470 Prototype 2 Report v1.0

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Project report on System design

Restaurant Management System
Submitted by:
Group D
CSE471 Summer 2014
BRAC University
10th August 2014
Arafa Mohd. Anis (10201010)
Syed Mahmud Hasan (11101029)
Omar Khan (11301012)
Shihab Ullah (11201047)
Md. Sajal Hasan (11101045)

The Restaurant Management System (RMS), is a software system intended to aid
the management of restaurant by primarily focusing on three aspects:



Front-end management


Back-end management

The system consists of a front-end as well as a back-end with the necessary

interfaces and connections in between. PHP has been used for developing the front
end applications that will be the means through which the users will interact with
the system. The back end database is developed using MySQL.

The RMS platform is being developed for the La Bamba restaurants operating
business within Dhaka city. La Bamba serves fast food, baked items in addition to
other products to its customers through its outlets in locations like Dhanmondi and
Uttara. The purpose of the project is to bring about effective and efficient
improvements in the management and administration of the business. A software
system specifically designed with the right requirements kept in mind shall allow
the customer to streamline their management processes and enable them to focus
more on other aspects.

Project Overview
Restaurant Management System
Menu Maintenance

Employee Maintenance
Table Maintenance


Kitchen order tracking

Table wise order
Take away order
Home deliver order


POS system
Sales item cost and quantity
VAT calculation


Sales summary report

Item wise sales report
Item group wise sales report
Daily terminal close report
VAT report

The fundamental components of the system were identified as administration

(menu, employee and table), orders, billing and reports.

Operational Diagram

System Architecture:
The system will consist of devices connected to each other using a wireless local
area network (WLAN), i.e. a WiFi network will be provided for ensuring highspeed and reliable connectivity within the premises. A WLAN is advatageous as it
eliminates the need for wires which can be responsible for clutter (an unsightly
mess and cumbersome handling of numerous cables) and likelihood for loss of
connectivity due to damaged or improperly connected cabling is eliminated.
Furthermore virtually everyone has WiFi equipped devices at their disposal the
significance of which will be explained below, any other form of network is simply
not feasible for such as implementation.
Several hardware devices will be required for implementing the Restaurant
Management System (RMS).
They are:
Server; a server computer will be necessary to host the database system.
Other devices will access the server to store/retrieve data from it as
POS (Point of sale)/cash terminals; terminal computers connected to the
database server where bills will be generated for the customers and they will
make payments. These are intended to operate like the POS terminals
available at various shops such as supermarkets.
POS Printer; the printers, also connected to the server via the WLAN, will
be located inside the kitchen, after receiving and processing an order, an
order slip will be printed using the POS printer. The chef will be informed
about what to cook/prepare from that printed order slip.
WiFi Router; in order to ensure that a high-speed and reliable WLAN is
available at all times so the RMS can be fully operational there is need for a
suitable device that will be able provide sufficient range (to cover the entire
restaurant premises) as well as capacity to handle a relatively large number
of devices that will be accessing the WLAN.
The reason for developing a PHP-based system is to ensure a cross-platform
operating capability. Any device with a standard web browser, regardless of the
operating system it is running be it Android, Windows, iOS, etc. shall be able to

use the system. A web based system will offer consistent services and features to
client hosts on various platforms so long as a compatible web browser is installed
on the client host device which is basically any standard web browser such as
Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, etc. Upon entering the restaurant
customers will be provided with a small piece of paper containing information
relevant to the RMS such as the address of the PHP website though which they will
be able to order items and other required information. The customers will place
orders using their devices (cellphone, tablet, netbook, etc.) by connecting to the
database via WiFi router/wireless access point with communications facilitated by
the WLAN.

Software Architecture:
The system has been developed using SQL for the database at the back-end and
PHP for creating the front-end application program for the users to access or
manipulate data stored in the database.
Four core components have been identified for the system. They are:
Administration: This includes the admin panel and the capability to update
matters of menu, table and staff maintenance such as add/remove tables,
modify menu items, etc.
Order: Order processing and tracking mechanism, which customer sitting at
which particular table has ordered what. Order related information has to be
processed, stored in the database and passed onto the kitchen so that the
kitchen staff may prepare the food accordingly.
Billing: Processing and calculation of individual customers bills at the POS
terminals based on the sales item cost (price) and quantity as well as making
the necessary adjustments for VAT (Value Added Tax), discounts, etc.
Reports: Process data stored on the database to create reports, either
periodically or as required upon request. Reports include sales summary
report, item-wise sales report, item group-wise sales report, VAT report,
daily terminal close report, stock report. Reports will be generated as soft
copies which can easily be printed out to produce hard copies.
The system is secure as login ID and password is required to operate it. After
successfully logging in the user will arrive at the dashboard. There the user will be
able to view the layouts of the tables laid out on the different floors. Various tasks
can be performed by the user using buttons available on the dashboard, such as
add/remove table, record a table change as customers may shift from one table to

another, view/edit employees and their current status and privileges (only admin
can edit, other users cannot), view/edit food items on the menu, modify recipe,
create package for take away or home delivery, modify an order, create reports and
of course logout of the system.

Functional Requirements

1 Module: Menu
User Requirement
This system must allow users to add new items, update item details and search for
existing item details.

Add new item

The system must allow the user to enter new item details.
The system must be able to generate a new item ID.
The system must validate the details enter by the user.
If the user enters invalid item details, an error message will be prompt and
user needs to re-enter the invalid details.
If the item details are valid, the system will prompt a confirmation message.
If user clicks on confirm button, the system will display a successful
message and store the details into the database.
Search item details

The system must allow the user to enter a specific input such as an item ID
for searching purpose.
The system shall display the searching result if found in database.
If the item details cannot be matched in the database, the system will prompt
an error message.
The system shall allow the user to re enter the searching details.
Edit item details
The system shall allow the user to make changes in the current data
displayed on screen such as address, phone and etc.
The system will validate the information that edits by users.
If user clicks on confirm button, the system will display a successful
message and updates the details in the database.

2 Module: Order
User Requirement
The system allows user to add new order details, update order details, remove an
order, check and search for existing order details.

Add new order

The system must allow the user to enter new order details.
The system must be able to generate a new order ID.
The system will prompt a confirmation message when the user clicks on
Confirm button.

The system shall create a new payment details for each new order stored.
The system will print the order details on kitchen screen.
Search / View order
The system must allow the user to enter a specific input such as order ID for
searching purpose.
Edit order details
The system must allow the user to edit any specific order by order ID.
Remove order
The system must allow the user to cancel any specific order by order ID.
Check order status
The system must allow the user to check the status of any specific order by
order ID.
3 Module: Payment
User Requirement
This system must allow customers to make their fee payment via online (bkash) or
cash payment. This system must also generate a receipt upon the completion
of payment.

The system must allow the user to enter a specific input such as table
number, order ID for searching purpose.
The system shall allow the user to choose which types of payment the
customer wants to carry out.
The system will calculate the total payment for that order.

The system will display the total payment to be paid on screen.

The system shall allow the user to enter the cash amount paid by the
The system shall be able to retrieve the successful paid payment details from
the database.
The system shall allow the user to choose want to print the receipt

4 Module: Report
User Requirement
This system must allow users to select 5 choices of report type and print out the

The system shall allow user to choose the report type such as Daily Sales
report, Unattended Reservation Report, Top 5 Sales Report.
The system shall allow user to select the parameter to generate reports such
as start date and end date.
The system will validate the parameter select by the user.
The system will retrieve the information based on the details select by the
The system will display a report on the screen and a printable version of the

5 Module: Kitchen Order Tracking

User Requirement
This application must allow the user to manage the food preparing list and the food
ordered will be arranged according to the algorithm used to improve the efficiency
of food preparing.
The system must print an order copy in the kitchen
The kitchen copy must have an order tracking number
The kitchen copy must have the details like waiter name, order date,
customer details / table number.
The order must print in the specified branch and in proper kitchen

Non Functional Requirements

Operational Requirement:
The webpage has to be accessible from any device like cell phone, laptop,
The system should be able to take an order and display a bill

The order should be printed in the kitchen via wifi

Performance Requirement:
Response time should be less than 5 seconds for the user and less than 10
seconds for the printer
The menu and price should be updated in real time.
Security Requirement:
The webpage should be hack-proof so that the order or bill cannot be
changed by anyone other than the customer.
The offline databases and system must be secured.
Legal Requirement:
The system must be verified by the NRB.

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