Strength of Materials

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Building structure is the organization rather than the elements or

components of the building that can support building functioning properly. The
system is a form of organizational structure rather than structural elements






Imposition structures are diverse and complicated building to accommodate the

people who live, items can be moved, the wind load swings, weight, structure and
building materials are all borne by the static structure or framework of buildings
and channeled to the ground through foundation.
According to the distribution system load of the building structure is
divided as follows:
1. Main structure is the organization of the elements or building components that
distribute the load to the ground and in the absence of the building structure can
not function properly
2. Supporting structure is the arrangement of elements or components that support
the main structure of the building in order to carry out their functions properly
In making the structure strong and sturdy we certainly need a quality
building materials and have high strength. The use of material should be used
effectively and efficiently in order to produce good work. The main material of
the most common and frequently used today are concrete, steel, and wood. The
third ingredient is reliable because it has a level of strength and high durability.

Civil Engineering

Definition of Concrete

In construction, concrete is a composite building material made from the

combination of aggregate and the cement binder. The most common form of
concrete is Portland cement concrete, which consists of mineral aggregate
(generally gravel and sand), cement and water.
Concrete is a construction material most widely used in the world. This is
due to them because:
a) the basic ingredients of concrete makers like water, cement, sand and coarse
aggregate easily obtainable
b) it is relatively durable concrete or durable
c) concrete easily formed into various shapes desired

As mentioned above, concrete is made by mixing:

Fine aggregate (sand)
Aggregate rough
mixed material additional

Civil Engineering

The proportion of the concrete mix is usually made by considering the

a. ease of implementation such as transportation, casting and solidification
b. time required before the concrete hardens (setting time)
c. strength and durability of concrete

The difference in the composition of each ingredient of concrete will affect

the properties of concrete produced, such as:
a) ease of workmanship
b) unity
c) power
d) resistance or durability

Advantages and Disadvantages of Concrete

In the hardened state, like a rock concrete with high strength. In fresh
condition, the concrete can be a variety of shapes, which can be used to form art
or architecture alone - an eye for decorative purposes. Concrete will also provide a
good outcome if the management is done by the end of the special, eg exposed
aggregate (aggregate having a textured form of high art placed on the outside, so
that it is clear on the surface of the concrete). In addition to resistance to fire
attacks, as mentioned above, concrete is also resistant to corrosion attack.

Excess use of concrete

a) Can be easily molded according to the needs of construction
b) Ability to carry heavy loads
c) Resistant to high temperatures
d) cost of minor maintenance

Civil Engineering

Lack of concrete use

a. The form that has made it difficult for the change
b. Can not be removed except by unpacked
c. The initial cost of manufacturing high enough

Concrete Compressive Strength Testing

Strength of the concrete is expressed in the following formula:
Compressive strength of concrete = P / A (kg/cm2)
P = Maximum load (kg)
A = specimen cross-sectional area (cm2)

Civil Engineering

Definition of Steel
Steel is one of the main elements of the building material composed of
iron. Found when done forging steel and iron warming caused by carbon material
mixing in the combustion process, thus forming steel has greater strength than

When compared to other construction materials, steel has more advantages

that are not found in other construction materials.
Besides his great strength to withstand tensile strength and compressive
strength without requiring a lot of volume, steel also has other properties that
make it a favorable one common material used.

Civil Engineering

Steel Properties

a. The high strength

Strength steels with tensile strength can be expressed melting fy or tensile strength
fu Given the volume of steel has a higher strength than other materials, it allows
planning of a steel construction can have a smaller dead load for a longer span, so
the structure is lighter and effective.

b. ease of installation
Steel components typically have a standard form and easily obtained anywhere, so
the only activities carried out in the field is the installation of the parts that have
been prepared.

c. uniformity
It is produced under conditions that have been set up (fabricated) so that uniform

d. Ductility (plasticity)
Ductility is the nature of steel that can undergo large deformation under the
influence of tensile stress without crushed or broken. Ductility can prevent
building collapse suddenly.

e. Modulus of elasticity of the

With a large modulus, the structure will be sufficiently rigid so as to provide
comfort for the wearer. When compared with other materials, for the same strain
of steel will have a larger voltage thus more optimal strength.

Civil Engineering

Advantage Steel:
a) Due to the light weight compared to conventional wood or steel, the burden to
be borne by the underlying structures are much lower so as to reduce the structural
foundations, columns and beams.
b) Mild steel merambatkan not fire if there is a fire.
c) Anti Termite, can not be eaten by termites.
d) The installation is relatively faster when compared to conventional steel and
wood frame.
e) In the light steel expansion and shrinkage is not the case, so do not change due
to heat and cold.
f) Technically: construction, transportation on the ground very easily and quickly.
g) No welding, just use self screw.
h) Design flexible.
i) for relatively cheap.

Disadvantages Steel:
a) lightweight steel roof truss can not diexspos as decorating elements such as
wood frame, because the system of lightweight steel frame structure compact,
solid and looks vibrant, connected and related to each other, making it less
attractive if diexpose.
b) Because the system space frame structure is such that if there is one part of the
structure miscount, incorrectly installed, will make the weakening that can cause
total failure.
c) lightweight steel roof truss can not be counted by the public, but must be
calculated in a computerized, by experts accurately and thoroughly.
d) Rules for the construction of lightweight steel roof truss in Indonesia there is no
(at least until recently), even if there was only referring to the steel rules in
general, and there are international standards for steel cold while no particular

Civil Engineering

Pull Style Graphics Software Extension For Steel

Civil Engineering

Definition of Wood
In our daily life, wood is a material that is very frequently used for the
purposes of a specific use. Sometimes a particular item, the wood can not be
replaced with other materials because of its distinctive nature. We as users of each
type of wood has different properties, it is necessary to know the properties of the
wood so that the selection or determination of the type for a particular purpose of
use must be really fit with what we want.

Wood Properties

Wood is a forest products to be easily processed goods in accordance with

the advancement of technology. Wood has some properties that can not be
imitated by other materials. The selection and use of wood for the purpose of
discharging, requiring knowledge about the properties of wood.

Wood comes from trees that have various types of properties are different.
Even within a single tree, the wood has different properties. Of the many
properties of wood are different from each other, there are some properties
common to all types of wood are:
1. Wood is composed of cells that have an assortment of types and composition of
the cell wall consists of a chemical compound in the form of cellulose and hemi
cellulose (carbohydrates) and lignin (non carbohydrate).
2. All the wood is anisotropic, which show different properties when tested
according to the three main directions (longitudinal, radial and tangential).
3. Wood is a hygroscopic material, which can absorb or release moisture
(humidity) as a result of changes in humidity and temperature of the surrounding
4. Wood can be attacked by pests and diseases and can be burned, especially in
the dry state.

Civil Engineering


Wood Physical Properties

1. Weight and Density

Weight of a timber depends on the amount of wood substance, the cell cavity, and
the water content of extractive substances in it. Weight of a timber species is
directly proportional to his BJ. Wood has a weight of different types, ranging
from a minimum BJ 0.2 (balsa wood) to BJ 1.28 (nani wood). Generally, the
higher the BJ timber, the heavier and more powerful it.

2. preservation
Durability is the resistance of wood to attack by wood destroying elements from
the outside such as fungi, termites, powder etc.. The durability of the wood caused
by substances in the wood extractives are toxic to wood destroying elements.
Extractive substances are formed when the pig turned into wood wooden patio
wood terraces that are generally more durable than wood sapwood.

3. color
Colorful wood filler stuff due to the colors in a different timber.

4. texture
Texture is the relative size of the wood cells. Based on the texture, wood
classified into fine-textured wood (eg Giam, Kulim, etc.), wood textured medium
(eg, teak, rosewood, etc.) and rough textured wood (eg, Kempas, Meranti etc.).

5. Fiber direction
Fiber direction is the direction of the wood cells common to the axis of the tree
trunk. Direction of fibers can be divided into straight fibers, fiber blends, wavy
fibers, and fibers twisted and diagonal (oblique fibers).

Civil Engineering


6.Touch impression
The impression is the impression gained touched upon touching the wood surface
(rough, smooth, slippery, cold, oily, etc.). Impression touch each type of wood
varies from wooden texture, moisture content, levels of extractive substances in
the wood.

7. Smell and Taste

The smell and taste of wood easily lost when the old timber stored in the open air.
Some wood species have odors that stimulate and to declare the smell of wood,
often used smell something objects are commonly known as the smell of onions
(Kulim), the smell of tanning substances (teak), the smell of camphor () etc..

8. Decorative Value
Image of wood hanging from spreading pattern color, grain, texture, and
appearance of increment-increment growth in certain patterns. The pattern of this
picture makes something the type of wood has a decorative value.

9. hygroscopic
Wood has the property of absorbing or releasing water. The more humid the air
surrounding the higher the humidity of the wood to achieve a balance with the
environment. In the wood moisture conditions with humidity around it called
equilibrium moisture content (EMC = Equilibrium Moisture Content).

10. Wood properties of the noise, which consists of:

a. Acoustic properties, the ability to forward voice is closely related to the
elasticity of wood.
b. The nature of resonance, which is co-pulsate wood due to sound waves. Issued
tone quality is very good wood, so wood is widely used for the manufacture of
musical instruments (kulintang, guitar, violin, etc.).

Civil Engineering


Mechanical Properties of Wood

1. firmness Pull
Firmness tensile strength of wood is to resist the forces trying to pull timber.
There are 2 (two) types of drag that determination:
a. Firmness pull parallel fiber direction and
b. Firmness pull perpendicular to the fiber.
Tensile strength is the biggest wood fiber direction parallel pull firmness. Tensile
strength perpendicular to the fibers are smaller than the tensile strength parallel to
the fiber direction.

2. Firmness press / Compression

Firmness press / compression is the strength of wood to hold the charge / load.
There are 2 (two) types of constancy press are:
a. Firmness press parallel fiber direction and
b. Firmness press perpendicular to the fiber.
In all wood, strength perpendicular fibers are smaller than the determination of
compression parallel to the fiber direction.

3. dependability Slide
Dependability is the ability of sliding wood to withstand the forces that make a
piece of wood helped to shift from other nearby parts. There are 3 (three) kinds of
persistence, namely:
a. Firmness sliding direction parallel fiber
b. Firmness sliding perpendicular fiber direction and
c. Firmness oblique shear
Tenacity fibers perpendicular shear is much larger than the fiber direction parallel
shear determination.

4. Firmness curved (flexible)

Firmness arch / bending is the strength to withstand the forces that try to bend the
wood or to withstand dead load and live load blow apart.

Civil Engineering


5. stiffness
Stiffness is the ability of wood to withstand changes in the shape or curvature.
Stiffness is expressed in modulus of elasticity.

6. tenacity
Toughness is the ability of wood to absorb a relatively large number of workers or
resistant to shocks or stresses that repeatedly exceed proportional causing
permanent deformation and damage part.

7. violence
Hardness is the ability of wood to hold the style up a notch or indentation or
scraping (abrasion). Together with tenacity, hardness is a measure of the
resistance to wear of wood.

8. firmness Cut
Dependability is the ability to split wood to withstand the forces trying to chop
wood. The nature of split lower persistence is excellent in making shingles and
firewood. Instead of high constancy excellent split for making carvings
(sculptures). In general, the wood easily cleaved along the radius (the radial
direction) than in the tangential direction.

Excess use of wood:

1. In terms of mechanical resistance to pressure and bending, it is relatively easy
to do, easy sizing, and warm to the touch / held
2. Aesthetics of wood has an attractive appearance, texture is good and beautiful
and different kinds.
3. In terms of the physical properties of wood has a specific gravity that is light
enough so that it can float and resonance properties of sound as well as electrical
and thermal insulators.

Civil Engineering


Weaknesses use of wood:

1. Require insecticides and fungi to protect the wood.
2. Wood is easy to crack or break along the direction of the wood grain.
3. Wood can not be casted as metal.
4. Limited size of the corresponding state of the tree.
5. Wood can be easily warped and shrunk.
6. Waste material is great. The entire raw material can not be fully utilized.
7. The limited diameter wood makes it difficult to obtain raw materials wide.
8. Flammable especially in the dry state, which can impact damaged unusable.
The nature of this weakness does not cause the wood used in construction
materials requiring heat-resistant and flame retardant and used as construction
material supporting it.

Civil Engineering



Secara umum kekuatan bahan merupakan suatu kemampuan atau kekuatan

yang dimiliki oleh material dalam menahan gaya-gaya yang terjadi dari dalam
maupun luar material tersebut. Dalam konstruksi bangunan material utama yang
paling sering dipergunakan adalah Material beton, baja dan kayu. Ketiga bahan ini
dapat diandalkan karena memiliki tingkat kekuatan dan keawetan yang tinggi.








mempengaruhi kualitas konstruksi bangunan yang akan dikerjakan.

Civil Engineering


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