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Team Leftovers

Roberto Quintal Palomo

February 12, 2014


Polluting Products: Pesticides.

Wide range of diseases linked to pesticides.

Common diseases are affecting the publics health all over the world in the 21st century,
and this is well known. Such diseases are for example: asthma, autism and learning
disabilities, defects at birth and reproductive dysfunction, diabetes, Parkinsons and
Alzheimers diseases and several types of cancer. This article seeks to point out the relation of
these diseases with pesticides.
This article consists of a database of Pesticide-Induced Diseases, it seeks to facilitate the
access to epidemiological and laboratory studies based on real world exposure scenarios that
link public health effects to pesticides. Among the diseases in the database exists such as:

Alzheimers Disease, the most common form of dementia, is a progressive and

fatal brain disease. It destroys brain cells, causing memory loss and problems with thinking
and behaviour. It has no current cure.

Asthma, a serious chronic disorder, and in some cases life-threatening disease. It is

characterised by recurrent attacks of bronchial constriction, which cause breathlessness,

wheezing and coughing.

Birth and Fetal Defects, they are structural or functional abnormalities present at

birth that cause physical or mental disabilities, ranging from mild to fatal. Researches have
identified thousands of different types of birth defects. Birth defects lead to the cause of death of
infants during the first year of life.

Cancer, there exists different types of cancer, usually, cancer is considered as a

tumor inside the body which causes different effects in people. Some of these types of
cancer are:

Brain Cancer: There are two main types of brain cancer. Primary brain

cancer starts in the brain. Metastatic brain cancer starts somewhere else in the



body and moves to the brain. These tumors are the most common of the solid
tumors in children, and the second most frequent malignancy of childhood.

Breast Cancer: Doctors estimate that one in eight women will be diagnosed

with breast cancer in their lifetime. Genetics can only account for five to ten
percent of cases. Other causes being in the exposure to toxic chemicals.

Leukaemia: Cancer of the blood-forming cells of bone marrow, this is the

most common type of childhood cancer, accounting for 33 percent of incidence

of all childhood cancer.

Lymphoma: Cancers that origin in the lymph system. Lymphomas are the

most common type of blood cancer. 7th most common in adults and the 3d in

Prostate Cancer: Cancer of the prostate, a gland of the male reproductive

system, is the second most common cancer among men, one in six men diagnosed
during their lifetime.

Soft Tissue Sarcoma: A cancer that begins in the muscle, fat, fibrous-tissue,

blood vessels, or the supportive tissue of the body.

Other Cancers: There exists many more types of cancer, these include

cancer of the bladder, bone, cervix, colon, eye, gallbladder, kidney, lip, liver, lungs,
pancreas, rectum, stomach, thyroid, melanoma and neuroblastoma.

Developmental and Learning Disorders, these diseases causes learning

disability and serious behavioural or emotional disorders. A brain in development is more

susceptible to toxic chemicals than an adult brain.

ADHD, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is a neurobehavioral development

that causes inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity.

Autism, this complex development disorder includes behavioural problems with

social interaction and communication, the symptoms appear from mild to sever, from the
age of 3 through the entire life of the affected person.

Diabetes, is a group of diseases characterised by high blood glucose levels that

result from defects in the bodys ability to produce and/or insulin. There are two types of

Type 1: The body does not produce insulin. Most common in children and

young adults.

Type 2: The body does not produce enough insulin or ignores it.



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