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Online Indian legal format of arbitration clauses drafted by our online

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Online Indian legal format for arbitration clauses drafted
by our online Indian legal advisor.
The various types of arbitration clauses which can be incorporated in the
agreements are enumerated hereunder; the parties can choose any one of
them and insert them according to the needs of the parties. The standard
formats of arbitration agreements indicative which may be modified
Every dispute, difference or question which may at any time
arise between the parties hereto or any person claiming under
them, touching or arising out of or in respect of this agreement
or the subject matter thereof shall be referred to the arbitration
or, if he is unable or unwilling to act, to another arbitrator to be
agreed upon between the parties or failing agreement to be
nominated by the parties or, failing agreement to two
arbitrators, one to be appointed by each party to the difference
and in case of difference of opinion between them to an umpire
appointed by the said two arbitrators before entering on the
reference and the decision of the arbitrator (or such arbitrators,
or umpire as the case may be) shall be final and binding on the
parties in all respects and the arbitration shall commence
In the event of any dispute difference or question arising out of
or in respect of this agreement or the commission of any breach

of any terms thereof or of compensation payable therefore or in

any manner whatsoever in connection with it, the same shall be
arbitration. The decision or award so given shall be binding on
the parties hereto.
All disputes arising between the partners as to the
interpretation, operation, or effect or any clause in this deed or
any other difference arising between the partners which cannot
be mutually resolved, shall be referred to the arbitration
.. Who shall decided the matter and failing
him to any other arbitrator chosen by the partners in writing.
The decision of such an arbitrator shall be binding on the
The parties hereto agree that any dispute between them arising
from or under the agreement, or as to the interpretation of its
meaning or effect, or concerned with the transaction of
entered into by this agreement shall be referred to
the arbitration who shall pass a detailed award in the matter.
The said Shri. in whose impartiality the parties
have implicit faith and confidence, and decision thereon shall
be final and binding on the parties.
All disputes or difference between the parties to this agreement
touching or concerning the construction, meaning or effect of
these presents, or any matter herein contained, or the
transaction hereby completed, or the respective rights and
liabilities of the parties, or their enforcement, shall be referred
to .. who shall either decide the dispute or
differences himself or appoint an arbitrator or a board of
arbitrators, to decide the dispute or difference and refer it to
such arbitrator or board for his or their award, which shall be
final and binding on the parties.
All disputes or differences between the partners during the
continuance of this partnership touching or concerning the
construction, operation or effect of any clause in this deed, or

the transaction hereby contemplated, or the respective rights

and liabilities of the partners, or their enforcement, or if any
difference of opinion arises which cannot be resolved and is not
provided under this deed as to the advisability of carrying on
the business of the partnership or as to the act or omission or
neglect of a partner which is calculated to cause loss to the
partnership business, or as to the correctness or ascertainment
of the accounts and profit and loss of the partnership business,
or the appropriation of any funds of the partnership, or the
custody of documents, books or other things belonging to the
partnership, or the winding-up of the business of partnership,
shall be referred to arbitration of Mr. . (name and
full address) who shall decide the dispute or differences himself
or refer it to such other arbitrator or board of arbitrators
nominated by him with the consent of the parties to this deed
for award which shall be final and binding on the parties.

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