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Arranged for fulfilling Literary Studies Assignment

Lecturer: Dr. M. Thoyibi, M.Si





BY D. H. LAWRENCE (1885-1930)


: Sex and Aggression


: The Horse Dealers Daughter Reflects Lawrences Subscription of Freuds



This story is telling about Mabels life as a protagonist female lead. She is the daughter of
the horse dealer. She lost her mother when she was fourteen years old and she is in the
age when she needs her utmost. Her father is died as well and left so much debt in the
Pervins. She is now twenty-seven years old woman and still not married yet. She became
a servant for her mean brothers since they could not afford any housekeeper anymore. At
that time, the appropriate work for women is either a servant or a nurse. Once the horses
are sold Mabels brothers decide where their lives would lead them and command her to
seek the home of her sister if she did not make a decision, she had to sleep in the street.
Realizing their rejection and acknowledging an uncertain future, she visits he mothers
grave. Mabel could not extricate herself from deep sorrow and pain then she finally
attempted to commit suicide by drowning herself in the pond. There is Dr. Jack
Fergusson who rescues her from an attempted suicide and has become a part of Mabels
plan to remain where she wants to be.


In this story, I can find that the author, D.H Lawrence gave a subscription for Freuds
psychoanalysis. The theory of psychoanalysis by Freud was based on the assertion that
human behavior is motivated by sex and aggression. Since Mabel could not survive in her
condition, she decided to end her life by drowning herself in the pond.
He followed her minutely as she moved, direct and intent, like something transmitted
rather than stirring in voluntary activity, straight down the field towards the pond.
There she stood on the bank for a moment. She never raised her head. Then she waded
slowly into the water. (THDD, 1922: 209)
Mabels decision for kill herself is a strong evidence of the aggression. Besides that, the
death instinct is happening in an unconscious motivation. The evidence is shown below:

Dr. Fergusson? she said.

What? he answered.
What did I do? she asked.
Walked into the pond, he replied.
Was I out of my mind? she asked, while her eyes were fixed on him all the time.
Maybe, for the moment, he replied. (THDD, 1922: 211)

After Jack Fergusson rescues Mabels life, she has a plan that will make her life has a
bright future. She decides to take advantage of the situation by expressing her love and
convincing Jack that he loves her as well. Her desire to stay alive beat her desire to die. It
called by sex or libido (life instinct)
Did you dive into the pond for me? she asked.
No, he answered. I walked in. But I went in overhead as well.
Why did you? she asked.
Because I didnt want you to do such a foolish thing, he said.
It wasnt foolish, she said, still gazing at him as she lay on the floor, with a sofa
cushion under her head. It was the right thing to do, I knew best, then.
Who undressed me? she asked, her eyes resting full and in-evitable on his face.
I did, he replied, to bring you round. For some moments she sat and gazed at him
awfully, her lips parted.
Do you love me, then? she asked.
You love me, she murmured, in strange transport, yearning and triumphant and
confident. You love me. I know you love me, I know. (THDD, 1922: 211-212)


So, I can make a summary that in this story of Mabel as a daughters of the horse dealer is one of
the author, D. H Lawrences work as a reflection for Freuds psychoanalysis. Lawrence agree
with the theory of human behavior is motivated by sex (life instincts) and aggression (death
instincts). The strong evidence of aggression can be found in Mabels decision for kill herself by
drowning in the pond, and the evidence of the sex can be found in Mabels convince to Jack
Fergusson, the one who rescue her, to love her as a desire for life, love, safety, and so on.

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