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Civil Engineering Scope of Work: General Development

Stage 1: Inception
During the inception stage of the project the following key tasks would be performed;

Consult with the client and other members of the professional team to clearly define the scope
of works, duration of contract and relevant construction budgets.

Conduct a detailed review of the current infrastructure to accurately assess its condition and
capacity as well as investigate the proposed options for the upgrade. This will include taking
note of major topographical features and services which may influence designs.

Obtain existing services information and plans from the relevant Local Authority

Investigate the individual requirements for the proposed option through the analysis of bulk
services layout, local storm water loads, construction difficulties, access and parking
requirements, topographical restrictions and disruption to the public (taking into account
expansion, and sustainability).

Conduct and complete research regarding legal requirement regarding re-zoning, permits
required, cadastral boundaries, ownership etc. Identify conflicts, discrepancies and solutions
and submit to the Client for review and comment.

Achieve consensus between the Professional Team, Client and relevant stakeholders; that all
design requirements are understood and that the basic design ideas are in line with the
overall project plan.

Assist the Professional Team in compiling cost estimates relating to the construction works
and accurately assessing project risks.

Produce a feasibility report detailing the impact of the development on the existing services
(i.e. storm water, roads, potable water, sewer, power etc.), the impact of the development on
the local population (i.e. Traffic, noise, pollution, labour etc.), the possible environmental
implications, risk, cost etc. in order to make informed decisions on the progressing of the

Stage 2: Preliminary Design

This stage would typically involve the processing of data collected during the inception stage. During
the preliminary design stage of the project the following key tasks would be performed;

Assessment of existing data

Preparation and approval of works program.

Design standards to be discussed with and Client and conformed with.

Detailed analysis of the existing services. Their impact on the design and vice versa.
Determine the need to disrupt or modify any existing services to accommodate the upgrade
as well as the restrictions, applications and authorisation from the relevant municipal

Detailed data modelling for optimisation of the preliminary design and to assess
design alternatives. This would include storm water and traffic simulations, design
performance comparisons, cost sensitivity analysis etc. in order to determine the optimal

Legal applications and authorisation permits to be submitted.

Update cost estimate. Preparation of updated cost estimates based on the preliminary
designs developed. Estimates of quantities will be prepared and entered into schedules for
preliminary costing. At this stage unit costs will be estimated for specific work items or
categories of work using available data including company and other current experience in
the project area as well as the knowledge of prices in comparative environments.

Preliminary design drawings to be prepared.

Finalise design standards and design philosophy in conjunction with relevant Local

Preliminary design report prepared for client approval.

The report would include, but would not necessarily be limited to the following;

Preliminary Investigations.
Comments on the existing facilities.
Information Gathering and Progress.
Review of data and preliminary engineering designs developed.
Design standards and modifications applied to suit site conditions.
Design Criteria.
Preliminary Designs.
Preliminary Cost Estimates.
Proposed implementation programme

Stage 3: Detail Design

During the detailed design stage of the project the following key tasks would be performed;

Approval of preliminary design report. Any queries or comments from the client would be
discussed, agreed upon and included as applicable into the design report

Ensure design takes account of the position of existing services.

Preparation of engineering drawings according to client specification.

The approved designs proposals will be incorporated into the detailed design drawings.

General layouts and longitudinal sections

Service coordination drawings
Miscellaneous Details

Preparation of schedule of quantities. Construction quantities would be taken off the

engineering plans by the standard method of measurement.

Preparation of updated cost estimates based on the schedule of quantities.

Preparation of tender documentation. The drawings and schedules of quantities will form
part of the tender documentation and are dealt with above. The tender documents would
include as much basic information as possible in order to allow tenderers to understand the
philosophy of design and to enable them to price the schedules without covering themselves
for inadequate information. It is of the utmost importance that the Tender Documents provide
as much information as possible in areas which tenderers would regard as "risk" items, so
that properly balanced minimum cost bids are received.

Stage 4: Documentation and Procurement

During this stage of the project the following key tasks would be performed;

Tenders are to be invited in accordance with contract and Client procedures. A draft
tender notice would be prepared for comment by the client. Thereafter the final tender notice
will be prepared for publication (taking cognisance of any comments on the draft) as per the
Should a pre-tender conference be deemed appropriate, it will need to be made compulsory.
It is recommended that the pre-tender conference is conducted as most queries can be
addressed at one time in the presence of all tenderers.
The pre-tender conference would generally proceed as follows:

Initial briefing to inform and discuss with all tenderers the background of the project
together with the description of the work required.

A follow up question and answer session.

The tender notice published previously will specify a closing date and time for the
final receipt of tenders. Thereafter no tenders will be accepted by the client unless
such closing date has been modified in an addenda issued to all parties.

Analysis of tenders and preparation of tender adjudication report.

The tender evaluation shall comprise 5 distinct components namely:

Determination of Responsiveness of Tenders

General Contractual Obligations and Compliance with the Conditions of Tender
Technical Evaluation
Financial Evaluation
Professional Recommendations

1) Determination of Responsiveness of Tenders

The tender documents would identify the criteria that will be initially applied to all tenders to
determine the degree of responsiveness of each. Tenders not deemed to be substantially
responsive by definition will be discussed with the client prior to proceeding into the next
stage of the tender evaluation process. Any tender so rejected by the client will not receive
further analysis.

2) General Contractual Obligations and Compliance with the Conditions of Tender.

Those tenders deemed to be substantially responsive will be evaluated in further detail for:

Conformity with Instruction to Tenderers

Completeness of Tenders
Validity of Tenders
Exclusions and qualifications whether stated or implied
Adequacy of insurances
Administration expertise
Working hours
Labour resourcing
Experience of Similar Projects Previously Undertaken
Current or Impending Litigation/Arbitration Issues

3) Technical Evaluation.
Factors to be evaluated under this heading will include:


Conformity with specifications and drawings

Comparison of any proposed alternative to the requirements of the tender documents
(this being subject to a tender having been submitted which conforms to the tender
Methods of construction and temporary works
Preliminary programme
Work to be subcontracted
Adequacy of proposed construction plant and equipment

4) Financial Evaluation.
Prior to determining the price ranking each tender deemed to be substantially responsive will
be examined in detail and, following arithmetical checks and any adjustments made in
accordance with preamble to the schedule of quantities, the following factors will be

Total tender price

Reasonableness of individual unit rates and proportional balance of the overall
Contract price adjustment (Rise and Fall schedule)
Conformity of bonds and guarantees
Daywork rates
Rate only items

5) Professional Recommendations
The final step in the evaluation process shall include a sensitivity/risk analysis of key aspects
of the tenders. Aspects to be considered are:

Variance of main quantities and their effect on the overall tender price
Optimistic production rates

Failure to meet programme completion dates.

The evaluation shall be concluded with a tender evaluation report recommending the
preferred Tender for final consideration and decision by the client. Included in the report shall
be a summary of findings with various comparative and classification tables.
During the period between the finalisation and presentation of the tender evaluation report
and the award of the contract we shall attend and assist as required in any negotiation
meetings between the client and the preferred tenderer.

Prepare contract documentation for signature

Client approval and appointment of successful tenderer.

Stage 5: Contract Administration and Inspection

The key tasks in the contract administration and inspection of the execution of the Works in
accordance therewith will be as follows:

Prepare contract documents for signature. On receipt of instruction from the client with
respect to the award of the construction tender we would prepare and submit the contract
documents for signature to the client; ensuring that the contract document contains all
contractually relevant information.

Letter of Acceptance. The letter of acceptance together with the contractors written
acknowledgement will normally state the contract price and will also refer to the delivery of the
performance security and insurances etc.

Engineers Instruction to commence. The appendix to the tender will specify a time period
after the letter of acceptance within which the Engineer needs to send the Contractor a notice
to commence the works.

Grant Possession of the site. The Employer (or the Engineer on written delegated authority
from the Employer) will grant possession of site in writing.

Provision of Level 1 Construction Monitoring

This includes:


Maintaining a part-time presence on site, with suitably qualified and experienced

personnel, to review work procedures and construction material samples on a regular
basis, for compliance with the requirements of the plans and specifications and
review important completed work prior to enclosure or on completion as appropriate.
Be available to provide the Contractor with technical interpretation of the plans and
Document all such information required for project administration.

Receive Contractors performance surety and insurance.

Continually review Contractors programme and cash flow to monitor progress and, if
necessary, request revised programs.

Progress reporting and record keeping.

The following reports and records will be prepared:


Monthly Progress and Financial Reports with a contract final report on completion of
the project.
A Daily Project Diary as specified.
Certificates for Payment to the contractor (interim and final).
Records of all work undertaken during the construction phase of the project with
progress reports on a monthly basis.
The regular monthly report will be made at of the end of each calendar month and will
include reports on progress and mitigation of delays.

Advice to the Client as to the provision of a monitoring service in accordance with the
various contract clauses

Issuing instructions to Contractors on behalf of the Client.

Dispute resolution. Deciding on disputes or differences that may arise between the Client
and Contractor, excepting mediation, arbitration and litigation.

Reviewing and verifying Variation Orders

Witnessing performance or acceptance tests on site but excluding day-to-day routine


Issue completion certificate.

Stage 6: Close Out

The following key tasks would be performed in order to close out the project;

Prepare and issue Record Drawings. The production of data for the Record Drawings will
be an on-going exercise throughout the construction phase of the project, with all details
being continuously recorded in order to expedite the production and issue of the final record

Agree final quantities with contractor and Quantity Surveyor

Prepare and issue Close Out Report. The Engineer will prepare and submit to the client a
Close Out/Final report.
Typically this report will contain a narrative on the following:

Contract Summary
Mobilisation (Consultants/Contractor)
Variation and Extensions
Progress vs. Programme
Financial Data
Problems peculiar to the project
Contractors Performance

Final Inspection. A final inspection shall be undertaken by the Engineer and contractor and a
final list of any defects prepared for rectification by the contractor.

Issue Final Approval Certificate. Upon receipt of the Contractors Final statement, the Engineer
will prepare and submit to the Employer, the Contractors Final Certificate for payment purposes
as stipulated in the contract and on expiry of the defects liability period issue a Final Completion

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