Library Sections

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Library Sections

I). Acquisition Section : The books demanded by different departments are purched
by the Acquisition section. University book centre is also working in this section for
supply of books to the Libraries in this university.
1) University Book Center :
Books required for all the libraries under the university are purchased by the
book centre on trade terms. The profit so earned, is utilized to operate book Bank
Scheme for the students. Manyof the students are benefited by this facility. Books
are also sold through this centre to the students and staff with discount.
2)Book Bank:
A book-BankScheme of university book centre is functioning for undergraduate students. Under the scheme, students are entitled to borrow maximum 5
textbooks at time by paying 5 % (maximum Rs.50/- Only) of th price of each
textbook, for a period of one semester. Students are served on first-come first serve
Another social welfare book book for bank backward students is functioning by
the grants from central and state Govt. 50% each for books and Almera.

II). Technical Section : To classify , catalogue, OPAC, Barcode etc the documents of
the University Library this section is working.

III).Circulation Section : This section provide documents, to the Members of library

for home reading as well as reading in the library. The documents are arranged on
the racks in stacks as per the Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme.
Temporary Library Membership : Temporary Library Membership (TLM) provision is
made available for providing library and information service facilities to the research
workers from out side the university family.Charges for TLM Three months period
:-Rs.180.00 One month period :- Rs.60.00 One to seven Day, Rs. 20.00. Book
bank books and overnight issues are also provided through this section.

IV).Periodical Section :- To procure, mentain and arrange periodicals services to

library members. This section is working Reference service are provided by the
periodical section as per the requirements of the reader. Reference section is
attached to periodical section for conviniance of the Library users.

V). Databases :- Following Databases are available for the library members.

Sr. NO.

Name of the Databases


CAB-CD ROM abstracting Databases


FSTA CDROM Abstracting Databases


Agris CDROM Abstracting Databases


COPSAT Current contents service of inflibnet floppy 2001

Academic search premier CD-ROM+ online abstract and full text
database(EBSCO) 2003-2004

DELNET online Network Service 2009

OPAC 79322

Ph.D Thesis of MAU Database

Upto 2005

VI). Reprographic Section :- This Section has two automatic plain paper copiers and
a duplicating machine through which the services of photocopy are provided to the
readers .

VII). Binding Section :- This section is working for binding work of the damaged
books ,Back Volumes and other documents of this Library. The required binding
machinery is available in this section.

Different sections of the library

1.Acquisition Section - The objectives of the Acquisition are Selection , Ordering and
Accessioning of books in Accession Registers. The library procures those books
which are recommended by the teachers / Scientists of the university. Further Chief
Librarian also takes initiative in selecting books of general nature and text books.
The list of recommended books is placed before the Primary Purchase Committee
(PPC) exclusively for selection of books and periodicals. Orders are placed when the
PPC approves the list of books and journals.
2. Processing Section - Processing Section undertakes two vital functions, viz., (a)
Classification and (b) Cataloguing (a) Classificaton --- Class numbers are given to
the books according to the Dewey decimal Classification Scheme (DDC). (b)
Cataloguing --- Books are catalogued according to Anglo American Cataloguing
Rules -II (AACR-II) . For each book three entries are prepared.
3. Circulation Section - The function of the circulation section centers round issue
and return of the books. The lending period without fine is one month. The over due
fine rupee one per day is charged on every book issued beyond the lending period.
4. Current Periodical Section - Current Periodical Section is located at the ground
floor. In this section , journals which are subscribed to the library for the current
year are displayed.
5. Reference Section -Reference books are not issued , but readers may consult it
within the premises of the Library. The reference books are shelved in three
different Halls. Reading Hall - I : For current information. Reading Hall ---II: For books
on Agriculture and allied subjects. Reading Hall-- III: For books on Home Science
6. Text Book Bank Section - There is a separate Text Book Bank ( TBB ) Secton in
the Library. Books from TBB are issued for one semester against a nominal charge of
Rupees 2 ( two) for each book.
7. Reprography Section

Sections of the library

1. This is the Circulation Desk.
This is where you check out and return books.
2. This is the Fiction section.
Fiction books are imaginary stories invented by the author. Some examples of
fiction books are mysteries, fantasies, science fiction and historical fiction.
3. This is the Non-fiction section.
Non-fiction books are books that are written about a subject that state true
4. This is the Everybody section.
Everybody books are picture books that everybody can read and enjoy.
5. This is the Beginning Reader section.
These books are great for students that are just beginning to read.
6. This is the Biography section.
These books are true stories about real people.
7. This is the Reference section.
Books like an atlas, dictionary, encyclopedia and handbook can be found in
the reference section.
8. This is the Magazine section.
You can check out magazines from this section.

You can look up and find out what section of the library the book that you are
looking for is located.

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