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Building Yourself for Greatness

3361 Ramza Street, Daveyton

Benoni, 1520
Mobile: Noluthando, +27731505717

REF: 123-525 NPO

Proposal For East Rand Career Expo 2015

This proposes a partnership between your company and BYG. The profile of the CBO is attached with this
proposal and has all that needs to be known regarding BYG.
Building Yourself for Greatness BYG is a community based organisation that was founded by young woman
who is passionate by serving the community and seeing peoples lives changing for better.

Why East Rand Career Expo?

Throughout the country every end of the year the whole nation wishes good luck to the learners so to pass
their finals so that they can be able to further their studies but according to the 2011 census statistics many
who started schooling do not even complete though the rate has improved since 2001 but not drastically.
More than 95% of children aged between seven and 14 years-old were attending school. But less than a
third of South Africans have completed matric, Census 2011 revealed. According to the results, 28.4% of the
population completed grade 12, an increase when compared to the 20.4% in 2001 President Jacob Zuma
addressed during the announcement of census 2011 results. (Naidu-Hoffmeester, 2012)
The cause of the above problem according to our observation and surveys conducted by BYG ,it is the lack of
role models more especially in the townships, lack of support and lack of relevant knowledge in terms of
schooling. Most youngsters yes they wake up every day to go to school but many do not even know what
they want to be when they finish high school up or even if they do, they are not sure if it is the correct choice
for them. There are few career expos conducted that are open for everyone as most of them target the
grade12s only so we have decided to host the first ever East Rand Career Expo that will be opened to
everyone who want to know more about different careers. There will be professional people from different
fields who will motivate and tell the attendees more about their careers. This will give many an opportunity
to ask questions, interact and even decide on what they want. It will be an eye opener for them.
This will even decrease the rate of the students who either quit or change their courses on their fist years.
This will in turn save money of many parents and other companies who take students to school and later
they decide to quit, hence improve our countrys economy as that money can be used for other things which
will in turn benefit others. University census dated that that one in five students quit by first year. "Not
everyone finds university to be what they expected. Others find that the course they enrolled in is not what
they want to do, and change direction upon arrival (Ting, 2014)

The career expo will be different from others. It will be unique. There will be different sectors and
departments. There will be a sector for the grade9s where they will be given more information about
choosing suitable subjects for themselves. Different brochures will be given and psychometric tests will be
conducted. One-on-one discussions will take place and many more.
There will be another sector for the Grade12s where the main focus will be at. There will be different
speakers, from professionals who are doing the actual work, the students studying different courses and
even the lectures teaching at tertiary institutions to give more information to the grade12s. Due to many
disadvantaged students not having money to travel to universities or to apply, application forms from
different universities will be provided and those who are in real need but perform well at school and who
meet certain criteria, their applications fees will be sponsored. NSFAS forms and other bursary forms will be
given to them so to secure funding for themselves. Also the aim for BYG is to be able to spot a minimum of
three learners that will be sponsored for their first years from that career expo.
There will be another sector for the tertiary students who are not sure if they chose the right career choices,
where they will be advised by career guidance on different careers within their course that they can pursue
instead of quitting. E.g. most students who are studying Mining Engineering think that they will only go
underground for many years before becoming managers. This is because not much information is given
concerning such fields. So this as a result make other students quit after hearing about the mines, which in
most cases it is not true, as there are so many careers within the mining sector that they will be happy at.
This career expo will eliminate such things and even increase the confidence of the students.
BYG does not only look at one direction, it always gives everyone a chance. This career expo will be also
opened to those who are unemployed yet have grade12s and those who have not finished matric. There are
many FETs colleges but some youngsters still think that they are meant for those who finished school yet
they are for those who have grade9 as well. So such information will be laid bare on the expo for those who
were not sure and more information will be given about the courses offered. For those who are unemployed
yet have grdae12 and due to many reasons such as not getting a university admission will be told more about
learnership programmes, skills training development from other companies and many more. This will also
give them an opportunity to be better citizens and improve their lives.
It will be opened for those who are also working but want to further their studies an opportunity to learn
more about different careers. And the greatest part is that, there will be also a sector for those who are
interested in opening their businesses. More information about starting their own businesses and how to be
funded will be provided and forms on such information will be given to be filled. BYG will also again, sponsor
three business ideas that meet certain criteria and that are aimed at creating more jobs with registration fee
at CIPC, assist in obtaining BBBEE certificate, filling of tax forms, entrepreneurial skills training, business
plan, designing of logos and website, office space and other supporting structures.
There will be give-aways, brain tease quiz competition, lots of fun included in the learning to make this expo
a memorable one to many. The aim is to change lives and instil the attitude of school is amazing to the
youth. And many more other things will be happening.

What is required?
Depending on your companys structure, facilities and ability, the following is required and can be offered to
the organisation:

Partnership with BYG to make the planned events a success.

Office furniture- from desks, chairs, computers, printers, stationery, cabinets, telephones, mobile
offices for workshops, air conditioners, etc.
Referral to other companies that might be interested.

Any form of sponsorship or funding. Though equipment and materials sponsorship are a
first priority.

Whats in for the company, institution or organisation?

Get to partner with the soon-to-be largest and most successful CBO.
Be involved with the CBO for the companies profile, get to be publicised.
The CBO has partnership with Caxton media and others, so you will be acknowledged as a
partner/sponsor hence free marketing or recognition.

Issue of receipts for donations under section 18A, reducing the companys tax.

The companys image will be enhanced in the public perceptions.

Increased visibility gained throughout the community.
In exchange for financial donation, a corporations name and logo will be included on all mailings,
advertisement and other promotional material produced by non-profit.
A large donation may even be culminated in property, such as a training centre, conference room
or computer laboratory being named in honour of the donating corporation.
The increased visibility of a companys name and logo which will lead to increased brand
recognition throughout the community. An easily recognised brand makes closing sales all the
more effortless. Increased sales equals increased revenue.

When and where is the event?

There is a high rate of unemployed youth in Daveyton compared to other areas in the East Rand.
Despite reasonably good growth in the 1980s, the area contains concentrations of high
unemployment, such as Daveyton with an overall unemployment rate of 22.0%. (Kok, 1998)
Therefore, the event will be held in Marivate Park at Marivate Street in Daveyton. The park is
situated less than five kilometres from the entrance of Daveyton. It is on the public road enabling
everyone to have easy access.
The event will be on the 28th of April, as it is the duration where most tertiary institutions open for

Confirmed partners

BYG is rising and would appreciate your involvement to be able to reach all its goals by eliminating
crime, poverty, creating jobs and empowering the leaders of tomorrow, making this world a better
place for all.
Your partnership will change lives.

Kok, P. (1998). South Africa's Magnifying Glass: A Profile of Gauteng Province. In P. Hall, Unemployment
profiles of the new administrative areas of Gauteng (p. 265). Pretoria: Human Sciences Research
Naidu-Hoffmeester, R. (2012, November 09). UNISA. Retrieved November 22, 2014, from unisa website:
Ting, I. (2014, March 30). The Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved Novemeber 22, 2014, from Datapoint:

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