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GCSA Forum Minutes

28 October 2014
I. Call to Order and Invocation, Henry Hagen
II. Roll Call, Hannah Wardell
Michael Santulli, absent
III. Approval of Minutes, Hannah Wardell
IV. Reports of Officers, Boards, and Standing Committees
i. Club Development Update, Gianna Scavo
Nothing to report.
ii. Academic Affairs Committee, Kristen Gandek
ReMo is happening this week. Looking into the French Department with some
iii. Communications Committee, John Buckley
Nothing to report.
iv. Financial Affairs Committee, Ryan Daly
Nothing to report.
V. Reports of Councils
i. Common Exchange Report
Update: Moved from the Ferrin basement to the Chasement lounge. Went from
600-900 items given away compared to this time last year. Collaborating with
ASF, working with Homeless Min. Working with SVC to potentially make
Common Exchange a venue like Chesters. Hoping to move towards more
collaboration and to be a more open place for students.
ii. Undergraduate Research Council
Just got council together. First meeting last week, reviewed first application of the
year. Working on establishing themselves and working to make the grant process
easier and more solidified. Want to become more of a presence on campus-revamping the website to include a conference list and other useful resources.
Advertising is going to be a focus. Last year we had $4000 of surplus. We are
hoping to go from 30 applicants last year to 50 applicants this year. How are you
involving Dr. Curry--look to working with her on improving Gordons research
program. Want to lay foundation for summer research program. Trying to rebrand
into something more dynamic, creating a Ted talk style lecture SPARK series
with faculty twice a semester to foster interaction between faculty and students.
VI. Unfinished Business and General Orders
i. Parking on Campus
Research reports:
Rosie on the lottery system-- looked into apartment selection system, priority is
based on class standing. They hold a lottery night. Does not think the lottery
would function unless it was juniors and seniors. Set up a system with numerical
values. Most campuses split up the lots and sell seperate stickers for each lot.
Ryan has not yet heard back from public safety. Upperclassmen dont want
underclassmen on the hill. Comparable schools do not allow freshmen to have
cars. Want to establish 3 plans in cabinet in light of feedback weve received
here. We need to make sure people feel heard and are very aware of the

GCSA Forum Minutes

28 October 2014
changes. Could we set it up like class registration on a time based system? The
key is to not oversell, above all on lower campus parking. Make a distinction
between woodland and lower campus. Campus improvements to make parking
better? Add more lighting on the walkway from woodland. We will refund those
who have to move to Woodland. Town hall next week.
VII. New Business,
i. SDA Budget Extension Request
Two main changes: assistant director position for this years increased staffing.
Looking to buy a copy of Adobe Software because the office computer is not
capable of doing work efficiently. Adobe program goes through Barrington so it is
discounted and is a one year subscription that must be renewed annually. The
stipend is coming out of the club budget instead of the stipend account, there is a
precedent for this model and it is easier to work the stipend change into SDAs
club budget now. Current position is based on GCSA bylaws, she has more
responsibility now than what she would be compensated for--she deserves the
spending for her work. Agency assistant directors get $250 a year, this is a step
of consistency.
Steve: Motion to approve SDA budget extension.
Evan: seconded
Approved Unanimously.
ii. Stipend Proposal
Mass. minimum wage laws have changed so we have to reassess how we do
stipends. Campus positions are transferring to hourly positions.
Need a solution by the end of the semester. We can go volunteer, hourly, or
scholarship based.
Volunteer: Only some position would get paid, everything else would be on a
volunteer basis. Its incredibly cost effective. Might create a less serious
Hourly: It would be a complete change in how we reimburse people. Stipends are
based on recognizing responsibility, not work. If we kept the budget the same
people would work 1.85 hours a week. You cannot work more than 20 hours a
week, so that may change what happens in leadership positions. We set the
maximum at 15 hours a week for Pres and Vice, 12 for the rest of cabinet, reps 8,
appointed positions 5. Total cost for estimates $88,830, (now its $36,000) If we
only payed Cabinet and directors it would be around $43,000. It limits the scope
of student government.
Scholarships: Pay similar to residence life.Leadership Grant. Everyone would
get paid what they get now, we could reasses. The institution would have a stake
in student government if we use student activities money to pay for something
like tuition or room and board. We really would like to be autonomous and this
would make us reliant on the administration. Students would not be getting cash,
only discount.

GCSA Forum Minutes

28 October 2014
We have been calling other institutions. Some do a level system based on types
of tasks.
Surplus comes when clubs dont spend all their money if we rely on surplus.
We ask administration for a budget increase, but that would come from the
student activities fee and there would be a raise, we could ask them to pay from
outside the student activities fee.
Please look on the google drive for this document.
We have more positions than most peer institutions.
Please call peer institutions during your office hours!
iii.GCSA Website
We want to create a new GCSA website that is sustainable. In talks with the
Administrative Comm department. We are working to feature key groups. Each
group will have a landing page with pictures, events, and highlights. The student
government section will have similar info to current site. It would be attached to
Gordon page at some point, but right now they want to keep the pages they have
now. We would promote the new website internally to the school.
iv.The Cube Report
Follow up to LEAD conference, great experience. Great networking opportunity.
v. Attendance Policy
There is an attendance policy, unexcused absences at 30% of meetings is
grounds for impeachment.
VIII. Representative Initiatives
New form, please fill it out for your initiatives this year.
Nathanael: Got a call about blood drives. Henry, Pharvy, Evan.
Been meeting about gluten free, they are very receptive.
Stephen: met with John Tyman about inspiring student athletes and what the Pit
should look like.
Kuo: Working on church schedule, collecting information.
IX. Presidents Notes, Henry Hagen
X. Announcements
Remember to pray for your administrators from the retreat!
XI. Adjourn

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