UND Nickname Survey

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Dear Participant,

The charter of the UND Nickname and Logo Process Recommendation Task Force is to provide President Kelly with recommendations for a process which could result in
potential adoption of a new nickname and logo for UND Athletics. This survey is another important data gathering activity which will be utilized in the preparation of that

The results from this survey will be combined with previously collected information and included in the recommendations to President Kelley. Other data included will be
in-person meetings held in Grand Forks on November 5, 6, and 7 which were facilitated discussions that resulted in the questions you will see on the survey. A second sou
data will be from town hall meetings scheduled in Grand Forks, Minot, Fargo, Bismarck and Williston on November 17. Data from participants who were selected to join
virtual town hall meeting on November 17 will provide the third source of data.

The Task Force appreciates your time and thoughtful insights on this process. The survey should take no more than 15 minutes to complete. Please be aware the survey an
your responses may be subject to the State of North Dakota open record requests. However, only aggregate data will be presented by the Task Force; respondents will not
identified by name in the reports.
The survey will close on November 30th at 5pm CST.
The Task Force respectfully requests that you only complete the survey one (1) time.
Thank you for your time and assistance.


Please select your affiliation to UND with which you most identify.
Alumni - anyone who has ever attended UND
Community Member
Faculty - those with academic rank at UND
Former Student-Athlete or Hall of Fame Member
Former Faculty or Staff member at UND
Friend of UND - an individual (non-alumni) who has made a gift to the University or attended an event
Present Student-Athlete at UND
Present Student - an individual who is currently enrolled in a course at UND
Staff - a full-time or part-time benefited employee at UND
UND Administrator - members of the faculty and staff at UND including but not limited to: Deans, Vice-Presidents, heads of departments, etc.
Other, please list

The UND Nickname and Logo Process Recommendation Task Force is charged with the development of a process for the potential adoption of a new nickname and logo for UND. Which of the following bes
describes your position regarding a potential new nickname for UND athletics.
I have strong opinions, but I am open to the best solution for UND
I am not open to changing my opinions. I have made my mind up about the nickname.
I have no strong opinions. I consider myself to be open minded about the nickname.
Other, Please specify

The UND Nickname and Logo Process Recommendation Task Force would like to gather information from as many interested individuals as is possible. Please use the sliding scale to rate your level of agre
with each of the following statements.
I would feel more confident about the nickname and logo process recommendation plan if it included the following actions:

Many voices are brought into the process to make sure the new name is something of which we can all be proud

The process shows respect for (involves/includes) the tribal communities that reside in North Dakota and surrounding regions

Agree nor




Professional guidance is used to make sure the name stands out and is marketable

Input is gathered from current student-athletes and coaches which is then used in a meaningful way

The result produces a strong icon for exciting fans and rallying athletes to victory

A process is implemented that uses varied communication sources including web, social media, print media, etc.

The process moves forward with the understanding that there needs to be sufficient time for it to be done well

The process reflects the global reach of the University, our athletics programs, and our fans

The traditions of UND are honored with input from alumni, students, faculty, staff, and donors

The people, land, and traditions of North Dakota are honored and reflected in the process through input from the people of the

Other: Please specify

While it is recognized that for some, nothing can or will replace the Fighting Sioux name and logo, the Task Force is charged with identifying a process to potentially select a new nickname and logo. In the ev
Task Force recommends selection of a new nickname and logo, what is the best timeframe for launching the process?
Begin the process as soon as possible, it is time for our athletes and students to have a nickname and logo around which they can rally.
We should take a year or more to make absolutely sure we have the best nickname and logo for UND.
It is too soon to think about a new nickname and logo, the process should be delayed longer than 3 years. The process should be slow and deliberate.
A timeline with a completion date within the next year should be established but be flexible enough to be sure the process is done correctly.
Other: Please specify

If UND decides to choose a new nickname, whom do you think should be invited to submit ideas for the new name?
Everyone should be allowed to submit suggested names
Select stakeholder groups should be solicited for suggested names
Only those with direct ties to UND should be allowed to submit suggested names
Professional marketers should be selected to submit suggested names
Other: Please specify

If UND decides to choose a new nickname and logo, which stakeholders do you feel should be involved in narrowing the choices once ideas have been submitted? Please use the sliding scale to rate your le
agreement with each of the following statements.

Very Inappropriate
Academic Community
including NDUS, Higher
Learning Commission,

Business Community

Community members
across the state of ND

Community Members,

Former UND StudentAthletes and Hall of

Fame Members




Very Appropriate

Friends of UND,
Champion's Club
Members, Boosters,

Middle School and High

School Students (future
stakeholders of UND)


North Dakota Tribal


Sioux Nation (Lakota,

Nakota, Dakota)

State Board of Higher

Education Members

State Legislators

UND Administrators

UND Alumni

UND Current Students

UND Faculty

UND groups associated

with Athletics such as
Band, etc.

UND President

UND Staff

UND Student-Athletes

Other, please list

Below are some of the values and characteristics that have been identified as key for a potential new nickname and logo. Please use the sliding scale to rate your level of agreement with each statement. Th
nickname should:

honor the traditions and heritage of the past but also look to the future

Neither Agree
nor Disagree



Strongly Agree

be representative of the state and region

promote a sense of pride, strength, fierceness, and passion

engender a sense of community and connectedness

arouse a sense of intimidation for our competitors

be unique, recognizable, and distinctly UND's

have a strong sense of honor and respect

be unifying, a rallying symbol that promotes strength, perseverance, and inclusion

stir a sense of excitement, and loyalty

be unforgettable, inspiring, and resilient

Other, please list

In addition to the above values and characteristics, below are the qualities and marketability factors gathered that are believed to be important in choosing a new nickname. Please let us know how important
these factors are to you by using the sliding scale to rate the level of importance of each of the factors.

Not at all Important


Somewhat Unimportant

Neither Important nor Unimportant


Somewhat Important

Extremely Important


Strong/sense of strength/power

Unique and recognizable



Stirs a sense of intimidation

Represents the state/region

Is beautiful and classy

Other, please list

While we are not looking for specific suggestions for the nickname or logo at this time, if you have any other feedback you would like the Task Force to consider in this process, please list it below.

Your opinions are valuable to the Task Force. Please respond to the following statement.
Strongly Disagree
I feel this survey has allowed me to have a role in
helping shape the process for potential selection of
a new nickname and logo at UND.


Neither Agree nor Disagree


Strongly Agree

If you disagreed with the above statement, please indicate why you feel that way.

Thank you for your time and thoughtful consideration of these questions. Your input is exceptionally valuable to us as we move forward with this process and final recommendations.
Please click the "submit" button to register your responses.


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