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Abortion doc returns child rape victim to

pedophile still in business

Posted by life dynamics on November 24, 2014

Today, Life Dynamics, Inc., a national pro-life organization located in Denton, Texas is asking
why the abortion doctor and clinic staff who looked the other way and returned a child rape
victim to her sexual abuser has not been prosecuted for violating the law?
Life Dynamics, has discovered that an abortionist in Florida, who returned a child to her sexual
abuser after performing an abortion on her, is still in business despite his flagrant disregard of
mandatory reporting laws in the state. The information was found while doing research to
document how the abortion industry covers for child sexual predators. That research has been
published in a report entitled, The Cover-Up of Child Sexual Abuse which can be read here
The report reveals that the failure of abortion clinics to comply with mandatory reporting laws is
having profound, real-world consequences for the victims of child sexual abuse.
Case in point is that of a 12-year-old victim who was taken to a National Abortion Federation
clinic operated by Florida abortionist Michael Benjamin by the pedophile her impregnated her,
Jermaine Jones, attempting to cover-up his crime.


Life Dynamics discovered that the Florida Board of Medicine had an open case against Benjamin
who runs an abortion clinic out of his Tamarac office, ( a suburb of Ft. Lauderdale) for not
reporting an abortion he performed on a 12-year-old child.
At the same time, Life Dynamics was reviewing a file for a pedophile who had sexually raped a
12-year-old girl and had taken her for an abortion in the same area. Life Dynamics then
requested the arrest and offense report for the rapist from the Alachua County Sheriffs
Department and realized that these two cases were the same. The details were shocking, graphic,
and tragic.
Although mandatory reporters, the rape of this child was essentially covered-up by two abortion
clinics and their staff, the National Abortion Federation, as well as the abortionist.
In response, Life Dynamics has decided to emphasize the importance of prosecuting those who
fail to report the sexual abuse of children by publishing a timeline of the events in this case.
To protect her identity, Life Dynamics will refer to the young victim as Emily.

In May/June of 2009 Florida authorities say that 34 year-old Jermaine Jones began sexually
assaulting the 12-year-old daughter of his girlfriend, Janet Marshall, and, by November, the child
was pregnant.
What happened over the next days should horrify the public and law enforcement alike.
November 2, 2009
Emily is pregnant and is taken to an abortion clinic identified in a police report as being on
23rd Avenue in Gainesville, Florida. This is presumed to be the All Womens Health Center
located at 1135 NW 23rd Avenue. This facility is a member of the National Abortion Federation.
A member of the clinic staff informs Marshall that her daughters pregnancy is too advanced for
them to do the abortion. Marshall is then instructed to call the NAF hotline for a referral to
another one of its facilities where later abortions are done.

A counselor on the hotline refers Marshall to a NAF facility in Tamarac, Florida, operated by
abortionist Michael Benjamin. During that call, the counselor also informs Marshall that NAF
has a fund she can access that will pay for all but $200 of the cost. Jones and Marshall schedule
the abortion and leave with Emily for the six-hour drive to Tamarac.

November 4, 2009
Using ultrasound, Benjamin establishes the pregnancy at 24 weeks and begins a multi-day
abortion procedure by installing cervical dilators. It is later determined by state health
department investigators that Benjamins pre-abortion counseling with Emily lasted between
six and eight minutes.
Emily is brought back to the clinic for additional dilation. At this time, digoxin was injected
into the heart of her unborn child in order to cause death.
November 6, 2009
Benjamin completes the abortion by removing the dead baby intact. Afterward, he releases
Emily to Jones who then leaves with her.


Mid-November, 2009
During a check-up of Emily by a pediatrician in Alachua County, Florida, the doctor
determines that she has been sexually active and reports it to the Florida Department of Children
and Families. Their investigation confirmed that an illegal sexual relationship had existed and the
Alachua County Sheriffs Department (ACSD) was notified.
January 11, 2010
As part of its investigation, the Sheriffs Department requests documents from the Medical
Quality Assurance division of the Florida Department of Health (FDH) necessary to file a
complaint against Benjamin for failing to comply with his duties as a mandated reporter.
February 10, 2010
Jones is arrested by Alachua County Sheriffs Department detectives.

March 8, 2010
Jones is indicted on two felony charges related to the sexual assaults on Emily.
May 27, 2010
Jones pleads guilty and receives a 15-year prison sentence.
January 21, 2011
The Florida Department of Health files an Administrative Complaint against Benjamin related to
his failure to comply with the states mandatory reporting statute. During the ensuing
investigation, an employee of this abortion clinic tells officials that she was not sure why no
report was made, saying Maybe weve been hardened with so many kids coming in.

April 14, 2014

In addition to assessing a $10,000 fine against Benjamin, the Florida Department of Health
(FDH) ordered Michael Benjamin to pay the costs associated with their investigation and said
that he must attend classes regarding his duties to report suspected child sexual abuse.


The FDH also put Benjamins medical license on probation for two years and assigned Dr. Frank
Rodriquez to monitor him during that period. This was done, despite the fact that Rodriquez and
Benjamin were known to be co-workers at another NAF abortion clinic where, in 2006, an
incident similar to the one involving Emily had occurred.

In that case, high school teacher, Andrew Loyd Foster, impregnated one of his underage students
and took her to the Presidential Womens Center in Palm Beach County for an abortion.

Florida Education Practices Commission against Andrew Loyd Foster. Case no. 09-0218-RT
Approximately three months later, the victims mother learned of the situation and contacted
authorities. Given this gap in time, it is obvious that the clinic did not file a report with the state.
It was also found that Foster had not only engaged in a sexual relationship with this girl, but with
another minor student at the same time. In 2008, he was convicted on two counts of unlawful
sexual contact with a minor and sentenced to five years in prison.

Lets Recap:
Abortionist Michael Benjamin does a 24-week abortion on a 12-year-old child after a six-toeight minute counseling session with her.
Following the procedure, Benjamin releases the girl to the adult male who was assaulting her
and had driven her six hours to the abortion clinic.
Although neither of the two abortion clinics where this child was taken complied with the
states mandatory reporting law, no criminal charges were brought against anyone at either
facility. This was also true about the counselor on the NAF hotline even though there can be no
doubt that he or she was made aware of the patients age.
Benjamin was given a slap on the wrist by the health department to be overseen by one of his
colleagues. Today, Benjamin continues to operate his Tamarac abortion clinic and he is still a
member of the National Abortion Federation.
If the pediatrician who saw Emily after the abortion had also ignored the mandatory reporting
law, this sexual predator would not have been apprehended. In that case, it is virtually certain
that (a) his assaults on this child would have resumed and (b) there would have been additional
victims in the future.
Life Dynamics president, Mark Crutcher said that the details of this case, as shocking as they
appear are not unique, Dont think this case is a one of a kind case. It is actually very typical of
what we see on a regular basis from the abortion industry.
Crutcher encourages the public to review Life Dynamics Child Predators website and to
pressure law enforcement officials to prosecute those who violate mandatory reporting laws, It
is self-evident that when a minor girl seeks an abortion, she represents a textbook example of

why mandatory reporting laws were created in the first place. Despite this, we have consistently
found that the law enforcement community is functionally indifferent to the problem of abortion
clinics not complying with mandatory reporting statutes even in the face of irrefutable evidence
that violations are occurring. Among all the cases we researched we never found one example in
which criminal charges were brought against an abortion clinic employee for failing to comply
with their states mandatory reporting statutes and Michael Benjamin was no exception..

All legal documents necessary to confirm this analysis are on file at Life Dynamics Incorporated
in Denton, Texas.
Other incidents similar to the one above can be found on the Actual Cases section of
For an interview with Life Dynamics call (940) 380-8800!

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