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1. Differentiate between stability and controllability.

2. Write down one basic requirements of controls.
3. What do you mean by degree of freedom.
4. What is meant by aileron reversal?
5. What is snaking. Sketch the snaking motion of an aircraft.
6. What is meant by 'degree of freedom' and how much required for airplane?
7. State two conditions for static longitudinal stability and indicate them with a plot.
8. State two conditions for static lateral stability and indicate them with a plot.
9. State two conditions for static directional stability and indicate them with a plot.
10. Define angle of yaw and angle of sideslip.
11. Why do an airplane require vertical tail?
12. What is porpoising oscillation?
13. Explain 'snaking mode'.
14. What causes induced drag
15. Difference between streamline and bluff body?
16. What is the use of winglets?
17. Difference between washin and washout?
18. What is the cause of downwash in an infinite wing?
19. State the conditions for static dynamic stability and indicate them with a plot.
20. Define elevator power?
21. What is meant by damped oscillation ? Is this condition accessible to the aircraft ?
22. What is meant by aileron power?
23. Define neutral point and its significance.
24. What is the need for aerodynamic balancing ?
25. What are the condition for longitudinal static stability.
26. How is dihedral useful for lateral stability.
27. What is meant by phugoid oscillation? Explain.
28. Define "Weather cocking effect".
29. Write down the effects of coupling of roll and yaw. Which effect is very dangerous ?
30. Define static stability and dynamic stability.
31. Difference between stick fixed and stick free.
32. Difference b/t longitudinal, lateral, directional stability
33. Explain about stick force gradients.
34. Discuss about adverse yaw and crosswind landings

1. Define static and dynamic stability with example .
2. Define the stability criterion for static longitudinal, lateral and directional stability.
3. Derive the expression for wing contribution to static longitudinal stability, and offer
your comments on this expression.
4. Derive the expression for tail contribution to static longitudinal stability, and offer your
comments on this expression.
5. Drive an expression for the tail contribution to the pitching moment of an aircraft if i? is
the wing setting angle and it is the tail setting angle.
6. Explain trim condition.
7. Discuss in detail the power effects on longitudinal static stability
8. Derive elevator angle for trim.
9. Explain the effects of C.G location.
10. What is the effect of running propeller on directional stability
11. What is aerodynamics balancing? Explain.
12. Rubber lock and Dorsal fin.
13. Rubber fixed directional static stability.
14. Derive the expression for fuselage contribution to static longitudinal stability, and offer
your comments on this expression.
15. Stability quartic
16. What is the coupling between rolling and yawing moments, explain with suitable
17. Adverse yaw
18. Aileron reversal.
19. Basic requirements of rudder .
20. Rudder lock.
21. Controls of aircraft
22. One engine inoperative conditions.
23. "The statically stable aircraft may be dynamically stable or unstable. Similarly
dynamically stable aircraft may be statically stable or unstable". Are both statement true?
24. Discuss various stability derivatives relevant to lateral dynamics.
25. Slip stream rotation of nose mounted propellers
26. Write down the advantage and disadvantage of canard contribution.
27. Define Routh's discriminant .
28. Explain the significance of Routh's discriminant.
29. Describe phugoid motion with graph.
30. Discuss in detail autorotation and spin and procedure for recovery from these situations.
31. Dutch Roll.
32. Spiral and Directional divergence .

33. An airplane W/s = 3000 N/m2, V = 450 kmph flying at 6 km attitude has the
characteristic equation in longitudinal mode of the form (2 + + 6) (32 + + 1) = 0.
Find the period and time to dump and comment whether oscillation can be ignored.

35. Problems in introduction to flight Related to Wing contribution , Tail contribution ,

fuselage Contribution.
36. problems related to Routh discriminant

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