a cube of brea.l

and beat well with a fork. Place the

and then, taking a few at a time, place

When the oil is hot

breadcrumbs in another shallow dish.

them in the bag of flour and shake

wil svt

flour in a large plastic bag and

season with salt and p enty of ground

we I to coat. Dip the {ish strips in the

in batches, and cook for abc

egg again, then rn the breadcrumbs,

2-21/2 minules, turning once, ia<

black pepper.


Put the

to.oal well.

add lhe coated 'r5h

t"ay n
a single layer, not touching. Leave to
stand for at least 1 0 minutes to let the

Lare nol ro overcrowd tl e

coating set.


Place on a


on ktchen paperand keec








e'isl n " :,:;--::.-:: r

192 Finger Food and Light Bites

Prawn Toasts
These crunchy sesame-topped
toasts are simple to prepare using a
food processor for the prawn paste.

Makes 64
2259/8oz cooked prawns (shrimp)

egg white

2 spring onions (scallions), chopped

Smll1 tsp chopped fresh root ginger

1 garlic clove, chopped
5ml/1 tsp cornflour (cornstarch)

2.5m1/1/z tsp salt

2.5m1/1/z tsp sugar

2-3 dashes hot pepper sauce

8 slices firm-textured white bread
60-75mll4-5 tbsp sesarne seeds
vegetable oil, for frying

spring onion tassel,

to garnish

Peel the prawns,


necessary, devein

them, then drain well and pat dry on

kitchen paper Put the prawns, egg
white, spring onions, ginger, garlic,
cornflour. salt, sugar and pepper sauce
into a food processor and process until
the mixture forms a smooth paste,
scraping down the side of the bowl

from time to time.

coot(,s TtP
To make

your partry preparations easier,

2 Spread the prawn paste evenly over

the bread slices, then sprinkle over the

large, heavy pan or wok, until it is hot

to make

Heat 5cm/2in vegetable oil in a

but not smoking. Cook the triangles,

you can prepare these prawn toasts in

sesame seeds, pressing gently

advance and heat them through in a hot

them stick. Cut off the crusts and

in batches, for about 30-60 seconds,

oven just before serving. Make sure they

discard, then cut each slice of bread

turning the toasts once. Drain on

are really crisp and hot though, because

diagonally into four triangles. Cut

kitchen paper and keep hot in the oven

they won't be nearly so enjoyable if

each triangle in half again to make

while you cook the rest. Serve hot with

there's no crunch when you bite them.

64 triangles in total.

the qarnish.

Finger Food and Light Bites I93

Black Bean Sauce

M ussels in

The large green-shelled mussels


from New Zealand are perfect for

this delicious dish. Buy the cooked
mussels on the half-shell - it is an
elegant way to serve them.


Makes 2()


15ml/1 tbsp vegetable oil



piece fresh root ginger,

finely chopped
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped

fresh red chilli, seeded

and chopped

5ml/1 tbsp black bean sauce



tbsp dry sherry

tsp granulated sugar

5ml/1 tsp sesame oil


0ml/2 tsp dark soy sauce

20 cooked New Zealand

green-shelled mussels
2 spring onions (scallrons),


and 1 cut into fine rings

1 Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan

or wok. Cook the ginger, garlic and
chilli with the black bean sauce for a
few seconds, then add the sherry and
sugar and cook for 30 seconds more,

stirring with chopsticks or a wooden

spoon until the sugar is dissolved.

3 Have ready a bamboo steamer or

2 Remove from the heat, stir in the


and soy sauce. Mix thoroughly.

4 Sprinkle all the spring onions over the

a medium pan holding 5cm/2in of

mussels. Place in the steamer or cover

srmmerlng water and fitted with a

the plate tightly with foil and piace it

metai trivet. Place the mussels in

cool(,s TrP

layers on a heatproof plate that will

on the trivet in the pan. lt should be

just above the level of the water. Cover

Provide cocktail sticks (toothpickg for


lnside the steamer or pan. Spoon

the prepared sauce evenly over the

and steam over a high heat for about

spearing the mussels and removing them

from their half-shells.

half-shell mussels.

heated tnrough. Serve irrqted a:e

10 minutes, or until the mussels have


194 Finger Food and Light Bites

Marinated Mussels
This is an ideal recipe to prepare

and arrange well in advance.

Remove from the refrigerator
'15 minutes before serving to allow
the flavours to develop fully.

Makes about 48
1kg/21/alb mussels, large if possible
(about 48)
ln a large, flameproof casserole or

Discard any mussels with closed

75mll6fl oz/'tz tup dry white wine

garlic clove, finely crushed

pan set over a high heat, bring the

shells. With a sma I sharp knife,

120m1/4fl ozll/z cup olive oil

white wine to the boil with the garlic

carefully remove the remaining

50mll2fl oz/1/n cup lemon juice

and ground black pepper. Add the

mussels and cover tightly. Reduce the

mussels from their shells, reserving the

heat to medium and simmer for 2-4

to the marinade.

1Smll1 tbsp Dijon mustard

minutes, until the shells open, shaking

coat thoroughly, then cover with clear

10ml/2 tsp sugar

the pan occasionally.

film (plastic wrap) and chill in the

5ml/1 tsp hot chilliflakes

2.5m1/'/z tsp mixed bpple



5-30mll1-2 tbsp chopped fresh dill

smll1 tbsp capers, drained and


the mussels to

refrigerator for 6-8 hours or overnight,

stirring gently from time to time.

5ml/1 tsp salt


half shells for servrng. Add the mussels

or coriander (cilantro)
chopped if large
ground black pepper

3 ln a large bowl combine the olive oil,

lemon juice, <hilli flakes, mixed spice,

or coriander and capers. Stir well, then

5 With a teaspoon, place one mussel

with a little marinade in each shell.

set aside.

Arrange on a platter and cover until

Dilon mustard, sugar, salt, chopped dill

ready to serve.

'f With

a stiff kitchen brush, under

cold running water, scrub the mussels

to remove any sand and barnacles; pull


out and remove the beards. Discard

any open shells that will not shut when


they are tapped.






You can prepare other shellfish in the

Mussels can be prepared ahead of time

sarne way. Venus, Amandes and other

and marinated {or up to 24 hours. To

medium-size clams would work well and,

serve, arrange the mussel shells on a bed

if you can find them, razor clams would

of crushed ice, well-washed seaweed or

look very impressive. This would also be

even coarse salt to prevent them from

an unusual way to serve scallops.

wobbling on the plate.



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'196 Finger Food

and Light Bites

Crab Egg Rolls

These wonderful crab rolls are

similar to authentic Chinese spring

rolls. They are made with waferthin pancakes, which provide the
very crisp case for the filling. lf you
prefer a softer version the rolls can
be steamed - they are equally
delicious and quite light. These are
ideal for buffets, children's parties
and summer picnics-

Makes about 12
3 eggs
450m1/i/a pint/scant 2 cups water

7 59/6oz/1

th cups plain

(all-purpose) flour
2.5m1/1h tsp salt

vegetable oil, for deepirying

45ml/3 tbsp light soy sauce mixed with

smll1 tsp

sesame oil, for dipping

lime wedges, to serve

For the

5 To make the filling, combine the crab

or prawns, spring onions, ginger, garlic,


bamboo shoots or beansprouts, soy

2259/8ozl11h cups white crab meat

sauce, cornflour and water, egg yolk

or small prawns (shrimp)

and seasoning.

3 large spring onions

(scallions), shredded

6 Lightly beat the egg white. Place a

spoonful of filling in the middle of each
pancake. brush the edges with egg

2.5cml1in piece fresh root

ginge6 grated
2 large garlic cloves, chopped

smll1 tbsp soy sauce

1 0-1 5mll2-3 tsp cornflour (cornstarch)
blended with 15ml/1 tbsp water

white and fold into neat parcels,

5gl4oz bamboo shoots, chopped,

or beansprouts

egg, separated

salt and ground black pepper

3 Lightly grease a 25cml1 Oin non-stick

tucking in the ends well.

frying pan and heat gently. To make

rolls, the frying pan must be hot

7 Heat the oil in a deep-frying pan and

when a cube of bread turns light golden

enough to set the batter, but should

in 1 minute, carefully add four of the

not be hot enough for the batter to

parcels, fold side downwards. Cook for

smooth, pale wrappers for the egg

brown, bubble or develop holes. Pour

1-2 minutes, or until golden and crisp.

in about 45mll3 tbsp batter and swirl

Remove with a slotted spoon and place

stir in the water. Sift the flour and salt

around the pan to spread evenly and

into another bowl and work in the egg

very thinly. Cook for 2 minutes, or until

on kitchen paper. Keep warm in the

oven while you cook the remaining egg

mixture. Blend to a smooth batter, then

loose underneath. There is no need to

rolls. Alternatively, using a stacking

remove any lumps if necessary. Leave

cook the pancake on the other side.

bamboo steamer, arrange four parcels

1 Lightly beat the eggs and gradually

in each layer, cover with a lid and

to rest for 20 minutes.

4 Make

further 1 1 pancakes. Stack

2 When ready to use, lightly whisk the

the pancakes, cooked side upwards,

batter and stir in 15ml/1 tbsp cold

between sheets of bakinq parchment.

water to thin it slightly if necessary

Set aside until ready



steam {or 30 minutes.


with the soy sauce and sesame

oil dipping sauce and wedges of lime.

Finger Food and Light Bites 197

Crab and Ricotta Tartlets


the meat from

a freshly cooked

crab, weighing about 4509/1 lb,


you can. Otherwise, look out for

frozen brown and white crab meat.

Serves 4
2259/8oz/2 cups plain
(all-purpose) flour

pinch of salt

5gl4ozll/z cup butter, diced

2259/8oz/1 cup ricotta cheese

15ml/1 tbsp grated onion
30ml/2 tbsp freshly grated
Parmesan cheese
2.5mI/1/z tsp mustard powder

2 eggs, plus

egg yolk

2259/8oz crab meat

30ml12 tbsp chopped fresh parsley


tsp anchovy

essence (extract)

5-10mll1-2 tsp lemon juice

salt and cayenne pepper

salad leaves, to garnish

1 Sift the flour and salt into a bowl,

add the butter and rub it in

until the mixture resembles fine

breadcrumbs. Stir in about 60ml/4 tbsp
cold water to make a firm dough.

Line the pastry cases (pie shells)

with baking parchment or {oil and

fill with baking beans. Bake them for

0 minutes, then remove the paper or

foil and beans. Return to the oven and

bake for a further 10 minutes.

Place the ricotta, grated onion,

Parmesan and mustard powder in a

bowl and beat until soft and well

combined. Gradually beat in the eggs

and egg yolk.

oven and reduce the temperature to

floured surface and knead lightly. Roll

evenly into the cases and bake for

out the pastry and use to line four

1ocm/4in tartlet tins (muffin pans).

chopped parsley, then add the anchovy

18O"Cl35O"F/Gas 4. Spoon the filling

2 Turn the dough on to a lightly-

Prick the bases all over


a fork,

then chill in the refrigerator for about

30 minutes- Preheat the oven to
200'C/400'F/Gas 6.

Remove the tartlet cases from the

Gently stir in the crab meat and

20 minutes, until set and golden

essence and lemon juice and season

brown. Serve hot with a garnish of

with salt and cayenne pepper, to taste.

salad leaves.

198 Finger Food and Light Bites

Foie Gras Pat6 in Filo Cups

This is an extravagantly rich hors

d'oeuvre - so save it for a special

anniversary or celebration.



sheets fresh or thawed filo pastry

40gl1t/zozl3 tbsp butteti melted

2259/8oz canned foie gras


or other fine liver pet6, at

room temperature

Keeping the rest of the filo squares

Bake the

filo cups for about

509/2ozl4 tbsp buttet; softened

3M5mll2-3 tbsp Cognac (optional)

covered until required, place one

square on a work surface and brush

golden, then remove and cool in the

chopped pistachio nuts, to garnish

liqhtly with melted buttel then turn

tray for 5 minutes. Carefully transfer

and brush the other side.

each filo cup to a wire rack and leave

2[-6 minutes, until they are crisp and

to cool completely.

1 Preheat the oven to 200'C/400"F/

Gas 6. Grease a bun tray (muffin pan)

3 Butter a second square and place it


over the first at an angle. Butter a third

cups. Stack the

6 ln a small bowl, beat the pat6 with

filo sheets on a work surface and cut

into 6cml21/zin squares. Cover with a

filo square and place it at an angle

the softened butter until smooth and

over the first two sheets to form an

well blended. Add the Cognac to

damp dishtowel to prevent them from

uneven edge.

taste, if using.

7 Spoon the filling into a piping

drying out.

the stacked layers into one cup

coor,s TlPs

of the bun tray. Continue with the

remaining filo pastry and melted butter

nozzle and pipe a swirl into each filo

after preparation. lf preparing ahead of

until all the cups in the bun tray have

time and then chilling in the refrigerator,

been filled.

cup. Sprinkle with pistachio nuts and

chill until you are ready to serve.

The pet6 and pastry are best eaten soon

be sure to bring the cups back to room

temperature before serving.

o P6t6 de foie gras is made from the liver
of specially fattened geese or ducks. Duck

foie gras de canard

is more

delicate in texturq but stronger in flavour

than goose liver

foie gras d'oie. Both are

regarded as a great delicary and are very

expensive. However, some people object

to the method used to produce the

enlarged livers of these birds and so
prefer to buy more conventional p5t6.

(pastry) bag fitted with a medium star





!-.- ,l


200 Finger Food and Light Bites


icken Bitki

This is a popular Polish dish and

makes an attractive appetizer

when offset by deep red beetroot.

1 Melt the butter in a pan and cook

3 Whisk the egg whites until stiff in a

the mushrooms for about 5 minutes,

clean, grease-free bowl. Gently stir half

until softened and the juices have

the whites into the chicken or guinea

evaporated. Leave to cool.

fowl mixture to slacken it, then fold in

the remainder with a rubber spatula or

Makes 12

metal spoon.

5g/1/zoz/1 tbsp bufter, melted


5g/4oz flat mushrooms,

finely chopped

meatballs, about 7.5cm/3in long and


cup fresh white breadcrumbs

Shape the mixture into 12 even-size

2.scm/1in wide. Spread out the flour

on a shallow plate. Roll the meatballs

3509/1 2oz skinless chicken breast

portions or guinea fowl, minced

(ground) or finely chopped

in the flour to coat.

2 eggs, separated

1.5m1/1/a tsp grated nutmeg

pan, add the bitki and cook over a

Heat the oil in a large, heavy frying

30ml/2 tbsp plain (all-purpose) flour

45ml13 tbsp vegetable oil

breadcrumbs, minced or chopped

salt and ground black pepper

chicken or guinea fowl, egg yolks and

turning occasionally until evenly

golden brown and cooked through.

nutmeg in a bowl and season to taste

Serve hot

with salt and pepper

pickled beetroot.

salad leaves and grated pickled

beetroot (beet), to serve

Mix together the mushrooms,

medium heat for about

with salad

0 minutes,

leaves and grated

Finger Food and Light Bites 2o1

Chicken Parcels
These home-made chicken parce\s

\ook splendid p'iled high and

golden brown.

Makes 35
2259/8oz/2 cups strong white bread
flour, plus extra for dusting

2 5mll'/) tsn salt

2.5m1/1/z tsp caster (superfine) sugar

5ml/1 tsp easy-blend (apid+ise)

dried yeast
259/1oz/2 tbsp butter, softened
egg, beaten, plus a little extra

90ml/6 tbsp warm milk

leman wedqes, to serve
For the


15ml/1 tbsp sunflower oil

small onion, finely chopped


7 59/6oz/


cups minced

(ground) chicken
75ml/5 tbsp chicken stock
30ml/2 tbsp chopped fresh parsley
pinch of grated nutmeg
salt and ground black pepper

1 Sift the flour, salt and sugar into

arge bowl. Stir in the dried yeast, then

make a well in the centre of the f lour.

Preheat the oven to 220"C/425"F/

2 Add the butter, egg and milk and

mix to a soft dough. Turn on to a
light y-floured surface and knead for

our on a llghtly floured sudace until it

10 minutes. until smooth and elastic.

with a 7.5cm/3in cutter.

Gas 7. Knead the dough, then

s 3mnl'/zin thick. Stamp

Put the dough in a clean bowl, cover

with clear film (plastic wrap) and leave

in a warm place to rise for t hout or
until the dough has doubled in size.

Brush the edges

rol it

out rounds

with beaten egg.

Put a little filling in the middle, then

press the edqes toqether. Place on

4 Meanwhile,

heat the oil in a frying

oiled baking sheets, cover with oiled

pan. Add the onion and chicken and

clear liim, leave in a warm place Lo r'se

cook over a low heat, stirrjng

for 15 minutes.

occasionally, for about

0 minutes,

the stock and slmmer for 5 minutes.

7 Brush the parcels with a little more

egg, then bake for 5 minutes. Lower
the oven temperature to 1 90'C/375"F/

Stir in the parsley, grated nutmeg and

Gas 5, and bake for about I 0 minutes

until the onion has softened and the

chicken is beginning to colour Add

salt and ground black pepper. Then


to cool.

more, until well risen and golden.


with lemon wedges.

202 Finger Food and Liqht Bites

Tunisian Brik
You can make these little parcels

into any shape you like, but the

most important thing is to encase
the egg white quickly before it

on the work surface and brush with

starts to escape.

one-sixth of the filling about 2.5cm/1 in

Place one sheet

of pastry lengthways

melted butter; top with a second sheet

Brush the edges with butter and place

from the bottom left-hand side of the


pastry sheet. Flatten the filling, making

a slight hollow in it.

45ml/3 tbsp buttec melted

1 small red onion, finely chopped

509/5oz skinless chicken or turkey

fillet, minced (ground)

cook the onion for 3 minutes. Add the

large garlic clove, crushed

chicken or turkey, garlic, lemon jlrce,

Heat half the butter in a pan and

juice of th lemon

parsley and seasoning, and cook.

30ml/2 tbsp chopped fresh parsley

stirring, for 2-3 minutes. or until the

meat is just cooked. Set aside to cool.

of filo pastry, each about

25cm/6x 1)in, thawed


15 x

cool(,s TIP

if frozen
6 small (U5 medium) eggs, such as

lf you prefer to cook these pastries in the

bantam, pheasant or guinea fowl

oven, preheat it to 220"C1425'FlGasl.

3 Carefully crack an egg into the

vegetable oil, for deep-frying

Brush the pastries with butter or beaten

hollow and fold up the pastry

salt and ground black pepper

egg and cook for 8-1 0 minutes.

immediately so the egg white does

not run out. Lift the right-hand edge

and fold rt over to the left edge to
enclose the filling and seal quickly.
Fold the bottom left-hand corner

straight up and then fold the bottom

left corner up to the right edge,
forming a triangle.






Use the remaining pastry sheets and

filling to make another five parcels,

then heat the oil in a frying pan until
a cube of bread turns golden in about
1% minutes. Cook the pastries, two or

three at a time, until golden.

L ft them
out of the pan with a slotted spoon

and drain on kitchen pape.. Serve

hot or cold.

Finger Food anc


8 :es 203

Golden Parmesan Chicken

Served cold with the garlicky
mayonnaise, these morsels of
chicken make great finger food.

Serves 4

skinless chicken breast fillets

759/3oz/11h cups fresh

white breadcrumbs

1/t oz/1/z

cup finelY grated


Parmesan cheese
3Oml/2 tbsp chopped fresh ParsleY

2 eggs, beaten




120m1/4fl ozll/z cup mayonnaise


120mll4fl oz/1/z cup fromage frats

.-r 1.,';




(farmer's cheese)

1-2 garlic cloves, crushed

50g/2oz/4 tbs? bufier, melted
salt and ground black PePPer



1 Cut each fillet rnto four or five

chunks. Mlx together the breadcrumbs,
Parmesan, parsley and salt and pepper
in a shallow dish.

3 Meanwhile, to

make the

the chicken pieces and cook them for

about 20 minutes, until crisP and

film (plastic wrap) and chill in the

golden. Trans{er to a warm Platter

and serve the chicken immediately,
accompanted by the gar|c mayonnaise

re{rigerator until required.

for dipping.

pepper. Spoon the mayonnaise into

then into the breadcrumb mixture.

a small serving bowl, cover

and chill for 30 minutes.


mayonnaise, fromage {rais and garlic,

2 Dip the chicken pieces in the egg,

ace in a single layer on a baking sheet

to 80"C/350'F/

garlic mayonnaise, mix together the

and season to taste with ground black

Preheat the oven

Gas 4. Drizzle the melted butter over

with clear

204 Finger Food and Light Bites


icken Croq uettes

This recipe comes from Rebato's, a

tapas bar in London. The chef there

makes croquettes with a number of
different flavourings.

Makes 8
259/1oz/2 tbsp butter
25911 ozll/a cup plain

(all-purpose) flour
150mll1/a pintl2h cup milk

15ml/1 tbsp olive oil

1 boneless chicken breast portion with
skin, about 759/3o2, diced

garlic clove, finely chopped

small (US medium) egg, beaten


cup fresh white breadcrumbs

vegetable oil, for deep-frying

salt and ground black pepper

fresh flat leaf parsley, to garnish

lemon wedges, to serve

1 Meli the butter in a small pan over

a low heat. Add the flour and cook
gently, stirring constantly, for 1 minute
Gradually add the milk, whisking
constantly to make a smooth, very

thick sauce. Cover with a lid and

remove from the pan from the heat.

Heat the oil in a heavy frying pan.

Add the chicken and garlic and cook

over a low heat. stirring frequently, for
5 minutes, until the chicken is lightly

browned and cooked through.

3 Turn the contents of the trying pan

into a food processor or blender and

Shape the mixture into eight even-

sized sausages. then dip each in egg

process until finely chopped. Do not

and then breadcrumbs. Deep-fry in hot

over-process to a paste. Stir the

oil for 4 minutes, until crisp and golden.

chicken into the sauce, mixinq it well

Drain on kitchen paper and serve


with salt and pepper to taste.

Leave to cool completely.

garnished with parsley and lemon

wedges for squeezing.

Finger Food and Liohi



Chicken with Lemon and Gartic

Extremely easy to cook and del icious
to eat, serve this succulent tapas d ish
with home-made aioli if you like.

Using a sharp knife, cut the chicken

into stnps about 1cm/72 in wide.

3 Heat the oil in a large, heavy fryin9

pan or wok until it is very hot but not

Serves 4

smoking. Add the chicken strips,

2259/8oz skinless chicken breast fillets
30ml/2 tbsp olive oil

shallot, garlic and paprika and stir-fry

over a high heat for about 3 minutes,

shallot, finely chopped

until the chicken is lightly browned

4 garlic cloves, finely chopped

and cooked through.

5ml/1 tsp paprika

juice of 1 lemon

30ml/2 tbsp chopped fresh parsley

nlt and ground black pepper

(plastic wrap) or baking parchment.

fresh flat leaf parsley, to garnish

lemon wedges, to Serve

Sandwich the chicken breast fillets

between two sheets of clear film
Bat out with a rolling pin or meat
mallet until the fillets are about
5mm/lqin thick.

4 Stir in the lemon juice and parsley

and season with salt and pepper to
taste. Transfer to a warm platter and
serve immedjaiely with Iemon wedges.
garnished with flat leaf parsley.




206 Finger Food and Light Bites

Prosciutto and Mozzarella Parcels

on Fris6e Salad
Italian prosciutto crudo is a
delicious raw smoked ham. Here it
is baked with melting mozzarella in
a light, crisp pastry case, making it
an ideal finger food.

give a double{hick piece measuring

Serves 6

with a little butter, then fold it over to

2 Brush a sheet of filo pastry with

melted butter and fold it in half to

14cm/9 x51hin. Place a ham and

mozzarella parcel in the middle of the

pastry and brush the remaining pastry
enclose the prosciutto and mozzarella

a liftle hot chilli sauce

in a neat parcel. Place on a baking sheet

6 prosciutto crudo slices

with the edges of the pastry underneath

2009/7oz mozzarella cheese, cut into

6 srces

Gas 6. Sprinkle a lrttle of the chrlli sauce

6 sheets filo pastry, each measuring

45 x 28cm/1 8 x

in, thawed

if frozen
50gl5oz frisee lettuce, to serve

and brush with a little butter. Repeat

with the remaining parcels and sheets.

over each slice of prosciutto crudo.

Place a slice

of mozzarella on each

slice of prosciutto, then fold it around

509/2ozl|/t cup buttef melted


1 Preheat the oven to 200"C/400"F/

Bake the

filo parcels for 15 minutes,

the cheese. The cheese should be

or until the pastry is crisp and evenly

golden. Arrange the salad on six plates

enclosed by the ham.

and add the parcels. Serve immediately.

Smoked Chicken with Peach Mayonnaise

in Filo Tartlets
tartlets require the minimum
of culinary effort because smoked
chicken is widely available ready
cooked. The filling can be prepared

a day in advance and chilled

overnight but do not fill the pastry
cases until you are ready to serve.

1 Preheat the oven to 200"C/400'F/

Gas 6. Brush 12 small individual tartlet

Bake the tartlets for 5 minutes, or

until the pastry is golden brown. Leave

tins (muffin pans) with a little of the

in the tins for a few moments before

melted butter. Cut each sheet of filo

transferrrng to a wire rack to cool.

pastry into

2 equal rounds large

enough to line the tins, allowing just

enough to stand up above the tops

of the tins.

Makes 12
259/1oz/2 tbsp butter, melted

sheets filo pastry, each measuring

45 x 28cm/1 8 x

1 1

in, thawed

if frozen

Place a round

of pastry in each tin

and brush with a little butter, then

add another round of pastry Brush
each with more butter and add a

thrrd round of pastry.

skinless cooked smoked chicken

breast fillets, thinly sliced


pintl2A cup mayonnaise

grated rind of


To peel peaches, place

4 ln a mixing bowl combine the chicken,

them in a bowl

and pour in freshly boiled water to cover.

mayonnaise, lime rind and juice,

peaches and salt and pepper. Chill the

30ml/2 tbsp lime juice

Leave to stand for 30-60 seconds (the

mixture for at least 30 minutes, or up

2 ripe peaches, peeled, stoned (pitted)

riper the peaches, the quicker their skins


loosen). Use a slotted spoon to remove a

ready to serve the tartlets, spoon the

salt and ground black pepper

peach from the water. Working quickly, slit

chicken mixture into the filo tartlets.

fresh taragon sprigs, lime slices and

the skin with the point of a knife, then slip

Garnish with the fresh tarragon sprigs,

it off. Repeat with the remaining peaches.

lime slices and salad leaves.

and chopped

salad leaves, to garnish

12 hours overnight. When you are








208 Finger Food and Light Bites

Savoury Pork Pies

These little pies come from Spain

2 Turn the pastry out on to a i ghtly

and are really delicious.

f oured work surface and roll out to a

38cm/T 5in square. Cut out 1 2 rounds

Makes 12 pastries

13cm/5in in diameter. Place T5m/

3509/1 2az shartcrust pastry, thawed

moisten the edges with a lttle water,

fold over and sea

if frozen
For the

tbsp of the fillinq on each round,

3 leat the vegetable orl n a deep-


fryer fitted wrth a basket,

smil1 tbsp vegetable oil

to 1 96"C/

385'F. Place three pies at a time in

onion, chopped
7 garlic clove, crushed

1 To make the {illing, heat the oil in

large, heavy frying pan or wok. Add

the basket and deep-fry unti golden


the onion, gar ic and thyme and

brown. Frying should take at least

'l minute or the inside fi ling wii not

tsp fresh thyme

5g/4ozl1 cup minced (ground) pork

cook over a medium heat, stirring


5mll7 tsp paprika

occas ona ly, for about

t hard-boiled

until softened but not browned. Add

egg, chopped

gherkin, chopped

30ml/2 tbsp chopped

fresh parsley
vegetable oil, for deep-frying
salt and qround black pepper


be heated through. Serve warm in a

basket covered w th a napkin.

the pork and paprika, then brown

evenly for 6-8 minutes. Season well,

turn out into a bow and cool. When

n xlure

cool, aod the hardbo led egg. gherkin and parsley.




the best flavour and texture, buy lean

pork and mince (grind) it yourself.

Finger Food and Light Bites 209

Chorizo Pastry Puff s

These flaky pastry puffs, filled with
spicy chorizo sausage and grated
cheese, make a really superb

accompaniment to a glass of cold

sherry or beer. You can use any type

of hard

cheese for the puffs, but


best results, choose a mild variety,


the chorizo has plenty of flavour.

2259/8oz puff pastry thawed if frozen

5g/4oz cured chorizo sausage,

finely chopped

509/2ozl1/z cup grated cheese


small (US medium) egg, beaten

5ml/1 tsp paprika

Roll out the pastry thinly on a lightly

floured work surface. Using a 7 .5cm/

3in cutter, stamp out as many rounds
as possible, then re-roll the trimmings,

if necessary, and stamp out more

rounds to make 16 in all.

Preheat the ovento23O"C/450"F/

Using your other hand, pinch the

Place the pastries on a non-stick

Gas 8. Put the chorizo sausage and

edges of the pastry together aiong

grated cheese in a bowl and toss

the top to seal, as when making

together lightly.

miniature turnover Repeat the process

sifter or strainer, dust the tops lightly

with the remain ng rounds to make

with a little of the paprika.

Lay one of the pastry rounds in the

palm of your hand and place a little of

the chorizo mixture across the centre.

baking sheet and brush lightly with the

beaten egg to glaze. Using a small

6 puffs in all.

Bake the pastries for 1 0-1 2 minutes,

until they are puffed and golden

brown. Transler the pastries to a wire

coot(,s TtP

rack. Leave to cool slightly for about

There are many varieties of chorizo

5 minutes, then transfer to a warm

sausages, but they are all made from pork

and are flavoured and coloured with

platter and serve the chorizo pastry

puffs warm, lightly dusted with the

paprika. 5ome are spicier than others.

remaining paprika.

210 tinger Food and Light Biles

Mini Ham, Roasted Pepper

Mozzarella Ciabatta




These quick ciabatta pizzas are eye-

catching with their bright pepper

topping and great for children.

Makes 8
2 red (bell) peppers
2 yellow (bell) peppers

loaf ciabatta bread

slices prosciutto or other thinly-sliced
ham, cut into thick strips

509/5oz mozzarella cheese

ground black pepper

tiny basil leaves, to garnish

1 Preheat a grill (broiler), Grill (broil) the
peppers, skin sides up, until they are

black. Place them in a bowl, cover and


for 1 0 minutes. Peel off the


2 Cut the bread into eight thick slices

and toast both sides until golden.

4 Thinly slice the mozzarella cheese

5 Arrange the fresh basil leaves on top

3 Cut the roasted peppers into thick

and arrange on top. Grind over plenty

and to serve, transfer to a serving dish

stflps and arrange them on the toasted

of black pepper.

or platter. Leave the cheese to cool

bread with the strips of prosciutto or

grlllfor 2

other ham.

is bubbling.

Place under a hot

3 minutes, until the cheese

for a few minutes, i{ serving the minipizzas

to children.

Finger Food and Light Bites 211

Monte Cristo Triangles

These opulent little sandwiches are

stuffed with ham, cheese and

turkey, dipped in egg, then fried in
butter and oil. They are rich, very
filling - and very popular too.

little butter in a large heavy frying pan

Heat about 1cm/7zin of the oil with a

until hot but not smoking. Add the

sandwiches, in batches, and cook for

about 4-5 minutes, until crisp and

golden, turning once. Add more oil

Makes 64

and butter as necessary Drain well on

kitchen paper.

20gl4oz/1/z cup butter, softened

slices firm-textured thin-sliced

white bread

5 Transfer the sandwiches to a bread

slices oak-smoked ham

5-60m1/34 tbsp wholegrai n musta rd

8 slices Gruydre or Emmenthal cheese
4 5-60m1/34 tbsp mayonnaise
8 slices turkey or chicken breast

Place the eggs, milk and Dijon

board or chopping board and cut each

mustard in a large, shallow dish and

into four triangles, then cut each

beat until thoroughly combined.

triangle in half to make 64 triangles in

with a little salt and pepper.

Add the sandwiches in a single layer

total. Thread an olive and parsley leaf

on to a cocktail stick (toothpick), then

and leave them in the egg mixture to

stick into each triangle. Arrange on a


5 eggs

soak, turning them once, until all the

platter and serve immediately, while

50mll2 fl ozll/a cup milk

egg has been absorbed.

the triangles are still warm.

Smll1 tsp Dijon mustard

vegetable oil, for frying

buttel for frying

salt and ground

white pepper

U pimiento-stuffed

green olives and

fresh parsley leaves, to garnish

1 Arrange eight of the bread slices on

with half
the softened butter. Lay a slice of ham
a work surface and spread

on each slice of bread and spread with

a little mustard. Cover with a slice of
Gruydre or Emmenthal cheese and
spread with a little of the mayonnaise,

then cover with a slice of turkey or

chicken breast.

2 Butter the rest of the bread


and use to top the sandwiches. Cut

off and discard the crusts, trimming to
an even square.

212Finget Food and Light Bites

Deep-fried Lamb Patties

These patties are a tasty North

African speciality - called kibbeh of minced meat and bulgur wheat.

They are sometimes stuffed with

additional meat and deeP fried.

Moderately spiced, theY're good
served with yogurt.

Serves 6

lean lamb


lean minced

(ground) lamb or beef

salt and ground black PePPer

vegetable oil, for deeP-frYing

avocado slices and fresh coriander

(cilantro) sprigs, to serve
For the patties

2259t8oz/11b cups bulgur wheat


red chilli, seeded and

onion, coarsely choPPed

coarsely chopped

For the


onion, finely chopped

5Og/2oz/2/3 cup pine nuts

31ml/2 tbsp olive oil

7.5m\/11h tsp ground allspice
60mll4 tbsp chopped fresh
coriander (cilantro)

4 Turn the patty mixture out on to

1 lf necessary coarsely cut

uP the

lamb and process the Pieces in a

blender or food processor until

Pour the oil into a large Pan to a

deplh of 5cm/2in and heat until a few
patty crumbs si2zle on the surface.

work surface and shaPe into a cake.

Cut into 12 wedges.

Gently lower half of the {illed

patties into the oil and deep{ry for

minced. Divide the minced meat into

two equal portions.

about 5 minutes, until golden Drain

well on kitchen paper and keep hot
while you are cooking the remainder.

For the patties, soak the bulgur

wheat for 15 minutes in cold water.

Drain then process in a blender or a

Serve immediately,

food processor with the chilli, onion,

half the meat and salt and PePPer.

For the stuffing, cook the onion and

pine nuts in the oil for 5 minutes. Add

the allspice and remaining meat and

cook gently, breaking up the meat

of the stuffing into the centre. Bring

the edqes of the patty uP over the

wooden spoon, until browned.

Stir in the coriander and seasoning.


cool('s TlPs


with avocado

and coriander sprigs.

stuffing, making sure that the filling

completely encased.

When you are filling the kibbeh, it helps

to dampen your hands with cold water to

Flatten one piece and spoon some

prevent the mi)fture from sticking to them.


You can prepare the kibbeh a daY in

advance and store them, covered, in the

refrigerator until ready to cook.

Finger Food and Light Bites 213

Spicy Koftas
These koftas will need to be cooked
in batches. Keepthem hotwhenthey
are cooked while you cook the rest.

Makes 2()-25
4509/1lb minced (ground) lamb
30ml/2 tbsp ground ginger
30ml/2 tbsp finely chopped garlic
4 green chillies, finely chopped

small onion, finely chopped


2.5m1/1/z tsp ground turmeric

5ml/1 tsp garam masala

5 0g /2oz/

cu ps cori

a n

d er (ci la


leaves, chopped

4-6 mint leaves, chopped


759/602 potato

salt, to taste
vegetable oil, for deep-frying

1 Place the meat in a large bowl with

the ginger, garlic, chillies, onion, egg,
turmeric, garam masala, coriander and
mint. Grate the potato into the bowl,
and season with salt. Knead together
to blend well and form a soft dough.

Although lamb is traditionally used for
making koftas, they are also delicious
made with lean minced (ground) beef.


Using your fingers, shape the kofta

mixture into portions about the size of
golf balls. You should be able to make

20-25 koftas.

until they are golden brown in colour.

Place the balls in a single

Heat the oil in a large, heavy frying

pan or wok to medium-hot. Add the

koftas, in small batches, and deep{ry

Leftover koftas can be coarsely chopped

ayer on a baking sheet or large tray,

Drain the koftas well on kitchen paper

and packed into pitta bread spread with

cover with a clean dishtowel and leave

and keep hot in a low oven whiie you

chutney or relish for a quick, easy and

to rest at room temperature for about

are cooking the remaininq batches.

delicious snack.

25 minutes.

Transfer to a platter and serve.

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