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Supplement to Thin Film growth and structure

(from Frontiers in Surface Sci. , Surf. Sci. 500 (2002))

(358) Schematic scenario of different kinds of molecules

in front of a surface with surface imperfections like steps
or substitutionally incorporated adsorbates

(205) Scanning tunneling microscope image of a Si surface,

~0.3 off (1 0 0) orientation showing the type A steps (Si dimers
parallel to steps) and type B steps (Si dimers perpendicular to
steps). Uppermost part of the surface is at lower right, with
downward tilt to upper left. Scale is ~110 nm square

(281) Scanning tunneling images (30003000 2, Al2O3/NiAl(1

1 0), Utip=8 V, I=0.8 nA): (a) Clean alumina film, (b) after
deposition of 0.1 of Rh at 90 K, (c) after deposition of 2 of
Rh at 300 K, and (d) after deposition of 2 of Rh at 300 K on
hydroxylated substrate onto the pre-hydroxylated alumina film.

(280) Palladium nanocrystallites on MgO(1 0 0) as imaged via TEM

(282) Scanning tunneling image of: (a) an atomically

resolved cluster of 27 Pd atoms arranged in two layers on
a MoS2 substrate [68], and (b) an atomically resolved Pd
nanocrystallite grown on a thin alumina film

(404) STM images of a GeSi(1 1 1) surface after deposition

of 9 ML of Ge. Two different kinds of islands are visible in (a):
tall and triangular shaped (white) and low and rounded
(gray). Magnifications 8080 2 (b) on the island's top and
(c) on the substrate display the 77 structure of the former
and the 55 of the latter

(305) Surface morphology of 1.0 ML Fe on flat (left) and vicinal

(right) Cu(1 1 1) substrate. Scanning area is 200200 nm2. The
Fe nanowires formed on the vicinal substrate are about 5 nm
wide and 0.4 nm high.
(307) STM image of a periodic array of Fe
islands nucleated on the dislocation network of
a Cu bilayer on Pt(1 1 1) at 250 K

(441) The motion of adatoms. This STM movie

shows platinum atoms diffusing through valleys on a
platinum surface. Occasionally these adatoms
collide and coalesce into larger islands. The figure
shows a time series of still images taken from the
movie. The frames are labeled a, b, c, d, e, f in
sequence. An equal time interval separates each
frame. (For movie, see:
ovies/, reproduced with permission from Flemming
Besenbacher, University of Aarhus.)

(422) A Cu(1 0 0) surface with monolayer high

islands 4 min after exposure to 0.08 ML of Cu at 297
K (left) and then 8 min and 50 s later (right). Close
examination of the two images clearly shows
examples of island diffusion and coalescence. The
images are 200200 nm2

(443) The growth of a "magic" island. This STM movie shows a

two-dimensional silicon island growing rapidly, row-by-row, pausing
at magic or quantized island sizes. The figure shows a time series of
still images taken from the movie. The frames are labeled a, b, c, d,
e, f in sequence. An equal time interval separates each frame. This
and other growth movies are available on the world wide web at (The movie can also be
found on the Elsevier site:,

(452) Roughness scaling. This is a time

sequence from an SEM movie showing a
gallium arsenide film grown on silicon. The
surface roughness begins at very small scales,
but the characteristic scale grows as a power
law in the growth duration. The images are at
various intervals after the initiation of the
growth flux (a) 5.1 min (b) 13 min (c) 20 min (d)
45 min (e) 97 min and (f) 169 min. The dust
particle at the bottom left of each image serves
as a landmark.

(990) Typical polycrystalline diamond coating on

a cutting tool. Growth steps, twinning, and
apparent re-nucleation at crystal plane
intersections are visible. (b) Surface morphology
of CVD diamond grown in a transitional
parameter space between dominant (1 0 0)
(square facets) and microcrystalline structures.

(409) A sequence of STM images taken during the

construction of a patterned array of xenon atoms on a
nickel (1 1 0) surface. The atomic structure of the nickel
surface is not resolved. The <1 1 0> direction of the surface
runs vertically. (a) The surface after xenon dosing, (b)(f)
various stages during the construction of the word IBM.
Each letter is 50 from top to bottom.

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