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Main Deck - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - Y Z - All (A to Z)

Abbreviations & Acronyms - All (A to Z):

A&G = Administrative and General Expenses
AAQS = Ambient Air Quality Standards Continued below
ABF = Aquatic Base Flow
ABS = American Bureau of Shipping
AC = Alternating Current
ACA = Annual Charge Adjustment
ACHARR = Advisory Committee on Hydrocarbons Additional Recovery Research
ACHP = Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
ACRS = Accelerated Cost Recovery System
ADIT = Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes
AF = Arctic Floater
AFFF = Aqueous film-forming foam
Aframax tanker = tanker < 80,000 dwt (average freight rate assessment)
AI = artificial island
AIS = Automatic identification system
AL = Appraisal Licence
AMNI = Associate Member of the Nautical Institute
Amp = Ampere
AMVER = US Automated Mutual-Assistance Vessel Rescue
APCD = Air Pollution Control District
API = American Petroleum Institute
AQ = Air Quality
AQAP = Air Quality Attainment Plan
AQMD = Air Quality Management District
ARB = Air Resources Board
ARCS = Admiralty Raster Chart Service
ARPA = Automatic Radar Plotting Aids
ASBA = Association of Ship Brokers and Agents
ASRO = Australian Shipping Registration Office
ASV = Annular Safety Valve
Bbbl = Billion barrels
Bbl = Barrel(s) of oil
BC = Code of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes
BCD = Barrels per Calendar Day
Bcf = Billion Cubic Feet
Bcfd = billion cubic feet per day
Bcfe = Billion Cubic Feet of gas Equivalent

BDI = Baltic Dry Index

BDV = Blow Down Valve
BFI = Baltic Freight Index
BHA = Bottom Hole Assembly (toolstring on coiled tubing or drill pipe)
BHP = Bottom Hole Pressure
BIMCO = Baltic and International Maritime Council
Bimcosale = The Bimco standard form of bill of sale
BMPs = Best Management Practices
BO = Biological Opinion
BOD = Biological Oxygen Demand
BOE = Barrels of Oil Equivalent (bbls of oil equivalent)
BOE/BoE/boepd = Barrel of oil equivalent per day
BOEPD = Barrels of Oil Per Day Equivalent
BOP = Blowout Preventer
BOPD = Barrels Of Oil Per Day
BOPE = Barrels of Oil Per Day Equivalent
BOPM = Barrels of Oil Per Month
BOSIET = Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training (includes Safety, Fire Prevention
and Fire Fighting, First Aid and Hypothermia, Helicopter Safety and Escape, and Survival at Sea
BOSVA = British Offshore Support Vessel Owners Association
BPD = barrels per day
BPH = barrels per hour
BPI = Baltic Panamax Index
BPV - Back Pressure Valve
BR = Barge
BRINDEX = Association of British Independent Oil Exploration Companies
BROA = British Rig Owners Association
Brown Fields = Fields beyond their production plateau but still producing
BRS = Bulgarian Register of Shipping
BRT = Below Rotary Table
BS&W = Basic Sediment & Water
BTEX = Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, Xylene
BTI = British Trade International
BTU = British Thermal Unit
BV = Bureau Veritas
BWPD = Barrels of Water Per Day
C (cent.) = Centigrade
CAA = Clean Air Act
CAAA = Clean Air Act Amendments
CAAQS = California Air Quality Standards
CAD = computer assisted design

CAER = Community Awareness and Emergency Response

CAODC = Canadian Association of Oilwell Drilling Contractors
CAP = Condition Assessment Program Survey
CAPEX = Capital Expenditure
CAPP = Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers
CARB = California Air Resources Board
CATS = Central Area Transmission System
CBI = computer-based information
CBI = Confederation of British Industry
CBL = Cement Bond Log
CBM = Coalbed Methane
CBT = computer-based training
CCA = California Coastal Act
CCC = California Coastal Commission
CCC = Carrier container council
CCMP = California Coastal Management Program
CCP = Controllable Pitch Propeller
CCRS = China Corporation Register of Shipping
CCS = China Classification Society
CDA = Common Data Access
CEC = California Energy Commission
CEN = European Committee for Standardization
CENELEC = European Committee for Electro-technical Standardization
CEPA = Canadian Energy Pipeline Association
CES = coast earth station
CESMA = Confederation of European Union Shipmasters Associations
Cf = Compare
Cf = Cubic Feet
CFR = Code of Federal Regulations
Cfs = Cubic Feet per Second
CG = coast guard
CGBF = Concrete, Gravity Based Structure
CGT = Capital Gains Tax
CHP = Casing Hanger Pressure
CIRM = International radio maritime committee
CIT = Chartered Institute of Transport
Class = Category in classification register
CLC = International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage
CLUP = Coastal Land Use Plan
CNG = Compressed Natural Gas
CO = Carbon Monoxide

CO2 = Carbon Dioxide

COA = contract of affreightment
Colreg - International Convention on Collision Regulations
COMP = California Offshore Monitoring Program
COOGER = California Offshore Oil and Gas Energy Resources
CoSWP = Code of Safe Working Practices For Merchant Seamen
COW = Crude oil washing
CPI = Consumer Price Index
CPS = Cycles Per Second
CPU = Cavern Point Unit
CRS = Croatian Register of Shipping
CSS = Code of Ship management Standards
CT = Coiled Tubing
CT = Compliant Tower
CT = Corporation Tax
CTCO = Coiled Tubing Clean Out
CTM = Coil Tubing Measurement
CTU = cargo transport unit
CUP = Conditional Use Permit
CWA = Clean Water Act
CZMA = Coastal Zone Management Act
D&C = Drilling and Completions
dBA = Decibles
DC = Direct Current
DCP = Driller's Control Panel
DEAL = Digital Energy Atlas & Library
DGPS = Differential Global Positioning System
DIS = Danish International Register of Shipping - Danish Maritime Authority
DIS = Draft international standard
DL = Development Licence
DLat = difference in latitude
DLong = difference in longitude
DMDO = Distillate Marine Diesel Oil
DNC = Digital Nautical Chart
DNV = Det Norske Veritas
DO = Dissolved Oxygen
DO = Division Order
DOC = document of compliance
DOE = US Department Of Energy
DOT = US Department of Transportation
DP = Dynamic Positioning

DPO = Dynamic Positioning Operator

DPP = Development and Production Plan
DR = Dead Reckoning
DR = Delay Rental
DS = Drillship
DSC = Dangerous Goods, Solid Cargoes and Containers
DSS = decision support system
DSV = Diving Support Vessel
DTI = UK Department of Trade and Industry
DWT = Deadweight tons
EA = Environmental Assessment
EC = European Community
EC = European Commission
ECDIS = Electronic Chart Display and Information System
ECGD = Exports Credits Guarantee Department
ECITB = Engineering Construction Industry Training Board
ECS = Electronic chart system
EEEGR = East of England Energy Group
EEZ = Exclusive economic zone
EHV = Extra High Voltage
EIA = Environmental Impact Assessment
EIR = Environmental Impact Report
EIS = Environmental Impact Statement
EL = Exploration Licence
EMF = Electro Magnetic Fields
EN = European Standard
ENC = electronic navigation chart
EOFL = End of Field Life
EOR = Enhanced oil recovery
EPA = Environmental Protection Act
EPFS = Electronic Position Fixing System
EPIRB = emergency position indicating radio beacon
EPS = IMO performance standard for ECDIS
ERD = Extended Reach Drilling
ERNS = Emergency Response Notification System
ESD = Emergency Shut Down
ESP = Electric Submersible Pump
ETA = estimated time of arrival
ETD = estimated time of departure
ETO = Electro-Technical Officer
ETSF = Electronic Trading Standard Format

ETSI = European Telecommunications

EU = European Union
FCC = fully cellular containership
FCO = financed, constructed and operated
FCO = Foreign and Commonwealth Office
FDP = Final Development Plan
FERC = Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
FIXED = Fixed Leg Platform
FMA = Finnish Maritime Administration, Finish Register of Ships
FNI = Fellow of The Nautical Institute
FO = fuel oil
FOIP = Freedom Of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
FONSI = Findings Of No Significant Impact
FPF = Floating Production Facility
FPS = feet per second
FPS = Floating production, storage
FPSO = Floating Production Storage and Offloading System
FR = Full Requirements
FRSB = Fast Response Spill Boat
FSA = formal safety assessment
FSRU = Floating Storage and Regasification Unit
FT = Flow Transmitter
Ft = Foot (feet)
FTC = US Federal Trade Commission
FTP = Flowing Tubing Plug
FWV = Flow Wing Valve
G/L = Gas/Liquid
Gal = Gallon
GAPP = Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
GBT = Gravity Base Tank
GHG = Greenhouse Gases
GIIP = Gas Initially In Place
GIS = Geographic Information System
GL = Germanischer Lloyd
GLM = Gas Lift Mandrel
Glonass = Global navigation satellite system
GLR = Gas Liquid Ratio
GLV = Gas Lift Valve
GMDSS = Global maritime distress and safety system
GMT = Greenwich Mean Time
GNOME = General NOAA Oil Modeling Environment

GOC = Gas Oil Contact

GOC = General operators' certificate with regard to GMDSS
GOM = Gulf of Mexico
GOR = Gas Oil Ratio
GPS = Global positioning system
GRP = Glass Reinforced Plastic
GRV = Gross Rock Volume
GT = gross tonnage
GT&C = General Terms and Conditions
GTL = Gas To Liquid
GTW = Gas To Wire
GUI = Graphical user interface
GW = Gigawatt
Gwh = Gigawatt-Hour
GWI = Gross Working Interest
H2S = Hydrogen Sulfide
HAPs = Hazardous Air Pollutants
HARP = Hot Spots Analysis and Reporting Program
HARP = Hydrocarbons Additional Recovery Program
HAZMAT = Hazardous Materials Response Division of NOAA
HBL = Hydrostatic Balanced Loading
HBL = Hydrostatic Balanced Loading
HCA = Host Control Area
HCRF = Hydrographic Chart Raster Format
HEA = Habitat Equivalency Analysis
HEP = Habitat Evaluation Procedure
HGE = Harmonization Group on ECDIS
HHI = Hirschman Herfindahl Index
HHP = High holding power (anchors)
HKSR = Hong Kong Shipping Register
HLID = Hydrocarbon Leak and Ignition Database
HLO = Helicopter Landing Officer
HMG = Her Majestys Government (UK)
HMT = Her Majestys Treasury (UK)
HNS = Convention on the Carriage of Noxious and Hazardous Substances by Sea
HO = Hydrographic Office
HP = high pressure
HP = Horsepower
HPHT = High Pressure High Temperature
HQI = Habitat Quality Index
HSC = Health & Safety Commission

HSC = International Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft

HSE = Health, Safety and Environment
HSWA = Health and Safety at Work Act
HUET = Helicopter Underwater Escape Training
HVDC = High Voltage Direct Current
HVI = High Viscosity Index
Hz = Hertz (cycles per second)
I:P = Injector To Producer Ratio
IACS = International Association of Classification Societies
IADC = International Association of Drilling Contractors
IAIN = International Association of Institutes of Navigation
IALA = International Association of Lighthouse Authorities
IAPH = International Association of Ports and Harbors
IASST = International Association for Sea Survival Training
IBC Code = International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships carrying Dangerous
Chemicals in Bulk
IBCS = Integrated bridge control system
IBIA = International Bunker Industry Association
ICAB = International Cargo Advisory Bureau
ICAP = Installed Capacity
ICHCA = International Cargo Handling Coordination Association
ICoTA = Intervention and Coiled Tubing Association
ICS = Incident Command System
ICS = Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers
ICS = International Chamber of Shipping
ICV = Interval Control Valve
ID = Inner Diameter
IEA = International Energy Agency
IER = Incremental Energy Rate
IFO = Intermediate Fuel Oil
IFSMA = International Federation of Ship Masters' Associations
IFTPA = International Forest Product Transport Association
IGC Code = International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships carrying Liquefied Gases
in Bulk
IGO = inter-governmental organization
IGS = inert gas system
IGU = International Gas Union
IHB = International Hydrographic Bureau
IHMA = International Harbor Masters' Association
IHO = International Hydrographic Organization
IHR = Incremental Heat Rate

IICL = Institute of International Container Lessors

IIMS = International Institute of Marine Surveyors
IIRT = Initial Incident Response Team
IJC = International Joint Commission
ILO = International Labor Organization
IMarE = Institute of Marine Engineers
IMB = International Maritime Bureau
IMDG Code = International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code
IMLA = International Maritime Lecturers Association
IMO = International Maritime Organization
IMPA = International Marine Purchasing Association
IMPA = International Maritime Pilots' Association
in = Inch
INC = Incident of Non-Compliance
Inmarsat = International Marine Satellite Organization
Intercargo = International Association fo Dry Cargo Ship-owners
INTERTANKO = International Association of Independent Tanker Owners
Invest UK = Inward investment promotion arm of BTI (formerly Invest in Britain Bureau)
IOLT = Institute of Logistics and Transport
IOPC = International Oil Pollution Fund
IPC = Installed Production Capacity
IPE = International Petroleum Exchange
IPO = Initial Public Offering
IPPC = Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control
IR = Inland Revenue
IRS = Indian Register of Shipping
ISDP = integrated ship design and production
ISF = International Shipping Federation
ISGOTT = International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals
ISM Code = International Safety Management Code
ISMA = International Ship Managers' Association
ISO = International Standards Organization
ISSA = International Ship Supplies Association
ISU = International Salvage Union
ITF = International Transport Workers Federation
ITL = Industry Leadership Team (part of PILOT)
ITOPF = International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation
IUA = International Underwriting Association
IWOCS = Installation and workover control system
JAS = Joint Association Survey
JIP = Joint industry project

JNCC = Joint Nature Conservation Committee

JOA = Joint operating agreement
JRP = Joint Review Panel
JU = Jackup
JV = Joint venture
kHz = Thousand Hertz (cycles per second)
KR (or KRS) = Korean Register of Shipping
KV = Kilovolt
KVA = Kilovolt-Ampere
KVNR = Dutch Register of Shipping
Kw = Kilowatt
KWH = Kilowatt-Hour
LACT = Liquid Automatic Custody Transfer
Lat =latitude
LAT = Lowest Astronomical Tide
LBP = Length between perpendiculars
LBS = lifeboat stations
LCB = longitudinal centre of buoyancy
LCD = Liquid crystal display
LCF = longitudinal centre of flotation
LDT = light displacement tonnage, lost during trans-shipment
LED = Light emitting diode
LEL = Lower explosive limit
LEM = lower explosive mixture
LEO = low earth orbit (satellite configuration)
LGR = Liquid Gas Ratio
LIFT = Licence Information for Trading
LKO = Lowest Known Oil
LMRP = Lower Marine Riser Package
LMT = local mean time
LMV = Lower Master Valve
LN = Land
LNG = Liquefied Natural Gas
LO = lubricating oil
LOA = Length over all
LOC = Letter of credit, letter of compliance (USCG)
LODF = Line Outage Distribution Factor
LOGIC = Leading Oil and Gas Industry Competitiveness
LOL = limitation of owner's liability
LOLE = Loss Of Load Expectation
LOLER = Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations

LOP = Line of position

LOR = Letter of readiness
LOS = Law of the Sea
LOS = Line of sight
LP = liquid petroleum
LP = Low Pressure
LP = low pressure
LPC = London Processing Centre
LPG = Liquefied Petroleum Gas
LR = Lloyd's Register
LRDP = Long Range Development Plan
LSA = life saving appliances
LSFO = Loss-Sulfur Fuel Oil
LSH = Level Safety High
LSL = Level Safety Low
LST = local standard time
LVI = Low Viscosity Index
LW = low water
LWD = Logging Whilst Drilling
LWL = length on water line
M = Meter
M/V = Mobile Vessel
Marisat = Maritime satellite system
MARPOL 73/78 = International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships
MARSEC = Maritime Security
MAWP = Maximum Actual Working Pressure
MAWP = Maximum Allowable Working Pressure
Mbbls = Thousand Barrels
Mbbls/d = Thousand Barrels per Day
Mbod = thousand barrels of oil per day
Mboe = Thousand Barrels of Oil Equivalent
Mboe/d = Thousand Barrels of Oil Equivalent per Day
MCA = Marine Coastguard Agency
MCC = Master Control Center
MCE = Maximum Credible Earthquakes
Mcf = Thousand Cubic Feet (of gas)
MCFD = Thousand Cubic Feet Per Day
MCFPD = One Thousand Cubic Feet of Gas Per Day
MD = Measured Depth
MDL = Methane Drainage Licence
MDO = Marine Diesel Oil

MDT = Modular formation Dynamic Tester

MEO = medium earth orbit (for satellite configuration)
MEPC = Marine Environment Protection Committee
MERSAR = Merchant Ship Search and Rescue Manual
Mgd = million gallons per day
MGN = Marine Guidance Note
MGO = Marine Gas Oil
Mgy = million gallons per year
MI = Mineral Interest
MIS = Management information system
MLLW = Mean Lower Low Water
MM = Million
MM = Mitigation Measure
MMbbl(s) = Million Barrels
MMbd = million barrels per day
MMboe = Million Barrels of Oil Equivalent
MMboepd (or mmboepd) = Millions of barrels of oil equivalent per day
mmBtu = Million British Thermal Units
MMcf = Million Cubic Feet
MMcf/d = Million Cubic Feet per Day
MMcfd = Million cubic feet day
MMCRP = Mitigation Monitoring and Compliance Reporting Program
MMP = Mitigation Monitoring Program
MMPA = Marine Mammals Protection Act
MMS = Minerals Management Service
MMscfd = million standard cubic feet per day
MMstb = million stock barrels
MNI = Member of the Nautical Institute
MO = Mobile
MODU = Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit
MOP = mobile offshore production
MOPU = Mobile Producing Unit
MOTEMS = Marine Oil Terminal Engineering and Maintenance Standards
MOU = Memorandum of Understanding
Mpd = thousand barrels per day
MPN = Most Probable Number
MRCC = maritime rescue coordination centre
MSC = Marine Safety Committee
MSDS = Materials Safety Data Sheet
MTLP = Mini Tension Leg Platform
MUX = Make Up Crossover [Crossover = X]

MVA = Megavolt-Amperes
MW = Megawatts
MWD = Measurement Whilst Drilling
N02 = Nitrogen dioxide
N0X = Nitrogen oxides
NAAQS = National Ambient Air Quality Standards
NAFTA = North American Free Trade Agreement
NAVTEX = navigational and meteorological warning broadcast service
NCOB = no cargo on board
NDT = non-destructive testing
NE = Northeast
NEB =National Energy Board
NFI = No Further Investment
NFTZ = non free trade zone
NG = Natural Gas
NGL = Natural Gas Liquids
NGO = Non-Governmental organisation
NHPV = Net Hydrocarbon Pore Volume
NI = The Nautical Institute
NIHQ = Nautical Institute Headquarters, London
NITC = Normal Incremental Transfer Capability
NK or NKK (or ClassNK) = Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (Japan's ship classification society)
NM = Nautical mile
NMEA = National Marine Electronics Association
NMFS = National Marine Fisheries Services (NOAA Fisheries)
NNR = national nature reserve
NO = nitric oxide
NOAA = National Marine and Atmospheric Administration
NOAA = National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NOD = Notice of Determination
NOGEPA = Netherlands Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Association
NOI = Notice Of Inquiry
NOI = Notice Of Intent
NOP = Notice of Preparation
NOR = Notice of Readiness
NPD = Norwegian Petroleum Directorate
NPDES = National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
NPREP = National Preparedness for Response Exercise Program
NPV = Net Present Value
NRC = National Response Center
NRI = Net Revenue Interest

NRV = Non Return Valve

NSA = Norwegian Shipowners' Association
NSDG = North Sea Decommissioning Group
NT = net tonnage
NTO = National Training Organization
NUMAST = National Union of Marine, Aviation & Shipping Transport Officers
NWI = Net Working Interest
NYMEX = New York Mercantile Exchange
O/B = on board
OBO = ore/bulk/oil carrier
OCA = Offshore Contractors Association
OCIMF = Oil Companies International Marine Forum
OCR = optical character recognition
OCS = Outer Continental Shelf
OCSLA = Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act
OD = Outer Diameter
ODT = Oil Down To
OECD = Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
OES = Office of Emergency Services
OG = Oil and Gas Directorate
OGITF = Oil & Gas Industry Task Force
OGML = Oil, Gas and Mineral Lease
OIAC = Oil Industry Advisory Committee
OLF = Norwegian Oil Industry Association
OMBO = One Man Bridge Operation
OOD = Officer of the deck
OOW = Officer of the watch
OPA 90 = US Oil Pollution Act of 1990
OPEC = Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries
OPEX = Operating Expenditure
OPITO = Offshore Petroleum Industry Training Organization
OPITO = The Oil & Gas Academy
OPPR = oil pollution preparedness and response
OPR = Office of Planning and Research
OPRC = International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co-operation
OPS = US Office of Pipeline Safety
ORRI = Overriding Royalty Interest
OSCP = Oil Spill Contingency Plan
OSHA = Occupational Safety and Health Administration
OSPAR = Oslo & Paris Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of North East Atlantic
OSPR = Oil Spill Prevention and Response

OSRA = Oil Spill Risk Analysis

OSRP = Oil Spill Response Plan
OSRV = Oil Spill Response Vessel
OSV = Offshore Support Vessel
OTO = Oil Taxation Office (of the Inland Revenue)
OWC = Oil Water Contact
P&I (or P and I) = Protection and Indemnity club
PAC = Pacific OCS Region
PAH = poly-aromatic hydrocarbons
Panamax = Ships able to transit, and allowed transit, of the Panama Canal
PBR = Polished Bore Receptacle
PBU = Pressure Build Up
PDG = Permanent Downhole Gauge
PE = Petroleum Engineer
PEDL = Petroleum Exploration & Development Licence
PF = Platform
PFD = position fixing device, personal floatation device
PGOR = Produced Gas Oil Ratio
PIANC = Permanent International Association of Navigation Congresses
PILOT = OGITF Successor
PINC = Potential Incident of Non-Compliance
PLB = personal locator beacon
PLEM = pipeline end manifold
PLT = Production Logging Tool
PM = particulate matter
PM10 = particulate matter less than 10 microns in diameter
PM2.5 = particulate matter less than 2.5 microns in diameter
PMS = planned maintenance system
POB = persons on board
POB = pilot on board
PON = Petroleum Operations Notice
POOH = Pull Out Of Hole
POOI = Pacific Operators Offshore Incorporated
POSVCM = Pipeline Oil Spill Volume Computer Model
POV = Pressure Operated Valves
PPB = parts per billion
PPE = Personal Protective Equipment
PPE = Personnel Protection Equipment
PPG = Pounds per gallon
PPM = parts per million
PRS = Polish Register of Shipping

PRT = Petroleum Revenue Tax

PSAC = Petroleum Services Association of Canada
PSC = port state control
PSD = Prevention of Significant Deterioration
PSE = Pressure Safety Element
PSH = Pressure Safety High
PSHL = Pressure Safety High/Low
PSI = Pounds per square inch
PSIA = Pounds Per Square Inch Atmospheric
PSIG = Points per square inch, gauge
PSL = Pressure Safety Low
PSL = Product Specification Level
PSV = Pressure Safety Valve
PTO = Permit to Operate
PUR = Plant Upset Report
PUWER = Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations
PV = pressure/vacuum
PVT = Pressure Volume Temperature
PW = Produced Water
PWRI = Produced Water Re-Injection
PWV = Production Wing Valve
QA = quality assurance
QC = quality control
QF = Qualifying Facility
QUAD = Quadrillion BTUs
R&D = Research and Development
RCC = Rescue coordination centre
RCCD = Reverse Circulation Centre Discharge
RCDS = Raster Chart Display Systems
RDF = Radio direction finder
RE = Reservoir Engineer
RENC = Regional Electronic Navigational Chart Coordinating Centre
RF = range finder
RF = radio frequency
RI = Royalty Interest
RINA = Registro Italiano Navale (Italian Register of Shipping)
RINA = Royal Institution of Naval Architects
RMT = National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers
RNC = Raster Navigational Chart
RNR = Romanian Maritime Register of Shipping
ROA = Return of Assets

ROB = remain on board (cargo, bunkers)

ROC = Reactive Organic Compounds
ROE = Return of Equity
ROFR = Right Of First Refusal
ROG = Reactive Organic Gases
ROI = Return On Investment
Ro-Ro = roll on/roll off
ROSF = Rincon Onshore Separation Facility
ROV = Remotely Operated Vehicle
ROW = Right of way
RPM = Revolutions Per Minute
RS = Russian Maritime Register of Shipping
RT (or R/T) = radio telegraph
RTCM = Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services
RTU = Remote Terminal Unit
RWQCB = Regional Water Quality Control Board
SAC = Special area of conservation
SAFE = Safety Award for Excellence
SAGE =Scottish Area Gas Evacuation
SAR = Search and Rescue
SARA = Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act
SART = search and rescue radar transponder
SAS = safety at sea
SBM = Synthetic base mud
SCADA = Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
SCBA = Self contained breathing apparatus
SCF = Standard Cubic Foot of natural gas
SCO = Standard Cost Obligation
SCOPIC = Special Compensation P&I Clause
SCR = Spot check report
SCR = Special Casualty Representative (P&I)
SCSSV = Surface Controlled Subsurface Safety
SD = Dynamic positioning semisubmersible
SDV = Shutdown Valve
SDW = Summer dead weight
SEAL = Shearwater-Elgin Area Line
SEC = US Securities and Exchange Commission
SEIR = Supplemental Environmental Impact Report
SEMI = Semisubmersible
SENC = System Electronic Navigational Chart
SES = Satellite earth station

SES = Seafarers' Education Service

SFEIS = Supplemental Final Environmental Impact Statement
SFV = Straight Fixed Variable
SHARP = Sustainable Hydrocarbons Additional Recovery Programme
SI = Shut In
SIC = Standard Industrial Classification
SIRE = Ship's inspection report: a database system of the OCIMF
SITP = Shut-in Tubing Pressure
Sjofartsverket = Swedish Register of Shipping, Swedish Maritime Administration
SMarT = Support for Maritime Training scheme
SMB = Santa Maria Basin
SMC = Safety management certificate
SMEs = Small and medium sized enterprises
SMS = Safety management system
SNG = Synthetic Natural Gas
SO2 = Sulfur dioxide
SO3 = Oxides of sulfur
SOC = Statement of Overriding Consideration
SOLAS = International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea
SOO = Suspension of Operation
SOP = Standard operating procedure
SOP = Suspension of Production
SOPEP = Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan
SOSREP = Secretary of State's Representative for Marine salvage and Intervention
SPA = Special protection area
SPAR = Floating production system
SPCC = Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure
SPCCP = Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plan
SPCP = Spill Prevention and Cleanup Plan
SPI = Ship-port interface
SPM = Single point mooring
SS = Semisubmersible
SS = Stainless Steel
SSANC = Fixed anchors or mooring piles
SSMNF = Subsea manifold
SSO = Ship security officer
SSRRC = System Safety and Reliability Review Committee
SSSL = Supplementary Seismic Survey Licence
SSSV = Subsurface Safety Valve
SSTMP = Subsea templates
SSV = Surface Safety Valve

STB = stock tank barrel

STCW = International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping
STOIIP = Stock Tank Oil Initially In Place
STOP = Safety Training Observation Program
SU = Submersible
SUBC = self-unloading bulk carrier
SW = Southwest
SWDW = Salt Water Disposal Well
SWL = Safe working load
TAC = Toxic Air Contaminants
TBOSIET = Tropical Basic Offshore Safety Induction & Emergency Training
Tcf = Trillion Cubic Feet
TCR = Transition Cost Recovery
TD = Total Depth
TDS = total dissolved solids
TDU = Transmission Dependent Utility
TEU = Twenty feet equivalent unit
TF = Tropical fresh load line
TGOR = Total Gas Oil Ratio
THP = Tubing Hanger Pressure
TIMS = Technical Information Management System
TLL = timber load line
TLP = Tension Leg Platform
TOU = Time-Of-Use
TPI = Tones per inch immersion
TPIC = Terminal Person in Charge
TQM = Total quality management
TRSCSSSV = Tubing Retrievable Surface Controlled Sub-Surface Safety Valve
TRSCSSV = Tubing Retrievable Surface Controlled Sub-Surface Valve
TSE = Temperature Safety Element
TSH = Temperature Safety High
TSSs = Traffic Separation Schemes
TTC = Total Transfer Capability
TTRD = Through Tubing Rotary Drilling
TVD = True Vertical Depth
TVDSS = True Vertical Depth Sub Sea
USC = United States Code
UBS = Universal bulk ship
UEL = Upper explosive limit
UFC = Uniform Fire Code
UFL = Upper flammable limit

UKCS = United Kingdom Continental Shelf

UKLPG = Industry association formed from the LP Gas Association (LPGA) and the Association for
Liquid Gas & Equipment Distributors (ALGED)
UKOOA = United Kingdom Offshore Operators Association
UKPIA = United Kingdom Petroleum Industry Association Limited
ULBC = ultra large bulk carrier
ULCC = ultra large crude carrier
UMS = Universal Measurement System
UMV = Upper Master Valve
UN = United Nations
UNCLOS = United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
USCG = United States Coast Guard
USDA = US Department of Agriculture
USDOI = US Department of Interior
USDOT = US Department of Transportation
USEPA = US Environmental Protection Agency
USFWS = US Fish and Wildlife Service
USGS = US Geological Survey
UTC = Universal time (coordinated)
UV = ultra-violet
VCG = vertical centre of gravity
VDR = Voyage data recorder
VDU = visual display unit
VIR = Value Investment Ratio
VLBC = Very large bulk carrier
VLCC = Very large crude carrier
VOC = Volatile Organic Compound
VP = vapour pressure
VPP = Variable pitch propeller
VPS = Velocity Seismic Profile
VRP = Vessel response plan
VRR = Voidage Replacement Ratio
VRS = Vapor Recovery System
VRU = Vapor Recovery Unit
VTIS = Vessel traffic information system
VTMS = Vessel traffic management services
VTS = Vessel traffic service/system
VTSS = Vessel traffic separation scheme
WACOG = Weighted Average Cost Of Gas
WAG = Water Alternating Gas
WC = Watercut

WCD = Worst-case discharge

WDP = Waste Discharge Permit
WDRs = Waste discharge requirements
WEG = Wireline Entry Guide
WEND = World Electronic Navigation Database
WHM = Wellhead maintenance
WHO = World Health Organisation
WHP = Wellhead Pressure
WHRU = Waste Heat Recovery Unit
WI = Water Injection
WI = Working Interests
WIS = Wave Information Study
WL = water line
WMO = World Meteorological Organization
WMU = World Maritime University
WP = Well Protector
WPI = Wholesale Price Index
WQC = Water Quality Certificate
WRSCSSV = Wireline Retrievable Surface Controlled Sub-Surface Valve
WSCA = Well Services Contractors Association
WT = watertight
WTI = West Texas Intermediate
WTP = Willingness to Pay
WY = Water Year
ZD = zone description

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