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2nd Moon Sighting Conference of CHC, North America

Venue: Masjid Muhammadi, Long Island, NY
Date: Saturday, 20 Jumaadal Oolaa 1435 / March 22, 2014

The issue of moon sighting is a matter of great importance for the Muslims of North America. The
disputes and separation that arise at the time of every Ramadan and the two Eids are indeed very pai
nstaking and difficult for devoted and sincere Muslims to bear. History bears witness to the fact that
for every such problematic issue that arose, the scholars of the Muslim Ummah came forth and utiliz
ed every means and ability at their disposal to provide guidance and solutions in accordance to the S
In light of this, after extensive consultation over the moon sighting issue, Muslim scholars from
different states throughout the US gathered on Saturday 20 Jumada al-Ula 1435 H/March 22, 2014 C
E at Muhammadi Masjid in Elmont, New York for the 2nd National Moon Sighting Conference titled:
Solutions in Accordance to the Sharah for Moon Sighting and Related Issues. Ulama and Muftis f
rom 21 states spent eight long hours in scholarly discussion and unanimously came to the following r

1. The Muslims of North America are required to preserve their Islamic Lunar date and Hijri




Calendar in their own land. Thus, they must revive this Sunnah by making an effort to sight the cr
escent in their own localities every month.
Beginning the month of Ramadan and celebrating the two Eids based on astronomical calculation
s is clearly against the Sharah.
Deciding the beginning of Ramadan and the two Eids according to the moon sighting announcem
ent of Saudi Arabia is considered unacceptable in terms of the Sharah due to various technical a
nd Fiqhi reasons.
In addition to the current Matla (horizon), those countries of South America (e.g. Chile, Venezuel
a, and Argentina) have been included which meet the requirements of Tarq Mjib, share commo
n time zones, and have established Hilal committees by the local Ulam Kiram.
By the grace of Allaah, CHC has added to its network the local Hilal committees of 11 additional st
ates which will work under the supervision of the Ulam Kiram. Their responsibilities and organiz
ation were formalized. Furthermore, the responsibility roles within CHC were also decided upon.

Through the work of the 21 member states local Hilal committees, CHC will continue to provide the
necessary moon sighting information regarding each lunar month, especially Ramadan and the two Ei
ds, based on the consensus and the unanimous decisions of the member Ulama for the Muslim Um
mah, InshAllh.
We would like to make a well wishing appeal to the Muslims to act upon the advice of the Holy
Quran by seeking the truth through Ahl al-Zhikr i.e. Ulam Kirm and adhere to their decisions in
matters of the Deen, like those regarding the beginning and end of the blessed month of Ramadan,
the correct day of Eid Al-Adh and every Islamic month.
Please visit for the latest updates and moon sighting information.

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