Inauguration of TV Station Text of Ayub's Speech: X To%etns

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Text of Ayub's speech
. The following is the text of the
President's speech delivered
the inaugural ceremonj of TV pilot
station at Lahoie yesterday:
"Mr Governor, Ladies and Gentlemen :
"After the attainment of Pakistan our main task is to build
Pakistan. In this process of building up there are two important
things, jnvolved. First of all there
is the need for national integration, and the other is the need for
developing our country in every
schema and in every walk of life
"Therefore, our national objectives
axe these two major items: National integration and building Up
of OUT country. I maintain that
every activity that takes place in
Pakistan must so towards implementation of these national objectives, so that we reach our
goal in the shortest possible time.
"In the process of achieving our
national objectives we have to
caisry our people with us and in
order that our people come along
with these ideals, they have to
be awakened and theit interest has
to be stimulated to their
responsibilties and the new opportunities.
"We have to broaden
knowl0dge and we have to stimulate their civic and social sense in
a mLicin form.
"ThQrei'oie, we have got to make
available lor i :.m e,s many media
of mass opauaanicaLjn and information as passible, and
Quickly as possible.
"You wiU notice that with a
view to j - h . :ve thai we
have eniarjod the sc. J3 oi' our
radio trcr-Uimfslon acJsaies at a
great speed. Tlien tns;*e was the
question wh."'!:3r we sliould instal
television ill uur cour.vy or not
because that is the surest and the
most ettc:'-je means of reaching
the paople.
'Not or-y do you reach the people
through thoir sense of hearing but
also, ijnirh more effectively, through itv\r sense of seeing. And
the eopiTiination of these two does
help in the process of fresh thinking a-1 in an understanding of

"We came to the conclusion that
althoagn television is an eip&ibiva
hoooy. and mat in our process of
development we have a large list
of taluks we ought, to do, and tnai
there are other thinga, parhaps oi
more impoTOnee, thar. we do all
we can to stimulate the interest
of'the people and make them conscious of the requirments of'' a
new life. Therefore, we have embarked on this project
"This is the first piiot project,
there is going to be another In
Dacca and later one we hope that
tc a few years' time the best part
of the country will be covered by
television. In this process our information and broadcasting people
havB taken an immense amount of
trouble and have put in an enormous amount of work.
"I think you will all like me
to thank them on this occasion
for the efforts that they have >ut
In. We have also to thank the
Nippon Electric Company of Japan
who have been the pioneers in
this field. They are the people
who are going to instal these
facilities, who are assisting in installing these facilities.
They, too, have worked with
great dedication and with the
firm belief that they must help
us as fast as possible. I should
also like to thank them for the
assistance that they have given us.
"I might also say that there is
need for having such a medium
for reaching the people quickly,
especially if you are running
your Country on a democratic
system. In any case life has
become very complex, particularly in a country like Pakistan
which is in the process of development, whose resources are
limited and whose resources have
to be controlled and effectively
employed so that they produce
the best results;
"Major decisions are
taken day and night by the Government which affect the life of
the people. Often, reasons
those decisions are not appreciated. If we have a medium
oi this nature we can reach the
people with great speed.
"I have no doubt that through
Buch a medium there would be
much more understanding between the people and the Governmental agencies and certainly
much more support for the policies
the Government
"Because if you want to run a
democratic country, a democratic
eysterri, you do not want unnecessary misunderstanding
those who are responsible for
running thr country and those
for whom the country is being


like ., the
^United States, other European
countries, Japan and so oh. Any
major policy matter can be explained to the whole of the population in matter of minutes and
"That brings about national
national cohesion,
national understanding and national support in support of national aims and objectives.
"I hope that we, too, shall be
happy position in
course of time. We were talking
about introducing television in
the country. Some misapprehensions were expressed that in
certain countries television has
become a commercialised instrument and it is misused; that it
Is not used for the purposes
which are conducive to the best
Interests of the people.
"We thought that in future
our television should be so organised that such a thing cannot
happefi. Government will have
the major control, a major share
in whatever iorm the new corporation takes, and Government
will have the mainsay in the
policy of programmes and in projecting views and ideas and so
"We do hop'e that this instrument will be used for the purpose for which we are devising
it. that is for the education- o'f
the people, for increasing the
knowledge oi the ^people, for instilling civic se[hse and a sense
of responsibility in th,em, for national
integration and far a general 1 'broadening of their outloojf"^Jcjng with that I think it will

provide useful and purposeful

entertainment and pass on interrelation of interest to the people.
"There will have to be a certain amount of advertising effort
also, because we want this organisation to pay for . itself in
course of time, and we have to
have some arrangement of that
nature to make it pay. But its
main function will, what I have
described to you, and I hope
those objectives will be constantly kept in view.
"As I have said, in installing
this pilot project our own people
have worked, the Japanese have
worked, and I hope this project
will give you good entertainment
and will be a good s6urce of
"You will have to be patient
with it because this is a very
complicated arrangement and it
takes time to develop our own
boys who are beginning to learn
it. I have no doubt that they
will learn it soon and I hope
they will eventually be able to
give the fullest satisfaction.
"This organisation
will be
backed up by a training institution, the object of which will be
that we should be able to train
our own manpower to handle all
this in the quickest passible
time. I, therefore wish this venture the greatest of success, and
have great pleasure in declaring
the Lahore
television station
"Thank you."APP.

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