2014 10 14 Final Minutes

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GCSA Forum Agenda

14 October 2014
I. Call to Order and Invocation, Henry Hagen
II. Roll Call, Hannah Wardell
Abel Cherian, tardy
Ezra Tandela, absent
Stephen Bouchie, absent
III. Approval of Minutes, Hannah Wardell
IV. Reports of Officers, Boards, and Standing Committees
i. Club Development Update, Gianna Scavo
Working on compiling mission statements, meeting times, and goals on all clubs.
About 5 clubs wanting to be chartered.
ii. Academic Affairs Committee, Kristen Gandek
Scientific enterprise rumor starting again, please deny it, it is under review but it
will not be drastically changed.
iii. Communications Committee, John Buckley
Investigating website and app. Just started featuring a club on the GCSA
facebook. Working to get gordon website updated.
iv. Financial Affairs Committee, Ryan Daly
Nothing new to report.
VI. Unfinished Business and General Orders
VII. New Business,
i. Scotsman Budget
Budget based on stationary--members need music, binders. Other cost include
publicity and transportation. Budget basically replicates in the Springs semester.
$324 for Fall, $240 in the Spring, $564 total. Club contingency fund has $15,552.
This is a budget not an extension. Although there is only half of the Fall semester
left, we wanted to leave room for outings that are not yet in the schedule. They
may go into Boston this semester as a supplement for a concert. It is hard to be
specific about events that are not planned yet. Were giving them a little leeway
because they used their budget well this semester. There are 11 members, not
12 as the original budget prepared for. All of their music is self arrange, so they
do not have to pay for arrangement--they do not charge for their events so they
can avoid fair use problems.
Abel, Move to approve, nathaniel Seconded, unanimously approved
ii.Office Design Presentation
Chelsea presented on the new office plans from the interior designer. Skeptical
about the placement of the working desk facing the wall. This will happen in one
to two months. There will be a storefront in the CEC closet at the bottom on the
stairs on the left side of Gillies. We may also be adding an awning to the back
door to make the entrance more attractive.
iii. CEC Report
Oktoberfest, 2 Coffeehouses, bringing in 3 bands. Lots planned for this semester
and the next. Theyve been doing an awesome job.

GCSA Forum Agenda

14 October 2014
iv. SDA Report
Lots of requests. Added two advisors, Tim Sauder and Peter Morse. Created a
system of senior designers who are working to train designers who are still
learned. Business manager is managing not just the finances but also the
organizational structure. Considering adapting director in training. Workflow is
looking good with clubs and beginning in house ideas. Helping to brand clubs on
VIII. Representative Initiatives
We will be having a time to share rep initiatives from now on in Forum.
Kevin: AAC, Ezra and Kevin working with Highland Express to get more students
into Boston on a regular basis.
IX. Presidents Notes, Henry Hagen
i. Accessible Van
There is not a van that is handicap accessible, working with Terry Cherick and
Rachel Ashley to get one.
ii.Strategic Plan Listening Session Debrief
Please be encouraging people to send feedback to the GCSA email about the
listening session.
X. Announcements
XI. Adjourn

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