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College of Management and Accountancy
City of San Fernando, La Union

Name: Ansherina T. Ariola
Month: November
Week: First
Date: 10-14
I. Narration
The official start of my 400 tough hours of On the Job Training had
marked the day November 11, 2014 at the Technical Education and
Skills Development (TESDA) Provincial Office. To begin it with, we had
been properly oriented and were warmly welcomed by our over-all
supervisor Maam Mila R. San Juan who was in-charge of all the
trainees. There was an exchange of words between us. I together with
Anntonette and Ranjit of Lorma Colleges Business Administration
Marketing Management major trainees and Katrina an Information








(DMMMSU) Mid La Union campus whom would also undergo her On the
Job Training at the office were all asked about our expectations and
impressions in our journey inside the Agency. We are also oriented about
the operations inside the office. I wasnt really that nervous having my
On the Job training at the office for I had asked and consulted my

classmates who had undergone their first 250 hours at TESDA said that
the working environment had good vibes. So, I was expecting the same
too. Ending my first day, what I was expecting were right from what I had
seen that day. But the energy that I would be giving to finish a day was
beyond my imagination. To tally every little thing I am doing daily at the
office, I had experience answering a call and log it. I had to record every
paper on Incoming Comm. log book all of the received letters from
schools, memorandum and bills and had them all signed by our
Provincial Director Maam Marissa T. Alcantara assigning designated
employees who would be working on that specific task and had it also
photocopied for Maam Olivias copy whom where I was assigned to work
with. I would went to the other building Regional Office (Admin), Regional
Office Division, and Regional Training Center to have the papers signed
every now and then. I had also experience filling-up an official receipt. I
had built a good working relationship to everyone in the office. What
happened this whole week give me an idea of what it will be similar as to
what I am going to do in the corporate world.
II. Lessons Learned
I have to be attentive, keep my mind on set and focus and efficient
enough to do and finish my tasks. Listed in my narration, I am glad to
learn something new. I had learned a lot the whole first week. I am happy
at TESDA. This will going to be a good training ground.

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