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Applying Key Terms to Exercise

Michael Powers
Elementary Physical Education

Common Core Standards:

1.) Students demonstrate competency in motor skills and activities needed for physical activity
2.) Students demonstrate an understanding of movement concepts and strategies
3.) Students participate in physical activity
4.) Students achieve physical fitness level for good health
5.) Students develop good personal and social behavior to respect themselves and others during an activity
6.) Students value physical activity for their own responsibility or health and enjoyment
Lesson Summary:
The teacher will incorporate physical fitness terms with exercise. The teacher will provide terms quiz in which
the students demonstrate an understanding of each fitness activity. The terms quiz will be given at the
beginning and once the students show an understanding of each term, the teacher will apply the terms into a
relay race. For the relay race, the teacher will provide note cards with certain fitness activities on them and
give them to the students, who will be placed into teams. The students will have to do which ever fitness
activities that they are assigned, during the race. The students will have their Ipods with them, as they
participate in the relay race. The Ipods will be used to track the amount of steps the students take and how
many calories they burn during the race, using the app called Pacer. The students will then report the
information to the teacher.
Estimated Duration:
For this lesson, the teacher will use three days or class periods, which are 50 minutes long each. Three days are
needed that way the students have enough time to fully understand each section of the lesson, which include
terms, the activity, and the reported information. With teaching younger students, the teacher must spend much
time to make sure the students have the proper knowledge that is necessary for the lesson, as well to retain that
knowledge for future activities.

For this lesson, there may be some challenges that are needed to overcome. Since the students are at a young
age, they will need to focus at a high level, especially for the first section, which includes the fitness activity
terms. Although this could cause a problem, the teacher will use the incentive of the students being able to use
the Ipods later on in the lesson. Once the students are done with the terms, they can then move on to the
physical activity, in which the Ipods are used.

Instructional Procedures:

Day 1:
This is where the physical fitness terms are introduced. The teacher will provide note cards for the students.
Each student will have one fitness activity in which they have to describe on the note card. (This should take
no longer than 15 minutes).
This leaves 35 minutes for the students to go over each of their cards and explain to the class what that fitness
activity involves. There are 15 kids in the class, which means that there will be 15 terms that each student must
know. The terms are not very difficult to understand. They include running, speed walking, crab-walking,
bear-walking, etc. The students will have enough time to acknowledge what each activity is. They will also
have enough time to perform each activity, which will also help them remember.
Day 2:
At the beginning of day 2, the students will be ordered to take the term quiz, in which they are to briefly
explain each physical activity. This is a 15 question (term) quiz, which will only take 15 minutes.
After the students are done with the activity term quiz, they will then participate in the activity term relay race.
During the race, the student will be broken up into three teams, which means there will be five members on
each team. Each student will have to perform three random fitness activities that they are assigned during the
race. The students will perform in the relay face for 30 minutes, so they will get through as many races as they
can in 30 minutes. The students will attach their Ipods to them during the relay races to be able to track their
steps and calories burned, using the app Pacer.
The last five minutes of class will be for the teacher to introduce the last part of the lesson, which includes
reporting their information.
Day 3:
The last day of the lesson will be to again explain what information is gained from using the Ipods during the
relay race. The teacher will use 10 minutes to reinforce this.
The rest of class, the teacher will have the students report each section of their fitness information. The
students will report how many steps that they took during the relay race, as well as how many calories that they
burned. This will show the students that participating in physical activity will help them maintain a healthy life
style and it can be enjoyable when doing so.

To determine what the students already know about the information being taught in the lesson, the teacher will
provide the students with the quiz before teaching the lesson and see what each student knows about the fitness
activities that are being presented. This will also help the students in showing them what they need to know by
the end of the lesson.
Scoring Guidelines:
The quiz that the teacher provides to the students will not affect the students grade for the lesson. This
quiz will go to show where each student stands in the knowledge that they have of the fitness activities
given. The plan is that each student will have different scores, as some may know certain activities that

others do not. Also, the plan is that each student will progress in their knowledge of each activity that
they are provided with, during study session in class with the teacher, as well as outside of class on
their own.
At the end of the lesson, the teacher will provide the students with an essay. This essay will require the
students to explain what they have learned throughout the lesson. The students will explain what they learned
with the fitness terms, the relay race, and how the lesson taught them to use technology with physical fitness
and recording their results. They will also explain what they thought about the activity, so the teacher knows
what to do to make the lesson better in the future.
Scoring Guidelines:
The essay that the students will write about the lesson will be pass/fail. As long as the students explain
what they learned in the essay, they will get credit. The students must participate in this section of the
activity, as it is as important as the other sections.

Differentiated Instructional Support

Describe how instruction can be differentiated (changed or altered) to meet the needs of gifted or accelerated
Gifted or accelerated students can be a great help to the teacher, as well as to the class. Since I am using
technology for the students to record their information, the gifted/accelerated students will be able to help the
students that are not as good with technology. They will also be able to help the other students prepare for the
term activity and give them proper studying techniques.
Discuss additional activities you could do to meet the needs of students who might be struggling with the
If certain students are not able to participate in certain activities, like the ones used in the relay race, then they
will be given other activities to perform. If students are struggling with the technology, the teacher can place
that student with another student that knows the technology well, that way the more advanced student can help
the one in need.

This website provides the education standards provided for Physical Education. The students will be able to go
to this website and see what all they need to do to succeed in the class. Once the students know what they have
to do, they will be able to see where each standard is introduced in the activities that they are doing in the

Homework Options and Home Connections

Homework options that the students will be provided with, including tracking their physical fitness at home,
much like what they did with the Pacer app during the relay race. The students will use the app to track
calories lost during each day and will report it to the teacher the next class. If the student is not able to attend

the next class, they will just add up each day and then report it to me the following class, or email the
information to me if the student is out of class long term.

Interdisciplinary Connections
The students that are participating Physical Education will be able to take what they know from this class and
transform it to other classes. These classed include Health and Nutrition. Health class deals a lot about what
the students need to do to stay healthy. In Physical Education, the students perform activities dealing with
fitness that they may also learn about in Health. Physical fitness deals much with Physical Education, as well
as Health. Nutrition class provides students with knowledge on what they should pay attention to when dealing
with food. The student in Nutrition may track how many carbs they take in each day. This can also be used in
Physical Education, as the student will need to know how much exercise they need each day to burn the carbs
they take in.
Materials and Resources:

For teachers

The teacher will need to make a chart to record all the information from the students.
This chart will be easily done on a computer charting device, which the information
will just be put in the cart manually by the teacher. A smartboard may be used as well.

For students

The students will need their Ipods to be able to track the information. They may also
use a computer to record this information to give to the teacher.

Key Vocabulary
The vocabulary includes running, speed walking, bear-walking, crab-walking, skipping, lateral jumping,
vertical jumping, 2- foot hopping, 1-foot hopping, shuffling, cross shuffling, backpedaling, frog jumping,
jogging, army craw
Additional Notes
The students will enjoy this activity, as they will get a proper exercise and get to have fun using technology to
track their progress.

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