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37 People who are deaf or dumb find it difficult to avail themselves of public services.

34 Tell you what, my baby could crawl at 6 months of age.

42Most employment contracts have common elements such as the employees start
date, salary and benefits
46Its very rare that cufflinks comes in a unique rectangle shape and black color as this.
53The vegetable aisle in supermarkets are now being frequented by shoppers.
42The vegetable food in supermarkets are now being frequented by shoppers.
46Dozens of ships, planes and people have disappeared with no good explanation at the
Bermuda triangle.
58 Peanuts give you heat and strength to fighting against cold
36People pay lots of money to go to a cosmetic surgeon and change their appearance.
40People mustn't use force as the only way to resolve problems.
55Always check the price tag before you get something, especially before you check out.
35order to stay slim and healthy, I no longer have fast food and midnight snacks.
41An impressive rsum helps you get your foot in the door when looking for a job.
39Don't tell the architect how to design. You just need to provide requirements.
33People want babies and children; no one ever says "I want a teenager".
41You must be confident and make sure the interviewer knows you really want the job
43A credit card is the safest method for the use of money when traveling abroad.
42It's important that you recognize your own strenght before trying to convince others of
33I think I won the children's lottery with my kids
35I should go to the doctor for a health check but Im too busy.
54Heating the frozen food in a microwave destroys some of the vitamin content of the
39I like writing poems about nature and love the best.
41Dont forget to smile when walking into the interview room.

40Every job has a certain difficulty level which one must pass through to be perfect.
31 Lots of personal info gets stolen by fake sites pretending to be famous banks or online
36People say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
31Their heart is still in their homeland and not in the country of their new nationality.
51Short stories remind us of simple and precious things that we sometimes forget.
44There is no difference the rate of gold in Vietnam and other countries.
43Both debit and credit cards make people much less disciplined about their expenses.
38Maintaining positiv thinking and attitude will drive you to success and happiness.
40 I study interior design and would like to start my own furniture workshop one day.
33Some parents save all their life to pay for their son's or daughter's wedding.
41 Your cover letter should clearly show you have read the job advertisement.
57Although durian is considered as the king of fruits, it has the distinct reputation for its
"bad smell.
42To me, salary is not always the primary motivator
35 I never used to worry about my health until recently when I started getting lots of little
aches and pains
35Bodybuilders have really big muscles and they look so strong
32This place has a diverse mix of major religions with a large number of followers.
40Millions of people fail to get necessary dental care because they're afraid to go to the
42Do not be afraid to understand and talk about your weaknesses, everyone has them.
49 length measurements are taken using a centimeter ruler.
35Even in my thirties I was very fit and always in the best of health.
59If you have bitter cucumbers, cut off stem ends and peel them.
37Many disabled people are talented and should not be discriminated against.
58Sugar cane can be used to clean your teeths and gum.
32My nickname is Lefty because I am left- handle.
36 I agree with the expression, "beauty is only skin deep".
31My main income comes from my own business
41Spelling errors are not acceptable in your rsum.
45The car industry can make a multi-billion dollar turnover every year.
32My full name has four names - my family name, my given name and two middle names
34 My kids have brought me endless amounts of joy since the second they were born.e.
31I dont really like putting my personal information online.
40Good employees usually enjoy completing their tasks from beginning to end.
When youre planning on taking a trip overseas, go to your local bank to trade foreign
Beauty is in someones heart and character not only the appearance
If you have bitter cucumbers, cut off the stem ends and peel them

There is barcode on each and every product in the supermarket

Most employment contract have common elements such as the employees start date,
salary and benefits
There is no difference in the rate of gold in Vietnam and other countries
Novels are great for getting to know other worlds and cultures
Soybean are rich in fiber, making them good for those suffering from constipation
In spite of the millions of mistakes we make, our mom still love us
Thanks to autobiography, you can get the lesson that other people have already learned the
hard way
Maintain positive thinking and attitude will drive you to success and happiness
When using pineapple juice, its always best to use fresh, raw pineapple juice
People mustnt use force as the only way to resolve problems
Units of measurement can vary not only from location to location but from person to person
Because of the depth, of the lake there are few weeds and plenty of fish
A credit card is the safest method for the use of money when traveling abroad
People say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder
To busy people, listening to audio books helps them to use their time productively
I study interior design and would like to start my own furniture workshop one day.
My children always fascinate me and watching them grow up is my greatest pleasure.
Mary gave birth to an adorable baby last week.
Heating frozen food in a microwave destroys some of vitamin content of the food
Avoid carrots that have begun to sprout and any that have become limp
If you boil cabbage too long, it will get very soft and lose its nutrients
Cucumbers should be used within 4 or 5 days of purchase
Eating fresh watermelon helps reduce fever
Bananas are the number one fruit with the worlds leading athletes
Positive thinking is one of the most powerful weapons one can have
Negative people always blame someone else for whatever happens
It would be good if my ID card could be my driving lisence and medical card all rolled into
This place has a diverse mix of major religions with a large number of followers
It is important that you recognize your own strengths before trying to convince other of them
Employees will be given training to develop skills
Most employment contracts has common elements as such employees start day,salary and
An hour of reading a good book can give you an experience of a lifetime.
Thanks to autobiographies you can get the lessons that the other people have already
learned the hard way
To busy people listening audio books can helps them to use their time productively
Many e-books have been made using copyrighted material without the writers permission
When people buy e books online, they dont have to worry about shipping.
The membership card is only valid if the member has signed the back of the card.
Children get injured if they remain standing on the escalator rather than stepping off.
Heating frozen food in a microwave destroys some of the vitamin content of the food
Eating mushroom can often prevent a cold
Soybeans are rich in fiber making them good for those suffering from constipation
Sugar cane can be used to clean your teeth and gums
Peanuts give you heat and strength to fight against cold
Employees will be give training to develop skills

Even in my thirties I was very fit and always in the best of health
I really like the actors in the old black and white movies
Positive thinking is one of the most powerful weapons one can have
Units of measurement can vary not only from location to location but from person to person
My main source of income comes from my own business
Its important that you recognize your own strengths
There is no difference in the rate of gold in Vietnam and other countries
My nickname is Lefty because I am left-handed
Length measurements are taken using a centimeter ruler
My kids have brought me endless amounts of joy since the second they were born
You have to wash vegetables two or three times

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