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Project work -Business Studies (Class 12)

Page:1(cover page)
Project work Business Studies Class 12
Submitted by:
Roll no:_______________
School name:_____________
Year: 2014-15

Page :2

Project on Marketing
Management Product
selected:*(write your Product)

Page: 3 Index: List of contents (

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Page: 4
I am pleased to submit project work in Business Studies for class XII . I am
extremely grateful to CBSE for introducing this project in Business studies. This
project has given me ample opportunity to explore varied areas of Marketing
Management, thus increased my understanding of the concepts studied. This
has resulted in enhancing my analytical, interpreting and creative skills. The
Project work is strictly according to the guidelines given by CBSE The salient
features of this project are:

Survey of market

Development of Questionnaire

Selecting and marketing of product

Development of Marketing Mix

Designing of label

Creating tagline

I extend my sincere thanks to -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Write this on your own and acknowledge all the people

who have helped you like shopkeeper, teacher,
Librarian, websites etc.

Page: 5

Why have you selected this


Page: 6
Competitive products &
Unique Selling Proposition.[U.S.P.]

Write 5 competitive brands that exist in the market

Write their features and Unique Selling
Proposition.[U.S.P.]You can paste picture and wrapper

Our product and its features &

What is the name of your product?
Enlist its features. What is going to be your U.S.P

Page: 8
Permission and licences
What permission and licences would be required to
make the product?

Page: 9
Label of product and
social message
Draw the label of product Both front and Back
Draft a social message for your label.

Page: 10
Tagline and Logo of product
Brief reason for design of logo and its significance Draw the
logo of product
Brief reason why taglines are used for products Draft a tag

Page: 11
Selling price and profit margins of competitors
Strategy followed by you competitors for setting selling price Give
reference of Appendix no. Make table to be put in end under

Page: 12
Pricing of our Product
What factors are you considering for setting selling price Give
reference of Appendix no. Make table to be put in end under


Importance of packaging Types of Packaging-Primary,
secondary & transportation Material used or any
innovation in packaging

Page: 14
Grading and Standardisation

Page: 15
Channels of distribution
Draw diagram also
Page: 16

Importance of warehousing in brief Number of

warehouses Location of warehouses Own
warehouses or rented
Page: 17
What means of transport you will use and why?

Page: 18
Ways of promoting your product Explain how
will you use 4 elements of Promotion:
Advertising, Personal Selling, Sales promotion
and Public Relations
Page: 19
Promotion schemes
Any schemes for
(i) The wholesaler
(ii) The retailer
(iii) The consumer

Page: 20
Future scope of study

Page: 21
Teachers observation
Name of Teacher:

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