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part ii: social media strategy

Case Study

Creating Engagement
via Social Media.
A Hashtag Story

workshops. Social media, rich content are used

to create an augmented layer of activity online
around the outcomes of the workshops as they
travel from continent to continent connecting
the chapter leaders through its digital footprint.
For every continent 25-30 leaders were engaged
in the workshop with 6 workshops per year connecting the dots between them.
The Audience

Name Company/Event
Joyce Dogniez, CMM | Internet Society Chapter Leader Regional Workshop Series across
all continents

Ruud Janssen TNOC | The New Objective

A Brief Description of the Project

Amplifying the vocal chords of the internet

through social media. A bespoke design for a
series of Internet Society Chapter Leadership
workshops in multiple languages taking place
one on every continent after an initial proof
of concept in Europe and Africa. The Internet
Society workshops aim to build capacity, discuss
chapter management related issues, share ideas,
knowledge, content and experiences in person
and online.


To connect volunteer Internet Society Chapter

Leaders across the globe in a series of regional
social media for events

The Internet Society (ISOC) engages in a wide

spectrum of Internet issues, including policy, governance, technology, and development. ISOC establish and promote principles that are intended
to persuade governments to make decisions that
are right for their citizens and each nations future. Everything ISOC does is based on ensuring
that a healthy, sustainable Internet is available to
everyone today and for the next billion users.
Participants are members, volunteer leaders
and enthusiasts supporting the mission of the
Internet Society. They have been invited to meet;
discuss their activities and to exchange ideas to
progress their projects and ideas to make the Internet for Everyone. They are joined by a number
of key staff members of the Internet Society. The
sessions are participant led, peer input driven
and designed to engage in as much conversation
on topics as possible, the session are designed as
shop is designed to activate the individual actions
in a Solution Room format.
The Unfolding of the Project

The initial choices by the team putting together the workshops, the global reach, varieties of
bandwidth availability and personal preferences
of the users guide ultimately how the project
lead the team to use Google+, Google Moderator,
Google Hangouts and Google communities. Twitter was a natural signpost to use with the hashtag

part ii: social media strategy

becoming the beacon to connect the communications. Getting contributions from everyone
was stimulated by handing around a DSLR camera to all participants encouraging them to take
pictures. These were uploaded with geotags and
hashtags multiple times during the workshop
and shared in social channels through Storify and


blog posts in realtime. The dependency on the

diversity. Google Moderator was replaced with
and allow participants to vote and contribute
topics of their interest.

Before the event all participants are connected on a single platform for Internet
Society Leaders. The moderated discussions online and live offer the opportunity for
the participants to connect prior to the workshop to allow for pre-workshop networking, exchange of ideas and knowledge and create a dynamic environment prior
to the face-to-face meeting.
Topics to be discussed during the meeting emerge from these pre-discussion as well
as requests for information about ISOC (to identify if any information will need to
be presented or discussed onsite e.g. grant programs, strategic plan, etc).

By alternating traditional and new media all user preferences can be serviced. Post-its
are added to a good old fashioned world map after swapping with a colleague onsite
their place of origin. This is later digitized in a bespoke Google Maps online. Old media
includes note taking on paper table covers with thick pens which can then subsequently be captured in a photo or video to be shared on social channels online.
A traditional self addressed postcard at the end of the closing Solution Room session
enabled the organizer to capture the action points and the participants to consolidate
their actions.


The hashtag is the glue to connect the participants onsite and their peers in their
A DSLR camera was passed around to capture everyones unique perspectives of the

This rich content is produced with a very short delay time to be posted online almost
instantly. The value of the rich content whilst onsite is a key asset for participants to
consult, retweet, re-post and share in their own social channels online.
Additionally a recap video is produced as a trailer and bumper of the workshop
day featuring the participants. The magic is in the instant factor of capturing and
disseminating the rich content using the hashtag. The workings of it are contagious
and everyone joins in on their own prefered channels.
social media for events


part ii: social media strategy

From the participant perspective each piece of User Generated Content was activated online as an active memory of what occurred whilst onsite. Participants from
an upcoming workshop in another region could review what was produced by colleagues with a similar challenge in a different geographic space. Video testimonials,
video trailers and photos plus casual video is published in a consolidated story and
on social media channels as a documentary of what took place.


Six weeks post event all participants receive a postcard (self addressed) with the
remainder of the actions that came out of the Solution Room. Many participants
spontaneously contribute their action to the hashtag of the workshops and encourage subsequent workshop participants with their likes, retweets and support of the
ongoing efforts across all regions.
An alumni group will be set up to foster the connections made and to extend the
life of the event through social media.
Because of the use of the hashtag participants of previous workshops relive their
workshop and retweet and share the content. This really allowed the content and
emotion to spread much beyond the actual participants of the face to face workshop.
ISOC staff plan the next business year and develops tools for its volunteers based
on the feedback and input collected via the hashtag through the various media.

Major Obstacles

Obstacles included getting the group activated

and contributing to the discussion before the
event. There was also hesitation of some participants to contribute due to unfamiliarity with
a social media type or even hesitation due to
and repercussions of governments unable to
deal with the free voice to make the internet for

The Results

and then again online using social media and on

the proprietary online community delivers many

social media for events

rich human connections. Many participants spontaneously contribute their action to the hashtag
of the workshops and encourage subsequent
workshop participants with their likes, retweets
and support of the ongoing efforts across all regions. The engagement with the role of volunteer
leader with the Internet Society is anchored in
the experience and re-enforced when volunteer
leaders from different regions connect online
and share the excitement of meeting in a similar
format in another part of the world.
The results of every workshop are compiled in
one rich media blog post. That blog post contains the nectar of each regional workshop. By
stacking the social media conversations from one

part ii: social media strategy

event and stringing them onto the next one, the

content can be built upon in subsequent workshops in other regions.
For an example of this from the Internet Society
Chapter Leader Workshop in Dakar, Senegal,
Africa see the blog post summary compiling
user generated content as well as rich media
from multiple angles, which was shared and
embedded on multiple platforms.

social media for events


part ii: social media strategy

5 Qualities of the Perfect Hashtag

Make sure no one else is using the same hashtag.
Research all social networks you will select for current
uses of your ideal hashtag.

Some social networks limit the number of characters
available. Picking a short hashtag guarantees saving
precious real estates where needed.

Your hashtag should be easy to understand. It needs to
have cues to the name or content of your event. Acronyms are welcome but it needs to be somewhat evident.

You need to be able to scale your hashtag for future
is widely adopted strategy as in #event14 #event15,
reinforcing the need of a short hashtag.

Your hashtag needs to be clearly communicated in all
and online (website, online banners, online ads) communication. It needs the prominence it deserves. It
needs to be present in your FAQs and in general at all
customer touchpoints. It should be present in every
social media update you produce.

social media for events


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