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Soal mcq blok 9 2008

1. In order to get loose of the risk of degenerative disease, patient with obesity has to
reduce his/her weight eventually. With BMI value 26 and blood pressure 140/80 mmHg,
such patient should be approach with prescribing fiber. Foodstuff below contained the
richest fiber:
A. apple*
B. banana
C. orange
D. watermelon
2. Central obesity has a chance of higher risk than general obesity. This high risk caused
by blood stream in stomach area is much bigger than other part of body, besides
A. fewer of cortisol receptor in that part,
B. higer of `androgen receptor in that part*,
C. fewer of catecolamin receptor in that part,
D. fewer of testosteron receptor in that part.
3. An obese patient having medical nutrition therapy wants to have lunch containing fried
tuna. The best type of oil that can be used to fry this fish, in order to increase his/her
omega-3 intake, is
A. corn oil.
B. flaxseedoil*
C. olive oil.
D. peanut oil.
4. An obese patient medically nutrition treatment accidentally had drink a glass of coke
out of her lunch menu. To make the calorie of the egg not increase the counted energy,
the patient must have physical activity such as
A. walking for 20 minutes, or
B. biking for 10 minutes, or
C. biking 5 minutes, or
D. fast running for 4 minutes*.
5. A very low calorie diet should never give to an obese patient who, concomitantly, has
history of
A. diabetes mellitus type 1*.
B. diabetes mellitus type 2.
C. dyslipedemia.
D. None of the above.
6. The principle of obesity treatment are prevention the increase of body weight, promote
the decrease of body weight, manage comorbid factor and risk factors as well. Those
included in risk factor is

A. sleep apnea,
B. dyslipidemia,
C. bulimia nervosa*,
D. gastroesophageal reflux.
7. Diabetes mellitus management principally based on reaching ideal body weight,
consuming a special diet for diabetic, and exercising regularly. The principle of foodstuff
selection in medical nutrition therapy is, at least, selecting foodstuff with the lowest
glycemic index, that is
A. honey.
B. Jam.
C. sucrose.
D. chocolate*
8. There are some way to lowest glycemic index , that is,
A. by cooking starch and keeping them hot
B. by cooking starch and cooling them down.*
C. by cooking starch and adding some alkaline substance
D. by cooking starch and reducing organic acid content.
9. In diabetic patient, a high glucose level 280 mg/dl for a long periode will lead to
glucose toxicity. In such condition, most of trace element are becoming deficient. One of
this trace element classified as very important element to sensitize insulin receptor is
chromium. One of foodstuff below is the best source of chromium:
A. Brocolli.
B. Raw onion.*
C. greenbeans
D. raw tomatoes
10. Magnesium and insulin are depending each other. Pancreas is unable to produce
insulin adequately without existency of magnesium, while kidney loose its ability to
restrain magnesium in case of severely hypoglycemia. Choose one of food below which
has the highest magnesium concentration.
A. Yogurt.
B. Brown rice.
C. Almond.*
D. Avocado.
11. In case of insulin-induced hypoglycemia, patient has to be ordered to stop exercising
and consuming carbohydrate-containing food as much as 15 mg in hurry. A kind of food
containing 15 gram carbohydrate is
A. a half cup of orange juice,*
B. a half slice of white bread,

C. a half cup of rice,

D. a half potato puree.
12. A woman was diagnosed as suffering from obesity, because of her BMI already reach
the number > 30. However, to make the diagnostic of getting into metabolic syndrome
herself, she must be also fulfill these criteria (based on WHO criteria):
A. HDL = 39
B. Albuminuria 20 mg
C. Triglyceride 149
D. Ratio of albumin to creatinin 30 mg/g.*
13. The term dyslipidemia, hypercholesterolemia, or hyperlipoproteinemia is not rarely
used interchangeable. A person can be stated as suffering from dyslipidemia if his/her
total cholesterol to HDL ratio is
A. 4,5*
B. 4,7
C. 4,9
D. 5,1
14. Medical nutrition therapy (MNT) is the core concept of dyslipidemia therapy through
the changes of lifestyle, while drugs are introduced if MNT approach give no
improvement during 6 months therapy. The magnitude of dietary fiber contribution to
MNT, based on National Cancer Institute is
A. at least 10 gram a day.
B. at least 15 gram a day.
C. at least 20 gram a day.
D. at least 25 gram a day.*
15. A dyslipidemic patient is being suggested to ingest soluble fiber, at least, in minimum
dosage. Foodstuff that containing the most soluble fiber is as follow:
A. Lentils
B. Peas
C. Dried bean.
D. Beta-glucans.*
16. A dyslipidemic patient showing evidence of high cholesterol was suggested to lower
he/her cholesterol intake. Foodstuff he/she has to choose is
A. palm kernel oil instead of safflower.
B. creamer instead of cottage cheese.
C. dressing made of sour cream instead of mayonnaise.
D. mayonnaise instead of dressing made of sour cream*.
17. A dyslipidemic patient showing evidence of hyperlipidemia was suggested to
consume foodstuff low in saturate fat, that is

A. palm kernel oil instead of safflower.

B. creamer instead of cottage cheese.
C. dressing made of sour cream instead of mayonnaise.
D. mayonnaise instead of dressing made of sour cream*.
18. NCEP/ATP III reported six components of metabolic syndrome that relate to CVD:
A. Abdominal obesity.
B. Insulin resistance with glucose intolerance.
C. Insulin resistance without glucose intolerance.
D. All of the above.*
19. Using metformin as a drug of choice to reduce blood sugar, one will experience in
several vitamines and minerals depletion, that is
A. Vitamine B1
B. Vitamine B6*
C. Vitamine B12
D. None of the above
20. Foodstuff those have to be consumed concomitanly with oral anti-diabetic such as
metformin is .
A. Chicken breast bone
B. Chicken red meat
C. Chicken liver*
D. Cow red meat
21. Using sulfonylurea as a drug of choice to reduce blood sugar, one will experience in
several vitamines and minerals depletion, that is
A. Vitamin B6
B. CoQ10*
C. Vitamine B12
D. Folic acid
22. Foodstuff those have to be consumed concomitanly with oral anti-diabetic such as
sulfonylurea is .
A. Chicken breast bone
B. Chicken red meat
C. Chicken liver*
D. Cow red meat
23. Strategies recommended for the prevention of CHD is
A. decrease -3 from plant sources,
B. increase -3 from fish sources,*
C. increase trans fatty acid,
D. consume a diet high in refined grains

Soal mcq blok 9 2007

1. In order to get loose of the risk of degenerative disease, patient with obesity has to
reduce his/her weight eventually. With BMI value 26 and blood pressure 140/80 mmHg,
such patient should be approach with
A. prescribing fiber,
B. prescribing orlistat,
C. prescribing chitosan,
D. prescribing spirulina and apple vinegar.
2. Central obesity has a chance of higher risk than general obesity. This high risk caused
by blood stream in stomach area is much bigger than other part of body, besides
A. more of cortisol receptor in that part,
B. fewer androgen receptor,
C. more of catecolamin receptor,
D. fewer testosteron receptor.
3. A patient with obesity receiving medical nutrition therapy wants to include fish into
his/her lunch menu. A kind of fish which could be ingested for this patient is
A. patin sungai,
B. patin tambak,
C. kembung,
D. tenggiri.
4. An obese patient having medical nutrition therapy wants to include vegetables and
fruits into his/her lunch menu. Vegetables and fruits which could be goes with this patient
A. greenpea,
B. lemon,
C. pomelo,
D. soybean.
5. An obese patient medically nutrition treatment accidentally had eaten a fried egg out of
her lunch menu. To make the calorie of the egg not increase the counted energy, the
patient must have physical activity such as
A. walking for 20 minutes, or
B. biking for 10 minutes, or
C. biking 5 minutes, or
D. fast running for 1 minutes.
6. The principle of obesity treatment are prevention the increase of body weight, promote
the decrease of body weight, and manage comorbid factor as well. Those included in

comorbid factor is
A. osteoarthritis,
B. hyperinsulinemia,
C. cancer,
D. menopause.
7. Diabetes mellitus management principally based on reaching ideal body weight,
consuming a special diet for diabetic, and exercising regularly. The principle of foodstuff
selection in medical nutrition therapy is, at least, selecting foodstuff with the lowest
glycemic index, that is
A. peanut,
B. stringbean,
C. brown rice,
D. banana.
8. In diabetic patient, a high glucose level 280 mg/dl for a long periode will lead to
glucose toxicity. In such condition, most of trace element are becoming deficient. One of
this trace element classified as very important element to sensitize insulin receptor is
A. Chromium,
B. Zinc,
C. Manganium,
D. Magnesium.
9. Magnesium and insulin are depending each other. Pancreas is unable to produce insulin
adequately without existency of magnesium, while kidney loose its ability to restrain
magnesium in case of severely hypoglycemia. Choose one of food below which has the
highest magnesium concentration.
A. Bran.
B. Brown rice.
C. Unpeeled roasted potatoes.
D. Red Bread.
10. Hypoglycemia is primarily an issue for individuals taking injected insulin, although
those taking insulin secretagogues can also be affected. One of two treatment modalities
is the ingestion of fast-absorbing carbohydrate as much as 20 gram. Food or beverage
that contain fast-absorbing glucose are as follow:
A. Orange juice.
B. Coke.
C. Sweet ginger.
D. Diet coke.
11. In case of insulin-induced hypoglycemia, patient has to be ordered to stop exercising
and consuming carbohydrate-containing food as much as 15 mg in hurry. A kind of food
containing 15 gram carbohydrate is

A. a half cup of orange juice,

B. a half slice of white bread,
C. a half cup of rice,
D. a half potato puree.
12. Exercise give benefit not only to reduce body adiposity that is abdominal in
distribution, but also improve insulin sensitivity. However, not all of diabetic patients are
diabetesi able to do sport anytime. However, a diabetic patient is not allowed to exercise
if his/her fasting blood glucose level is as high as follow:
A. 250 mg/dl,
B. 260 mg/dl,
C. 270 mg/dl,
D. 280 mg/dl.
13. A woman was diagnosed as suffering from obesity telah merasa dirinya obes, because
of her BMI already reach the number > 30. However, to make the diagnostic of getting
into metabolic syndrome herself, she must be also fulfill these criteria (based on
A. Waist circumference > 88 cm,
B. Waist-Hip ratio 0,9,
C. HDL level 20 gram/kcal,
B. 1019,9 gram/kcal,
C. 10 gram/kcal,
D. < 10 gram/kcal.
18. A diabetic patient with dyslipidemia were suggested to ingest much more fiber. To
reach this aim, doctor suggested him/her to increase and decrease certain foodstuff
concomitanly. Foodstuff to be increased is
A. candy made of coconut,
B. candy made of jam,
C. candy made of jelly,
D. hard candy containing honey.
19. Dyslipidemic patient should ingest foodstuff containing polyunsaturated fatty acid
(PUFA) no more than 10% total calorie. Omega 3 dan 6 fatty acid included in PUFA.
Food mentioned below which has the most omega 6 fatty acid is
A. sunflower oil,
B. sunflower seed,
C. corn oil,
D. corn seed.
20. Dyslipidemic patient who suggested to decrease ingestion of saturated fatty acid and
cholesterol has to choose one of foodstuff mentioned below:
A. Shellfish/oyster.

B. Duck.
C. Innards.
D. Milk-chocolate candy.
[Materi kuliah yang lengkap, seperti telah saya teriakkan di kelas, telah siap 100%: kini
tengah diolah di penerbit EGC untuk segera diterbitkan. Namun, jelas butuh waktu,
mungkin satu tahun. Namun demikian, jika kalian memerlukan materi itu, silahkan
hubungi saya. Isi materi anda berupa: obesitas, diabetes mellitus, dislipidemia, interaksi
obat-zat gizi (utamanya obat-obat DM dan dislipidemia), pemeriksaan status gizi dan
penghitungan kebutuhan akan zat gizi pada ketiga kasus itu]. Jumlah halaman, dengan
font 11 tanpa spasi, materi tersebut tercetak setebal 188 halaman, dengan referensi 15
halaman. Terus terang, jika kalian ingin naskah lengka ini, beli dong. Wassalam.

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