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1. Define the term enterprise
An enterprise is an organization that has been established with certain objectives.
The term enterprise can simply refer to an organization that has set out to accomplish
certain goals. The organization may be a small-, medium-, or large-scale commercial
corporation; a nonprofit institution
2. What are the main components present in a enterprise
Main components of an enterprise that are used to help the enterprise
accomplish its goals. Physical resources and assets are one component of an enterprise
utilized to accomplish enterprise goals. For example, computing equipment,
manufacturing facilities, product supplies, and corporate accounts are all examples of
resources and assets that are essential to the operations of an enterprise
3. Dicramatically represent the modern enterprise system
Modern enterprise will strive to incorporate into its operations to maximize its

4. Define Object-oriented software development

Object-oriented software development represents a paradigm of development that
offers many advantages when used to create enterprise software, including the facilitation
of reusability, scalability, maintainability, and rapid development.
5. What are the Elements of Object-Oriented Software

(i)A class is a discrete module of code that has a set of variables (aka fields)
associated with it, as well as a set of function calls (aka methods).Methods define those
interfaces to the class that take a set of zero or more input parameters and return a set of
zero or more output parameters.
(ii)An object represents an instance of a class in memory. The state of the object is
defined by the values assumed by the class fields. The behavior of the object is a function
of the method implementations, the return values from method calls, and the state change
of the object.
(iii)Visibility levels associated with class fields and methods can define what level of
access other classes have to those fields and methods.
(iv) A package refers to a collection of one or more classes. Classes in a package have
some cohesive logical relation and tend to offer a very specific service. Whenever classes
are tightly coupled in some logical sense, they tend to be collected into a package.
6. State the importance of OOSD
OO practices foster the development of modular programs with encapsulated state and
implementation behavior, as well as facilitate the abstraction of problems. Modularity of
classes enables one to discretely represent concepts that are used in defining a problem
Solving a problem is usually most efficiently performed by first partitioning a problem
and then addressing smaller pieces of the original problem. Modularity and abstraction in
OO allow for the encapsulation of a problem domain into discrete classes and therefore
facilitate more efficient problem solving.
Dependencies between modules are reduced by forcing dependencies to be created
through interfaces as opposed to allowing dependencies to be created on state and
functions that are to be encapsulated
7.Represent the basic flow of OO software development
1. Project Charter: Establish a charter detailing goals and objectives for the effort to
be undertaken.
2. Requirements Analysis: Perform analysis of expected system behavior and system
3. Preliminary System Design:
Perform a preliminary design of a system with consideration for Commercial Off
The Shelf (COTS) software, custom software, and reuse. Partition design into
smaller problems to solve.
4. Detailed Design:
Perform detailed design of core classes and interfaces.
5. Implementation:
Implement the software. May involve custom code writing, as well as integrating
with COTS.
6. Unit Test:Unit test the implementation.
7. Assembly:Assemble individual elements into discrete elements of behavior.
8. Thread Test:Test threads of behavior on assembled elements.
9. Configuration Specification:Define the assumed COTS and custom software
configura tion and versions.
10. System Test:Test a fully assembled and configured system.
11. Deployment:Deploy the system per the configuration specification.
12. Maintenance:Maintain operational software for bug fixes and upgrades.
8. State the purpose of preliminary system design

The purpose of preliminary system design is to capture those primary design

components that are to be involved with a design. Decisions for use of particular COTS,
development of custom software components, or identified reusable components should
be defined.
9. What are the detailed design
Detailed designs should define package names, class names, and the core
public method names and input/output parameter types (that is, operation signatures) that
need to be defined for the core design elements identified by the conceptual design
model. Other classes and interfaces used to support the core classes and methods defined
here should also be described.
10. What is the need for deployment
Deployment involves packaging the system that was tested and deploying it onto the
machines that will host it for actual enterprise operation. The configuration specification
should resemble what the deployment environment can support. The deployment
environment should therefore closely resemble the system test environment.
11.Define component-based development model
Component-based development builds on object-oriented development, components
encapsulate a problem and solution domain at a higher level of abstraction than
strict object-oriented methods provide.
12.What is meant by component model
A component model is a set of requirements to which components and their
environments adhere. Component models are primarily concerned with constraining the
nature of interfaces that a software component makes publicly available. component
models involve specifying interfaces on components, component environment
assumptions, and inter-component contracts
13. List the basic elements of a component model.
First in a component model is the component itself. The component is an
encapsulation of the code utilized in an application. Although the component may itself
be application-specific code, we separately diagram the fact that other applicationspecific code may rest on top of a component and utilize the services it provides.
Finally, the container represents an environment in which a component operates.
The container itself may offer a set of services that components from the same
component model may tap in a standard fashion.
14. Define Component Model Interface in a component
Interfaces in a component model define the primary contract between other code
entities and components. Other code entities may be containers, application code, other
components,other component models, and providers of some proprietary service. Certain
component models may attempt to rigidly define each type of interface, whereas others
may be concerned only with the application interface to a component depicts some of the
more common interface styles that can be defined by a particular component model.

15.List the various interface classifications available


Component APIs:
A component Application Programming Interface (API) defines a set of standard
interfaces that applications can use to tap the services of a component.
Design Patterns:
Component SPIs:
A component Service Provider Interface (SPI) defines a set of standard interfaces
that the provider of some service adheres to and implements
Component-to-Container Interfaces:
A component-to-container interface defines the interface to a container environment
assumed by a component.
Container-to-Component Interfaces:
A container-to-component interface defines the interface to a component as assumed
by a container.
16. Define Component-Based Development (CBD) process
CBD is the process by which organizations develop software using components.
Components may be premade and purchased as commercial off the shelf (COTS) entities,
they may be modified versions of COTS components
17.Write notes on Javabeans
The JavaBeans component model defines a standard model for writing Java code
that can be customized at design-time, and exposes its attributes, events, and
interfaces to JavaBean containers. Containers are typically embedded into an
integrated development environment such that JavaBean components can be
customized during design-time using GUI-based tools. A standard JavaBeans
container context interface and standard component-to-component interface model
known as the InfoBus have also been defined for the JavaBeans component model.
18.Specify the method which enables the access to components
The Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) defines a standard
model for enabling distributed access to components implemented in any language. A
standard communications container environment, known as the ORB, handles
transforming calls from distributed clients into data sent via a standard communications
protocol to server-side container code that invokes the distributed object method.
In addition to a standard component communications and invocation
infrastructure, a standard set of higher-level distributed component services and facilities
is also defined within the CORBA model.
19. What does RMI and COM represented in an environment
The Remote Method Invocation (RMI) framework defines a Java-specific interface
model for enabling distributed access to components. The RMI container environment
is equipped with the Java platform and has been extended to support communication
using the same underlying communications protocol as CORBA's standard protocol.
Microsoft's Component Object Model (COM) defines a standard model for interfacing
with components implemented on Microsoft platforms.

The Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) is a distributed communications

version of the COM model.ActiveX and OLE are also Microsoft-centric models that
predate the COM and DCOM
20. What are the various J2EE Web Components:
Java Servlets and JavaServer Pages represent server-side components for handling
Web requests and generating Web presentation content. Such Web components
operate and run inside of J2EE-based Web container environments.
21. What are the various methods to represent a design pattern
A design pattern is a set of classes, interfaces, and their relationships that provide a
common design solu tion to a common problem classification. A design pattern is defined
in terms of an intended use, the common problem that it attempts to solve, a design
structure of classes/interfaces and their relationships, participant and collaborating
objects, expected solution results, and implementation considerations.
The different types of pattern are Adapter Pattern, Factory Pattern, Singleton
Pattern, MVC Pattern, Strategy Pattern, Subject-Observer Pattern, Proxy Pattern,
Composite Pattern.
22. What are the standard documents and software libraries in J2EE
The J2EE is defined as an umbrella platform and programming model for building
Java enterprise systems for use with different underlying vendor implementations of an
enterprise system infrastructure. The J2EE is most accurately defined and scoped
according to five standard documents and software libraries
Programming Model:
Reference Implementation:
Compatibility Test Suite:
23. State the purpose of The Java Database Connectivity API
The Java Database Connectivity API is an enterprise API that provides a means for
accessing and managing enterprise data stored in a DBMS. The JDBC API is defined in a
fashion that permits DBMS-independent construction of commands to access the
database using a DBMS command language known as the Structured Query Language
As with most Java enterprise APIs, an underlying Service Provider Interface (SPI)
allows a particular DBMS vendor interface to be adapted for use with the JDBC libraries
and permit enterprise applications to use the same JDBC API.
24.List the various The JDBC API versions available
Can be divided into three categories:
JDBC 1.0 Core API:
Defines most of the basic JDBC functionality.
JDBC 2.0 Core API:
Includes all the functionality contained in the JDBC 1.0 version plus a host of new
features for managing query results and manipulating new data types. The JDBC 2.0
core API is included with the J2SE, and with the J2EE by virtue of its inclusion with
the J2SE.

JDBC 2.0 Standard Extension API:

Offers a range of more sophisticated enterprise features useful in middle-tier servers
for managing scalable database access.
25. What is JDBC
JDBC provides a database connectivity solution for Java applications just as ODBC
provides for C and Microsoft applications," JDBC has a basic architecture philosophy
similar to the ODBC architecture. That is, JDBC has a standard JDBC API which
communicates with a JDBC driver manager that loads JDBC drivers. JDBC drivers
implement a JDBC service-provider interface and map standard JDBC calls into
databasevendorspecific calls.
JDBC is both an API for Java programmers and an interface model for service
providers who implement connectivity to databases. As an API, JDBC provides a
standard interface for Java applications to interact with multiple types
of databases.
26. Write about JDBC versions
JDBC version 1.0 was initially offered separately from the JDK 1.0 platform but was
integrated with the JDK 1.1 platform in the java.sql package. The JDBC 1.0 version
contains most of the core and commonly used features of JDBC.
JDBC 2.0 version, which is partitioned into two separate
categories: the JDBC 2.0 Core API and the JDBC 2.0 Standard Extension API.
The JDBC 2.0 Core API includes all the functionality contained in the JDBC 1.0
version plus a host of new features that includes query result enhancements,
enhancements for updating batches of data, persistence of Java objects, and support for a
whole slew of new SQL types.
27. What are different types of drivers in JDBC
Bridge drivers provide a means for Java applications to make JDBC calls that in turn
are mapped to ODBC calls. An ODBC driver thus must be installed on the client side
typically as a set of native libraries.
Type 2 Native-API
Partly Java Technology-Enabled drivers provide a mechanism for Java applications
to make JDBC calls that are directly mapped to vendor-specific DBMS native library
interface calls.
Thus the JDBC driver is specifically designed to call native client libraries provided
for DBMSs such as Oracle, Sybase, or Informix. Most database vendors now ship JDBC
type 2 drivers with their databases. Such type 2 drivers will most typically offer better
performance than using a JDBC/ODBC bridge because they bypass the ODBC
intermediate layer.
Type 3 Net-Protocol
Fully Java Technology-Enabled drivers provide a mechanism for Java applications
to make JDBC calls that are mapped to calls embodied in some DBMS vendorindependent network protocol. These over-the-wire calls are then mapped to a specific
DBMS vendor's interface calls.

This vendor-independent remote listener is typically implemented by a middleware

vendor offering support for connecting to various back-end database types.
Type 4 Native-Protocol
Fully Java Technology-Enabled drivers provide a mechanism for Java applications to
make JDBC calls that are mapped to calls embodied in a DBMS vendor's specific remote
network listener protocol, which in turn are used to directly access that vendor's database.
As with the type 3 drivers, type 4 drivers also enable a Java client application to be freed
from dependence on the loading of a set of native client-side libraries.
28.Give the specific use and limitations of the various drivers.
There are currently four different type of JDBC drivers each one having its own specific
use and limitations.
Type 1 Driver
This driver type is the JDBC-ODBC bridge.

It is limited to running locally.

Must have ODBC installed on computer.

Must have ODBC driver for specific database installed on computer.

Generally can't run inside an applet because of Native Method calls.

Type 2 Driver

Native Database library driver.

Uses Native Database library on computer to access database.

Generally can't run inside an applet because of Native Method calls.

Must have database library installed on client.

Type 3 Driver

100% Java Driver, NO native methods.

Does NOT require pre-installation on client.

Can be downloaded and configured "on-the-fly" just like any Java class file.

Uses a proprietary protocol for talking with a middleware server.

Middleware server converts from proprietary calls to DBMS specific calls

. Type 4 Driver

100% Java Driver, NO native methods.


Does NOT require pre-installation on client.

Can be downloaded and configured "on-the-fly" just like any Java class file.

Unlike Type III driver, talks DIRECTLY with the DBMS server.

Converts JDBC calls directly to database specific calls.

EnterpriseDB JDBC Connector is a Type 4 driver.

29.Specify the purpose of prepared statement
Although each Statement object used in the preceding set of examples represents a
SQL statement that must be compiled each time it is executed, a prepared statement
represents a precompiled SQL statement and is identified by the
java.sql.PreparedStatement interface. A PreparedStatement has advantages over a regular
Statement in that it is created with a parameterized SQL statement.
30.What are the advanced features of JDBC
The JDBC 2.0 Core API introduces a whole new rich set of advanced data types
that may be used to map complex database structures to and from Java objects.
The JDBC 2.0 Core API introduces a new standard for storing and retrieving Java
objects to and from the database. Such persistable Java object support results in databases
that become a sort of Java-relational database.
The Java object may be serialized to the database or stored in some vendordependent fashion. There is no special JDBC-defined storage format as of yet. A regular
Java object type is referenced in a SQL update or insert statement and subsequently
supplied to the database by calling setObject() on that statement. The SQL statement
syntax is not yet standardized for this functionality and will thus be vendor-dependent.
31. What are the components of an enterprise?

Resources / Asserts
People / User
Enterprise Information
Enterprise Knowledge


What is meant by connection Pool?

A connection pool is a collection of database collection that are opened once and
loaded into memory, so these connections can be reused without having to reconnect to
the DBMS.

Define ACID Principles.

ACID is an acronym stands for Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and Durability.
Atomicity:Means any failure occurring during a transaction will result in an undoing
of all changes made during the transaction.

Means all data affected by a transaction is restored to its original state.

Isolation:Means any data changes made during a transaction are not visible to other
transaction until the transaction is complete.
Durability:Means all committed data is saved, such that, in the event of failure, the
state of the data will be correct
34. Define RMI
The Remote Method Invocation platform is a Java-centric distributed object
communications model in Java. By using the RMI packages and infrastructure, RMIbased Java clients can remotely invoke methods on RMI-based Java server objects. RMI
is a purely distributed object communications model. RMI allows for client and server
passing of objects as method parameters and return values either by value or by
35. What are the set of tools that are used to implement RMI applications
RMI Compiler(rmic):
IDL-to-Java Compiler(idlj):
RMI Registry(rmiregistry)
RMI/IIOP Naming Service(tnameserv):
RMI Activation Daemon(rmid):

BIG QUESTIONS:1. Explain the need for OOSD and its process
2. Describe the primary objectives of an enterprise
3. Explain the various types of JDBC drivers with neat diagram
4. Explain RMI Architecture with neat diagram.
5. Describe the architecture of RBMS with neat diagram.
6. Explain the architecture of Network Client and Network Server with neat
7. Define OOSD and the various elements present in the OOSD
8. What are the problems solved with components in CBSD?
9. Explain in detail about the various types of JDBC drivers with neat
10. Describe the architecture of DBMS with neat diagram.
11. Explain the RMI development process with example


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