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Meagan Oakley

Folkston Elementary School

FES Media Center Mission Statement

The purpose of the school library media center is to enrich the curriculum by offering varied materials to students, faculty
members, and the community. The media center is used for reading, research, and as a work center for the entire school.

Analysis of Mission Statement

(1)Purpose of the Media Center
(2)The Need to Provide Access to Information
(3)The Need to Provide A Climate Conducive to Learning
(4)Proactive Connection of the School Media Program to the Local Learning Community and Beyond
While the mission statement above illustrates some roles, there is not enough information to educate the school community
about all of the purposes of the media center at FES. In addition, there is little evidence that the library shares a vision for
21st century learners. The American Association of School Librarians acknowledges such a vision should exist stating, The
development of social technology tools has created an interconnected global society where learning, social, and work
environments have moved across physical boundaries (2009, p.7) In order to enhance the mission statement, I would include
the role the library plays in fostering digital citizenship among the patrons and facilitating learning through the use of relevant
technology tools and resources. Furthermore, while some resources are mentioned, there is no supportive evidence to show how
and why these resources are utilized to provide access to information and a climate conducive to learning. For example, sharing
the purpose of the library in collaborating with teachers, as well as nurturing creative problem solving and lifelong learning,
would be a great choice for improvement. Finally, there is no indication of a proactive connection to the local learning
community other than stating the purpose of enriching curriculum to include the community. The FES media center partners
with the community through activities such as read-aloud programs, parent involvement events, book fairs, and so much more.
This partnership should be reflected within the mission statement. In conclusion, the original mission statement stated above
reflects a program that is focused on the procedures within the media center rather than the outcomes as a result of 21st
century resources and services provided. As an employee at this school, and a frequent guest of the media center, I know that

this mission statement does not accurately reflect all of the responsibilities and intentions of the library and its staff. With
careful consideration and revision, it could be improved to be a more informative document for the school community.

Proposed Revision of the Mission Statement

The mission of the school library media program at Folkston Elementary School is to foster a love of reading and enable
students to think critically, solve problems, and use information ethically. The school librarian will partner with teachers,
parents, and members of the community to provide a variety of opportunities and resources that are relevant for 21st century
learners. The school librarian will utilize these opportunities and resources to enrich curriculum, allowing members of the
school community to become effective users of technology, responsible digital citizens, and life-long learners.

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