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Dear Mr. Ward.

The neighbors of Merion Ave would appreciate it if you moved your

truck so they don't have to walk their children in the street. Also, please ask your workers
to refrain from making catcalls to the mothers.
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Kim McLaughlin, Gordon Gottlieb, Wendy Dawson Kates and 30 others like this.

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Stephen Dobbs I used to deliver oil to the blue house across the street. I hate
seeing the town changing so much.
20 hours ago Unlike 4

Jack Burns Yooooo dude get the truck off of the side walk now maybe he will
understand that
20 hours ago Unlike 2

Haddonfield United You tell em' Jack!

20 hours ago Like

Debra Yurkonis-Bailey What a disgrace!

19 hours ago Unlike 2

Kim Custer One class act...done this all over town!

19 hours ago Unlike 3

Megan Reilley The Ardmore Ave. neighbors ask the same.

19 hours ago Unlike 3

Trish Herman Benham If they were working like they're supposed to, there
wouldn't be any catcalls.....jeez, grow up!
19 hours ago Unlike 4

Mel Issa I was of the impression that most towns have ordinances against
blocking any portion of a sidewalk with their vehicle. I don't know about
Haddonfield though. May be worth looking into.
19 hours ago Like 2

Susan Hoch What a pig.

18 hours ago Like

Rosemary Gallagher Maul I was also under the impression. In my town it's $75.
18 hours ago Like

Jim Russell Just call boro hall

18 hours ago Like 1

Maryann Campling My personal favorite is the "port-o-potties" on the FRONT

lawns of their projects...nice the neighbors are delighted with that
view! Mel and Rosemary....great point, but it seems that enforcement of
ordinances only applies to the tax paying residents of H-field these days.
18 hours ago Like 1

Haddonfield United Jim, people have called before. Mr Ward continues to do

these things. obviously no repercussions are in order. this comes down to simple
respect for the people in the town you work in
18 hours ago Like 2

Jim Russell So true

18 hours ago Unlike 2

Jim Russell Call the police then

18 hours ago Unlike 1

Dave Mountney If the police and zoning officers don't sign a complaint, generally
private citizens can. Form a line around the Borough hall signing complaints.
Someone might just get the message
18 hours ago Unlike 4

Haddonfield United Isn't it a shame that people would have to resort to that just to
get a builder to treat the residents respectfully? The fact that he gets to ignore our
town's Master Plan at the cost of the neighborhoods is insult atop of injury.
Ultimately it's up to the zoning office at borough hall to make sure the builder
follow the damn guidelines. Which they refuse to do.
18 hours ago Like 1

Susan Grimsley Get a life...

18 hours ago Like 1

Brian O'Neill Disgrace? Jesus you people need to wake up a bit if you think that's
a disgrace
18 hours ago Like 9

Haddonfield United Thanks for the insight Brian. Just remember how many of
these houses are from knockdowns with McMansons being built in place. Some
of these blocks, the smaller homes now only get value for the land, nothing for the
home because it'll eventually become a knockdown. You own a smaller crib
you're screwed. These homes also exceed impervious coverage in many cases and
the flooding problems are systemic and affect nearby homeowners, costing them
thousands of dollars. There's a reason the borough has guidelines to follow. The
construction sites are mess and the code isn't applied. I can see why people are
upset. If I was getting financially hosed and had to look at these places, some for
up to 2 years in construction (ask the Ardmore Ave people)and I couldn't walk my
sidewalk, yeah, I'd say that was a disgrace. But that's just me.
16 hours ago Edited Like 2

Linda Schroeder Doherty Cat calling?Really?What a bunch of scum.

17 hours ago Like

Wendy Dawson Kates Porta Potty Politics, that's when your trust goes down the

17 hours ago Like

Julian Anthony Don't matter to him he pullin in stacks while y'all doing peasant
work. Haters make him famous.
17 hours ago Like 9

Haddonfield United Thanks dude.

16 hours ago Like

Justin Henry Real talk real talk jul

16 hours ago Like 1

Ed Dunn Having been close to some of his projects he is a difficult contractor for
neighbors. For some reason his offenses go without action by Haddonfield.

16 hours ago Unlike 3

Haddonfield United Thanks to all for commenting. I think it's best to move on.
15 hours ago Like

Joey Glendawg Glennon I find it hard to believe that any of you would call these
workers scum or a disgrace to their faces. This world is being ruined by people
who talk behind their keyboard. And like my man Julian said: haters make him
8 hrs Like 1

Haddonfield United Glendawg, I would find that behavior just as bad if friends or
family you know were treated like that.
8 hrs Like

Joey Glendawg Glennon Well I'll leave you with this quote here:
"When you focus on the small stuff like some workers and cars in driveways and
men on the phone or port-a-pottys, you forget to admire the whole picture"
-Albert Einstein
8 hrs Unlike 4

Haddonfield United Unless the whole picture is one that personally affects your or
your town in a negative way.That's why so many people are venting in their posts.
I just hope Mr. Ward can follow the ordinances of the town and have his people
treat his neighbors with more professionalism. It's not hard to do.
8 hrs Like 1

Martin A. Shipe Jr. Ladies should feel good about construction workers calling's a compliment
6 hrs Like 1

Haddonfield United Martin, It was tough because she had her kids with her.
6 hrs Like

Martin A. Shipe Jr. now that is out of line...

6 hrs Unlike 1

Dianna Lee Roche' Adkins Assuming he would cordially respond, If I were a

parent walking my child and encountered this repeatedly, I would ask him to
please move his truck, especially since children also walk home alone from
school. If that didn't work, I would take other steps. I grew up in Haddonfield and
my grandmother taught me when I was three you don't walk on other peoples
grass. Who ever says these types of issues are irrelevant misses the point of
following common courtesies & misdemeanor laws and regulations that are in
place for a reason. It's easy to be on a construction site and park haphazardly but
one must follow ordinances, as well. I'm proud to know that there are those who
still have a passion for the integrity our town!!
4 hrs Like 1

Martin A. Shipe Jr. UHHHH ask politely, to move it...then call breaks the
law to park on a public sidewalk
3 hrs Like

Justin Henry Long Live King Ward. Do you kid

3 hrs Like 1

Nathan Finnegan Personally, I think this post is completely and utterly ridiculous.
If you have a problem with someone, why don't you confront them face to face
instead of trying to humiliate them over social media? Only cowards face their
problems from behind a computer screen instead of facing them head on.
2 hrs Like 1

Haddonfield United Nathan, Or Mr. Ward could follow the ordinances and
politely ask his workers to treat the people who live in the neighborhoods he
builds respectfully. This ultimately is the responsibility of the borough Zoning
Board because people have talked to Mr. Ward before. There have been several
meetings at borough hall with neighbors asking him to follow the law. Any town
would fine builders for repeated violations and that would be the end of it. No
other builder in town does it. This isn't about PJ Ward being a victim. It's great
HMHS students are posting and you guys are always welcome but you're not
getting affected with the loss of tons of cash like so many neighbors are. The guy
should do the right thing.
1 hr Edited Like

Anthony Edmund Frankly, I find it disgraceful that this page is humiliating a man
over social media who has kids in our school system that are probably reading this
2 hrs Like 2

Collin Setzer Haddonfield would be a better town if jobless soccer moms would
stop crying over the keyboard about petty issues
2 hrs Like 5

Martin DeNinno God forbid the sheltered youth of haddonfield had to touch the
dirty street for just one second!
2 hrs Like

Allison Weeks It's actually a disgrace that residents and people of Haddonfield
consider THIS to be a "disgrace." It just goes to show how ignorant, sheltered,
and snobby you all are. Why don't you all perhaps take a breather from your
morning power walks to Starbuc...See More
1 hr Unlike 4

Haddonfield United Anthony, Asking a man to follow ordinance and have his
crew treat your neighbors with respect is disgraceful? Really?
1 hr Like

Anthony Edmund Calling this man "scum" and "a pig" is extremely disgraceful.
Also, a "united" town page should be more focused on being a good example for
kids and less on cyber bullying and immature behavior. If you have a problem
with Mr. Ward, the correct solution would be to talk to him or an official, not to
embarrass him or his innocent children on a public platform
1 hr Like 3

Tom Kelley I find it more disgraceful that you people are spending more time
commenting on this post than something that's actually important
1 hr Like

Nathan Finnegan All I'm gonna say is that if this is the nature of how you
confront your issues, you might want to re-evaluate how you go about doing

things. There was obviously no considerate thought, concerning Mr. Ward's

family, put into this post, and I would advise you to think before you act.
Honestly, I'm not too happy about having you represent our town in such a way.
43 mins Like 1

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