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SE 4352.

Software Architecture & Design

Instructor: Dr. Renee Steiner

Office: ECSS 3.411

Office Hours: MW 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm, or by appointment

Lectures: MW 7:00 pm – 8:15 pm, Room: ECSS2.311


Phone: 972.454.8546 (emergency)

TA: TBA; Office hours: TBA, Office: TBA

Required Texts:

"Software Architecture: Perspectives on an Emerging Discipline" by Shaw

and Garlan, Prentice Hall, ISBN# 0131829572

"Head First Design Patterns" by Freeman and Freeman, O'Reilly, ISBN# 0-


Recommended text:

“Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software” by

Gamma, Helm, Johnson, Vlissides (Addison-Wesley Professional Computing
Series), ISBN# 0201633612



CS 3354/ SE 3354 (or permission of instructor) Software Engineering

Objectives & Topics:

The main focus of this course is on the concepts and methodologies for the
systematic analysis, development, evolution and reuse of software
architectural design; common software architectural styles, elements and
connectors; design patterns; decomposition and composition of software
functionality; component-based software development; non-functional
requirements; state of the practice and art.

• Introduction to Software Architecture

• Classical module interconnection languages
• Abstract data types
• Modular decomposition issues
• Data flows
• Repositories
• Events
• Client server architecture
• Design patterns
• Other architectural design topics such as: Process control, DSSAs,
System integration, System architecture, Process architecture

Course Project:

The project will be done by teams of 2 OR 3 students. 2-member and 3-

member teams are treated equally. All students in a team will get the same
mark for the work they do unless they unanimously agree (in writing) to an
unequal division. You are to choose your own team members. Late projects
will not be accepted. An orphan will be assigned to a team by the instructor.


Project 30%

Midterm 30%

Final 40%

Important Dates

August 20 First day of class

August 31 Last day to withdraw without a W

September 3 Holiday
September 17 Project 1 due

September 26 Midterm

October 11 Last day to withdraw with WP/WF

October 17 Project 2 due

November 14 Project 3 due

November 26 Last day of class

November 26 Final

Course Policies

• The University of Texas System Policy on Academic Honesty (The Regents

and Regulations, Part One, Chapter VI, Section 3, Paragraph 3.22):

Any student who commits an act of scholastic dishonesty is subject

to discipline. Scholastic dishonesty includes but is not limited to
cheating, plagiarism, collusion, the submission for credit of any
work or materials that are attributable in whole or in part to
another person. Taking an examination for another, any act
designed to give unfair advantage to a student or the attempt to
commit such acts.

The minimum penalty for academic dishonesty is a failing grade (zero).

• This syllabus does NOT establish a contractual relationship between the

instructor and the student. Rather this syllabus is provided to define a
broad outline of the course structure and goals. The Instructor reserves
the right to modify, change or otherwise alter the details of instruction
and material coverage offered in this class in response to class progress
and interests.
• Incompletes will NOT be given in this course. It is the student’s
responsibility to be aware of all withdrawal dates.

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