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Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

a. 193 m
b. 202 m

I. Engineering Mathematics
1. An alloy of silver and gold weighs 15 ounces in
air and 14 ounces in water. Assuming that silver
losses 1/10 of its weight in water and gold losses
1/18 of its weight, how many ounce of each
metal are in the alloy?

silver = 4.5 oz.; gold = 10.5 oz.

silver = 3.75 oz.; gold = 11.25 oz.
silver = 5 oz.; gold = 10 oz.
silver = 2.75 oz.; gold = 12.25 oz

2. One pipe can fill a tank in 5 hours and another

pipe can fill the same tank in 4 hours. A
drainpipe can empty the full content of the tank
in 20 hours. With all the three pipes open, how
long will it take to fill the tank?
a. 2 hours
b. 2.5 hours

c. 1.92 hours
d. 1.8 hours

3. A man left his home at past 3:00 pm as indicated

in his wall clock. Between two to three hours
after, he returned home and noticed that the
hands of the clock interchanged. At what time
did he left his home?
a. 3:27
b. 3:31

c. 3:22
d. 3:44

4. A man fires a target 420 m away and hears the

bullet strike 2 seconds after the trigger is pulled.
An observer 525 m away from the target and
455 m from the man heard the bullet strike the
target one second after he heard the report of the
rifle. Find the velocity of the bullet.
a. 525 m/s
b. 360 m/s

c. 350 m/s
d. 336 m/s

5. Kim and Ken travelled at the same time at the

rate of 20 m/min, from the same point on a
circular track of radius 600 m. If Kim walks
along the circumference and Ken towards the
center, find their distance after 10 minutes.

c. 241 m
d. 258 m

6. At 2:00 pm, an airplane takes off at 340 mph on

an aircraft carrier. The aircraft carrier moves due
south at 25 kph in the same direction as the
plane. At 4:05 pm, the communication between
the plane and the aircraft carrier was lost.
Determine the communication range in miles
between the plane and the carrier.
a. 656 miles
b. 785 miles

c. 557 miles
d. 412 miles

7. A man sold 100 eggs. Eighty of them were sold

at a profit of 30% while the rest were sold at a
loss of 40%. What is the percentage gain or loss
on the whole stock?
a. 14%
b. 15%

c. 16%
d. 17%

8. The population of the country increases 5% each

year. Find the percentage it will increase in three
a. 5%
b. 15%

c. 15.15%
d. 15.76%

9. Of the 316 people watching a movie, there are 78

more children than women and 56 more women
than men. The number of men is:
a. 176
b. 98

c. 42
d. 210

10. A deck of 52 playing cards is cut into two piles.

The first pile contains 7 times as many black
cards as red cards. The second pile contains the
number of red cards that is an exact multiple as
the number of black cards. How many cards are
there in the first pile?
a. 14
b. 15

c. 16
d. 17

11. An engineer was told that a survey had been

made on a certain rectangular field but the
dimensions had been lost. An assistant
remembered that if the field had been 100 ft
longer and 25 ft narrower, the area would have
been increased by 2500 sq. ft., and that if it had
been 100 ft. shorter and 50 ft wider, the area
would have been decreased 5000 sq. ft. What
was the area of the field?

25000 sq. ft
15000 sq. ft
20000 sq. ft
22000 sq. ft

c. 47.9
d. 41.6

13. A clock has a dial face 12 inches in radius. The

minute hand is 9 inches long while the hour
hand is 6 inches long. The plane of rotation of
the minute hand is 2 inches above the plane of
rotation of the hour hand. Find the distance
between the tips of the hands at 5:40 am.
a. 9.17 in
b. 8.23 in

c. 10.65 in
d. 11.25 in

14. A regular hexagonal pyramid whose base

perimeter is 60 cm has an altitude of 30 cm. The
volume of the pyramid is:

2958 cu. cm.

2598 cu. cm.
2859 cu. cm.
2589 cu. cm.

15. If 23 m3 of water is poured into a conical vessel,

it reaches a depth of 12 cm. How much water
must be added for the depth to reach 18 cm?

95 cu. m.
100 cu. m.
54.6 cu. m.
76.4 cu. m.

1. A load of 100 lbs is hung from the middle of a

rope, which is stretched between two rigid walls
30 ft apart. Due to the load, the rope sags 4 ft in
the middle. Determine the tension in the rope.
a. 165 lbs
b. 173 lbs

c. 194 lbs
d. 149 lbs

2. A 200-kg crate impends to slide down a ramp

inclined at an angle of 19.29 with the
horizontal. What is the frictional resistance?

12. A truck travels from point M northward for 30

minutes, then eastward for one hour, then shifted
N30W. If the constant speed is 40 kph, how far
directly from M, in km will it be after 2 hours?
a. 43.5
b. 45.2

II. Engineering Mechanics

a. 612.38 N
b. 628.38 N

c. 648.16 N
d. 654.12 N

3. A 250-lb block is initially at rest on a flat

surface that is inclined at 30. If the coefficient
of kinetic friction is 0.30 and the coefficient of
static friction is 0.40, find the force required to
start the block moving up the plane.
a. 190 lbs
b. 212 lbs

c. 125 lbs
d. 75 lbs

4. At what angle does the force F = 6.23i 2.38j +

4.92k makes with the x-axis?
a. 39.2
b. 41.3

c. 40.2
d. 42.2

5. A certain cable is suspended between two

supports at the same elevation and 500 ft apart,
the load is 500 lbs per horizontal foot including
the weight of the cable. The sag of the cable is
30 ft. calculate the total length of the cable.
a. 503.76 ft
b. 504.76 ft

c. 502.76 ft
d. 501.76 ft

6. If a particle position is given by the expression

x(t) = 3.4t3 5.4t meters, what is the
acceleration of the particle after t = 5 seconds?
a. 1.02 m/s2
b. 3.4 m/s2

c. 102 m/s2
d. 18.1 m/s2

7. An automobile moving at a constant velocity of

a 15 m/s passes a gasoline station. Two seconds
later, another automobile leaves the gasoline
station and accelerates at a constant rate of 2
m/s2. How soon will the second automobile
overtake the first?
a. 15.3 s
b. 13.5 s

c. 16.8 s
d. 18.6 s

8. The muzzle velocity of a projectile is 1500 fps

and the distance of the target is 10 miles. The
angle of elevation of the gun must be:
a. 2159
b. 2433

c. 2241
d. 2518

9. A car moving at 70 km/hr has a mass of 1700

kg. What force is necessary to decelerate it at a
rate of 40cm/s2?
a. 4250 N
b. 680 N

c. 0.68 N
d. 42.5 N

3. A simply supported beam, 10 m long carries a

uniformly distributed load of 20 kN/m. What is
the value of the maximum shear of the beam due
to this load?
a. 250 kN
b. 1000 kN

c. 100 kN
d. 500 kN

4. A 30-m long aluminium bar is subjected to a

tensile stress of 172 MPa. Find the elongation if
E = 69116 MPa?
a. 0.746 m
b. 6.270 mm

c. 0.007 m
d. 7.46 cm

5. A 2-inch solid shaft is driven by a 36-inch gear

and transmits power at 120 rpm. If the allowable
shearing stress is 12 ksi, what horsepower can be
a. 29.89
b. 38.89

c. 35.89
d. 34.89

IV. Fluid Mechanics

10. A highway curve has a super elevation of 7.
What is the radius of the curve such that there
will be no lateral pressure between the tires and
the roadway at a speed of 40 mph?
a. 265.71 m
b. 345.34 m

c. 438.34 m
d. 330.78 m

1. A tank 5.4 m deep and 2 m wide is layered with

2.4 m of oil (sp. gr. = 0.80), 1.8 m of water, and
1.2 m of mercury (sp. gr. = 13.6). Compute the
total hydrostatic force on the side of the tank.
a. 144.83 kN
b. 443.54 kN

c. 424.55 kN
d. 145.33 kN

III. Strength of Materials

1. A single bolt is used to lap joint two steel bars
together. Tensile force on the bar is 20000 N.
Determine the diameter of the bolt required if
the allowable shearing stress is 70 MPa.
a. 17 mm
b. 19 mm

c. 18 mm
d. 20 mm

2. A cylindrical water tank is 8 m in diameter and

12 m high. If the tank is to be completely filled,
determine the minimum thickness of the tank
plating if the stress is limited to 40 MPa.
a. 11.77 mm
b. 10.25 mm

c. 13.18 mm
d. 12.6 mm

2. The weight of a certain crown in air is 14 N and

its weight in water is 12.7 N. Assuming that the
crown is an alloy of gold (sp. gr. = 19.3) and
silver (sp. gr. = 10.5). Assume unit wt. of water
= 9.79 kN/m3. Compute the specific gravity of
the crown.
a. 19.3
b. 10.77

c. 10.5
d. 19.24

3. A block of wood 0.6 m x 0.6 m x h in dimension

was thrown into the water, it floats with 0.18 m
projecting above the water surface. The same
block was thrown into a container of a liquid
having a sp. gr. of 0.90 and it floats with 0.14
cm projecting above the liquid surface.
Determine the value of h.

a. 1.5 m
b. 0.8 m

c. 1.54 m
d. 0.54 m

4. In Problem 3, determine the weight of the

wooden block.
a. 1.27 kN c. 1.15 kN
b. 2.25 kN
d. 0.32 kN
5. An open cylindrical tank is 1.20 m in diameter
and 2.10 m high and is 2/3 full of water.
Compute the amount of water in liters that will
be spilled out if the vessel is rotated about its
vertical axis at a constant speed of 90 rpm.

130 liters
150 liters
230 liters
250 liters

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