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Welcome to Foras na Gaeilge's New English-Irish Dictionary, launched in January

2013. The dictionary is available free of charge, and has been adapted to work b
oth on desktop computers and on mobile devices. Further information...
Arthur Rubinstein - Piano Concertos DVD.avi: Jess ,n
o te podes quejar.stos maestros son grandes..?
Juan Caceres4 weeks ago
Arthur Rubinstein - Piano Concertos DVD.avi:
Silvia Delia DAlessandria4 weeks ago (edited)
Excelente... pero en la excelencia de Arthur Rubinstein ... un placer escucharlo
??????? ????????3 days ago
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?????? ?????? --- ?????????,.. ?? ???????, ..????? ??? ????????, ???????????? ??
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medievalmusiclover5 months ago
I love Rubinstein....He was a great person and musician!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Than U
for Posting =)?
Reply 4
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lec06213 months ago
Breathtaking. Only Rubenstein playi8ng Grieg can make a Latino pine for the fjo
rds! Thanks for sharing!?
Reply 4
Guillermo Ventin3 months ago
Thank you very much for uploading this magnificient performance. Rubinstein is (
was) a heavenly pianist. ?
Reply 1
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DudeWithAFork2 months ago
You mean Rubenstein was (is) a heavenly pianist??
Reply 1
docoftheworld4 weeks ago
+mightysmeagol Thank you for the upload!! can you kindly enlist the concertos p

layed here in the presentation (with time signature for each to be able to play
them). thank you. ?
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docoftheworld4 weeks ago
haha its ignorance on my part not laziness as I am not musically sophisticated t
o tell the names of the pieces lol ?
JamesGH NS1 month ago
It is such a joy to watch and hear this great pianist! Thank you for making it p
ossible for us to enjoy this wonderful performance!?
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Lar M4 days ago
Classic performances from the early 1970s.?
andries vds1 month ago
rubenstein was a great pianist, but i prefer his chopin recordings.
this piece just needs more power and virtuoso.?
LazlosPlane1 month ago
Good lord. More power?
Reply 1

You dilettante. ?

Jerry Feng1 week ago

Not to take anything away from his great performance, but I feel the first movem
ent of Grieg could be a little bit faster and played more briskly? After all, it
is Allegro molto moderato.?
Donatella Felluga2 months ago
one of the best pianists of the last Century. Each time I listen to him, he touc
hes my heart. ?
Reply 1
Megan Postma3 months ago
I simply do not know what to say. Right now I know nothing but joy?
Reply 1
Nicole Maria via Google+5 months agoMARKED AS SPAM
Nicole Maria originally shared this
Fantstico o incomparvel ARTHUR RUBINSTEIN !!!?
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Tony Lombardo1 month ago

I had the good fortune to meet him as a college student. He was one of the g
reat romantics of his time and just to watch him take the stage was a glorious
experience! The literature he played from memory was very large! as well his
recorded literature. During his later years his live concerts produced a g
litch her and there but he pulled those off with a Barnum and Bailey attitud
e that was a one of a kind! WE COULD USE ANOTHER RUBINSTEIN !!!! Pianists
today are technical geniuses but thy lack a certain romantic fire that e
very live piano performance demands!!!?
Reply 1
Atelier unter der Teck1 week ago
Does anybody know when this was recorded??
Antnio gonalves shared this via Google+4 months agoMARKED AS SPAM
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Gillian Smith4 months ago
I will and you too thank u !?
Reply 1
Antnio gonalves4 months ago
Thanks :):)?
Jacob HINDI1 month ago
Back in my
d be local
er do this
it so sad

day just about every house would have an upright piano and there wouk
piano tuners who made a living tuning them. I remember watching a tun
and being so admiring of his skill. Listening to this concerto I feel
in a way that's no longer thw case.?

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