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Organizational behaviour is a field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups

and organizational structure have on behaviour within the organization, for the purpose of
applying such knowledge towards improving an organizational effectiveness
The above definition has three main elements; first organizational behaviour is an investigative
study of individuals and groups, second, the impact of organizational structure on human
behaviour and the third, the application of knowledge to achieve organizational effectiveness.
Common definitions of organisational behaviour (OB) are generally along the lines of: the study
and understanding of individual and group behaviour and patterns of structure in order to help
improve organisational performance and effectiveness.
Organizational Behavior
-When two or more individual are interacting with each other within a deliberately structured set
up and working in an independent way to achive goals and objective. OR Organization is an
-Behavior is a way how people react to certain situation.
Organization Behavior
Roman J. Alday has defined O.B as a branch of the social science that seeks to buildtheories
that can be applied to predicting understanding and controlling behavior in work organizations.
Organization Behavior is the study of application of knowledge abouthow people act within
organizations. It is a human tool for human benefit. It
applies broadly to the behavior of people in all types of organizations, such as business,governm
ent, school and service organizations.
Nature and Features of Organizational Behavior
1. It has assumed the status of a distinct field of study. It is a part of generalmanagement. It
represents behavioral approach to management.
2. It contains a body of theory, research, application associated when a growingconcern for in
work place. Its study helps in understanding human behavior.
3. The study of theories and research experiences of organization facilitates manager for creative
thinking to solve human problems in organizations.
4. This discipline is heavily influenced by several other behavioral sciences andsocial sciences
like psychology, Sociology and anthropology.
5.It provides rational thinking about people. It concentrates on three level of behavior. They are
individual behavior, group behavior and organizational behavior.
6.O.B. has psychological foundations. The concept like learning, perception,attitude, motivation
etc is borrowed from psychology, sociology andanthropology.

7. Organization behavior is both art and science. It is considered as art because itcontains
knowledge about behavior of individuals. It is considered as science because it involves
application of science.
8. Organization behavior is dynamic rather than static. It essence is reflected inchange in
behavior of individuals in organization.
9.It attempts to reduce the wasteful activities through economic and psychologicalmeans and
thus increasing the effectiveness of the people and the organization.
The Different Fields from which Organization Behavior takes its matter include:Psychology:
Psychology is defined as the
of human behavior which tries toidentify the characteristics of individuals and provides an under
standing why anindividual behaves in a particular way. Thus psychology provides us with useful
insightinto areas such as human motivation, perceptual processes or personality characteristics.
Sociology is the study of social behavior, relationships among social groupsand societies, and the
thesocial system. This helps us to appreciate the functioning of individuals within theorganizatio
n which is essentially a socio-technical entity.
Social Psychology:
Social psychology is the study of human behavior in the context of social situations. This
essentially addresses the problem of understanding the typical behavioral patterns to be expected
from an individual when he takes part in a group.
Anthropology is the science of mankind and the study of human behavior as a whole. The main
focus of attention is on the cultural system, beliefs, customs, ideas and values within a group or
differentcultures in the context of todays organizational scenario. It is very important toapprecia
te the differences that exist among people coming from different cultural backgrounds as people
are often found to work with others from the other side of the globe.
Any organization to survive and sustain must be aware of the economic viability of their effort.
This applies even to the non-profit and voluntary organizations as well.
Political Science:
Although frequently overlooked, the contributions of politicalscientists are significant to underst
and arrangement in organizations. It studiesindividuals and groups within specific conditions con
cerning the power dynamics

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