Children's Rights Plan - 2nd Year ESB

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Sara is fourteen years old. She lives with her parents and 7 siblings in the outskirts of a big city.

She works on the family farm 7 days a week. She is in charge of the animals, and she prepares lunch and
dinner for the family when her mother and father are not
She doesnt go to school because she works very hard,
and she hasnt got time. For this reason, she cant read
Sometimes, her father gets drunk and hits her and her
brothers and sisters.
Sarah is usually so tired that she feels sick, but they dont
take her to the hospital. They havent got money for a
private doctor, and the hospital is 30 kilometres away.
In this picture, Sara is cooking dinner. Her siblings arent
studying or playing like any other children: they are
helping her. Their parents arent with them: they are

Is Saras life good? Why? Why not?

Saras life is

isnt good because..

Answer and write:

Which right is broken in Saras life?



In groups, read the text again and answer T (true) or F

(false). Provide the correct version for the false
Sara lives in the city.
She works on a farm from Monday to Friday.
She is having dinner at this moment.
Her parents work.
Now, her parents are working.
Her siblings are cooking dinner with her.
Sara receives medical care.

2) Answer about yourself:

a. Which are the outskirts of your city?

c. Are they victims of violence?

b. Do children in your city work? Where?

d. Do they go to school?

3) Read about other children and complete the texts with the correct form of the verbs.
Then, answer: Are their rights respected? Which rights are broken?

4) Read Childrens Rights again. Complete the chart about the life and
habits of street children. Then, compare with your life and habits.
Street children..
dont go to school.

go to school and study.

5) Read the following article. Some information is not correct! Underline the false information and
correct it.

1. ____________________________
___________________________ .
2. ____________________________
___________________________ .
3. ____________________________
because ____________________.
4. ____________________________
and ________________________ .
5. ____________________________
___________________________ .
6. ____________________________
___________________________ .
6) In your notebook, write a short paragraph about one of these kids. Describe his/her life.
Explain which rights are broken (use Sara, Amir and Sonias stories as a guide. Use
connectors, too!).

1) Use the connector BECAUSE to join the two parts of these stories.

a) _________________________________________________________________________________________
b) _________________________________________________________________________________________
c) _________________________________________________________________________________________
d) _________________________________________________________________________________________

2) Answer these questions about Ramiro, the street boy from Gonzlez Catn.
1. Does he study?

Now, think.

2. Does he work?

4. Do adults give Ramiro an opportunity for a better life?

3. What is he doing in the picture?

5. How do adults behave when they see Ramiro?

6. Does Ramiro receive medical care?
7. Where does he sleep at night?
8. In your opinion, what do street children most need?

3) Read about these children, and complete the text with the verbs from the box.


1) Look at these groups of words. They make reference to the paintings. Which do they refer to? Write
the numbers in the chart (the first picture is complete)

Children Carrying Clay in

Girls at the Piano

Children of Breslau

The Rich Children

2) Now, use the words to describe each painting. Imagine how their lives are, and add some more
Children Carrying Clay in Brickyard: ____________________________________________________________
The children are carrying heavy bags. They arent playing.

I think that they dont receive medical care, and they dont go to school. Maybe, they live in a poor
area, and their father hits them.
Girls at the Piano ______________________________________________________________________
Children of Breslau ____________________________________________________________________
The Rich Children ______________________________________________________________________

Saying what you think / Guessing

Im sure that + [S/V]

Im sure (that) [street children dont like their lives.]

I think (that) + [S/V]

I think (that) [she goes to school.]

I suppose (that) + [S/V] I suppose (that) [they are talking.]

In my opinion, + [S/V]
Maybe, + [S/V]

In my opinion, [they are living an unfair life.]

Maybe, [he isnt discriminating his friend.]

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