2014 9 23 Final Minutes

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GCSA Forum Minutes

23 September 2014
I. Call to Order and Invocation, Henry Hagen
II. Roll Call, Hannah Wardell
III. Approval of Minutes, Hannah Wardell
IV. Reports of Officers, Boards, and Standing Committees
i. Academic Affair Committee, Kristen Gandek
Working on study spaces, doing research for a suggestions report. Look at the
core. Working with faculty to improve communication.
ii. Communications Committee, John Buckley
Bios are online. Working on getting transparency through social media
iii. Financial Affairs Committee, Ryan Daly
No new money requests. Been working on stipending. Looking on how to move
forward with money. Working on Proposal for the student employment office.
VI. Unfinished Business and General Orders
i. ACD Bylaw Change Presentation, Ed Link and Christiana McMullen
Identities has been made lowercase, added a definition of pluralism based on
Harvards Pluralism project. Opening definition of organizations.
Discussion focused around grammer. Will vote on Bylaws next week.
VII. New Business,
i. SophSmores Budget Presentation, Jamie Shore
First sophomore class event of the year, focus on community. Music, bonfire,
smores at gull pond. $12.95 for poster. $100 for s'mores. Planning 120 people.
One smore per person. How will we ensure only sophomores come? Changing
to 200 dollars for s'mores. Unused funds go back into rep initiative fund.
Through the rep initiative budget. Physical plant is providing pallets.
Ezra: Move to approve SophSmores Budget from the Repetitive Fund
Michael Seconded, approved unanimously
ii. Lions Den Project Update, Abel Cherian and Reece Brown
Meeting with higher ups on the project. Alterations were in the best interests of
students in regards to dining issues. Discussed late night (they want to move it to
upstairs grill.) We are worried about the compromise in atmosphere. Meeting with
Lisa Calmus of Dining Services. Want it done by winter break, open for 2nd
semester. Idea unpopular with students, but it looks like we cant get around that.
Emphasising the congestion and the importance of gillies as a student space.
Steve: How many people would they be able to serve with the upstairs space?
Will it be more efficient than Gillies?
Reece: They have a bigger comprehensive plan for Lane. trying to keep gillies
open until the end of the year.
Abel: Late night has been upstairs in the past.
Reece: Makes a lot more sense for the practical work of dining services, it will
run more smoothly.

GCSA Forum Minutes

23 September 2014
Kristen: meeting and study groups in the Lions den. Will there be a comparable
space offered?
Abel: Working to make lane a hub for student dining, focus of the other
renovations. But there is no replacement for Lions Den. Maybe the Presidents
Dining Room?
Rosie: We have pizza in Lane-- what's happening to that?
Abel: Well put the gluten free and healthy options in that space
Reece: Hours will run lunch-late night
Abel: Study space. they want to disperse traffic throughout lane. Pizzeria will
have booths.
Reece: Summer 2015 is the bulk of the changes.
Chesters--the space next to the door to the Lions Den will be the storage kitchen
fridge space.
Gillies would look more like Panera, hoping to make it more of a study space and
less like a sports bar.
Very open to suggestions.
Kristen: what's the best way to get ideas across respectfully?
Reece: Students should talk to reps and then pass the information on to Reece,
Abel or even Jesse. Maybe we can poll people? Working with AAC.
Chris: There seems to be lots of planning without input?
We as a GCSA are trying to be incredibly proactive about this, basically stick our
foot in the door before its too late. Open to more people joining us.
President Lindsey wants to re-do gillies completely. We dont know about food
Discussion centered around the future of the Gillies space, where food will be
served and the long term plan, and the effect these renovations will have on
study spaces.
VIII. Presidents Notes, Henry Hagen
i. We are getting money we didnt think we would have back! Were getting $30,000
ii.Athletics update
Working to build traditions with the athletics department. Stephen and Jon Tyman will be
working on fledgling projects, meeting once a month and serving on Athletics Advisory
i. GE Day Volunteers
admissions day, student life session, need volunteers to talk to prospective
students about GCSA. October 13 2:10-3pm. Rosie, Hannah
IX. Announcements
X. Adjourn

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