Diagnostic Testing

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1. Definition of diagnostic testing
2. Significance of diagnostic test
3. Purpose
4. Types of diagnostic testing
Formative assessment
Conceptual diagnostic test
5. Development and process flow of diagnostic test
6. Problems and issues
7. Limitations
8. Advantages and disadvantages

Diagnostic testing
Definition of diagnostic testing:
Diagnostic test is an individually conducted test to check the weakness of students learning
preprocess. Usually test is conducted by highly qualified teaching staff.
Diagnostic test insures that the students are academically in order where they need to be. If an
institution want their students to move forward, it is necessary to identify where they have
started; diagnostic testing is the way to do this. Diagnostic test put forth the solutions for the
students learning problems, so that the teacher provides instructions to solve those problems.
After identifying the area where the error lays the teacher has to figure out the reason due to
which a particular child or group has not responded well. At this stage the teacher has to play the
role of a doctor, if a patient visits a doctors clinic he suggest him the relevant test to the
symptoms observed by him. After getting reports he is in position to diagnose and identify the
disease and then prescribe medicines for it.
Likewise, as a teacher, you have to first identify and locate where the error lies. The process
adopted for this purpose in educational situation is called diagnostic testing.

Significance of diagnostic tests:

Teachers use diagnostic test in order to assess their students strength and weaknesses in
particular knowledge area. It also help the instructor to know that what information or
knowledge her/his students dont know and how much knowledge his/her students needs to
know before he/she leave the class.
It is also helpful for the teacher who takes multiple classes of same subject. This helps the
teacher to identify that many cases/problems for same subject. So it will be easy to a teacher to
target the problems more specifically and sharply. For example if one class is lack in skills in
math fractions then other class that means that, that class needs more time and attention towards
math fraction.
It also gives an assessment report that how much students have grown in particular skill set in a

Diagnostic test is a test to figure out the students problem in term of their knowledge and skills.
It is merely a best method to map the problems of students to sharpen their concepts so that they
can move along with the knowledge like other students. It also motivates the students to develop
a confidence in them to move ahead despite of their weaknesses by overcoming their problems
they are facing in their educational career.

Types of diagnostic testing:

Diagnostic test measure student understands of a subject area or knowledge base. Following are
few types of diagnostic test:
1- Reading
2- Math
3- Formative assessment
4- Conceptual diagnostic test

A diagnostic test for reading identifies the problems in reading skills of a student. Children take
the test individually or in groups; some of reading diagnostics are computer based while others
require interaction with instructor. Diagnostic tests for reading is designed to pinpoint at what
grade level children are reading based on their mastery of phonics, blending, word recognition
and text comprehension. Ideally, a child entering a grade should display reading skills typical of
that grade, meaning a fifth grader isnt using sound-out techniques like a first grader. When
teachers discover students are reading below grade level, they typically implement interventions
designed to bolster the missing skills.

Diagnostic test in mathematics are used to check the students encountering problems in
mathematics, for example:
97-67= 37
68-61= 67

96-26= 76
Students error in this situation is that 7-7=7 and 6-6=6.

So now we are now in position to diagnose the problem that student is facing that he
cannot subtract same numbers. The Mathematics Diagnostic Test (MDT) is a 90 minute
computer-based multiple choice test, designed to evaluate students' knowledge of
mathematical principles and concepts.

Questions are based on grades 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 of the Ontario Ministry of Education
Mathematics Curriculum.

No dictionary or calculator is allowed during the test

Topics to be tested include: BEDMAS Rule, Factoring Polynomials, Solving Equations,

Graphing Functions, Simplifying Algebraic Expressions, Trigonometry, Analytical
Geometry, Logarithms and Sequences & Series.

This is called diagnostic test in mathematics.

Formative assessment:
Formative assessment test is used to check the knowledge of student about the prior topic
knowledge. Surprise quizzes, random questioning and answering sessions before topic is made to
check the knowledge of student s about the topic. In this way the instructor or teachers come to
know the mental level of the students. This test leads a teacher to change their way of teaching
according to the students mental level. This technique is so far useful in order to identify
students who are weak in particular knowledge area.

Conceptual diagnostic test:

Conceptual diagnostic test is usually arranged to trick the student to check the misconception of
student about the relevant field. The test includes MCQs or multiple choice questions to check
that the student has proper concepts about the relevant subject.

Development and process flow of diagnostic test:

Teaching Learning

Unsatisfactory performance
of pupils

A case for diagnosis

Identify students who need


locate the area of difficulty

Administer a general
achievement test

Identify casual factors

Provide solutions

Improved quality of

Problems and issues:

Very few field-tested instruments are currently available; their items may not match your

course goals.

To use these diagnostic tests properly often requires that you follow a formal protocol

and keep the tests secure.

Limited use of selected items may not be possible.

You must be careful not to misinterpret the results.

Designing your own tests is extremely demanding and will take at least a few semesters

for each course; you must do interviews; reliability and validity may be hard to establish.

Your students will declare such questions to be hard or tricky until they realize that

you really mean they are diagnostic!

To develop reliable and effective diagnostic tests is a major, long-term undertaking. Only a
limited number of such tests are currently available, and those may not match your course goals.
Your field may be one in which no such tests have been developed.

Advantages and disadvantages:

Type of test



Role plays and simulations


Time consuming

Effective learning
Letter writing

Authentic task

Difficult to mark score

Essay writing


Difficult to mark score


Copy cases


Easy accessible

Unaware or task type

Group interviews


Unreliable answers from

Time friendly


Better communication
Individual interviews

In-depth communication

Time consuming
Socially challenging

Personal problem discussions

Observation of learning during
class work
Group discussions


Whole group?

Time friendly



Dominant students opinions

are more important

Activities from workbook

Time friendly


Discrete Items

Lacking interest

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