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August 27, 2014 9:10 a.m Detective St. Louis County Police Department Bureau of Crimes Against Persons Detective Detective Special Agent Unintelligible = UI DET. DET. Der. ber. er. =SA The date is August 27, 2014, the time is 9:10 a.m. This is Detective with the St. Louis County Police Department, Bureau of Crimes ‘Against Persons. Ah, this interview is being conducted in reference to an officer-involved shooting which occurred on August 9, 2014, in the Canfield Green Apartment Complex the Report Number is 14-43984. Present for this interview is Detective yah, Special Agent with the FBI, United States, Assistant United States Attorney and ah, with the Department of Justice. Ah, the person being interviewed is, and she’s here, ah, with ‘Ah —_-youare aware this interview is being recorded correct? Yes. ‘And done so with your permission? Yes. (Okay, ah, and just for the purpose of the recording can you state your name and date of birth please? (Okay, ah, and who is your current employer? ‘Ah North County Emergency Physicians. Okay, and ah, do they do work at, a-a specific area hospital? DET. Der. ber. ber. ber. ber DET. DET. Yes, ah, Christian Hospital and North West Health Care, (Okay, ah, and on August 9" um, 2014 were you working? Yes, at north west health care. (Okay, and that do you know the address to that facility? It’s at 1225 Graham Road, Florissant, Missouri, 63031. (Okay, and | wanna kinda direct your attention to ah, a specific patient that you had treated that day um, do you recall treating a patient by the name of Darren Wilson? Yes. Okay can you tell me about that? Um, he was brought in by his supervisor and ah, two St. Louis County detectives um, with the complaint of a being punched in his jaw twice ‘um, during while attempting to detain a suspect. Um he complained of pain to the jaw area primarily the right jaw with a little bit of redness developing to the area. Ah, they were requesting x-rays of his jaw to ensure that there was no broken bones. (Okay um, now did you specifically ask him those questions | guess regarding what happened or haw he sustained the injuries? Yeah, I-| asked him what happened, what brought him in and he-he said that he was ah punched in the jaw twice while attempting to detain a suspect. Okay, did he, ah, ever | guess motion or show you where exactly he was punched? Yes, he-he motioned with his fist to the right jaw like this um, he did not motion to the left jaw but he did complain of pain to the left jaw. (Okay, um, did you ask any, um, probing questions as far as ah, what um, what led up to the assault or what happened after the assault? No. (Okay did you ever ask him where the assault took place? No. Der. Der. er. DET. Der. AUSA Okay, um, any other questions that you asked him or any conversations that you had between you and him regarding the-the assault itself? Um, just further questions as far as were there any other injuries were there head injuries um, any other injuries to the face or the nose or the eyes. Um, he denied any injury to the head, the face, the nose, the teeth. Um, he did complain of some ah, scratch marks to the back of his, neck ah, which he said came from finger nails scratches um, otherwise hhe denied any other injuries. No loss of consciousness. No ah, no other neurological issues as far as headache, dizziness, or change in vision. (Okay, ah, and | should have asked you this earlier but how long you been employed ah, as a physician's assistant? With this company um two and a half years. Okay and in total? Um, I graduated in 2007 so about 7 years. Okay, alright, ah, Detective 2 | don’t have any questions. Have you been a physician’s assistant that entire seven years? Yes. Okay, and um, do you always work in the emergency department there at the hospital? Yes. Alright and you've done that for two and a half years? Yes, Other than what Officer Wilson told you regarding his complaints of ah, the jaw pain and the scratches to the back of his neck, did you, ah personally observe anything that drew your attention regarding his jaw or his neck? Um, he-he just had a little bit of redness to the right jaw um, and-and some pain to the right lower jaw line um, and-and very little pain to the left lower jaw line and then he did have some very ah, faint scratch ‘marks to the back of his neck. Okay and you-you personally observed those? 5

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