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Building Blocks: Construct() Jump Start

Q&A Log
08:34:03 PDT
Question: good morning
Answer: Hi Mishka923!
08:34:16 PDT
Question: Hi Greetings from India
Answer: Welcome!
08:35:53 PDT
Question: Hello everyone from Pakistan!
Answer: Great to see you today!
08:36:42 PDT
Question: Good afternoon from Copenhagen, Denmark - 4:30 PM and looking forward ... -- (nice show yesterday!)
Answer: Hi Michael!
08:37:04 PDT
Question: hello from sunny finland
Answer: Welcome!
08:37:29 PDT
Question: hello everyone
Answer: Hi Emmy!
08:38:00 PDT
Question: 8:37PM in Pakistan :p
Answer: We'll keep it lively for you all night!
08:43:15 PDT
Question: Goodd morning everybody. I'm looking forward to a great lesson.
Answer: Hi swydell!
08:43:28 PDT
Question: Hello from Stuttgart, Germany 4:38 PM
Answer: Great to see you Alexander!
08:44:29 PDT
Question: this is my first online meeting so what we are going to discuss here
Answer: Mostly about the presentation layer today. Feel free to ask any question you have though!
08:45:00 PDT
Question: Will surely miss Christopher and his fav. dish :p
Answer: He's in the studio today; maybe he'll be on camera at some point
08:45:15 PDT
Question: Hey everyone :-D
Answer: Hi there!
08:45:27 PDT
Question: Enjoyed yesterday too the whole night
Answer: Yesterday was fun!

Live Event Date: March 27, 2014

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Building Blocks: Construct() Jump Start

Q&A Log
08:45:31 PDT
Question: Enjoyed yesterday too the whole night
Answer: Thanks! We had a blast as well. Today should be even better!
08:53:17 PDT
Question: Greetings from Cedar Park, TX USA. Looking forward to more enlightened inspirational information as
was yesterday. Thank you all for what you are doing and thank you Microsoft.
Answer: Thanks for joining us!
08:53:33 PDT
Question: Hello jumPDT>rt World! - from Safety Harbor, Florida!
Answer: Great to see you back, Krash!
08:54:52 PDT
Question: Hey Guys. I am going to be busy for a while. will I be able to understand what you guys are talking about if
I come in half way?
Answer: Each one hour module should be more or less self contained, so it won't be too much of a problem. You can
download the slides from the FAQ to help too.
08:55:38 PDT
Question: Regarding the Marketing module (leaping thru slides) on "Start marketing prior to releasing product" -Marketing could be your Lean Startup MVP! -- Test your marketing - pivot or persevere - before spending all dev.
effort on the "wrong" app.
Answer: Sharing
08:55:46 PDT
Question: Hello all, greetings from the Netherlands
Answer: Welcome!
08:55:55 PDT
Question: Hi from San Luis Obispo, CA
Answer: Hi Jeff!
08:56:01 PDT
Question: yesterday was a blast
Answer: So glad you liked it -- looking forward to today
08:56:21 PDT
Question: Hi everyone! looking forward to the class today - I learned allot in yesterday's session
Answer: Fantastic! Glad you are back today!
08:56:28 PDT
Question: What we will cover today?
Answer: Layout and style with XAML and HTML will be a big part of it.
08:56:32 PDT
Question: Yup! Last night was great
Answer: Whoop whoop!
08:56:43 PDT
Question: Hello from Bucharest, Romania.
Answer: Welcome Dragos!
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Building Blocks: Construct() Jump Start

Q&A Log

08:56:53 PDT
Question: hello all
Answer: Great to see you!
08:57:05 PDT
Question: San Diego is in the house!
Answer: Welcome San Diego!!
08:58:00 PDT
Question: Greetings from Raleigh, NC
Answer: Hi Mark -- Happy to have you hear!
08:58:21 PDT
Question: Hello All!
Answer: Hi Toan!
08:58:29 PDT
Question: good afternoon from iran
Answer: Hello Hesam in Iran!!
08:58:43 PDT
Question: Good Afternoon from Bucharest! Thank you Teachers , Microsoft , MVA andEvent Support Team for all
Answer: Glad to have you here Popa Dan!!
08:59:00 PDT
Question: Hi everyone from Milan, Italy
Answer: Welcome Marcof from Milan. I was there in 2003 and want to go back!!
08:59:27 PDT
Question: Thanks for connecting some of the Development Dots yesterday. South Chicago
Answer: I love Chicago for the food and music!
08:59:29 PDT
Question: Hi from DE
Answer: Hi Edgardo from DE! Denmark?
09:00:19 PDT
Question: Sorry, Germany. Berlin
Answer: Even better
09:00:37 PDT
Question: Hello from Sao Paulo, Brazil
Answer: Hello Rogerio in Sao Paulo - glad you are here!
09:00:37 PDT
Question: Hello from Sao Paulo, Brazil
Answer: Hello Rogerio in Sao Paulo - glad you are here!

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Building Blocks: Construct() Jump Start

Q&A Log
09:00:58 PDT
Question: greetings from Bosnia and Herzegovina
Answer: Hello Elvir!
09:02:03 PDT
Question: Greetings from Leiden, The Netherlands
Answer: Hello Peter in The Netherlands
09:02:19 PDT
Question: hi from Italy
Answer: Glad to have you back today!
09:02:41 PDT
Question: Hi I'm Sonal -- learning to develop windows 8 app
Answer: Fantastic - we hope today's session helps you out!
09:02:58 PDT
Question: and Coachella Valley CA also representing
Answer: Glad to have you Tiana in Coachella Valley!
09:03:39 PDT
Question: Afternoon from the Bristol, UK. I really enjoyed last night's session and are looking forward to today's
Answer: Yeah Michael, glad to have you back today!
09:04:24 PDT
Question: Hi Chris & Jeremy. Can you please elaborate about the future of XML (from yesterday's session)?
Answer: XML is going to be just fine. XML has a lot of uses for passing and structuring data, but really isn't ideal
when trying to send objects over the wire.
09:04:36 PDT
Question: And alot of chicken!
Answer: Hooray chicken!
09:04:56 PDT
Question: Once again Jeremey
Answer: Jeremy is back at it again
09:05:11 PDT
Question: Hello from HF in Houston, TX
Answer: Hello Houston!
09:05:22 PDT
Question: so.... Why not just convert all my C# to JS in some way... I know, we can dream.
09:05:37 PDT
Question: xaml is nice for C# users what i have figured
Answer: I'd agree completely.

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Building Blocks: Construct() Jump Start

Q&A Log
09:05:38 PDT
Question: Hello from Cambodia
Answer: Hi Ratha in Cambodia!
09:05:58 PDT
Question: Hello from Canada
Answer: Hi Marina in Canada!
09:07:29 PDT
Question: from your comments, can we say that JSON will play big role in light weight applications, for the rest like
web services/wcf, SOA it will be in xml world. or even these things will morph in future n go away from xml
Answer: Yes? Maybe? It depends?

I'm not always the best at predicting the future.

09:07:50 PDT
Question: Hello from Portugal
Answer: Hi Nuno in Portugal!
09:08:03 PDT
Question: Hello from the UK
Answer: Hello John in the UK!
09:08:12 PDT
Question: Chicken is lot better than dogs. When presenters use dog for inheritance and polymorphism that
Answer: Interesting object model
09:08:37 PDT
Question: Hi Christopher, I am so regret that couldn't join yesterday.
Answer: It'll be available online in a couple weeks.
09:09:14 PDT
Question: Hi, where can i find the voucher code?
Gerry O'Brien replied publicly: On the FAQ tab at the top of the chat window
09:09:20 PDT
Question: Can you please type the code here?
Answer: Unfortunately that winds up being rather difficult to try to do. However, the code is available online after the
09:09:27 PDT
Question: I have moved myself from HTML5/CSS3 to XAML/C# i hope this will help
Answer: Hopefully it should!
09:09:35 PDT
Question: good job yesterday Christopher. I agree, single letter variables are no bueno
Answer: Thank you, Matt!
09:09:42 PDT
Question: I was waiving, only to later realize nobody could see me.
Answer: I saw you, Christopher.

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Building Blocks: Construct() Jump Start

Q&A Log

09:10:13 PDT
Question: Hi Christopher, coded any SLA's lately?
Answer: I've been rather focused on SharePoint and MVC lately.
09:10:14 PDT
Question: Give it up for tinkerers! Go Stacey!
Answer: Go tinklers!... er... tinkerers!
09:10:35 PDT
Question: lol :p
09:10:56 PDT
Question: Duck Type != Duct Tape
Answer: True story. And as it turns out, duct tape is bad for ducts.
09:12:28 PDT
Question: And ducks, hehe!...
Answer: Very true.
09:12:36 PDT
Question: Authentically digital... Windows 8 !== Microsoft Bob
Answer: Ahhh... Microsoft Bob.
09:13:11 PDT
Question: I meant SLA as Single Letter Acronym.. ok, ok I will shut up about the subject..
Answer: Oh! Ha! Sorry. I thought you were talking about generating service architectures. Need more coffee.
09:13:38 PDT
Question: you are awesome !!!!
Answer: Thank you!
09:14:02 PDT
Question: question, is there a Windows Phone app to continue watching this show on my commute home (by train,
not driving of course )
Answer: Not yet but definitely in the works to support phone!
09:14:20 PDT
Question: Bob is part of the TOGAF 9.1 spec
09:14:27 PDT
Question: Greetings to all from Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Answer: Greetings from Redmond!
09:15:42 PDT
Question: Grettings from Puerto Rico!
Answer: Hi Chris from Puerto Rico!!

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Building Blocks: Construct() Jump Start

Q&A Log

09:15:47 PDT
Question: Greetings.
Answer: Hello and welcome!
09:15:50 PDT
Question: Greetings.
Answer: Welcome Eric!
09:17:32 PDT
Question: Hello all from Aberdeen, Scotland.
Answer: Welcome, glad you're here.
09:18:19 PDT
Question: Christopher, will you encourage to learn HTML5 and CSS on notepad or on Adobe Dreamviewer?
Answer: I'm more of a vi guy.

In all seriousness, go with VS Express.

09:18:37 PDT
Question: Greetings from Mexico, Land of Bad connections .. Trying to follow the interesting Talks... Thank you
Answer: Hopefully it will work out for you.
09:19:05 PDT
Question: VI
Answer: vi all the way!
09:20:07 PDT
Question: use or for HTML5/CSS/JS playgrounds for small experiments
Answer: Also great suggestions!
09:20:21 PDT
Question: visual studio and blend for CSS and UI design... why would you do anything else? unless you like pain.
Answer: Love both of those
09:20:31 PDT
Question: yup sure! actually Bob taught HTML on notepad. :p
09:20:40 PDT
Question: EMACS
Answer: Bring back Edlin!
09:20:47 PDT
Question: BBEdit!
Answer: Nice!
09:21:03 PDT
Question: Since 8.x Windows UX Design has Failed with Keyboard & Mouse, is today UX session about touch or
Keyboard & Mouse?
Answer: Yes. Windows UX design supports keyboard, mouse, and touch just fine. For anyone that happens not to
like using their keyboard and mouse in the Store apps, just remember that the desktop is still there. Windows 8 is a
move FORWARD entirely.
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Building Blocks: Construct() Jump Start

Q&A Log

09:21:15 PDT
Question: Still got that cough Jeremy
Answer: Yeah, bummer.
09:21:35 PDT
Question: hello from Italy! I would lik to access video of the live events later. Are you sharing the recorded stream
and the slides?
Answer: The videos will be available about two weeks after the event.
09:21:59 PDT
Question: Microsoft AirCon + Coffee... Hahaha
09:22:25 PDT
Question: The talks already started?
Answer: They have. Try closing/reopening the browser if you're not seeing it.
09:22:51 PDT
Question: I am new in Windows app development and still student What is scope The Scope for this field as student
i am curious to know
Answer: This is for people who haven't built apps before and are looking to get into it.
09:23:10 PDT
Question: Hello from Brazil Latin America
Answer: Hi! Welcome.
09:23:53 PDT
Question: Christopher. I keep thinking of that beautiful demo of SignalR you did yesterday, is it available anywhere
else? (it should at least be on Channel 9)
Answer: That's the first time I've ever showed that off on video. I'd love to go back and do it again. Maybe there's
something that could be done there.
09:24:41 PDT
Question: Hi
Answer: Hi there!
09:25:08 PDT
Question: Notepad, EMACS or Visual Studio? I miss ... Luckily I can still do "copy con: 1.bat" with
"current-line editing"
Answer: Ha! We're all just showing our age here.
09:25:19 PDT
Question: Hello from India
Answer: Hello from Redmond!
09:25:35 PDT
Question: SignalR sounds great, I've played with node but SignalR sounds more robust
Answer: I'd agree! But I might be biased.

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Building Blocks: Construct() Jump Start

Q&A Log
09:26:18 PDT
Question: I am currently enrolled in second semester of software engineering. As a part of my curriculum, I am
learning C# on Visual Studio 2013. I am also watching C# and HTML5 tutorials on MVA. Can you recommend me
some courses which will surely benefit. Thanks in advance.
Answer: The 20480 HTML5/CSS/JavaScript course is a great course for getting into all three of those technologies.
09:26:24 PDT
Question: Hello from South Africa
Answer: Hello from Redmond!
09:26:47 PDT
Question: "This is for people who haven't built apps before and are looking to get into it."... Pfa... I've been making
apps for decades... Still learnt stuff yesterday!
Answer: Awesome! Always new stuff to learn!
09:27:02 PDT
Question: long live EVE
Answer: Bring back all the old editors!
09:27:06 PDT
Question: I am currently enrolled in second semester of software engineering. As a part of my curriculum, I am
learning C# on Visual Studio 2013. I am also watching C# and HTML5 tutorials on MVA. Can you recommend me
some courses which will surely benefit. Thanks in advance.
Gerry O'Brien replied publicly: Microsoft course 20483B is a great course for C#, but is classroom-based training.
09:27:30 PDT
Question: Greetings from Chicago IL, is their any other Nokia dvelopers on the webinar today?
Answer: Not sure
09:27:42 PDT
Question: use standard quality... that should help your connection - if you are not already doing that.
Answer: Stepping down to standard can alsohelp
09:27:58 PDT
Question: Everyday is a school day!
Answer: If you stop learning you stop growing.
09:28:06 PDT
Question: //Build will be my first developers conference. Do I need to bring a laptop? Anything else I should be
prepared for?
Answer: Or just a tablet if you've got it. OneNote, web lookups, notes, responding to emails.
09:28:13 PDT
Question: missed that link from Jeremy for the codefoster layout template
09:28:24 PDT
Question: Always a awesome content...
Answer: Thank you!
09:28:48 PDT
Question: missed that link from Jeremy for the codefoster layout template
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Building Blocks: Construct() Jump Start

Q&A Log

09:28:53 PDT
Question: Please help me where I can find about using database and files in apps ( C# ) for Windows Store
09:29:07 PDT
Question: @Colin Thanks, I can only follow the chat for now, and look at the nice Silverlight install tiles when
watching it on Mobile IE
Answer: The video will be available in a couple weeks.
09:29:24 PDT
Question: similar UI for different platforms is great
Answer: Consistency is key
09:29:40 PDT
Question: I liked "Programming in C#" on MVA - great for programmers coming to C#
Answer: Alsy a great course!
09:30:01 PDT
Question: That's explains why I had not seen it before... In all seriousness, I should be available somewhere, if only
as a sample of what a demo should be like... (Yes I was that impressed)
Answer: Thank you very much! I will see what I can do!
09:31:43 PDT
Question: What was that website that offer a design sheet sample? I tried out but it does
not work.
09:31:45 PDT
Question: Hahha... Yes! "To obtain a special dialing wand, please mash the keypad with your palm now"
Answer: Loved that episode!
09:32:00 PDT
Question: what was that url they just mentioned
09:33:00 PDT
Question: Agreed Peter, double Pfa
09:34:19 PDT
Question: i've missed yesterday's course ...
Answer: @Ashu recordings will be up in 2-3 weeks. Sorry we missed you!
09:36:25 PDT
Question: I am a student and pursuing Masters in I.T which language should i choose to master Java or C# ? I like
Answer: C# over Java in my opinion. C# will get you onto pretty much every device these days. Java will not. If you
meant JavaScript, however, I would say learn both - C# and JavaScript.

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Building Blocks: Construct() Jump Start

Q&A Log
09:36:42 PDT
Question: For the elderly with arthritis that can not use a regular keyboard and or a mouse touch is good. Some
elderlies fingers are limber and some are stiff.
Answer: Excellent consideration
09:36:52 PDT
Question: Hello folks!
Answer: Hello there!
09:37:17 PDT
Question: just getting online, no video?
Answer: Try closing and reopening the browser. Also see if switching to low quality helps.
09:38:16 PDT
Question: Aaquib, there is only one choice C# C# C# C#
Answer: And maybe JavaScript
09:38:43 PDT
Question: Where is best place to get more expirence in c#
Answer: There are many MVA recordings on C#, and the 20483 course is a great entryway as well.
09:39:10 PDT
Question: F5 did it, thx
Answer: Awesome!
09:39:34 PDT
Question: Aaquib: I use Java and C# side by side.. C# and Java's syntax is very similar, so if you know C# you can
master Java in no time, and vice versa.
Answer: Agreed.
09:40:00 PDT
Question: Great I have got two options Otherwise have choosed both languages
Answer: Each language has its use and place.
09:40:05 PDT
Question: Aaquib: I use Java and C# side by side.. C# and Java's syntax is very similar, so if you know C# you can
master Java in no time, and vice versa.
Answer: You can master the syntax, but the object models for the environment you're in are very different. Learning
the .NET framework and the Java virtual machine model are the big tasks.
09:40:21 PDT
Question: It seemed to be an entrance requirement at Wimbledon to take photos with your tablet...!
Answer: lol
09:40:29 PDT
Question: Hover will soon... Samsung (I think) are working on touchless touch!
Answer: Technology is amazing
09:40:51 PDT
Question: I love "how" she is commenting on the "way" touch is a failure.
Answer: Focusing on how the user is going to interact with the app is absolutely critical.

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Building Blocks: Construct() Jump Start

Q&A Log
09:41:12 PDT
Question: I think one should learn MVC- Includes C#, HTML, JS, EF.
Answer: I agree! But I'm an MVC guy.
09:42:17 PDT
Question: The touchscreen POS was difficult to utilize due to the band aide. Is there an electrical connection when
the bare finger touches the screen? Should a band aide have the ability to transfer electricity?
Answer: There's no transfer of electricity with capacitive touch screens.
09:42:35 PDT
Question: No there is just C#, we are talking about 'mastering' programming, if you don't understand type's you can't
master programming...
Answer: A lot of truth there. I love Code Complete as a must-read for every developer.
09:42:41 PDT
Question: YESSSSSS!!! ZED!!
09:43:30 PDT
Question: Christopher you look different today
Answer: Ha!
09:43:43 PDT
Question: code Complete? Is that a book?
Answer: It is. A Microsoft Press book.
09:43:45 PDT
Question: Definitely 'Zed' for Z.
09:43:58 PDT
Question: C# is still higher level than C++ if you want to go hardcore learn assembly !
Answer: And do it via Notepad!
09:44:19 PDT
Question: " MVC- Includes C#, HTML, JS, EF." AND CSS3, XAML, HTML5, SQL or T-SQL (how do you manage
not-CRUD db operations?)
Answer: I use Code First Entity Framework, but you can certainly do it via SQL as well.
09:44:33 PDT
Question: I honestly think along with MVC, EF, et al, people need to take a look at Managed Extensibility
Framework. I've done some amazing extensible applications. Great for plugins and dynamically adding functionality
Answer: And Dependency Injection
09:44:46 PDT
Question: @Christopher yes!! Even I like MVC. And liked your video on MVC too..
Answer: Thank you! More spaghetti!
09:45:04 PDT
Question: Is it possible to not be METRO specific
Answer: Can you clarify the question?

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Q&A Log
09:45:12 PDT
Question: It would be awesome if capactive touch screens know when a finger hovered over them. Frustrating when
navigating website that have events triggered on hover like drop down menus.
Answer: There are different events that Windows Phones send for touch vs click. The web developer really needs to
build for that.
09:45:28 PDT
Question: Christopher: like MVVM guy?
Answer: Something like that.
09:45:38 PDT
Question: I LOVE COMIC SANS (programmer art problems)
Answer: ha!
09:45:47 PDT
Question: I vote no to banning comic sans.
09:45:54 PDT
Question: Jonathan, you are correct sir, modern C++ is certainly an option Aaquib should consider
09:46:11 PDT
Question: Which is the best path to develop Windows 8.1 apps? HTML and CSS or C# and XAML?
Answer: It depends primarily on your experience. If you have HTML experience, go that way. If you have C# or
XAML experience go with C#
09:46:21 PDT
Question: In my opinion, Java for backend (example: Web Services) and C# .NET for fronttend (devices). Why?
Java is a stable platform for a variety of server platforms (Windows & Unix-Linux). On other hand, C#.NET is nice and
powerfull for presentation (frontend)
Answer: I love C# with Web API and WCF for the backend as well.
09:46:36 PDT
Question: Then there's Azure so when going there more tricks to it ...
Answer: Very true
09:46:45 PDT
Question: And guys, what do you think about F#? I'm dipping my toe into functional programming and absolutely
love it!!
Answer: The concepts in F# - functional concepts - are great and learning them will even help you in your imperative
programming skills.
09:47:47 PDT
Question: Is there a dependency injection MVA or similar? Need to create modular / extensible system.
Answer: There doesn't appear to be one at the moment.
09:47:55 PDT
Question: I Like MVC with WCF service layer and EF as the database
Answer: Me too

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Q&A Log

09:48:11 PDT
Question: .NET is quite a large topic in comparison to store app dev
Answer: Agreed
09:48:31 PDT
Question: I'm glad to observe design from the experts today I'm definitely not a design guru and my programmer art
is exactly that. the new standards and responsive design are much better user experiences and the controls are great
for art challenged people such as me
Answer: Design, just like any other skill, is something that needs to be learned.
09:48:36 PDT
Question: Any replies on whether Microsoft will be releasing 'Rosslyn' at //Build 2014? Would be great!
Answer: We can't make release announcements.
09:48:55 PDT
Question: Shadows and lighting in CGI the same for noticing too
09:49:04 PDT
Question: I come across the comment that band aids on fingers are inconvenient.
Answer: Agreed.
09:49:08 PDT
Question: Any replies on whether Microsoft will be releasing 'Rosslyn' at //Build 2014? Would be great!
Answer: You won't hear us talking about what will be released or announced.
09:49:17 PDT
Question: C++ is great due to direct memory management if you want to go for efficiency, thus why most AAA titles
use it ^_^ but I think most are blending several types of languages (based on need) its like layers of the cake certain
languages are much better at certain things than others!
Answer: Every language has its place
09:49:40 PDT
Question: What was the font Stacey mentioned?
Answer: Verdana
09:50:09 PDT
Question: I find that WCF is much 'heavier' and not as quick or agile as WebAPI. Once I turn WCF guys onto Web
API, they almost never want to go back.
Answer: I love Web API. WCF does afford more power and control over the service, but Web API gives the client
more flexibility.
09:51:02 PDT
Question: I began learning F# with v1.9 and feel functional programming style is really important for cloud, you can
do that with C# for most important things, best book so far wrox "Functional Programming in C#" by Oliver Sturm.
Answer: Take a look at Project Orleans. It's a project out of MS Research and is what's used for Halo 4. It's not
necessarily functional, but it's a whole new programming paradigm for cloud.
09:51:20 PDT
Question: Could anyone please arrange a video on Design patterns, and Code which fails to implement DRY
principla and so on.

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Q&A Log
Answer: Thanks for the suggestion. We have done some design-area MVAs, but covering today's popular design
patterns would be good. I will add it to our list for our next fiscal year (FY15 starts in July)
09:51:50 PDT
Question: BUT - Meaning of colors is culturally dependent! Blue has significantly different meaning (almost opposite)
in far East cultures than in Western (US + Europe)
Answer: What does blue invoke in far East cultures?
09:53:27 PDT
Question: good job!
Answer: Thanks!
09:55:43 PDT
Question: can you provide the link for project Orleans@Jeremy
Answer: There you go:
09:55:52 PDT
Question: project Orleans , neat
Answer: Agreed!
09:56:04 PDT
Question: food break!
Answer: Enjoy!
09:56:23 PDT
Question: what is the homepage
Answer: For which?
09:56:25 PDT
Question: What does UX stand for? User Experience???!?
Answer: Yes Ami - User eXperience
09:56:34 PDT
Question: and Jeremy Foster for JavaScript
Answer: Absolutely!
09:56:45 PDT
Question: very nice immersion in that app I'm hungry now
09:56:53 PDT
Question: Thanks @ Chris
Answer: You're welcome
09:57:38 PDT
Question: @Christopher- It would be great if you come up with a Jump Start with topics covering on MVC, WCF and
EF? Preferably with Jon Galloway, Jerry Nixon?
Answer: I did the 20486 recording with Jon Galloway on MVC. We covered Web API and EF during that course as

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09:58:35 PDT
Question: thx Christopher, will check it out.
Answer: You're welcome!
09:58:45 PDT
Question: @Christopher Yeah but there is no WCF in that.
Answer: True. Web API but no WCF.
09:58:59 PDT
Question: Refreshing to see some humanity in the presentation...
09:59:04 PDT
Question: food
Answer: Hungry
09:59:20 PDT
Question: Will a recording be made available of this Jump Start for later?
Gerry O'Brien replied publicly: Yes, these live events are posted on the MVA site approximately two weeks after
the event. Come back to MVA and search for title
09:59:38 PDT
Question: Tea!
Answer: I'm a coffee guy, but tea works.
10:00:04 PDT
Question: today video is going back and forth. I was forced to refresh already 4 times
Answer: Maybe try low quality?
10:00:21 PDT
Question: For a Windows Store App built with HTML/JavaScript/CSS, are WebFonts allowed or are fonts limited to
those that are on the client device? -Steve
Answer: WebFonts are allowed
10:00:34 PDT
Question: Because of yesterday, I'm going to be hungry until I have me some chicken cacciatore!

I will have to make it when I get back home.

10:00:52 PDT
Question: Kona coffee here. yay!
Answer: Going with an Ethiopian myself.
10:01:00 PDT
Question: haha, make enough for 2!
10:01:16 PDT
Question: I was already in low quality

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10:01:55 PDT
Question: I suspect Jeremy doesn't spend much time consuming Television type media.
Answer: Your suspicion would be correct.
10:02:30 PDT
Question: Chris, would you recommend a Meritage or a Chianti with that cacciatore?
Answer: I make mine with a white wine, so I generally pair it with either a white or pinot noir.
10:03:05 PDT
Question: Ok, I'm hungry too - what was that website with the recipes?
Answer: what I showed was an app - great british chefs
10:04:10 PDT
Question: "Cacciatore Chicken" with "Morellino di Scansiano". That's it.
Answer: Nice!
10:04:32 PDT
Question: Love the /designsheet. Any similar options for phone?
Answer: Not yet, but follow @codefoster as he wants to make one in the future.
10:04:37 PDT
Question: Stacey, Represent Canada ftw
Answer: YAH !!!! All ABOUT it
10:05:01 PDT
Question: Thank you @codefoster
Answer: Very welcome. Glad I can contribute to your learning.
10:05:04 PDT
Question: ... for devs, the cacciatore sounds awesome but been doing the best pizza lately ..
Answer: I've never tried my hand at making pizza.
10:05:35 PDT
Question: totally need to say thanks to Jeremy for helping me get my MCSD: Windows Apps with his MVA videos on
Answer: Awesome. You're welcome.
10:05:46 PDT
Question: On colors and culture - Rob Ingebretsen has an excellent presentation at MIX 10 on design fundamentals
- it covers a lot of ground and depth. If I remembeer correctly he mentioned blue as "royal" in Europe and US where
as "royal" in Korea is "purple" -- but take a look at his 3-part series - it is great content - and Rob is entertaining as
Answer: Thanks!
10:06:25 PDT
Question: Luv the concepts of Orleans ... bonus.
10:06:41 PDT
Question: Are they also going to teach windows store aap development with c# ?
Answer: Some mentions on the topic, but certainly nothing in depth

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10:06:48 PDT
Question: Another consideration with fonts is localization, some fonts don't translate well to other locales
Answer: yep! some don't support some characters- great point
10:09:00 PDT
Question: Trader Joe's has good pizza dough and sauce for DIY
Answer: I will have to check that out! My wife loves Trader Joe's
10:09:40 PDT
10:10:08 PDT
Question: And Three Buck Chuck!
Answer: lol
10:10:42 PDT
Question: I think this session should have been for the first day.
Answer: We wanted to focus on the code aspects to start the three day event.
10:11:04 PDT
Question: About the earlier posts, funny nobody mentioned VB. I think we are all agreed that that's not the way to
Answer: VB also has its uses
10:11:17 PDT
Question: hi you can put the code on the voucher was fast had gone to benheiro
Answer: The voucher is on the break slides
10:11:27 PDT
Question: did it go up?! I thought it was Two buck Chuck
10:11:40 PDT
Question: I like
10:12:41 PDT
Question: Name one
Answer: VB is still great for teams with a lot of VB experience. There are many who feel it has a lower learning curve
as it's a more expressive language than JavaScript or C#
10:12:51 PDT
Question: I've noticed similarities with VB and .NET development in VS
Answer: Agreed
10:13:13 PDT
Question: I'm a VB programmer, from the VB6 days... VB is just as powerful (and prettier) as C#
Answer: And in a lot of ways it's a personal preference. I know a lot of great developers who take VB over C#

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10:13:18 PDT
Question: Curiosity question: Why is the poll result total always shows 100 regardless of session. Is the attendance
limit? Or a bug?
Gerry O'Brien replied publicly: It's a percentage.
10:13:24 PDT
Question: $2.99
10:13:42 PDT
Question: all the examples with windows app design and navigation can be applied on websites?
Answer: No. The two media are quite different. Many concepts and theories will transfer, but not everything for sure.
10:14:53 PDT
Question: dont forget
10:20:45 PDT
Question: What was the font source Stacy mentioned that was expensive but very complete & good for tiny stuff?
Answer: She mentioned the font Verdana, but I don't remember a font source that she may have mentioned.
10:21:01 PDT
Question: Right on, have one on the way but not ready to publish Jeremy.
Answer: Putting the polish on it?
10:22:26 PDT
Question: "Start marketing before you start coding"... do exactly what you hate when you have a sales team makes
promises you have to code to...
Answer: Pre-marketing doesn't have to be promises... it can be feedback... more questions than answers.
10:24:03 PDT
Question: @Jeremy, release early and develop according to feedback, or polish and hope it shines?
Answer: Excellent question. Advantages to both. I would say more A, but be sure you don't have blatant bugs or
terrible design because users might write you off early and not even look at iterations.
10:24:57 PDT
Question: Doesn't count if it is on a slide!
Answer: Tough room!
10:25:56 PDT
Question: I've been trying to think of an idea, I finally thought of one yesterday ! I'll be starting dev soon for an app
store game. its hard to balance work / study (for more exams) / personal projects such as this when there is no
guarantee on return
Answer: Totally agree. It had better be out of a passion because you don't get paid anything during dev and you
don't know that you'll make much later.
10:33:00 PDT
Question: trying to determine the best way to market myself regarding various apps, is the app store or published to
the web in order to create a "consistent" brand.
Answer: Market on every channel with one brand. Website... yes. App Store... yes. Social... yes.

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10:33:37 PDT
Question: on Jeremy's question if anyone has an app in the store? I've one - very basic -- very small - just like a first
Answer: Math Mighty... looks good. Well done.
10:34:29 PDT
Question: Please try our latest (and fun, I think) app called Canyon Jumper. It's in Windows 8, Windows Phone, and
Answer: Wonderful. Good job.
10:34:48 PDT
Question: Sometimes demand must be created.
Answer: Absolutely
10:38:35 PDT
Question: I also have a Windows Phone app. Its a collection of supplications for
Answer: Well done, Sayyaz.
10:41:18 PDT
Question: What is CMS?
Answer: Content Management System
10:42:57 PDT
Question: I've silly question.. Can I pass out Content Compliance check in Windows Store and publish a $50k app
that just does nothing?
Answer: Maximum price for Store app is $999. If your app does nothing then it won't pass content compliance.
10:44:25 PDT
Question: @Jeremy, where do we go if we're both student and startup?
Answer: You could sign up for DreamSpark OR BizSpark. I might choose BizSpark because you'll get monthly Azure
10:46:15 PDT
Question: @Jeremy what are the requirements for this program to be eligible?
Answer: BizSpark - must be in business less than 5 years, make less than $1M/yr; DreamSpark - must be an
undergrad/grad student with an edu email address
10:49:15 PDT
Question: What would make an app worth $999?
Answer: That's up to the user.
10:49:59 PDT
Question: Also, this is great stuff Stacey is putting out there for everyone. We are in BizSpark and we totally use
Azure for lots of stuff, including all of our app sites, and Azure Mobile Services for various back-ends.
Answer: Thanks for the feedback!
10:52:21 PDT
Question: @stacey twitter handler? @jeremy twitter handler?
Answer: @bitchwhocodes and @codefoster respectively.

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10:56:14 PDT
Question: Is there something like DreamSpark or BizSpark for independent developers who develop for small
companies. I've recently jumped into Azure and hope to move several clients there over the next year but I already
see my own costs growing as I go down this path. For example, have to upgrade from SQL Express because I don't
get tools I need like SQL Profiler, Azure trial has expired and the cloud services I've created for learning/demo
purposes have chewed up $50 in the last 15 days.....
Gerry O'Brien replied publicly: For dev and testing, you can try MSDN subscriptions. Of course they are around
$2k for the subscription but you will get Azure credits each month for dev and test. Not ideal for moving clients over to
Azure for hosting as it's not intended for that.
10:59:22 PDT
Question: Yes, I've looked into that but $2k/year, OUCH!
Gerry O'Brien replied publicly: Yes, it can be OUCH.
11:00:27 PDT
Question: Why the limit of $999? pinching bytes, surely not
Answer: I'm not the authority on the matter, but it seems there needs to be a practical limit. Can you imagine an app
that is appropriate for the Windows Store that adds more than $999 of value to someone's life? It probably limits the
abuse possible if there's no max price.
11:01:55 PDT
Question: Christopher, yesterday your session was great. It kept my interest all the way because of coding. It seems
that there is no coding/development today.
Answer: They're building up to it. They're starting with the design concepts. The next few sections will involve getting
in and actually doing it.
11:02:29 PDT
Question: great session so far
Answer: Thanks!
11:08:48 PDT
Question: @jeremy where can I get those links for analytics?
Answer: we will make sure to post a list of resources for ya!
11:09:05 PDT
Question: Great stuff, Stacey. Thanks
Answer: Thanks!!!
11:09:26 PDT
Question: Agree with mnjoe, stuff I don't usually think about, great stuff Stacey!
Answer: thanks!!
11:11:10 PDT
Question: I loved the color theory examples "I am a fine arts graduate" and it pulled together so many classes, I cant
wait for the video to be on demond so I can share module 1 with a professor I have remained friends with, I have a
question for (Stacey Mulcahy) do you have an art background? was it something youve always done? or is it
knowledge you picked up through the years "as so many of us do, I think most of us are somewhat self taught, out of
genuine curiosity, I've taken apart many things when I was young (toasters, remotes, tv's) just to see what makes it
Answer: I have a journalism background - but spent 10 years in digital agencies - so osmosis through some great
designers is to blame.

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Q&A Log
11:11:39 PDT
Question: I'm happy to see Sacey here... women in Tech It's great Sacey
Answer: YES represent!!!!
11:37:20 PDT
Question: she knows how to hold audience
Answer: thanks
11:37:54 PDT
Question: gimp
Answer: another good tool
11:38:40 PDT
Question: I thought it's Sacey as you appeared on chat but then found out you are Stacey
Answer: maybe I can't spell my own name. not enough coffee
11:39:45 PDT
Question: I learned to give three choices to clients. An A vs B never is as well received. More than three starts to get
Answer: usually its one you like, one they expect, one you hate
11:39:53 PDT
Question: ... maybe misspell it to saucey to match your twitter handle??
Answer: lol
11:41:12 PDT
Question: What is the link to receive the points? I missed that part when Jeremy gave it. I got the part but there was an additional part that I didn't get.
Answer: will try to get him to repeat the link for ya
11:45:52 PDT
Question: I think vector is great, but it is more memory intensive if I remember correctly?
Answer: its math, so it is, but you export to raster so you are all good (typically or svg )
11:46:52 PDT
Question: I guess Jeremy's background also include meteorology
Answer: man of ALL THE THINGS
11:48:01 PDT
Question: True I understand what you mean about creating it as vector so you can easily scale the assets (master
copy is vector)
Answer: exactly
11:48:02 PDT
Question: True I understand what you mean about creating it as vector so you can easily scale the assets (master
copy is vector)
Answer: exactly
11:51:05 PDT
Question: Since you are using vector, why not SVG?
Answer: depending on what you are doing, raster has better performance.
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11:51:42 PDT
Question: How Jeremy removed inner borders of cloud? He was too fast.
Answer: yah he moved fast, might get him to do it again
11:51:42 PDT
Question: How Jeremy removed inner borders of cloud? He was too fast.
Answer: yah he moved fast, might get him to do it again
11:54:41 PDT
Question: when building vectors you make it a smart object and save it to the largest level or optimized level for
Answer: typically start large. resizing down won't affect it visually, up will
12:12:31 PDT
Question: I know you are both busy with your work, but how active are you in publishing apps/games to the stores?
Answer: I have a few and I am about to get a Unity game into the store
12:14:30 PDT
Question: Total trivia I know: Stacey, what is the wording on your T-shirt please?
Answer: it is Learn To kern - badly kerned
12:14:35 PDT
Question: Don't anybody see my posting????
Answer: I see your postings
12:27:20 PDT
Question: yeah currently working in unity2d as well, hoping to finish up this weekend or next
Answer: would love to see what you are working on
12:31:25 PDT
Question: A friend of mine and I are starting to plan out our first game and were wondering if we should go with
Gamemaker or Unity2d. We're both backend systems developers and web developers, but we've never made a
game. Suggestions?
Answer: some amazing things have been with gamemaker- some people just think its for beginners. Personally I like
Unity because I am super familiar with flash - and it feels like some of the IDE metaphors are super familiar. Game
maker can be very drag and drop - so it depends on what you are looking for.
12:31:45 PDT
Question: we're starting a game dev group in philly with an emphasis on getting that first game published and into
stores. i'll send you a tweet with store link when it's there. i'll look for yours too
Answer: awesome! look forward to it. PS mine is all for kids with cute owls
12:36:47 PDT
Question: Bizspark takes awful many days to wait. I have waited for three months and got no response.
Gerry O'Brien replied publicly: Did you check your junk mail folder? Did you email and let
them know you haven't received anything yet?

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12:38:59 PDT
Question: Yes I have and still no response.
Gerry O'Brien replied publicly: Then this is your next step, Use the phone numbers and talk to somebody.
12:48:32 PDT
Question: Does vector package save text as a bunch of paths drawn from points or a real text that is rendered at
Answer: It depends on the vector format you export to. The native formats of the packages (.ai for Illustrator, .cdr for
CorelDRAW) store the text. When you export to something like .wmf (Windows Metafile) or .svg (Scalable Vector
Graphics) it asks you whether you want the text to be text (will require the font for others who open it) or curves (will
not require the font, but won't allow text editing)
12:49:34 PDT
Question: I use Expression Design. Probably the only one? It's free!
Answer: Expression Design is actually still a pretty awesome program. BTW, Inkscape will save directly to .xaml
which is cool.
12:51:32 PDT
Question: If you get the chance, check out Xara for vector design. My whole team loves it because of it's power but
low barrier to entry. It's also not too expensive. I made my profile pic with it.
Answer: I have looked at Xara and was pretty impressed.
12:52:23 PDT
Question: Just did a full refresh. did it help ?, i.e. am I getting through?
Answer: I read you.
12:53:18 PDT
Question: Jeremy said yesterday that I can email him for BizSpark code. I have emailed twice and got reply...
Answer: I believe I replied to everyone that emailed me yesterday. I'll check my junk mail. Send again to be sure.
12:53:45 PDT
Question: Thank you, did you get just now, I posted it ages ago
Answer: No, it has been there. I just replied.
12:54:01 PDT
Question: anyone know where to get these SDKs?
Answer: Which SDKs are you referring to?
12:54:32 PDT
Question: anyone download the codeSHOW solution?
Answer: Let me know if it doesn't work for you. And keep in mind that you can just install the codeShow app if you're
not interested in the source code.
12:57:36 PDT
Question: CodeShow looks very useful, any plans of tagging a C# section onto it?
Answer: Would love to. Time is the only constraint.
12:58:22 PDT
Question: for small companies or private non-USA is BizSpark available?
Answer: BizSpark is available for select countries, yes. It is for startups. Must be under 5 years old and <$1M/yr

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14:00:22 PDT
Question: where I can find this demos?
14:00:39 PDT
Question: Jeremy meant w3school?
Answer: No, I meant W3C, the standards body for the web platform
14:01:13 PDT
Question: there is going to be an issue with just telling those to be 100% height
Answer: With the modern CSS constructs of flex and grid, that vertical pain goes away
14:02:02 PDT
Question: don't you need 5px margin for the container div itself?
Answer: padding actually, but yes... I noticed I didn't have that
14:02:38 PDT
Question: so I guessed right.... with all the abaouts... She is a Canadian!
Answer: Yep, from the land of maple and hockey.
14:02:39 PDT
Question: How are the rows access for moving data in/out between the <div> or <grid> line items in the code?
Answer: I don't understand the question.
14:03:05 PDT
Question: Float is not a good idea for layouts because it changes how things flow
Answer: agreed, long live flexbox
14:03:13 PDT
Question: couldn't you also use pseudo-selectors :first-child, :last-child, etc to change the margin for the first and last
Answer: You might be able to, but it wouldn't be pretty.
14:03:52 PDT
Question: Those vendor specific CSS won't out of IE, do they?
Answer: Not the -ms properties, but the -ms-flexbox is now just "flex" and supported on the other browsers too
14:04:12 PDT
Question: Isn't there a distinct difference between padding and margin?
Answer: padding gives space to your elements and can increase width/height depending on the box model. Margins
are from the outside bounding box of an element. you can achieve space a variety of ways - sometimes a combo of
14:04:25 PDT
Question: the style translates to a class?
Answer: An HTML element with the class="foo" can be referred to from CSS with .foo {}
14:04:47 PDT
Question: I have a registered non-profit that is less than 5 years old.
Answer: Email me if you need help getting BizSpark

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14:36:39 PDT
Question: How can I get step by step instructions in how to display my modified codeshow app project as a regular
Answer: Step by step instructions for doing that don't exist.
14:37:08 PDT
Question: how do I install codeShow ???
Answer: You need Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 and then you just go to
14:38:47 PDT
Question: any advice?
Answer: I'd have to better understand what you're looking to do.
14:39:44 PDT
Question: So when you wanted to return to the same example view from code view on codeshow, do you think using
focus for the js will work? if the answer is yes I'll give it a go.
Answer: I don't know if focus() will work. It may require scrollPosition
14:41:35 PDT
Question: fyi, the FlexGrid equivalent in Windows 8.1 apps is the GridView control
Answer: Flexbox (HTML) = StackPanel (XAML), ListView (HTML WinJS) = GridView or ListView (XAML), Grid
(HTML) = Grid (XAML)
14:43:23 PDT
Question: is there a LESS/SASS compiler available for Win8 apps like there is with ASP.NET?
Answer: I think Stacey is going to touch on that soon.
14:47:44 PDT
Question: I know that some of the features for code show are specifically written for Windows apps but say I want
post the project in a regular domain/host ? at least when I tested most feature didn't work in a regular browser I mind
you that I did it only in a local IIS server. The project only displayed in the WOW browser
Answer: BTW, if you're using IE11 to view them you'll get better compatibility, but still some things won't work and
you won't be working on cross platform code, so you won't want to use it on a public website. So you need to
understand enough about the HTML/CSS/JS to strip out the things that are specific to the Windows platform.
14:49:16 PDT
Question: Nice demos! Does visual studio have a JADE equivalent capability
Answer: Jade is not a feature of the IDE (Visual Studio). It's a JS library, so yes, you can use that in your Windows
Store app.
14:50:03 PDT
Question: Have you kindly any link ro BizSpark so I can check if it's available for Italy? Tnks
Answer: link
14:50:51 PDT
Question: Yeah! Would love to introduce some demos to codeshow in c# as my preferred language... I dunno where
to put them in the solution.
Answer: They would have to be in a separate project. I already have one stubbed out in the source code, but haven't
made any progress on it yet.
14:54:21 PDT
Question: I think in the XAML you can also just specify one single number for the margin... so Margin="5" would
Answer: Just tested and you're exactly right. Thanks.
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14:57:12 PDT
Question: I think my Favorite part is learning the correct pronunciations of the terminology.
Answer: Like what for example?
15:00:34 PDT
Question: Perhaps my question is out of scope for this topic...
Answer: What was your question?
15:02:44 PDT
Question: WebEssentials!! []
Answer: WebEssentials rocks
15:03:18 PDT
Question: I love this hour
Answer: I love that you said that
15:04:38 PDT
Question: Are these JS technologies better in the Visual Studio environment? that is what I want to really know. The
open source world doesn't really have a design pattern, they have so many and they are painful and time-consuming
to integrate
Answer: I would say there are better, because VS gives you excellent tooling: intellisense, refactoring, lots of
extensions and community support, etc. But it doesn't make it any easier to wade through the sea of options. I relate.
15:05:26 PDT
Question: @Jeremy: invalid link HTTP error 404 file or dir not found
Answer: What were you trying for?
15:05:30 PDT
Question: Any opinion on Blend as a styling tool?
Answer: Love it.
15:06:33 PDT
Question: where can find information on bizpark?
Answer: Head on over to
15:07:02 PDT
Question: the id of an element can be referenced by # as in id="foo", the css is #foo { display: block; }
Answer: Correct. And a dot (.) for classes.
15:07:28 PDT
Question: I'm hearing a beep is somebody else hearing it?
Answer: If you're still hearing it, try to refresh the browser.
15:12:47 PDT
Question: No beep, no music either...
Answer: We went music-free
15:16:31 PDT
Question: Both "Design Patterns" by the "Gang of Four" and "Applying UML and Patterns" by Craig Larman are
great resources.
Answer: Sources for pattern information that is.

Live Event Date: March 27, 2014

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Building Blocks: Construct() Jump Start

Q&A Log
15:17:47 PDT
Question: I've one question. It is not directly connected to this. But may be related: When I want to save/change files
in inetpub under wwwroot under c drive on Windows 8.1, it doesn't let me to save directly. I copy a file here, it asks for
permission, I say Yes and it copies there....... Why? What ?
Answer: Sort of a long story, but Windows doesn't automatically run as administrator, which is required for the
inetpub directory, which is why it asks for the information. But a bit out of scope for the course.
15:20:09 PDT
Question: Sonalmac, when you open visual studio right-click and choose run-as-administrator helps this.
Answer: Very true
15:23:07 PDT
Question: Oh.. good, I'll try that.. thanks
15:25:32 PDT
Question: Has Stacey misspelt her firstname?
Answer: Misspelled where? "Stacey" is the proper spelling.
15:26:13 PDT
Question: Stacey, what does your shirt say?
Answer: It says "learn to kern" but it looks like "leam to kem"... very funny.
15:26:50 PDT
Question: What is your opinionk about WebMatrix (the website editor) recommended in Windows Azure ?
Answer: My opinion is that it's a wonderful tool for web developers that don't want to get too deep into it. It makes a
lot of things quite easy, but it's not for me.
15:27:06 PDT
Question: I think the new term for Model > View >??? is now just MV* as a wrapper term because there's so many.
Answer: And one big thing to keep in mind about patterns is that they're a lot like food recipes. They serve as guides,
but you can always customize as needed.
15:28:21 PDT
Question: Blend is my weak point, would love to have a course on Blend alone
Answer: Courses on blend
15:29:03 PDT
Question: Surely it should be Model -> ViewModel -> View... MVMV ?
Answer: You'd think, right
15:29:28 PDT
Question: I very much agree Christopher. Especially in Agile methodologies. It's not necessarily wrong to pick a
method (Scrum, Agile, Kanban) and tune it to your teams needs. My team is a huge fan of what we call ScrumBan.
Works great.
Answer: Scrumgileban!
15:29:40 PDT
Question: LOL I knew you were going to say something like that.

I am predictable

Live Event Date: March 27, 2014

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contain inaccuracies. You bear the risk of using it. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, as to the information.

Building Blocks: Construct() Jump Start

Q&A Log
15:30:11 PDT
Question: Transient entity. var item = new Hobo();
Answer: I see what you did there.
15:31:13 PDT
Question: Do you guys think it would be useful to have a XAML parser for HTML5?
Answer: Sounds like an interested solution. What problem does it solve?
15:32:41 PDT
Question: Thanks Jeremy for the Blend courses link, I've watched them all but somehow am still not satisfied
Answer: I hear ya. I can watch instruction videos galore and not get it until I use it in a project and run into some real
life pains.
15:34:48 PDT
Question: top right type in Quick Launch to find Page Inspector.
Answer: And actually, you don't need the Page Inspector when you're working in a Store app. Just go to Debug |
Windows | DOM Inspector and Debug | Windows | JavaScript Console
15:35:43 PDT
Question: I fact that happened to me only yesterday's during the SignalR demo. Good on yo
15:35:52 PDT
Question: Blend is power packed, like it a lot but has a learning curve and I'm still bouncing on start.
Answer: Keep in mind that Blend works best when you bounce between Blend and Visual Studio
15:38:25 PDT
Question: What are your top picks of useful and must have extensions/add ons for VS?
Answer: ReSharper and Web Essentials
15:40:38 PDT
Question: Hello from Bucharest, Romania.
Answer: Hi! Welcome.
15:41:08 PDT
Question: when will MVA have art classes
Answer: Great idea.
15:42:08 PDT
Question: Stacey, can I compare this require.config to using statements in C#?
Answer: Somewhat, yes. Except before you use a using in C#, you still need the assembly reference in the project.
Before you use require.js and create a dependency on a module, that code is nowhere to be found.
15:49:52 PDT
Question: Just got in, will there be XAML presentation on how to create patterns with it other than JS?
Answer: We talked about MVVM in XAML already. Didn't cover any other patterns or frameworks for XAML.
15:52:04 PDT
Question: Will there be one?
Answer: No, we're getting ready to wrap up for the day. Try

Live Event Date: March 27, 2014

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contain inaccuracies. You bear the risk of using it. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, as to the information.

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