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UN Joint Program Component 2

Refugees Affected and Hosting Areas (RAHA)

Refugees Hosting Areas (RHA)

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
2014 Call for Expression of Interest (CEOI)
2014 RHA KP CEOI (II) MultiSector

A. Background
A.1. The RAHA Programme in Pakistan
1 Pakistan has been home to millions of Afghan refugees over the past 30 years. Following the largescale repatriation of over 3 million Afghan refugees since 2002, there remain 1.6 million registered
Afghans living in Pakistan, approximately 0.6 million in 84 refugee villages and the remaining 1 million in
urban and rural areas. The Government of Pakistan extended the validity of registered Afghans Proof of
Registration cards until 2015, which is welcomed by UNHCR.
2 In this scenario, a shift from humanitarian to development assistance is essential. Addressing the
consequences of the strain on local Pakistani services by the presence of Afghan refugees over decades
requires concerted efforts from the international community to share the responsibility of protecting
Afghan refugees rights while in Pakistan, strengthen local communities which are hosting Afghans and
provide time for Afghanistan to stabilize politically and economically enough for Afghan refugees to
return home voluntarily, safely and with dignity.
3 In line with the above referred objectives, UNHCR together with UNDP, participating UN agencies,
EAD and the Ministry of SAFRON formulated a five year program, funded by various donors. The program,
which is known as RAHA (Refugee-Affected and Hosting Areas), aims to promote regional stability and to
improve the social, economic and environmental situation of Pakistani communities who have hosted or
are still hosting millions of Afghans. The overall objective of the RAHA program is to improve livelihoods,
rehabilitate the environment and to enhance social cohesion within communities of refugee affected and
hosting areas.
4 UNHCR, UNDP & other UN participating agencies contributed in the preparation of the RAHA
document and each agency is committed to implement projects in their areas of responsibility as agreed
in the RAHA document. The overall RAHA strategy has been laid down in the RAHA document, which was
signed by all parties.

5 The RAHA programme is designed to achieve four main outcomes through specific outputs and
related activities. Project Proposals submitted under this Call for Proposals will be considered if they can
deliver one or more of the following outcomes and thus contribute to the overall aim of the RAHA
1) Greater social cohesion and empowerment through community development
2) Improved social protection and peaceful co-existence of Pakistani and Afghan communities
(also referred to as People of Concern)
3) Restoration of social services and infrastructure
4) Improved livelihoods and local economies

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B. 2014 RHA Call for Expression of Interest for Project Implementation 2015
B.1 Call for Expression of Interest Principles
1 This Call for Expression of Interest (CEOI) is launched jointly by the Government of Pakistan, Ministry
of SAFRON, Commissionerate for Afghan Refugees of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (CAR KP) and the United
Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Pakistan and is focused on the Refugee Hosting
Areas (RHA) component of RAHA. The target population therefore includes both the Pakistani host
population and Afghan refugees in a given location.
2 Funding for projects under this Call for Expression of Interest is derived from earmarked donor contributions and donor preferences and restrictions apply. Projects can only be contracted and launched if
approved by the Minister SAFRON and if and when donor funds are available.
3 All costs associated with the submission of an application for project implementation under this Call
shall fall on the submitting agency. Neither CAR KP nor UNHCR shall be held responsible or liable for
these costs, regardless of the outcome of the solicitation.
4 All applications for project implementation shall be submitted in English. Successful applicants are
expected to sign a UNHCR bipartite Project Partnership Agreement (PPA) and adhere to its terms and
conditions, including UNHCR IP Procurement Guidelines and Code of Conduct.
5 The concept notes by sector and list of projects for implementation are attached hereto as Annexes
1-7. Submission formats are attached hereto as Annexes A-D. Budget and technical templates, guidelines
as well as modules for school construction (education projects), are attached hereto as Appendixes I-V.

B.2 List of Projects

1 This CEOI presents projects of various sectors and located in several districts of KP province, as
identified through official government needs assessments or listed in the 2014 SSAR Portfolio of Projects
and based on donor request.
2 Applications under this Call are applications for the implementation of identified projects as included
in the List of Projects (Annex 1). Applications under this Call shall be submitted only for projects listed in
Annex 1.
3 The List of Projects provides information by project site (location), sector, scope of work (construction
and activities), targets and time frame. Further information on required project activities are included in
Annexes 2-4 (information templates by sector).
4 Interested applicants are expected to choose suitable projects from the List of Projects according to
their capacity and expertise. Technical information and documents per project are available on request,
however, this Call is for the implementation of scopes of work as given, with focus on implementation
modalities (concept note/project description) and costs (budget).

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B.3 Application for Projects

1 Each applying organization is requested to specify the project(s) selected for implementation in a
cover letter. The submission shall include, per project:
Concept Note (Annex 5 template)
Project description (Annex A) with implementation modalities based on sector information templates,
Budget calculation based on the scope of work/activities, project duration and targets (Annex B),
Work plan (Annex C),
Personnel plan/staffing requirements (Annex D).
2 Where applicants submit applications for more than one project, human resources, technical
equipment, vehicles, office utilities and office space are expected to be shared between the projects as
much as possible. Applications are limited to a maximum number of three (3) projects per organization.
3 By submitting applications under this Call, applicants agree to observe the standard costing model
for the implementation of RHA projects and sample budget (Appendixes I and II). Budget calculations
deviating from the standard costing model must be justified in detail.
4 For projects with construction elements, the adaptation of UNHCR-provided drawings and BoQs to
the requirements of each project site location, as well as the soil test, shall be the responsibility of the
partner and must be reflected in project description and budget calculation accordingly.

B.4 Project Implementation

1 The implementation period for all projects listed under this CEOI is the calendar year 2015. Each
project has a determined project duration and is expected be completed within the stated period. Any
extension of the implementation period can only be granted as a no-cost extension. Actual contracting
of projects will depend on the date of approval by the Minister SAFRON.
2 Projects under the RHA program are aimed at improving the social and economic infrastructure in a
given location. Environmental impact and Do No Harm (DNH) impact assessments of the proposed
intervention are required. By submitting applications under this Call, applicants agree to provide the
required assessments and follow the Do No Harm (DNH) approach and sustainability requirements during
the implementation of approved projects.

B.5 Project Sustainability

Each application for implementation must include social/community mobilization activities and other
measures as outlined in the concept note to ensure the de-commissioning and handover of completed
projects to the local community or government agency in a sustainable way. If no community-based
organization (CBO) exists in the selected project location, its establishment shall be considered an
integral part of the project design. It is expected that RHA projects will revive local communities and
encourage them to initiate and implement local projects on their own with limited external support in

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B.6 Project Impact Indicators

1 Impact indicators and data collection tools will be provided with Project Partnership Agreements
(PPAs) for approved projects. Partners are requested to establish baseline data at three different stages
of the project, against which the success of the project can be measured. UNHCR shall, during regular
project monitoring activities, verify the results.
2 Specific donor impact indicators apply to projects in the following sectors:
One year after completion of the project, the number of women using the health facility for checks
during pregnancies has increased by 30%.
Six months after completion of the project, the occupancy rate of classrooms is 80 - 120% of the
average rate for Pakistan of 45 pupils per classroom (min. 36 and max. 54 pupils per room)
One year after completion of the project, the number of poor households in the project area has
decreased by 5%.
One year after completion of the project, the number of projects planned and implemented by the
communities with limited external support has increased by 10%.

B.7 Budget Calculation and Project Duration

1 Detailed budget calculations shall be submitted using the provided MS Excel template (Annex B) only.
2 Determination of budget requests for implementation shall be made based on the project scope of
work/activities/targets and the implementation period as outlined in the concept note, while observing
the standard costing model and sample budget, as well as the organizations operational capacity.
3 Calculations of construction components are not needed (see para B.8), however, costs of standard
design adaptions by a certified consultant and soil tests must be quoted. Area or contingency factors can
be included.
4 In keeping with the spirit of partnership, applicants are expected to specify their contribution in cash
or in kind (e.g. staffing). The standard costing model provides set amounts for overhead costs which are
considered a contribution to the project by UNHCR, not to cover all of an applicants overhead costs.
5 Projects must be implemented within the calendar year 2015 and completed by 31 December 2015.
6 Unused project funds are not transferrable to the next year or a different project, but must be
returned to UNHCR at the agreement end date.

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B.8 Bills of Quantities, Rates and Designs

1 For projects with construction components, designs/drawings and BoQs will be provided by UNHCR
(except for a limited number of projects). All rates will be quoted according to the current governmentapproved item rates (MSR), as notified in the prevailing official government circular. Interested
applicants may inquire with UNHCR for additional information. See para C.8 for modes of request and
2 The adaptation of UNHCR-provided school construction modules (designs/drawings) and BoQs to the
requirements of each project site location, as well the soil investigation report, shall be the responsibility
of the partner and considered part of project implementation once a project is approved. Revised
drawings and BoQs must be obtained from, or vetted by, a certified consultant and submitted to UNHCR
for approval before contracting.
3 Costs of vetting and certification of modified drawings/designs by a certified structural engineer as
well as the soil investigation report must be calculated and submitted at the point of application and
included in section 5 of the budget template (Annex B).
4 The application of an area factor or contingency factor is permitted, if necessary. This must be
justified and also indicated in section 5 of the budget template (Annex B).

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C. Application & Selection Process

C.1. Who can apply?
Local/regional/international NGOs registered with the Government of Pakistan and having a valid
Allowed-to-Work Status with Ministry SAFRON.
C.2. Eligibility Criteria
All applicants must meet the following minimum eligibility criteria in order to apply:
Legal registration in Pakistan with the appropriate authorities and established office in Pakistan.
Valid Allowed-to-Work (ATW) Status with Ministry SAFRON at the point of application.
Sound financial accounting systems, including the ability to manage external funds, PKR bank
account in Pakistan, trained accounting staff and at least one annual audit report within the past
three years.
Ability to contribute to the project either in cash or in kind.
Local experience in the chosen geographical area for which the application is submitted.
Operational capacity to implement a project in the sector for which the application is submitted.
Relevant work experience with at least one completed project of similar nature and in the sector
for which the application is submitted (in case the completed project was not contracted by
UNHCR, a letter of reference by the donor is needed).

Fulfillment of these criteria must be supported by relevant documents.

C.3. Exclusion Criteria

Types of activities and costs that RHA program cannot support:
Financial profit
Lump sum or indirect costs
Activities consisting primarily of management of sub-grants for others
Politically motivated activities
Activities that advocate violence of any kind
C.4. Evaluation Criteria
Project submissions will be evaluated based on the following criteria against a point system. All
applications submitted will be ranked according to points achieved and submitted to PTF in order of rank.

max. score: 100



Project management capacity

Local experience and presence
Sector expertise and experience
Cost effectiveness
Contribution of resources
Experience working with UNHCR

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C.5 Application Requirements

1 Applicants intending to respond to this Call for Expression of Interest are kindly requested to obtain
the necessary documents in the following way:
Send an email to UNHCR at: requesting all documents relating to 2014 RHA
KP CEOI (II) MultiSector. A link for downloading all documents will then be provided.
2 Applicants are requested to submit a complete application package, taking account required formats,
templates, supporting documents and guidelines as below and attached hereto.

Required submission documents # 1-10

Application letter (max. 2 pages in font size 12)
Allowed-to-Work status confirmation letter
Letter of reference regarding completed projects (if not UNHCR-funded)
Project description by project #
Annex A
Budget table in MS Excel by project #
Annex B
Work plan by project #
Annex C
Staffing list by project #
Annex D
Concept note by project #
Annex 5
Partner declaration
Annex 6
10. Organization identity and proof of registration
Annex 7
A complete application must include the above listed documents and submitted 3-fold:
2 hardcopies (paper) and 1 softcopy (CD or flash drive), in a sealed envelope.
Flash drives must be verified and free of malware.

5 The sealed envelope containing the application must be clearly marked with sender and addressee
information, as well as submission date and the reference line 2014 RHA KP CEOI (II) MultiSector, and
sent to the PO Box given below.
C.6 Application Submission
All applications must be submitted in a sealed envelope by post or courier to:
P.O. Box 745
Post Mall, University of Peshawar, District Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
C.7 Closing Date / Deadline for Applications
The launch date of this Call for Expression of Interest is Friday, 14 November 2014,
with a 14 day submission period.
The closing date of this Call for Proposals is Friday, 28 November 2014.
The date of the post office received stamp applies.
Submissions received after this deadline will not be considered.

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C.8 Inquiries and Coordination Requirement

1 Coordination of applicants regarding visits to project sites is mandatory in order to avoid a rush on
certain locations and disruption of operations at the facility. Applicants are requested to contact
UNHCR for coordination of planned visits to project locations (maximum 3).
2 Applicants are also requested to contact UNHCR for technical documents regarding specific projects
to support budget calculations; requests for a maximum number of three (3) projects can be made.
3 Inquiries and requests can be made
by email to: PAKPERHA (Note: No submissions can be received under this email ID.)
by phone # 0345-851 37 13 (Monday-Thursday 9-17 hrs, Friday 9-12 hrs)
C.9 Selection Process and Notification
All submissions will be opened and reviewed by a joint CAR/UNHCR project management unit
(PMU) against the criteria established above.
Shortlisted applications from verified organizations will be submitted to the donor for review
and approval.
Donor-approved applications will be submitted to the competent RHA process forum (Provincial
Task Force PTF in KP) for review and endorsement.
PTF-endorsed projects with chosen implementing partner will be forwarded to the Minister
SAFRON for approval.
Only agencies with approved projects will be notified by UNHCR and invited to sign a bipartite
implementing agreement.
Note: The selection and approval process will take approximately 1-2 months.
C.10 List of Official Annexes and Appendixes to this CEOI (II) MultiSector
Annexes 1-7:
1. List of RHA Projects in KP
2. Information template Education
3. Information template Health
4. Information template Vocational Training
5. Concept Note template (Education, Health, Vocational Training)
6. Partner Declaration template
7. Organization Profile template
Annexes A-D:
A. Project description template (Education, Health, Vocational Training)
B. Budget table template
C. Work plan template
D. Personnel plan template
Appendixes I-V (Information):
I. Standard Costing Model for RHA projects
II. Sample budgets
III. BoQ template
IV. Technical guidelines
V. Modules for construction of Government schools in KP

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D. Implementation and Reporting

D.1. Implementation and Reporting Requirements
INGOs and NGOs with approved projects will be offered a project agreement with UNHCR. As UNHCR
implementing partners, they will be in charge of the actual implementation of their projects in line with
UNHCR's rules and regulations, including maintenance of records and reporting. Depending on the
project duration, quarterly narrative progress reports and financial reports will be requested by UNHCR.
Payments following the initial installment will be released depending on project implementation
progress and on implementation of approximately 70% of the previous installment; a 10% retention
amount will be held to ensure completion of projects.
Government line departments with approved projects under this Call for Proposals will be linked to the
RHA program through a project agreement between CAR and UNHCR. Installment payments will be made
by UNHCR to CAR for onward transfer to line departments.
D.2. Audit
Internal Audit: Verification of financial reports submitted to UNHCR will be carried out periodically by
UNHCR teams
External Audit: External audit requirements of national NGOs, government agencies and international
NGOs are based on project value:
national NGOs, government agencies with project budgets of US$ 100,000 or higher
international NGOs with project budgets of US$ 300,000 or higher
Technical Audit: Regular site inspections during the implementing period, as well as a final site
verification, will be carried out by UNHCR staff or nominated consultants to verify the physical progress
and project completion.

E. Reference Documents
Reading Material
1. RAHA Document of 2009
2. Solution Strategy for Afghan Refugees


UNHCR Principles of Partnership

UNHCR IP Procurement Guidelines
UNHCR Code of Conduct

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